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Vol. IX, 1881-82, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1881; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, 1882--8 numbers. 8vo. pp. 294. Editors: Philomathic, H. T. Davis, H. B. Foster, A. A. Jones; Erosophic, Isaac Oliver and J. W. Worthington.

Vol. X, 1882-83, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1882; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May-June, 18839 numbers in 8. 8vo. pp. 288. Editors: Philomathic, Roscoe McConnell, Walter

D. Seed; Erosophic, J. B. Earle, A. W. Hayes, and P. R. Somerville.

Vol. XI, 1883-84, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1883; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, July, 1884-9 numbers. 8vo. pp. 367. Editors: Philomathic, M. Graham, H. G. Hawkins, H. T. Smith; Erosophic, Chester Harding and E. M. Harris.

Vol. XII, 1884-85, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1884; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, 18859 numbers. 8vo. pp. 366. Editors: Philomathic, Morris Loveman, E. M. Shackleford; Erosophic, A. L. McLeod, J. W. Craddock, and Daniel Pratt.

Vol. XIII, 1885-86, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1885; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, 1886-8 numbers. 8vo. pp. 300. Editors: Philomathic, Alston Fitts, Z. T. Rudulph; Erosophic, J. B. Dell, A. E. Pace; Peithonian, F. S. Lyon. During this year the latter society was formed.

Vol. XIV, 1886-87, Oct., Nov., Dec., 1886; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, 18879 numbers. 8vo. pp. 347. Editors: Philomathic, Thomas M. Owen, editor-in-chief; Erosophic, Oliver D. Street; Peithonian, William W. Quarles.

Copies seen: Owen. Dr. Eugene A. Smith, University, Ala., also has a set.

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In a sense this was the successor of the Alabama University Monthly. It run through three sessions. In the beginning of the fourth year, owing to various delays in getting out the first number, the whole of the edition was suppressed and the Crimson- White took its place.

Detail of the several issues, editions, etc., is given below.

Vol. I, 1891, Jan., Feb., Mar., May, June-5 numbers. 8vo. pp. 183. Editors: R. T. Goodwyn, R. G. Hall, E. C. Patty, E. E. Newton, J. H. Pettway.

Vol. II, 1891-92, Nov., Dec., 1891; Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr., May, June, 1892-8 numbers. 8vo. pp. 356. Editors: Robert E. Parke, jr., editor-in-chief, L. J. Clayton, T. A. Street, jr., J. C. Forney, and J. E. Willoughby.

Vol. III, 1892-93, Nov., Dec., 1892; Jan., Mar., Apr., 1893-5 numbers. 8vo. pp. 179. Illustrations. Editors: John Leslie Hibbard, editor-in-chief, William Brockman Bankhead, Bibb Graves, J. T. Holtzclaw, jr., John H. Simpson.

Vol. IV, No. 1, Nov., 1893. 8vo. pp. 32.

No others issued.

Copies seen: Owen.

The Crimson-White.


Vol. I, Nos. 1-15, Jan. 11, 1894- May 4, 1894.
Vol. II, Nos. 1-22, Nov. 23, 1894-June 18, 1895.
Vol. III, Nos. 1-17, Oct. 25, 1895-June 15, 1896.
Vol. IV, Nos. 1-10+, Oct. 27, 1896-Jany. 19, 1897.
Vol. V, Nos. 1-

Successor to the University Journal, and intended as a weekly paper representative of college life, current doings, news, etc. Contains a few illustrations. Each issue is a folio, usually four columns to the page.

Copies seen: Owen.

[Commencement Day Programmes.]

4vo. pp. 8 and 12.

First issued July 3, 1879. They have appeared regularly each commencement since that date, and vary in length.

Copies seen: Owen.

Vol. 1. The | Senior Battery. No. 1. |[Designs, etc.] | June, 1891. | 4to. pp. 12. Illustrations.

Designed to create a sentiment for abolition of military discipline at the University.

Copies seen: Owen.

UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. The | Corolla | published by the | Students of the University of Alabama. | Raison d'etre. [etc. 3 lines.] | Tuscaloosa, Alabama, | Commencement, | June 28th, 1893. | The Cleveland printing and publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio. n.d.

8vo. pp. 187. Illustrations.

Copies seen: Owen.

The Corolla | of | Ninety-Four. | Published by the Students | of the | University of Alabama. | June, 1894. | Volume II. | n. p. n. d.

8vo. pp. 199 [1]. Illustrations.

Copies seen: Owen.

The Corolla | of | Ninety-Five. | Published by the Students | of the | University of Alabama. | June, 1895. | Volume III. | n. p. n. d.

8vo. pp. 190, 1 1. Illustrations.

Copies seen: Owen.

The Corolla | '96 | University of Alabama | Tuscaloosa | n. p. n. d. [Roberts & Son, printers, Birmingham, Ala.]

Oblong 8vo. pp. 166, 11. Illustrations.

Vol. IV.

