Slike stranica

Chaucer, G. The prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the monkes tale, the clerkes tale, the squieres tale, from the Canterbury tales; edited by Rev. W. W. Skeat. 4th ed., revised. Oxf., 1888. 16o. pp. XCV+316. (Clarendon press series.) Child, F. J., editor. The English and Scottish popular ballads. Pt. 6. Bost., etc., [1889]. 1. 8°. Clayden, P. W. Rogers and his contemporaries. L., 1889. 2 v.

sm. 8°.

Corneille, P. Théâtre. Ed. nouvelle; avec des études sur toutes les tragédies et les comédies par F. Hémon. Tom. 1er-4e. P., 1886-87. 4 v. 16°.

Contents: i. Avertissement général. Biographie de Corneille étude d'ensemble sur son œuvre - - Etude sur les comédies. - Étude sur Médée. Livres consultés et cités. - Table des études contenues dans le premier volume. - Le Cid. ii. Horace. Cinna. - Polyeucte. iii. Pompée. Le menteur.Rodogune. iv. Théodore. - Héraclius. - Andromède. - Don Sanche d'Aragon. - Nicomède. - Pertharite. Edipe. - La toison d'or. - Sertorius. - Sophonisbe. — Othon. Agésilas.Attila. Tite et Bérénice. - Psyché. Pulchérie. Suréna. Creizenach, W. (M. A.), compiler. Die Schauspiele der englischen Komödianten. Berl., etc., [1889]. pp. cxviii+352 + (1). (Kürschner, J., editor. Deutsche National Litteratur. xxiii.)

sm. 8°.

Contents: - Einleitung. - Titus Andronicus. - Tugend- und Liebe-streit (Was ihr wolt). - Der bestrafte Brudermord; oder, Prinz Hamlet aus Dänemark. - Tragikomödie - Tragödie vom unzeitigen Vorwitz. - Anhang.

Davidson, T. Prolegomena to In memoriam ; with an index to the poem. Bost., etc., 1889. 120. pp. vi+(1) +177.

De Mille, J. The elements of rhetoric. N. Y., 1882. 120. Pp. xvii +13-564.

De Vere, A. T. Essays, chiefly literary and ethical. L., etc., 1889. sm. 8°. pp. viii + (1) + 329.

Contents: -Some remarks on literature in its social aspects. Archbishop Trench's poems. - Poems by Sir Samuel Ferguson.

Coventry Patmore's poetry. A policy for Ireland. Jan., 1887. Proportionate representation considered with reference to the idea involved in it.- Church property and secularization. 1867. A few notes on modern unbelief. Some remarks on the philosophy of the rule of faith. The personal character of Wordsworth's poetry.

Edwards, Miss M. B. B. The parting of the ways; a novel. Copyright ed. Lpz., 1888. 160.

pp. 400.

Les ennemis de Chapelain. P., 1888. 725

Fabre, A. 80. pp. xi Faguet, É. Etudes littéraires sur le dix-neuvième siècle. 5 éd. P., 1889. 120. pp. xii + 456.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

De Malherbe à Bossuet;

études littéraires et morales sur le XVIIe siècle. P., 1885. 120. pp. (2) + 306.

Bossuet à la

Contents: Les deux régents du Parnasse: Malherbe et Boileau. Voiture et Balzac. Molière et l'érudition contemporaine. Le culte de Molière et ses reliques - Le cardinal de Retz. Port-Royal et son historien [Ste.-Beuve. La Bruyère et les moralistes français. -Madame Deshoulières et sa bergerie. Les orateurs sacrés à la cour de Louis XIV. cour. Bossuet prédicateur. Gaspary, A. Geschichte der italienischen Literatur. er, 2 Bd. Berl., 1885-88. 2 v. 8°. (Geschichte der Literatur der europäischen Völker. iv., v.)

Contents:i. [Mittelalter.] - ii. [Renaissancezeit.] Golther, W., editor. Tristan und Isolde, und Flore und Blanscheflur. Berl., etc., [1889]. 2 v. 8°. (Kürschner, J., editor. Deutsche National-Litteratur. Bd. iv., Abth. 2, 3.)

[blocks in formation]

Incorporated Society of Authors, London. Literature and the pension list; an investigation conducted for the committee of the Society by W. M. Colles. L., etc., 1889. sm. 80. pp. iv + (1) + 101.

Jonson, B. Every man in his humour, a comedy; edited with notes by H. B. Wheatley. L., etc., [1887]. 16o. pp. lxi + 209. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics.)

Judith; an Old English epic fragment; edited, with introduction, translation, complete glossary, and various indexes, by A. S. Cook. Bost., 1888. sm. 4o. pp. lxxii+77 +(1). Fac-sim.

Anglo-Saxon text and English translation on orposite pages. La Fontaine, J. de. Œuvres. Nouvelle éd, par Henri Regnier. Tom. iv., v. P., 1887-89. 2 v. 8o. (Regnier, (J. A.) A., editor. Les grands écrivains de la France.)

[blocks in formation]

Über die soge

Contents:xi., 1. Bergarius Turonensis. nannten Fabeln aus den Zeiten der Minnesinger, re Entdeckung. Romulus und Kimicius. - Über den Asopus. Von dem Schickard-Marchtalerschen Tarich Beni Adam. - Die Nachtigall. - Paulus Silentiarius auf die pythischen Bäder. xi., 2. Leibniz von der ewigen Strafen. - Beantwortete Anfragen. Marco Polo. Die flandrische Chronike. Des Andreas Wissowatius Einwürfe wider die Dreieinigkeit. - Zur griechischen Anthologie.- Erasmus Stella. - Von Adam Neusern. Ergänzungen des Julius Firmicius. Die Fragmente eines Ungenannten [H. S. Reimarus] von Duldung der Deisten. Ein Mehreres aus den Papieren des Ungenannten [Reimarus] die Offenbarung betreffend. - Über die sogennanten Fabeln aus den Zeiten der Minnesinger, zweite Entdeckung. Über deu Anonymus des Nevelet. - Maranjon.

Selected prose works; translated from the German by E. C. Beasley and H. Zimmern; edited by E. Bell. New ed., revised. L., 1889. sm. 8o. pp. xxiv +493. Plate.

[blocks in formation]

introduction and notes by W. Wagner. L., 1877. 160. pp. xl+140. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics.)

Meiklejohn, J. M. D. The English language, its grammar, history, and literature; with chapters on composition, versification, paraphrasing, and punctuation. Bost., etc., 1888. sm. 80. pp. viii+ 388.

Milton, J.

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Comus; edited with introduction and notes by A. M. Williams. L., etc., 1888. 160. pp. 91.

Paradise regained; edited with notes by C. S. Jerram. 4th ed. L., etc., 1888. 16o. pp. lii +193. Maps. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics.)

Moore, Rev. E. Contributions to the textual criticism of the Divina commedia; including the complete collation throughout the Inferno of all the MSS. at Oxford and Cambridge. Cambridge, 1889. 1. 80. pp. (16) + lvi + 723.

Morel-Fatio, A. Études sur l'Espagne. série. P., 1888.


Contents: -i. Comment la France a connu et compris l'Espagne depuis le moyen-âge jusqu'à nos jours. Recherches sur Lazarille de Tórmes. - L'histoire dans Ruy-Blas.

Müller, (F.) M. The German classics from the fourth to the nineteenth century; with biographical notices, translations into modern German, and notes. New ed., revised, enlarged, and adapted to W. Scherer's History of German literature," by F. Lichtenstein. N. Y., 1886. 2 V. sm. 80.


Opitz, M. Weltliche und geistliche Dichtung; herausgegeben von II. Oesterley. Berl., etc., [1889]. sm. 8°. pp. li + 384. Illus. (Kürschner, J., editor. Deutsche National-Litteratur. xxvii.)

