ABSTRACT OF THE ACCOUNTS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY Debt, cost, 29th May 1885, Cash in Bank of Scotland FUNDS AT THE CLOSE OF LAST ACCOUNT: £1000 Glasgow and South-Western Railway 4 per cent. Funded On Deposit Receipt, dated 15th August 1889, Account Current at Glasgow, £345, 18s. 11d.; and at Edinburgh, £297, 14s. 4d., MAGAZINES, Printing, Paper, Lithographing, etc., from Nos. 8 to Less: Received during the year for Advertising, GENERAL PRINTING, BOOKS and other Furnishings for Library, ENTRANCE FEES, 37 at £1, 1s., £38 17 0 ORDINARY SUBSCRIPTIONS : 15 Life Members, 155 8 0 1 Annual Subscription for 1885-86, 2 Annual Subscriptions for 1886-87, 2 2 3 Do. 1887-88, 3 3 0 6 Do. 1888-89, 660 57 Do. 1889-90, 59 17 0 1232 Do. 1890-91, 1293 12 0 11 Do. 1891-92, 11 11 0 1 Do. 1892-93, 1 1 0 FEES received for Society's Diploma, PROCEEDS OF LECTURES in Edinburgh, Dundee, Aber deen, and Glasgow, PROCEEDS OF MAGAZINES sold, DIVIDENDS and BANK INTEREST, RECEIPTS from Loan of Maps, RENTS OF HALLS, and other expenses of Lectures, RENT OF SOCIETY'S HALL, Taxes and Gas, Repairs, Insurance, etc., MISCELLANEOUS, including Stationery, Wages to Hall Porter, Gallery, 39 10 0 0 17 0 11 9 6 150 7 5 1749 9 2 £3631 10 6 which the above is an Abstract, and compared them with the Vouchers and Instructions thereof, and Bind the same correct and sufficiently vouched Edinburgh, 5th November 1891.--I have examined the Accounts of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society for the year ending 31st October 1891, of The Expenditure for 1890-91 includes several exceptional items that are scarcely to be classed under the head of ordinary current expenditure. The following are the chief items:-(1) £50 for a special Magazine Grant, which, under arrangements that have been concluded, will be recouped by the Society next year; (2) £30, included in the Magazine Account, recoverable on sales of the Society's Magazine; (3) the outlay of £39, 10s. from the Medal Fund, towards which the Society received £95, 15s. 1d. from the Edinburgh International Exhibition; and (4) £58, 12s. 1d. on account of Removal Expenses from the Special Fund of £257, 4s., which was included in the last year's Financial Statement. The total of these items is £178, 2s. 1d., making the Ordinary Expenditure for the past year £1703, 19s. 3d. The following Table exhibits the annual Balances of the Society since its foundation in 1884 : The Accounts for the year 1890 included not only the exceptional receipts resulting from the visit of Mr. Stanley to Scotland, but also a sum of £257, 4s., already referred to as the Removal Fund, only a portion of which was expended. MEETINGS OF THE SOCIETY. Tho Society held 23 Meetings during the Session,-11 in Edinburgh (including the Annual Business Meeting, the Reception by the Council, and two Special Meetings), 6 in Glasgow, 3 in Dundee, and 3 in Aberdeen. The papers read at these Meetings were contributed by :-Mr. E. G. Ravenstein (who delivered the Anniversary Address), Professor Douglas, Captain A. C. Yate, Dr. Carl Peters, the Rev. Dr. Stewart, Sir Charles Wilson, Mr. W. B. Blaikie, Professor Vambéry, and Mr. Dennis Doyle. EDUCATION SCHEME. Dr. Mill's Course of Lectures on "The Earth and Man" in the early part of the year met with such gratifying success, and was so highly appreciated by teachers, that the Council, on the recommendation of the Education Committee, decided to promote similar Courses of Lectures, and to abandon the Examination Scheme. The Council have pleasure in announcing that, during the Winter Session of 1891-92, two Courses of Lectures have been arranged. Taken together they cover the field of Physical Geography. The First Course will be delivered before Christmas by Professor James Geikie on “The Origin of Surface-Features." The Second Course will be given after Christmas by Dr. Hugh R. Mill on Air and Sea: a Sketch of Meteorology and Oceanography." In the opinion of the Council the best way to promote the sound teaching of Geography in schools is to enlighten the teachers, and that is one of the chief aims of the Educational Lectures promoted by the Society. SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL MAGAZINE. The Council, in approving of the manner in which the Magazine has been conducted, desire to express their recognition of the services of those who have contributed the signed articles and of the valuable aid accorded to the Editors by:— J. G. Bartholomew, Esq.; J. T. Bealby, Esq.; Friedrich Bosse, Esq.; Dr. James Burgess; W. Scott Dalgleish, Esq.; Colonel Dods; Dr. Dods; Dr. Robert W. Felkin; John Geddie, Esq.; John Gunn, Esq.; Dr. Hugh R. Mill; J. W. M'Crindle, Esq.; Ralph Richardson, Esq.; Charles Robertson, Esq.; General Sir Robert M. Smith; Coutts Trotter, Esq.; and the Rev. W. Dundas Walker. The