The Corolla | Volume V | '97 | Published by the students. The | University of Alabama. | [Roberts & Son, Birmingham, Ala.] n. d.

Oblong 8 vo. pp. 162. Illustrations.

These volumes are executed in the highest style of the printer's art. The illustrations are numerous and in the main excellently finished. They represent the various classes, the faculty, the trustees, fraternity life, members of the alumni, and humorous scenes in college life. The principal contents are what are usually found in the College Annual, but each volume contains much of historical interest in the past life of the University. The latter are catalogued herein under their respective authors.

Copies seen: Owen.

Commencement Daily.

Folio. Vol. 1. Nos. 1-5, June 20-24, 1886.

Only five numbers issued during the fifty-fifth annual commencement of the University. Conducted as an ordinary daily paper, but principally filled with College news, notes, exercises, etc.; Prof. James B. Little, editor and business manager.

Copies seen: Owen.

The University Daily.

Folio. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-5, June 18-23, 1887.

Similar to and intended as the annual successor of the Commence ment Daily Editors, W. W. Quarles and O. D. Street.

Copies seen: Owen.


· Partial report | of the | President and heads of departments | of the | University of Alabama, | submitted at the | fall session of 1874, | of the Board of Regents. | Montgomery, Ala. | W. W. Screws, State printer. | 1874. |

8 vo. pp. 16.

Others were probably issued, but no copies have been seen.

The proceedings of the sessions of the Board of Regents are to be found in the Journals of the Board of Education and Board of Regents, 1871, 1872, and 1873. See Schools, sub-title Board of Education.

Copies seen: Owen.


bly of Alabama, 1837.

8vo. pp. 7.

Sabin: No. 570.


Report of the Trustees to the General Assem-
Tuscaloosa, 1837.

Report of the | trustees | of the | University of Alabama; | also
the special report | of Col. F. Bugbee, one of the trustees of the
University. | House of Reps. 133-Senate 33. | Tuscaloosa: | John Mc-
Cormick, printer, | 1846. |

8vo. pp. 10.

Copies seen: University.

Report | of the trustees [Joshua L. Martin, Presdt. of the Board,] | of the State University. | House 500 copies. | Montgomery: | McCormick & Walshe, printers. | 1847. |

8vo. pp. 8.

Doc. No. 2.

Valuable report for statistics, etc., of this period of the university.
Copies seen: Curry; Owen.

Biennial report | of the | Board of Trustees | of the | University of
Alabama, to the third biennial session | of the | General Assem-
bly, held in the city of Montgomery. | Montgomery: | Brittan and
De Wolf, State printers. | 1851. |

8vo. pp. 8.

House Doc. No. 2.

Copies seen: Owen.

Biennial report | of the | trustees of the University of | Alabama: | 1851-2, 1852-3. | Montgomery: | Brittan & Blue, State printers. | 1853.

8vo. pp. 4.

Copies seen: Owen.

Report of the trustees of the | University of Alabama: to the Senate & House | of | Representatives of Alabama. | Eutaw, Ala.:| printed at the office of the Independent Observer. | 1859. |

8vo. pp. 20.

Thos. H. Herndon, John J. Ormond, and John S. Storrs, committee of trustees on report. Valuable report.

Copies seen: Curry.

Report of the | trustees | of the University of Alabama, | to the |
General Assembly. [1875-1876.] | Montgomery, Ala.: | Barrett &
Brown, State printers. | 1877. |

8vo. pp. 16.

First under act reorganizing the University, requiring report to be made to each session of the General Assembly.

[blocks in formation]

Report for years 1884-85 and 1885-86. pp. 47. Edition, 350 copies.

Report for years ending 15th June, 1887, and 15th June, 1888. pp. 32. Senate edition, 500 copies.

[ocr errors]

Report for 1888-89 and 1889 90. pp

Annual report for year ending 24th June, 1891. pp. 31.
Copies seen: Owen.

(See also Barnard, F. A. P.; Beck, F. K.; Boykin, B.; Bullock, E. C.; Clark, W.
G.; Clay, C. C., jr.; Fitts, J. H.; Forney, Alex. B.; Furman, R.; Garland, L. C.;
Garrett, Wm.; Huntington, B. W.; Lewis, B. B.; Lipscomb, Rev. A. A.; Manly, B.;
McMullen, R. B.; Morgan, John T.; Murfee, J. T.; Pratt, J. W.; Richardson, W.
G.; Sanford, J. W. A., sr.; Simms, Wm. Gilmore; Smith, J. L.; Smith, Wm. R.;
Taylor, Joseph W.; Weatherly, J.; Woods, Rev. A.; Wright, J. W. A.)

UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL. Catalogue | of the | officers and students | of University High School | for the | academic year ending | June 5, 1888 [-1890.]-18~8 [-1890.] | [-etc., 1 line.] | Tuskaloosa, Ala. |

[blocks in formation]

UNIVERSITY SCHOOL. Catalogue | of the University School | Montgomery, Alabama. | J. M. Starke (U. of Va.), Principal. | [-etc., 1 line.] | Session 1887-88 and session 1888–89. | [Quotation, 1 line.] [Buffalo, N. Y. 1889.]