Contents:- Weltliche Dichtungen: Vermischte Jugendgedichte. Oden und Gesänge. Sonnete. - Gelegenheits-Gedichte. Zlatna: oder; Gerichte von Ruhe dess Gemüthes Geistliche Dichtungen: Geistliche Oden und Gesänge. Die Episteln der Sontage und fürnembsten Fest dess gantzen Jahrs. -Die Klag-Lieder Jeremia. Salomons hohes Lied. - Trostgedichte in Widerwertigkeit dess Kriegs. - Beilagen; [Gedichte von: Andreas Tscherning. - Philipp Zesen. Georg Philipp Harsdörffer.- Johann Klaj. - Sigemund von Birken. David Schirmer. Johann Heermann. - Johann Rist. Ossoli, (S.) M. FULLER, marchesa ď. Art, literature, and the drama; edited by A. B. Fuller. Bost., 1889. 120. pp. 459.

Contents:i. A short essay on critics. - A dialogue. -The two Herberts. The prose works of Milton; with a biographical introduction, by R. W. Griswold. The life of Sir James Mackintosh, by his son R. J. Mackintosh. - Modern British poets. The modern drama. - Dialogue, containing sundry glosses on poetic texts. Poets of the people. - Miss Barrett's poems. Browning's poems. - Lives of the great composers, Haydn, Mozart, Handel, Bach, Beethoven. A record of the impressions produced by the exhibition of Mr. Allston's pictures, in the summer of 1839.- American literature, its position in the present time and prospects for the future. - Swedenborgiansim. - Methodism at the fountain. - A rhythmical translation of Goethe's Tasso.

Perry, B. F. Address before the literary societies of Erskine College, Abbeville District, S. C., Sept. 18, 1844. 3d ed. Greenville, S. C., 1887. 8°. pp. 27. In vol. lettered "In memoriam, B. F. Perry."

Biographical sketches of eminent American statesmen; with speeches, addresses and letters, introductory by W. Hampton, prefaced by an outline of the author's life [by A. B. Williams]. Phil., 1887. 8°. pp. viii + 612 + (1). Port. and plate.

Pope, A. Selected poems: the Essay on criticism. the Moral essays, the Dunciad; edited by T. Arnold. 4th ed. L., etc., 1888. 16o. pp. xxx + (1)+251. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics.)

Price, T. R. The construction and types of Shakespeare's verse as seen in Othello. N. Y.,

1888. sm. 4°. pp. 69. (Shakespeare society of New York. Papers. 8.)

St. Albans, F. BACON, baron VERULAM, viscount. Essays; with introduction, notes, and index by E. A. Abbott. 7th ed. L., 1886. 2 V. 160. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics)

Saint-Marc Girardin, M. Girardin, called. Cours de littérature dramatique; ou, De l'usage des passions dans le drame. Nouv. éd., revue. P., 1886. 5 v. 12o.

Sannazaro, J. Arcadia; secondi i manoscritti e le prime stampe, con note ed introduzione di M. Scherillo. Torino, 1888. sm. 8°. pp. ccxciv + 370. (Biblioteca di autori italiani. i.)

Sarasin, or Sarrasin, J. F. Poésies; augmentées de documents nouveaux, publieés avec notes par O. Uzanne. P., 1877. 12°. pp. xlvi + 281 +(2). Port. and engr. t. p.

"Tiré à 517 exemplaires." "Notice bibliographique," pp. iii-xvi.

Sercambi, G. Novelle inedite; tratte dal codice trivulziano CXCIII. per cura di R. Renier. Torino, 1889. 8°. pp. lxxv+436. (Biblioteca dei testi inediti o rari. iv.)

Shakespeare, W. Richard the Third, the sixth quarto, 1622; a facsimile in photo-lithography by C. Praetorius; with an introductory notice by P. A. Daniel. L., 1889. 8o. pp. iv + 92. (Shaksperequarto-facsimiles. 43.)

Shelley, P. B. The Cenci, a tragedy; given from the poet's editions, with an introduction by A. Forman and H. B Forman, and a prologue by J. Todhunter. L, 1886. 8°. pp. xiv + (1) + 107. Etching. (Shelley Society, London. Publications. 4th series. Miscellaneous. iii.)

Simonds, W. E. Sir Thomas Wyatt and his poems. Bost., 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 156. Table.

"Presented to the philosophical faculty of the Kaiser Wilhelm's University at Strassburg for the acquisition of the degree of doctor of philosophy."

Souvigny, C. SOREL, sieur de. La vraie histoire comique de Francion. Nouvelle éd., avec notes par E. Colombey [pseud. de É. Laurent]. P., 1858. 16o.

PP. 539.

Stimming, A. Über den provinzalischen Girart von Rossillon; ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Volksepos. Halle, 1888. 8°. pp. (3) +398+ (1).

Stopes, Mrs. C. (c.) The Bacon-Shakspere question answered. 2d ed., enlarged. L., 1889. 120. pp. xiv + 266. Swinburne, A. C. Poems and ballads. 3d series. L., 1889. sm. 80. pp. viii+181.

A study of Shakespeare. 2d ed. L., 1880. sm. 8°. pp. (4) + 309.

Torraca, F. La materia dell' Arcadia del Sannazaro. Città di Castello, 1888. sm. 8°. pp. 130. Vierteljahrsschrift für Litteraturgeschichte. Bd. i. Weimar, 1888. 80.

Edited by B. Seuffert. To be continued.

Wander, K. F. W. Deutsches SprichwörterLexikon. Lpz., 1867–80. 5 v. 1. 8°.

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with suggestions as to methods and courses of historical study. 3d ed., revised. N. Y., 1889. 8°. pp. xxxviii (2) + 720.

Airy, O. The English restoration and Louis XIV, from the peace of Westphalia to the peace of Nimwegen. L., etc., 1888. 16o. pp. xii 282. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Alison, Sir A., bart. History of Europe from the commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 to the restoration of the Bourbons in 1815; abridged by E. S. Gould. 6th ed. N. Y., 1848. 80. pp. xxiv +532. Map.

American Historical Association. Papers. Vol. ii. Irreg. N. Y., etc., 1888. 8°.

Contents: ii. Adams, H. B. Report of the proceedings, 3d annual meeting, 1886. White, A. D. A history of the doctrine of comets. - Jameson, J. F. Willem Usselinx, founder of the Dutch and Swedish West India Companies. Schaff, Rev P. Church and state in the United States; or, The American idea of religious liberty, and its practical effects; with official documents.

Babington, C. The influence of Christianity in promoting the abolition of slavery in Europe; a dissertation which obtained the Hulsean prize for the year 1845. Camb., etc., 1846 8o. pp. viii + 199.

Baird, Rev. R. Impressions and experiences of the West Indies and North America in 1849. Edin., etc., 1850. 2 v. 80. Frontispp.

Barnes, W. H. History of the thirty-ninth congress of the United States. N. Y., 1868. 80. pp. 636. Ports.

Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. 5th ed. L., 1887. 16o. pp. xi + 205. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart, and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Bond, J. J. Handy-book of rules and tables for verifying dates with the Christian era; giving an account of the chief eras, and systems used by different nations, etc. 4th ed. L., 1889. sm. 8°. pp. xlii + 465.

Bresslau, H. Handbuch der Urkundenlehre für Deutschland und Italien. rer Bd. Lpz., 1889. 8°. Browning, O. Modern England, 1820-85. 8th ed. L., 1888. 16o. pp. v + 77. (Creighton, Rev. M., editor. Epochs of English history.) Bryce, J. The Holy Roman Empire. [8th, library ed.] L., etc., 1889. 80. pp. xxvii +451.

Buxton, C. Memoirs of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, baronet, with selections from his correspondence; edited by his son. L., 1848. 80. pp. xvi 600. Port.

Camden Society, London. [Publications.] New series. [Vol. xliii., xliv.] [L.,] 1888. sm. 4.

Contents:- [xliii.] Jessopp, Rev. A., editor. Visitations of the diocese of Norwich, 1492-1532. [xliv.] Pocock, R., successively Bp. of Ossory and of Meath. England, 1750, 1751 edited by J. J. Cartwright. Vol. ii.

Canada Archivist. Report on Canadian archives by D. Brymner. 1885. Ottawa, 1886. 80. -Senate. [Third] report of the committee to enquire into the resources of the Great Mackenzie basin, 1888. Ottawa, 1888. 80. pp. 310. Maps.

