Slike stranica

There are probably many people interested in art or literature who will say that, as Mr. Hugh Miller is a professional man of science, he cannot possibly know or care anything about art or have any sympathy with anything else than intellectual knowledge. However, he does good service by protesting vigorously against "the statement that science and the fine arts, or science and poetry are at opposite poles." The fact is that the real antagonism is not between science and art, but only between science and the narrow-mindedness of certain littérateurs and art-critics.



OSTASIATISCHEN GEWÄSSERN, Die Meeresströmungen und Temperaturverhältnisse in den -. Von Dr. Gerhard Schott. Tafel 1. Isothermen der Meeresfläche im Februar. Tafel 2. Isothermen der Meeresfläche im August. Tafel 3. Linien gleicher jährlicher Schwankung der Oberflächen-Temperatur des Meereswassers. Tafel 4. Jahresisothermen des Wassers der Meeresoberfläche. Nebenkarten: Der Kuro-shiwo zwischen Formosa und Japan. Februar-Zirkulation in der FormosaStrasse. Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 1891, Tafel 15. Gotha: Justus Perthes.

ASIA MINOR, Der Beg Dagh und Malatia. Aufgenommen und gezeichnet von Prof. Jos. Wünsch. Massstab, 1:300,000.

Mitteilungen der K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 1891,
Wien: R. Lechner's K. K. Hof-Buchhandlung.

No. 8.

PALESTINE, Map of from the Surveys conducted for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, and other sources. Compiled by George Armstrong, and revised by Colonel Sir Charles Wilson, K.C.B., F.R.S., etc., and Major C. R. Conder, D.C.L., R.E. Engraved, Printed, and Fublished for the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund, at Stanford's Geographical Establishment, London, 1890. Scale 2 miles to 1 inch, or 188.980. In 21 sheets, and cover.

This map is the latest, and by far the most useful, of ali the maps published by the Committee of the Palestine Exploration Fund: it embodies the information contained in all their previous maps. It contains, in a reduced form, the whole of their great survey of Western Palestine, but, while that famous map, as is well known, only contains the modern Turkish names and no Biblical ones, this new map, in addition to the modern names, contains every identified site from the Old and New Testament, as well as the Apocrypha, Josephus, and the Talmud. These identified sites are made conspicuous by bright colours-the Old Testament and Apocrypha names in red, and those from the New Testament, Josephus, and the Talmud in blue, while the modern names appear in black. The map embraces the whole of Palestine on both sides of the Jordan, and extends from Baalbek in the north to Kadesh Barnea in the south. Another Bible feature is the identification of the tribal divisions, which are shown by coloured tints. The execution of the map by Mr. Stanford is all that could be desired, every feature of the country being most clearly and effectively brought out, while the printing of the hill-shading in brown allows the names to be distinctly seen and easily read.

MESOPOTAMIEN, Karte zur Veranschaulichung der Verkehrsverhältnisse, in Von Dr. B. Moritz. Massstab, 1:3,000,000.


Mitteilungen der Geographischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1890.
Heft 11. Hamburg: L. Friedrichsen & Co.

3 B


Scale, 1: 1,520,640, or 24 miles to 1 inch.