24mo. pp. 33.

Session 1895-96 and 1896-97. 12mo. pp. 39. Portraits.

Copies seen: Bureau of Education.


VEGA, GARCILASO DE LA. La Florida | del Inca. | Historia | del Adelantado, | Hernando de Soto, | Governador, y Capitan General | del Reino de la Florida. | Y de otros hervicos cabelleros, | Españoles, e Indios. | Escrita por el Inca Garcilaso | de la Vega, | Capitan de su Magestad, natural | de la Gran Ciudad de Cozco, | Cabeça de los Reinos, y provincias del Perú. | Dirigda | A la Reina | neustra señora. | Van enmendadas en esta impression, | muchas erratas de la Primera: Y añadida Copiosa Tabla | de las Cosas Notables. Y el ensaio cronologico, | que contrene, las sucedidas, hasta en el Año de 1722. | Con privilegio: en Madrid. | En la Oficina Real, y à Costa de Nicolas Rodriguez Franco, Impresor | de Libros. Año СIƆ IƆCCXXIII. | Se hallarán en su Casa. |

Folio. 16 prel. leaves. 268. [12.]

Copies seen: Hamner; Congress.

Histoire de la conquete | de la | Floride: | ou | relation de ce qui s'est
passé dans | la découverte de ce païs | par Ferdinand de Soto; | com-
posée en Espagnol | par L'Inca Garcillasso de la Vega | & traduite en
François | por Sr. Pierre Richelet. | Nouvelle edition | corrigée &
augmentée de très belles cartes, de figures en taille douce & | d'un
indice. | Tome premier [-second ] | A la Haye, | Chez Jean Meaulme. |

12mo. vol. i, prel. leaves 26, pp. 290; vol. ii, 291-582. 8 plates; 1 map.
Copies seen: Hamner.

History of the Conquest of Florida; or a narrative of what occurred
in the exploration of this country by Hernando de Soto. By the Inca

Garcillasso de la Vega. Translated from the French version of Pierre
Richelet, from the original Spanish.

In Shipp's History of Hernando de Soto and Florida, vol. ii, pp. 215-487. See
Shipp, Barnard.

This is the only English version.

This, the third of the original narratives of Soto's expedition, was first published at Lisbon in 1605. For full account of various editions, value of the work, etc., see Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America, vol. ii, p. 290., also notes to same page.

VERBENA HIGH SCHOOL. Special announcement. Session 1894-95. Alabama Printing Company, Montgomery, Ala.

8vo. pp. 3.

VERNER, CHARLES B. and SOMERVILLE, ORMOND. The new married woman's law. | Of 1887. | With a brief digest of all the recent Alabama decisions, added by C. B. | Verner and O. Somerville, of the Tuskaloosa bar. | Gazette print, Tuskaloosa, Ala. | n. d.

8vo. Cover title only, 1 leaf.
Copies seen: Owen.

pp. 21.

VIGNOLES, CHARLES. Observations | upon

the Floridas. | By | Charles

Vignoles, civil and topographical engineer. | New-York: | Published by E. Bliss and E. White, 128 Broadway. | 1823. |

8vo. pp. 219. 11.


-1898.) Report | of the | joint committee of the General Assembly, | appointed to investigate the conduct, transactions, etc., of Isaac H. Vincent, lately State treasurer. | Montgomery, Ala.: | W. D. Brown & Co., steam printers and bookbinders. | 1883. | 8vo. pp. 16.

VIRGINIA YAZOO COMPANY. Memorial of the Virginia Yazoo Company to Congress, 1803.

Brinley, Part II, No. 3930.

VOGDES, ANTHONY W. Course of Sciences applied to Military Art. Part 1. Geology and Military Geography. 1884.

8vo. pp. 176. 23 plates.

Analysis of the bituminous coal of Jefferson and Tuscaloosa counties, table opposite p. 40.

Tertiary geology of Alabama, p. 130.

VOLNEY, CONSTANTIN FRANÇOIS (1757-1820). A view of the soil and climate of the United States of America: | with supplementary remarks upon Florida; on the French colonies of the Mississippi | and Ohio, and in Canada; and on the aboriginal tribes | of America. | By C. F. Volney, | member of the Conservative Senate &c. &c. | Translated, with occasional remarks, | by C. B. Brown. | With maps and plates. | Philadelphia, | Published by [-etc., 3 lines.] | Printed by T. & G. Palmer, 116, High street. | 1804. |

8vo. pp. xxviii, 446. 2 maps; plates.

Pp. 17 et seq. refer briefly to the Mississippi Territory; pp. 269-316 treat of Florida and quote at length from Barnard Romans' History of Florida [1776].



Report on the | agriculture and geology | of | Mississippi. | Embracing a sketch of the social and natural history of the State. | By | B. L. C. Wailes, | geologist of Mississippi;|

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