Capes, W. W. The Roman Empire of the second century; or, The age of the Antonines. 4th ed. L., 1887. 16o. pp. xi +(2) + 216. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart., and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Roman history: the early empire from the assassination of Julius Cæsar to that of Domitian. 6th ed. L., 1887. 169. pp. xiv (4) + 230. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart., and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Child. H., compiler. Gazetteer and business directory of Tompkins county, N. Y., for 1868. Syracuse, 1863. 80. pp. 240. Map.

Church, Rev. R. W. The beginning of the middle ages. New ed. L., 1887. 160. pp. xxii + 216. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Clarkson, Rev. T. Abolition of the African slave-trade, by the British parliament; abridged, with a brief view of the present state of the slavetrade and of slavery. Augusta, | Me.], 1830. 2 v. 160.

Colbeck, C. The public schools historical atlas. 2d ed. L., 1885. sm. 4o. pp. 35. Maps.

Connecticut-Commissioners on Boundary be tween Rhode Island and Connecticut. Report, Jan., 1888. Middletown, Conn., 1888. 8o. pp. 41. Map in pocket.

Connecticut Historical Society. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state of Connecticut, by the Connecticut Historical Society and the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield. Hartford, Conn., 1889. 8°. pp. 98.

Conwell, R. H. Life and public services of Rutherford B. Hayes. Bost., etc, [1876]. sm. 8°. Pp. 328. Ports. and wdets.

Contains also a sketch of William A. Wheeler.

Cox, Sir G. W., bart. The Athenian empire.


5th ed. L., 1887. 16°. pp. xvii + 247. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart., and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

The crusades. 7th ed. L., 1887. 16°. pp. xx220. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

The Greeks and the Persians. 5th ed. L., 1886. 16°. pp xx+211. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart., and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Cox, S. S. Union, disunion, reunion; three decades of federal legislation, 1855 to 1885; personal and historical memoirs during and since the civil war. Providence, R. I., 1888. 8°. pp. 726. Plates and engr. t-p.

Crane, T. F., editor. La société française au dixseptième siècle; an account of French society in the XVIIth century from contemporary writers. N. Y., etc., 1889. 160. pp. lvii + 342. Plate.

Contains, pp. 47-57, a list of works to be consulted.

Crawford, Maj. Gen. S. W. The genesis of the Civil War; the story of Sumter, 1860–1861. N. Y., 1887. 8°. pp. xxiii + (1) + 486. Plate, map and wdcts.

Creighton, L. England a continental power; from the Conquest to Magna Charta, 1066-1216. 9th ed. L., 1886. 16°. pp. iv +68+ (1). Map. (Creighton, Rev. M., editor. Epochs of English history.)

Creighton, Rev. M. The age of Elizabeth. 7th ed. L., 1887. 16°. pp. xviii+(2)+236. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

The Tudors and the Reformation. 9th ed. L, 1885. 160. pp. vi+91. Maps. (In his Epochs of English history.)

Cronholm, A. Sveriges historia under Gustaf II. Adolphs regering. Stockholm, 1857-[72]. 6 v. in 8. 8°.

Curteis, A. M. Rise of the Macedonian empire. 4th ed. L., 1886. 16°. pp. xvi +216. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart., and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Dahn, (L. J.) F. Deutsche Geschichte. 2e Hälfte. Gotha, 1888. 8°. Contents: i., 2. Bis 814.

Ier Bd.,

Dakota - Department of Immigration and Statistics. Resources of Dakota. Sioux Falls, Dakota, 1887. 8°. pp. 498. Wdcts.

Compiled by P. F. McClure.

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Gustaf Adolf. Lpz., 1869-70. 2 v. 8°. Ellis, G. E. The Puritan age and rule in the colony of the Massachusetts Bay, 1629-1685 Bost., etc., 1888. 8°. pp. xix + (1) +576. 2 plates.

sm. 8°.

Emerton, E. An introduction to the study of the Middle Ages, 375-814. Bost., 1888. pp. xviii+268. Maps.

Ethics (The) of American slavery; a vindication of the word of God and a pure Christianity in all ages, from complicity with involuntary servitude, and a demonstration that American slavery is a crime in substance and concomitants, by An American citizen. N. Y., 1861. 12°. pp. viii + 146. France Ministère de l'Instruction Publique. Collection de documents inédits sur l'histoire de France. P., 1870-72. 2 v. 4°.

Contents: le série: Histoire politique et littéraire: Thierry, (J. N.) A. Recueil des monuments inédits de l'histoire du Tiers État: Région du Nord. Tom. iv. 1870. — [Supplementary series]: Catalogue générale des manuscrits des bibliothèques publiques de départments. Tom. iv. 1872.

Ministère du Commerce et de l'industrie. Statistique générale de la France; résultats statistiques du dénombrement de 1886. Ire partie. P., etc., 1888. 8°.

Contents: -i. France.

Force, M. F. Some early notices of the Indians of Ohio; [also] To what race did the mound builders belong? Cin., 1879. 8°. pp. 75.

Foster, J., editor. Members of parliament: Scotland, including the minor barons, the commissioners for the shires, and the commissioners for the burghs, 1357-1882; on the basis of the parliamentary return 1880, with genealogical and biographical notices. ed, revised. L., etc., 1882. 1. 8°. pp. xviii + 360. (In his Collectanea genealogica. iii.)

"Privately printed."


[blocks in formation]

The houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and loss of France. 6th ed. L., 1886. 160. pp. xiii +252. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Gardiner, Mrs. B. M. C. The struggle against absolute monarchy, 1603-1688. 9th ed. L., 1887. 16°. pp. vi+(1) +84. Maps. (Creighton, Rev. M., editor. Epochs of English history.)

Gardiner, S. R. The first two Stuarts and the Puritan revolution, 1603-1660. 7th ed. L, 1887. 16°. pp. xxi + 215. Maps. (Morris, E. E, and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648. 7th ed. L., 1886. 16°. pp. xxv + 233. Map. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.) editor. Documents illustrating the impeachment of the Duke of Buckingham in 1626. ` [L.], 1889. sm. 4°. pp. xi + (2) + 305. (Camden Society. [Publications.] New series. Vol. xlv.) Great Britain - Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. Calendar of the manuscripts of the Marquis of Salisbury, preserved at Hatfield House, Hertfordshire. Pt. 2. L., 1888. 8°. Eleventh report, pt. iii.-vii. L., 8°.

1887-88. 5 pts. in 2 v.

Gregorovius, F. Geschichte der Stadt Athen im Mittelalter von der Zeit Justinian's bis zur türkischen Eroberung. Stuttg., 1889. 2 V. 8°.

H., J. A. Examination of the power of the President to remove from office during the recess of the senate. N. Y., 1861. 12°. pp. 23.

Hale, Rev. E. The fall of the Stuarts and western Europe, 1678-97. 4th ed. L., 1886. 16°. pp. xi + (1) +240. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Hancock, Mrs. A. D. R. Reminiscences of W. S. Hancock. N. Y., 1887. 8°. pp. xii + (1) +340. Illus.

Harden, E. J. The life of George M. Troup. Savannah, [Ga.], 1859. 8o. pp. viii + 536 + xxii.


Harrison, J. B. The latest studies on Indian reservations. Phil., 1887. sm. 80. pp. 233.

Harrisse, H. Christopher Columbus and the bank of Saint George; two letters addressed to S. L. M. Barlow. N. Y., 1888. 1. 4o. pp. 126. Plate and fac-sims.

No. 66 of 150 copies printed for private distribution, and presented by the late S. L. M. Barlow.

Healy, Capt. M. A. Report of the cruise of the revenue marine steamer Corwin in the Arctic Ocean in the year 1885. Wash., 1887. 4o. pp. 102. Illus. (U. S. -House of Rep. Executive Documents.

49th congress, Ist session, no. 153)

Hearne, T. Remarks and collections. Vol. iii. Edited by C. E. Doble. Oxf., 1889. 8°. (Oxford Historical Society. [Publications.] xiii.)

[Higginson, F. J.] Remarks on slavery and emancipation. Bost., 1834. 12o. pp. (4) + 105.

Hill, Rev. P. G. Fifty days on board a slavevessel in Mozambique Channel, in April and May, 1843. L., 1844. 16o. pp. (5) + 115. Map.

Holm, A. Geschichte Siciliens im Alterthum. Lpz., 1870-74. 2 v. bd. in 1. 8°. Maps.

