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the working classes. - Mackay, T. Investment. - Alford, Rev. B. H. Free education. - Raffalovich, A. The housing of the working classes and of the poor. - Millar, F. The evils of state trading as illustrated by the post office. O'Brien, M. D. Free libraries. - Gordon, F. W. B. The state and electrical distribution. - Herbert, A. true line of deliverance.

The Mackenzie, J. S. An introduction to social philosophy. N. Y., 1890. 8°. pp. xi + 390. Maryland General Assembly. General public statutory law and public local law, 1692 to 1839 inclusive; with annotations and index; by C. Dorsey. Balt., 1840. 3 v. 8o.

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Revised by A. C. Magruder and O. Scott.

Mason, E. C. The veto power, its origin, development and function in the government of the United States, 1789-1889; edited by A. B. Hart. Bost., 1890. 8°. pp. 232. (Harvard historical monographs. 1.)

Massachusetts (Colony) - General Court. Acts and resolves, public and private, of the province of the Massachusetts Bay. Prefixed, the charters of the province; with historical and explanatory notes, and an appendix. Bost., 1869-86. 5 v. 8°.

Contents:- i. 1692-1714. ii. 1715-1741.— iii. 17421756. iv. 1757-1768. - v. 1769-1780. Edited by E. Ames and A. C. Goodell.

(State) Laws, 1780-1800; with the constitutions of the United States, and of the Commonwealth, prefixed. Added, an appendix, containing acts and clauses of acts, from the laws of the late colony, province, and state of Massachusetts, which either are unrevised or respect the title of real estate. Vol, i. Bost., 1801. 80.

Laws, Nov. 28, 1780-Feb. 28, 1807; with the constitutions of the United States and of the Commonwealth, prefixed. Added, at the end of the second volume, an appendix, containing acts and clauses of acts, from the laws of the late colony, province, and state of Massachusetts, which either are unrevised or respect the title of real estate. Vol. ii., iii. Bost., 1807. 2 v. 80.

Public and general laws, Feb. 28, 1807-Feb. 16, 1816. Vol. iv. Bost., 1816. 80. Michigan Bureau of Labor and Industrial Statistics. 8th annual report. Lansing, 1891. 8°. State Board of Health. Laws of Michigan relating to public health, in force in 1890; compiled under the direction of the secretary; supplement to the annual report of the Board for 1889. Lansing, 1889. 80. pp. iv + (1) + 175.

Mulcaster, R. Positions; with an appendix, containing some account of his life and writings, by R. H. Quick. L., etc., 1888. 8o. pp. xxii + 309. Neilson, G. Trial by combat. N. Y., 1891. 12o. pp. xvi + 348.

New Jersey- Bureau of Statistics of Labor and Industries. 12th annual report. 1889. Trenton, 1890. 8°.

Legislature. Laws. Revised. Trenton, 1821. 80. pp. xxvii + 900.

New York (State) — Bureau of Statistics of Labor. 7th annual report. 1889. Albany, 1890. 8°. New York Produce Exchange. Annual statistical report. 1883-84. N. Y., 1884–85. 2 v. 8o. The statistical reports for 1872-82, '87-90, are appended to the general Reports. For 1884-86 none were published.

Report. 1883-90. N. Y., 1883-90. 8 v. 8o. For 1883 a semi-annual report, Jan. 1st to July 1st, was issued, since when the annual reports are dated July 1st. The previous volumes, 1872-1882, are in the Library. Die Moralstatistik in ihrer

Oettingen, A. von. Bedeutung für eine Socialethik. 3o, vollständig umgearbeitete Aufl.; mit tabellarischem Anhang. Erlangen, 1882. 8°. pp. xvi + 832+ clii.

Ohio - Commissioner of Railroads and Telegraphs. [21st-23d] annual report. 1887-89. Columbus, 1888-90. 2 v. 80. Maps.

General Assembly - 69th Assembly - Regular Session. General and local acts passed and resolutions adopted. Columbus, 1890. 80.

House of Representatives. Journal, 64th69th session. Vol. lxxvi. lxxxvii. 1880-1890. Columbus, Sandusky, etc., 1880-90. 12 v. 80.

Vol. lxxxvii, for the extraordinary session of October, 1890, is bound with the Senate Journal for the same session.

Secretary of State. Annual report for 1889. Columbus, 1889. 8°.

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Contents: The methods of jurisprudence. - English opportunities in historical and comparative jurisprudence. - The king's peace. - Oxford law studies. The English manor. Sir Henry Maine and his work. - Religious equality. - Home rule and imperial sovereignty. Examinations and education. The uses and ordering of law libraries. - The library of the Alpine Club. -The forms and history of the sword. - Index. Rhode Island · General Assembly. Public laws of the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, as revised by a committee, and finally enacted by the General Assembly, January, 1798. Prefixed, the charter, Declaration of Independence, Constitu tion of the United States, and President Washington's Address, September, 1796. Providence, 1798. 8o. pp. 652.

Schmidt, K. Geschichte der Pädagogik in der vorchristlichen Zeit, umfassend die Erziehung bei den Naturvölkern, im Oriente, bei den Griechen und Römern. 4° Aufl., von E. Hannak. 1er Bd. Cöthen, 1890. 8°. pp. xxxii + 958. Port.

Contents:i. Geschichte der Pädagogik, dargestellt in weltgeschichtlicher Entwicklung und im organischen Zusammenhang mit dem Kulturleben der Völker; von F. Dittes und E. Hannak.

Séhé, D., and G. Strehly. Manuel des exercices physiques à l'usage des écoles primaires; illustrations d'A. Guillaume. P., 1890. 8°. pp. 136. Plates and wdcts.

Smith, A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations; with an introductory essay and notes by J. S. Nicholson. L., 1887. 80. pp. vi + 3-447.

Statistisches Jahrbuch der höheren Schulen und heilpädagogischen Anstalten Deutschlands, Luxemburgs, und der Schweiz. Neue Folge von Mushackes Schulkalender, II. Teil., XI. Jahrg [re, 2e Abth.] Lpz., 1890. 2 v. 160.

Stölzel, A. Brandenburg-Preussens Rechtsverwaltung und Rechtsverfassung dargestellt im Wirken seiner Landesfürsten und obersten Justizbeamten. Berl., 1888. 2 V. 8o.

Sumner, Rev. W. G. Lectures on the history of protection in the United States, before the International Free-Trade Alliance. N. Y., 1884. 8°. pp. 64.

Tennessee (Territory) - House of Representatives. Journal of Proceedings. 1794. Knoxville, 1794. (Reprint.) Nashville, 1852. pp. 20.

Bd. with the 4 following:

Tennessee (Territory) Legislative Council. