Toba, Lake, Exploration of, 614.
Proposed Explora-
Situation of, 34, 35. Plateau, Survey of, 612.
Tobacco Plantations of Deli, Importance of, 159. Tobago, Maps of, 611.
Tobas, Character of the, 155. Togodo, Position of, 268.
Togoland, Area and Popula- tion of, 270.
Capt. Kling in, 161.
Tokio, Meaning of the Name, 313.
Population of, 380.
Proposed Harbour Im- provements at, 217. Toledo, Observatory of, 540. Tolok Dalam Bay, 36. Tomsk, Railway at, 217.
Shipping Trade of, 664. Tonden-he People, 613. Tonga and Zulu Lands, Area and Population of, 269.
Tong hai, Meaning of the Namie, 311. Tong-kiang, Meaning of the Name, 312.
Tong-king. See Tonquin. Tonka River, Swamps of, 477. Tonquin, Chinese Traders in,
of Touron, 94.
of Uzunada, 60. of Vladivostok, 157. of Zanzibar, 673.
River, of Siberia, 664. Routes between the Cape of Good Hope and Australia, 385.
Russian, with Persia, 612. with the East, 297. Trafalgar, Mount, Height of, 162. Traffic in Paraguay, 669. Transcaspia, Maps of, 128. Russian Troops in, 71. Soil of, 78.
Water Supply of, 63, 64. Transcaspian Railway, Import- ance of the, 78.
Transit Theodolite, Use of the, 636.
Transport, Animal, in Africa,
par Mer, Notice Histo- rique sur les Divers Modes de (Trogneux), rev., 52. Transvaal, Boers in the, 183. Expeditions from the,
Geological Features of the (Alford), rev., 396.
Gold Fields of the, 412. Travailleur Expedition Deep
Sea Fishes, 552.
Travel and Adventure, Recent,
Travellers, Foundation of a Training School for, 219. Travels in Africa (Junker), rev., 509.
Treaty Rights, French, in New- foundland (Winter, Scott, and Morine), rev., 173. Trees of North-Eastern Ame- rica, The (Newhall), rec., 285.
Trevelyan, Sir E., Spelling of Indian Place-Names by, 363. Triangulation first used in Surveys, 542.
TRIBAL NAMES OF AFRICA, 374. Trieste, Population of, 551. Trigonometrical Survey India, Origin of the, 358. Surveys, 430.
Trinidad, Maps of, 611.
Minerals of, 528.
Tripoli and Egypt, Area and Population of, 270.
Influence of France on the Trade of, 496.
Proposed Railway to, 502. Tripp, Mr. Wm. B., on the Rainfall of the Globe, 163. Tristan da Cunha, St. Helena, and Ascension, Area and Population of, 269. Trobriand Islands, Sir W. Macgregor at, 163. Trogneux, G. Notice Historique sur les Divers Modes de Transport par Mer, rev.,
52. Tromp, Heer, on Dutch Borneo, 94.
Tromsö, Start of an Expedi- tion from, 97. Trondhjem, Population of,
Railway to, 442. Troops, Bokhariot, 69.
British, in India, 71. See also Army. Tropen, Die Klimatologie der (Schellong), rev., 677.
Ukassa, Dr. Peters at, 123. Ukerewe.
Ulan-assu River, Source of the, 33.
Ulansu, a Winter Pass, 33. Ulster, Population of, 492. Umanak Fiord, Position of, 100.
Umfeti in Edinburgh, 441. Umlauft, Dr., on Geographical Education, 333.
on Kamtchatka, 205. Unapproachable, Mount, Mr. Tietkins at, 213. Unguz, "Chinkis" of, 77. United Kingdom, Census of the 277, 485.
Causes of the Pro- sperity of the, 9. United States, a Federation, 355.
and Britannic Con-
Treaty of Newfound- land with the, 236.
Typical Features of
the People of the, 654.
White and Coloured Population of the South, 500.
Unity, National, The Physical and Political Basis of. By Edward A. Freeman, 345. Universal Atlas, The, rev., 400, 568.
Unknown Horn of Africa, The (James), rev., 49. Unorganised Territory of Can- ada, Population of, 668. Unterwalden, Meaning of the Name, 316.