Horsford, E. N. The problem of the Northmen; a letter to Judge Daly on the opinion of Justin Winsor that "Though Scandinavians may have reached the shores of Labrador, the soil of the United States has not one vestige of their presence." Camb., [Mass.], 1889. 1. 4°. pp. 23. Plates and maps.

Ihne, (J. A. F.) W. Early Rome, from the foundation of the city to its destruction by the Gauls. 4th ed. L., 1886. 16o. pp. xix + 207. Maps. (Cox, Sir G. W., bart, and C. Sankey, editors. Epochs of ancient history.)

Jefferson County Historical Society. Transactions. 1886, '87. Watertown, N. Y., 1887. 8°. Map and ports.

Johnson, Rev. A. H. The Normans in Europe. 4th ed. L., 1886. 160. pp. xvii + 260. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Johnson, R. U. and C. C. Buel, editors. Battles and leaders of the Civil War. N. Y., [cop. 188788]. 4 v. 1. 8°. Illus.

Johnston, G. History of Cecil county, Maryland, and the early settlements around the head of the Chesapeake bay and on the Delaware river, with sketches of some of the old families of Cecil county. Elkton, [Md.], 1881. 80, pp. xi + 548 + xii. Map.

[Jones, J.] An impartial narrative of the most important engagements between his Majesty's forces and the rebels during the Irish rebellion, 1798. Ist American ed. Cambridge, N. Y. n. d. 120. PP. 237.

Jones, J. Letters. 1777-87. Wash., 1889. sm. 4°. pp. xiv + 157.

Edited by W. C. Ford. No. 218 of 250 copies. "The letters printed in this volume are principally from Judge Jones to Madison. [Their] interest lies mainly in the careful picture they give of the condition of Virginia politics subsequent to the treaty of peace with Great Britain."

Jusserand, J. (A. A.) J. English wayfaring life in the Middle Ages, XIVth century; translated from the French by L. T. Smith. N. Y., etc., 1889. Kiepert, H. Specialkarte des deutschen Reichlandes Elsass-Lothringen. 2e Ausg. Berl., Reimer, 1888. Size, 101 X 83 cm. Scale, 1:250,000. Folded, in portfolio.

Kingman, L. W. The Isbell and Kingman families; some records of Robert Isbell and Henry Kingman and their descendants. Owego, [N. Y.Í, 1889. 1. 4°. pp. 30.


'Seventy-five copies printed. No. 21."

Königlich Baierische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu München · Historische Com28er

mission. Allgemeine deutsche Biographie. Bd. Lpz., 1889. 8°.

Contents:- xxviii. Reinbeck



Die Chroniken der deutschen Städte vom 14. bis ins 16. Jahrhundert. 21er Bd. Lpz., 1889. 80.

Contents: - xxi. Soest; [herausgegeben von J. Hansen]. Longman, F. W. Frederick the Great and the Seven Years' War. 2d ed. L., 1886. 16o. pp. xii 252. Map. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Lalanne, (M.) L. (C.) Dictionnaire historique de la France. 2e éd. P., 1877. 80. pp. iii +1867. Ludlow, J. M. The war of American independence, 1775-1783. 4th ed. L. 1888. 160. pp. xviii+(1) + 247. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Macaulay, T. B. M., 1st baron. Lord Clive; edited and annotated by H. C. Bowen. New ed. L., 1886. 160. pp. lxxviii + 142. (Hales, J. W., and C. S. Jerram, editors. The London series of English classics.)

McCarthy, J. The epoch of reform, 1830-1850. L., 1882. 160. Pp. xv+210. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

McCord, F. A. Hand-book of Canadian dates. Montreal, [Can.], 1888. 120. pp. (5) + 102.

Mann, H. Speech on the right of Congress to legislate for the territories of the United States and its duty to exclude slavery therefrom; delivered in the House of Representatives, in committee of the whole, June 30, 1848. To which is added, a letter from Hon. Martin Van Buren and Rev. Joshua Leavitt. Bost., 1848. I 20. pp. 48.

Margaret, of Austria, duchess of Parma. Correspondance avec Phillippe II.; publiée par Gachard. Bruxelles, 1867-81. 3 v. 4o. Fac-sim. (France Ministre de l'Intérieur. Correspondances françaises des gouverneurs généraux des pays-bas.)