Council are specially indebted to Dr. John Murray for the valuable and important papers which he has contributed to the Magazine. LIBRARY AND MAP DEPARTMENTS. A Classified Catalogue of the books in the Society's Library has been prepared by Mr. W. A. Taylor, the Assistant Librarian, with the assistance of Dr. Dods and Mr. George A. Craig; and copies have lately been issued to Members. The number of books lent out last Session was 1173, as compared with 671 for the previous Session. The following accessions were added to these Departments during the past Session:- Books and pamphlets, 598; periodicals, 114; atlases, 9; maps (sheets), 224. The Council desire to record their indebtedness to the donors of books, maps, charts, and photographs. The various Colonial and Foreign Governments with whom the Society have relations continue to send their official publications as issued. Among private donors to the Library may be mentioned-Mr. W. B. Blaikie, Professor Emile Chaix, and Mr. John Cockburn. The Council are specially indebted to Mr. James Jackson, the Librarian of the Paris Geographical Society, for his gift of 430 Photographs-most of them mounted. These will form the basis of a Collection which it is intended to institute in the Map-room. During the past Session the amount of money expended in purchases and library expenses was £25, 14s. 9d., and for binding, £19, 18s. 9d.; making a total expenditure of £45, 13s. 6d. PLACE-NAMES COMMITTEE. A Committee of the Council has been appointed with the object of co-operating with the Director-General of the Ordnance Survey of the United Kingdom in the revision of Scottish Place-Names. Dr. James Burgess is the Convener. EXPLORATION. The Society's scientific instruments, valued at £40, have again been lent to Mr. D. J. Rankin, who is continuing his explorations in the Loangwa-Zambezi basin. For the Council, EDINBURGH, 5th November 1891. COGNITA ARTHUR SILVA WHITE, INDEX: VOL. VII. In the following Index the ALPHABETICAL ORDER is adhered to throughout. The more important references and all sub-headings of Articles are indicated by small capitals. Names of Books and of Vessels are in Italics; titles of Papers in deeper type. Contraction, rev. Review in the Magazine. = AAI Van Mountains, 94. Aaland Islands, Profr. Cohen at the, 663. Aalborg, Meaning of the Name, 320. Aarbog for Dansk Kultur historie (Bjerge), rev., 392. Aargau, Meaning of the Name, 316. Abaco Islands, Maps of, 610. Early Mapping of, 541. 310. Expedition to, 451. Acclimatisation, On. By Robert 647. ACCOUNTS OF THE ROYAL SCOTTISH GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, 686. Achal Pass, Crossing of the, 33. Acheen, Want of Knowledge Across East African Glaciers Adams, W. H. Davenport, Adelaide, Population of, 671. 670. Trade of, 411. VOL. VII. Aderar, M. Sabatier on, 497. Adonara, Gardens of, 449. Adventure and Travel, Recent, Adventures in Nyassaland Afer Coast, Ivory Hunting on way in, 623. mercial Interests in, 63. Trade Prospects in, Maps of, 136. 418. Russian Trade with, 612. Africa, Ancient Gold Fields of, 121. Elevation in, 480. The King of the French, Area and Population of, 269, 270. GEOGRAPHICAL NOTES ON, 36, 96, 160, 207, 268, 325, 380, 443, 496, 616, 665. German, Area and Population of, 270. East, Area and Population of, 270. Inhabitants of the Interior of, a Superior Race, 8. Italian, Area and Population of, 270. Explorers in (Bom3 C piani), rev., 631. TRIBAL NAMES OF, 374. West, German Trade with The Ewe-Speaking Yield of Ivory from, 673. Lands, On the Compara- Names, The Orthography Republic, South. See The Arab and the (Pruen), Afrika (Sievers), rev., 629. Agassiz, Profr., Dredgings by, Paper by, noticed, 165. Agathodæmon, Maps by, 539. of Bombay, 220. of Flores, 448. of Rhodes, 615. of Rio Grande do Sul, of South West Africa, 518. of the Kuen Lun Moun- of Tierra del Fuego, 557. Agrippa, Cartography in the Agulhas, Cape, and Cape Leeu. Ahmadabad, Meaning of the Ahmet, Particulars regarding, Aïbu-Ghir, Lake, 379. Ainscough, J. Ashton, London Aitken, Mr., referred to, 263. Alabama, Maps of, 595. Alamosa, Water Supply of, 531. Alaska, and British Territory, With Sack and Stock in Albert, Prince, of Monaco at Alberta, Population of, 668. Alcock, Surgeon, Report by, Aldensberg, Cave of, Discov- Alderney, Population of, 486. "Alerte," The Cruise of the the Great, referred to, 65. Geological Features of the Alis, Harry, A la Conquête du Allahabad, Meaning of the Alleghany Mountains, Eleva- Allnut, Mr., Tidal Observations Alluvium carried by the See also Sediment. The Natal, rev., 456. as a Boundary, 5. 511. Dr. Diener on the, 332. Pennine, Climber's Experiments in Gravita- Southern, of New Zealand, 329. Alsace-Lorraine, Population of, Altenburg, Meaning of the Alternatives to Britannic Con- Alupka, Soundings off, 274. |