U-nya-mwesi, Meaning of the Name, 315.
Mountains of the Moon sought for in, 301.
Unyoro, Arabs in, 122.
Ivory from, 204.
Upolu Island, Rainfall Obser- vations on, 96. Upsala, Rain at, 164.
Ural Mountains, Influence of, on Siberia, 5.
Iron from the, 449. Uruguay River, Navigation of the, 555.
Uruguayana, Railway to, 555. Urumchi, Explorers at, 33. Ururas, Herr Spengler 475.
Usambara Country, Dr. Bau- mann in, 41.
und Seine Nachbargebiete (Baumann), rev., 629. Useless Bay, Explorers at, 556.
referred to, 59, 75,
Van Gèle, Capt., on the Mobangi, 209.
Riebeck, First Governor of Cape Colony, 181. Vanapa River, Dangers in crossing the, 445. Vancouver, Population of, 667.
Quick Railway Passage to, 387. Vanua Levu, Meaning of the Name, 434. Vardar River, Silt carried by the, 335. Vassapol, Loch, Meaning of the Name, 259. Vassif Efendi in England, 290. Veldschoendrager People, 515. Venezuela, Frontier of, 559. Venice, Power of, 349.
Venice, Trade of India with,
Venukoff, M., referred to, 450, 451.
Vera Cruz, Railway to, 450. Verata, Old River Bank at, 438.
Veraval, Lieut. Gunn at, 551. Verde, Cape, Meaning of the Name, 315.
Verhoeff, Mr., Proposed Ex- pedition by, 499.
Vermont, Maps of, 596, 597. Verneau, Dr. R., Les Races Humaines, rev., 631. Viazemsky, Prince, in Central Asia, 674.
Victoria Falls, Expedition to the, 479.
Height of the, 621. Fort, The Pioneer Road
Mount, Ascent of, 445. Nyanza Lake, Attempt to Identify, with one of Ptolemy's Lakes, 301.
Herr Ganzen- müller on the, 335.
Viria, Floods at, 438. Rainfall at, 435. Viscount Hardinge (Hardinge), rev., 452.
Visit to the Summer Home in the Sætersdal and Southern Nor- way (Ogilvie), rev., 398. Viti Levu, Area of, 434.
Meaning of the
Name, 434. Vitu, Dr. Peters at, 113. Vladivostok, Port of, 2, 156. Railway to, 156, 217, 377. Rainfall at, 157. Trade of, 157.
Vlassoff, M., referred to, 62. Voeikoff, Profr., on the Tem-
perature of the Black Sea, 275.
Voeltzkow, Dr., Paper by, noticed, 273.
Vogel, Cape. See Sebiribiri. Volcano Bay, Agriculture at,
Vidal-Lablache. Histoire et Géographie, rev., 400, 568,
684. Vienna, Geographical Congress at, 219.
Exhibition at, 333. Meeting of the Deutscher Geographentag at, 330. Population of, 551.
Teaching of Oriental Languages in, 21. Vignoli, Dr., Abandoned by his Comrades, 153. Vignols, M., on France in Madagascar, 99.
Vikings in Western Christen- dom (Keary), rev., 169. Villa Beltran, Temperature of, 39.
Rica, Railway to, 669. Villages of Flores, 447.
of Sumatra, 35.
of the Machingas, 658. Vinburg, Explorations at, 477. Vincent, Dr., referred to, 304. Virchow, Profr., Papers by, noticed, 648, 651. Virgin Islands, Maps of the, 611.
Virginia, Maps of, 597.
West, Maps of, 597.
Mud, Eruption of a, 33. Allagua, The, 668. of Mount Victory, 162. of Poás, 501.
of Pusuc Buhit, 614. Si Baiyak, 34.
Volcanoes of Flores, 447, 448. of Kamtchatka, 205. Volga River, Discharge of the, 275.
Importance of the, 2. Influence of, on the
Caspian Sea, 333. Von Benko, Capt., referred to, 206.
Brenner-Felsach, Baron, in Sumatra, 34.
Drygalski, Dr., Proposed Expedition by, 100. François, Capt., Expedi tion by, 96.
Gautsch, Count, referred to, 330.
Haardt, M., Maps by, 548, 549.
Haardtenthurm, M., Ex- hibition by, 549.
Hauer, Hofrath, referred
Höhnel, Lieut., at Mount Kenia, 207.
Jankovich, Mr. A., Lec- tures by, 387.
Jedina, Leopold. An Asiens Kusten und Fürsten- hofen, rev., 625.
Koenen, Dr., Geological Collections of, 38.
Marenzeller, Dr., and the Levant Expedition, 41.
Von Siemeradski, Dr., Expedi- tion by, 386.
Steinäcker, Herr, Travels of, 472.
Stetin, Herr, on the Tcheremis, 322.
Tiedemann, Lieut., re- ferred to, 114.
Toll, Baron, on Siberia, 332. VOWEL SOUNDS IN AFRICAN
NAMES, 372. Vogage au Pays du Déficit (Neukomm), rev., 110.
Crozet's, to Tasmania, New Zealand, the Ladrone Islands, and the Philippines (Roth), rev., 674.
Voyages and Adventures of Ferdinand Mendez Pinto
(Cogan), rev., 507. Voyampolka Mountains, 206. Vrassky, M., referred to, 72. Vryburg, Railway to, 616. Vu, Capt. Kling at, 161. Vuci-Maca, Old River Bank at, 438.
Vuni-cibi-cibi, Mud Flat at, 439.
Vyrnwy, Lake, Formation of, 551.
Vyshnegradsky, M., referred to, 59, 72.
Wallace, Alfred Russel, The Malay Archipelago, rev., 343. Wallace, Dr., referred to, 157.
Profr., F. L.S., F.R.S. E., The Rural Economy and Agriculture of Australia and New Zealand, rev., 623. Waller, Rev. Horace, Irory,
Apes, and Peacocks, rev.,
Wallraff, Herr, Paper by, no- ticed, 164.
Walsenburg, Minerals of, 528. Walther, Profr., Die Denuda- tion in der Wüste, rev., 504. Walukuma People, Character of the, 122. Walundu People, 122. Walvish from, 472.
Bay, Expeditions
Ivory Exports from,
Wanderings in South America (Waterton), rev., 343. Wandorobbo People, a Masai Tribe, 117.
Wanipi, Slave Raiding at, 199. Wapokomo People, Hardships of the, 114.
War Expenses of the British Empire, 575.
Ward, C. S., M. A., Surrey and Sussex, rev., 343. Wargla, Decline in the Trade of, 496.
Warmbath, Mission Station at, 519.
Warren, Lieut., and Indian Surveys, 359, 361.
Sir Charles, Expedition
by, 185. Warrender, Margaret, Walks near Edinburgh, rev., 169. Warrina, Railway at, 39. Warsaw, Population of, 494. Warwick the King Maker (Oman), rev., 229. Washington, American Prime Meridian at, 421.
Congress of Geologists at,
Major, referred to, 255. Territory, Increase in the Population of, 444. Water, Cause of Want of, in Parts of Africa, 481. Drinking, in East Africa,
Sea, Specific Gravity of,
Supply of Rhodes, 615. Waterfall of Lake Toba, 615, See also Falls.
Waterford, Population of, 493. Waterton, Charles, Wander- ings in South America, rev., 343.
Wathagga People, Relation- ships of the, 118.
Correderas del Yoguy,
621. Whishaw, B. A., Guide Book to Books, rev., 680. White, Arthur Silva, British Association, 1891, 532.
On the Compara- tive Value of African Lands, 191. The Develop- ment of Africa, rev., 43.
White, Rev. Gilbert, A.M., The Natural History and Anti- quities of Selborne, rev., 632.
Sir Wm., referred to, 298. Whitford, John, F.R.G.S., The Canary Islands, rev., 225. Whitman, Sidney, Imperial Germany, rev., 454. Whitney, Profr., on Prairies, 617.
Wichmann, Profr., on Flores, 446.
Wick, Proposed New Railway from, 216. Wiedemann, Dr. A., Religion
der Alten Aegypter, rev., 281. Wiggins, Capt., referred to,
Wigtonshire, Place-Names of,
Wilberforce, Mr., referred to,
Wilberg, Herr, referred to, 302. Wild Beasts and their Ways
(Baker), rer., 340.