Contents:-i. 14 août, 1559 16 novembre, 1561.-ii. 19 décembre, 1561-6 juin, 1563. --iii. 6 juillet, 1563-3 février, 1565.

Massachusetts Historical Society. Collections. 6th series, vol. iii. Bost., 1889. 8°. Port.

Contents:-liii.] Winthrop papers. Part v.

Meagher, Gen. T. F., compiler. Speeches on the legislative independence of Ireland; with introductory notes. N. Y., 1853. 120. pp. xxii + 317.


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Moberly, Rev. C. E. The early Tudors: Henry VII., Henry VIII. L., 1887. 16. pp. xvi + 243. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Morin, G. Histoire critique de la commune. P., 1871. 120. pp. 279. La commune. La com

Contents:- Le comité central. mune au point de vue socialiste. La commune au point de vue politique.

Moritz, K. P. Travels in England, in 1782. * N. Y., [1886]. 240. pp. 192. (Morley, H., editor. Cassell's national library. i., no. 46.)

Morris, E. E. The age of Anne. 5th ed. L., 1886. 16o. pp. xxiii+242. Maps. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.) The early Hanoverians. L., 1886. 16o. pp. xxiii + 229. Maps and plans. (Morris, E. E., and others, editors. Epochs of modern history.)

Nitzsch, K. W. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes bis zum Augsburger Religionsfrieden; nach dessen hinterlassenen Papieren und Vorlesungen herausgegeben von G. Matthäi. Lpz., 1883-85. 3 v. bd. in 2. 8°.

Contents:i. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes bis zum Ausgang der Ottonen. ii. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes im eilften und zwölften Jahrhundert. iii. Geschichte des deutschen Volkes vom Tode Heinrichs vi. bis zum Augsburger Religionsfrieden.

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Ohio Roster Commission. Official roster of the soldiers of the state of Ohio in the war of the rebellion. Vol. 6-8. Akron, O., etc., 1888. 3 v. 8o.

Orford, H. WALPOLE, 4th earl. Memoirs of the reign of King George the Second; edited by Lord Holland. L., 1846. 3 v. 80. Ports.

Parker, Rev. S. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M. in 1835, '36, and '37, containing a description of the geography, geology, climate, productions of the country, and the numbers, manners, and customs of the natives. 3d ed. Ithaca, N. Y., 1842. 120. pp. xvi + 408. Map and plate.

Perry, Mrs. E. F. (M.), compiler. In memoriam, Benjamin Franklin Perry. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Greenville, S. C., 1887. 8o. pp. 98.

compiler. Tribute to Benjamin Franklin Perry. Ist ed. Greenville, S. C., [1888]. 8°. pp. x+123. Plate.

Contains, pp. 105-123, a sketch of W. H. Perry, by E. C. In vol. lettered "In memoriam, B. F. Perry."

Philadelphia. Banquet given by the learned societies of Philadelphia at the American Academy of Music, Sept. 17, 1887, closing the ceremonies in commemoration of the framing and signing of the constitution of the United States. Phil., 1888. 80. pp. 86. Plates.

Powell, F. Y. Early England, up to the Nor man Conquest. 7th ed., revised. L., 1885. 16o. pp. vi+ (5) +124. (Creighton, Rev. M., editor. Epochs of English history.)

Quebec (Province)

Registrar. Ist report of the secretary. 1886-87. Quebec, 1888. 80. Secretary and registrar, C. A. E. Gagnon.

Contains a calendar of the archives in the office of the Registrar relating to New France.

Rand, McNally & Co. [Map of Dakota.] Chic., Rand, McNally & Co., n. d. Size, 62 X 47 cm. Scale, 15 m. to 1 inch. Folded.

Revue historique. 1-13° année. Tom. i.-xxxix. Jan., 1876-Avril, 1889. 2 m. P., [1876]-89. 39 v. 8o.

Rowley, J. The rise of the people and the growth of parliament, 1215-1485. 9th ed. L., 1887. 16o. pp. vi+111. Maps. (Creighton, Rev. M., editor. Epochs of English history.)

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