Published under the direction of Colonel H. R. Thuillier, R.E., SurveyorGeneral of India, 1889. Price uncoloured, 3 R.; coloured, 3 R. 8 A. This four-sheet Map of Afghanistan, and Professor Kiepert's Map of Western Asia Minor, are the most important publications in Asiatic cartography of the present year. The map was completed in 1889, but, for political reasons, the publication was delayed by the Government of India for two years. The N. W., N.E., and S.W. sections have been compiled by Major St. G. Gore, while the S.-E. sheet has been executed by Major C. Strachan. The data that had to be consulted were numerous, such as the surveys and reconnaissances of the Afghan Boundary Commission in the years 1884-86, which threw a new light on the topography of the country from Herat towards the Amu-Daria. The environs of Herat, Maimana, and Sar-i-pul, as well as the course of the Upper Murghab, Hari-Rud, Aster-ab, Balk-ab and Kunduz, may now almost be considered as topographically mapped. The whole range of the Hindu-Kush has assumed quite a different appearance as regards its valleys, peaks, and passes. The Upper Amu-Daria, especially in the neighbourhood of Kala-iVamar, shows a considerable difference from the Russian reconnaissances. For Kafiristan, Gilghit, and Astor, Colonel Tanner's surveys in 1878-83 have been used. The topography of South-Eastern Afghanistan-the country of the frontier tribes has been based on the surveys and explorations of the Waziristan and Takht-i-Suliman expeditions by Major Holdich. The important surveys executed during the Afghan War, 1878-79, and continued during 1879-90 under Captain Holdich, have greatly improved our geographical knowledge of Afghanistan. In addition to these above-mentioned data, many other authorities have been consulted in the compilation of this map. For instance, the route-map of Lieut. North in 1841, Major Sir F. Goldsmith's route from Sistan to Mashad in 1872, the reconnaissance across the desert of Baluchistan by Colonel C. M. Macgregor, and Captain Lockwood in 1877, and routes furnished by the QuartermasterGeneral's Department, as well as the best maps of Persia and Afghanistan previously published by the Indian and Russian Governments. The map has been photozincographed at the Survey of India Office, Calcutta, and is, considering the process adopted, highly satisfactory.


UPPER GUINEA.-Map to illustrate Mr. A. Millson's Paper on the Yoruba Country. Scale, 1:3,041,280.


Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, October 1891. HINTERLAND VON KAMERUN, Karte der Reisen von Premierlieutnant Morgen -, in den Jahren 1889.91, in Verbindung mit einer Neukonstruktion der Routen der Kund'schen Expeditionen, 1887-89. Massstab, 1: 1,000,000. Mitteilungen von Forschungsreisenden und Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten. 1891. Band 4, Tafel VIII. Berlin: A. Ascher and Co.

GALLALÄNDERN, Dr. Anton Stecker's Reise in den

gezeichnet von G. E. Fritzsche. Massstab, 1:1,000,000.

Konstruiert und

Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang, 1891. Tafel 17.
Gotha: Justus Perthes.

SOMALI LAND, Part of, showing route of Lieut. Nurse from Dunkaraita to Bulhar, 1891. Scale 1: 506,880.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, November 1891.

OSTHORN VON AFRIKA, Uebersicht über die Völkerlagerung am nach dem gegenwärtigen Stande der Kenntnis. Von Prof. Dr. P. Paulitschke. Massstab, 1:4,000,000. Mitteilungen der K. K. Geographischen Gesellschaft in Wien, 1891. No. 9 u. 10. Wien: R. Lechner's K. K. Hof-Buchhandlung.

GERMAN EAST AFRICA, Routen-Skizze der v. Wissmann'schen Kilimandscharo Expedition, 1891. Nach dem Itinerar des Lieut. Heymons, unter Zugrundelegung der Aufnahmen von Lieut. von Höhnel und Dr. Hans Meyer.

Mitteil. von Forschungsreisenden u. Gelehrten aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten, 1891. Band 4, Tafel IX. Berlin: A. Ascher and Co.

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VICTORIA NYANSA, Das Süd-West-Ufer des Nach eigenen RoutenAufnahmen und Positions-Bestimmungen gezeichnet von Pater Schynse. Massstab, 1: 250,000. Petermann's Geographische Mitteilungen, Jahrgang 1891, Tafel 16. Gotha: Justus Perthes.

GAZA LAND, Map of -, showing route taken by Mr. D. Doyle from Manica to the mouth of the Limpopo, 1891. Scale 1:2,534,400.

Proceedings of the Royal Geographical Society, October 1891.

SOUTH AFRICA, Juta's Map of — from the Cape to the Zambesi. Compiled from the best available Colonial and Imperial information, including the official Cape Colony Map by the Surveyor-General, Cape Town, Dr. T. Hahn's Damaraland and F. C. Sellous' journals and sketches, etc. Cape Town: J. C. Juta and Co.