Wild, Profr., referred to, 550. Wilhelmshaven, Meaning of the Name, 317.
Wilhelmshöhe, Meaning of the Name, 317, Willems, M., in Tierra del Fuego, 550.
William, Fort, Meteorology of, 267, 276.
Wills, C. J., M.D., The Land
of the Lion and the Sun, rev., 679.
Wilson, Colonel Sir Charles,
K.C.B., K.C.M.G., F.R.S., The Methods and Processes of the Ordnance Survey, 248.
referred to, Mr., Discovery of Minerals
Professor H. H., referred to, 364. Winchell, Profr., on Prairies, 617.
Wind, Velocity of the, 384. Windhoek, Hot Springs of,
Winds, Arctic, and Polar Ex- peditions, 671.
Early Map of the, 545. High, The Relation of, to Barometric Pressure, 276. of Ben Nevis, 219.
of Corea, 324.
of Russia, 383.
of the Andes, 38.
of the Indian Ocean, 386. of the River Oxus, 66. of the Southern Ussurian District, 157.
of Tierra del Fuego, 556. of Viti Levu, 435.
of Western Siberia, 383. VOL. VII.
Windward Islands, Maps of the, 611. Winnipeg, Increase in the Population of, 667. Winter, Sir J. S., K.C.M.G., Q.C., French Treaty Rights in Newfoundland, rev., 173. Wisconsin, Maps of, 598, 607.
Witbooi, Hendrik, Exploits of, 516.
With Gordon in China (Lyster), rev., 455.
Sack and Stock in Alaska (Broke), rev., 512.
the Bedouins (Hall), rev.,
102. Wood, Colonel, and Indian Surveys, 358.
J. T., Modern Discoveries on the Site of Ancient Ephesus, rev., 101.
Woodlark Island. See Murua. Woodroffe, Mount, Position and Height of, 39. Wool Growing in South-West Africa, 519.
World, Chambers's Brief (co- graphy of the, 168.
Mercantile, Map Studies of the (Yeats), rev., 106.
Population of the, 97,
Proposed Colossal Map of the, 550, 557.
Railways of the, 672. The Mapping of the. By J. G. Bartholomew, F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S., 124, 586
See also Earth and Globe. Worlds, The Birth and Growth of (Green), rev., 107. Wörth-See, Temperature Ob- servations in the, 332. Wragge, Mr. Clement W., referred to, 164, 207. Wrangel, Mount, Height of, 100.
Wrangell, Baron, and the Sur- vey of the Black Sea, 274.
referred to, 450. Wright, Philip B., and Lind- say W. Bristowe, The Hand- book of British Honduras, rev., 228.
Wubushi River referred to, 304.
Wuhu opened to Foreign Trade, 19.
Wüste, Die Denudation in der (Walther), rer., 504. Würtemberg, Population of, 377. Wyld, Mr. Norman, Lectures by, 387.
Wyville-Thomson Ridge, Ef- fects of the, 264.
YAKATAT BAY, Expedition to, 444.
Yalmal, Proposed Journey to, 664. Yang-tse-kiang River, Course of the, 23.
Meaning of the Name, 312.
Yao People. See Ajawa. Yarkand River, Journey by the, 33.
Yate, Captain A. C., A Journey to Tashkent, 57.
on Irrigation in Cen-
Major C. E., referred to,
66. Yates, Dr., and Indian Place- Names, 363.
Yaunde, Lieut. Morgen at, 269, 665.
Year Book of Memory Maps, Arnold's Abridged P.T.'s, rev., 632.
Statistical, of Can- ada (Roper), rev., 632.
The Statesman's
(Keltie), rev., 225.
The Victorian (Hay-
ter), rev., 227, 395. Yeats, Dr., referred to, 535. Commercial Instruc- tion: The Golden Gates of Trade with our Home Indus- tries, rev., 106.
Map Studies of the Mercantile World, rev., 106. Yellow Fever and Altitudes, 654.
Yellowstone National Park, Maps of the, 598. Yenikale, Straits of, Sound- ings near the, 274. Yenisei River, Navigation of the, 664.
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