A new edition of Juta's widely-known Map of South Africa has again been published. It has always been considered a standard work of South African cartography, and the publishers deserve, therefore, credit for keeping this map up to date. All the new boundaries according to the latest treaties have been accurately laid down. Matabili- and Mashona-land show the results of the most recent surveys, and the forts and stations of the British South Africa Company are added. In the next edition we hope to see the Transvaal entirely re-drawn, and also the Orange Free State, after Jeppe's well-known publication. Where such considerable changes have taken place, as in the Transvaal, it is impossible to correct the old topographical features, and a new drawing becomes a necessity. The map will then be all that can be desired.


PHILIPS' HANDY VOLUME ATLAS OF LONDON. London: George Philip and Son, 32 Fleet Street, E.C., 1891. Price 5s.

This little volume consists of maps of the whole of London and its surroundings, in fifty-five sections, on the scale of three inches to a mile. It is a most efficient guide, and we doubt if any one, however unacquainted with the metropolis, could fail to find his way about easily with this in his hand. One has only to turn to the plate of the neighbourhood one is in, and one's way is plain, for the streets are very clearly marked, and topographical features are brought out with colours. There are also maps showing the railways of London, its geology, etc., and various plans of buildings and gardens. A directory of public buildings, museums, theatres, hospitals, is included; and there is a complete index of 11,500 streets, squares, parks, railway stations, etc. It would have been an advantage had hotels been included, but we suppose they were intentionally omitted, only the name of one being given.

HISTOIRE ET GÉOGRAPHIE, Atlas Vidal-Lablache, Maître de Conférences de Géographie à l'école normale supérieure. 10 Livraison. 24 Livraisons, 137 Cartes, 248 Cartons. Paris: Armand Colin et Cie., Editeurs.




THE Council have the honour to submit the following Annual Report.

During the past Session a new impetus was given to the Society's work in consequence of the more commodious premises that have been secured in the National Portrait Gallery. The Society's Hall is now fully equipped with all the essential furniture and appliances; a Catalogue of the Lending and Reference Libraries has been issued to Members; and the collection of Maps, etc., is now being arranged and enlarged.

As might have been expected, the very large increase of Membership resulting from Mr. Stanley's Meetings in Scotland, when he addressed the Society at Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen, has not been fully maintained. It was foreseen that a certain proportion of the Members who were elected at that time would resign their Membership on the conclusion of the Session. Thus, of the 68 resignations during the past Session 32 were tendered by Members of the Society who were elected at the time of Mr. Stanley's visit. The balance of the decrease in the total Membership is accounted for by 28 Deaths and the 20 Members whose names were removed from the Roll in consequence of their subscriptions having been over three years in arrear.

The following Table exhibits the growth of the Society's Membership :

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Society's Branches, &c.*

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* These figures are taken from the Annual Reports, and show a small error in the first three Sessions in consequence of a few Members at the Society's Branches having been included at their request under more than one Branch.

English and

Foreign Members.


The following is a Statement of the Membership of the Society, as at 31st

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England, Ireland, British Colonies, and Foreign Countries, .



Of the above, 156 are Life-Members.

The following shows the decrease in the Society's Membership, due to the losses sustained through Deaths, Resignations, and the Defaulting Members whose names have been removed from the Roll :

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The net decrease of Membership during the Session was therefore 79.

The Council are indebted to the Conveners, Honorary Secretaries, Treasurers and Members of the Local Committees in Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen, for the services they have rendered by promoting the interests of the Society's Branches.


Honorary Diplomas of Fellowship, in recognition of services rendered to the Society or to geographical science, were awarded by the Council to the following Mrs. Bishop (Isabella L. Bird); William C. Dunbar, Esq., C.B.; James M. Macandrew, Esq., C.A.

Diplomas of Fellowship were granted by the Council to the following Ordinary Members of the Society on their application :-A. W. Balderston, Esq.; James Beattie, Esq.; the Rev. James B. Eddie; David Scott Fergusson, Esq.; the Rev. John R. Fleming; Edwin G. Galletly, Esq.; Señor Julio Cuervo Marquez; Duncan Maclaren, Esq.; John Munro Macnab, Esq.; the Rev. F. G. Montagu Powell; Daniel J. Rankin, Esq.; the Rev. David Clement Scott; William Couper Tait, Esq.; and H. H. Thiele, Esq.


The Council beg to submit the following Financial Statement :

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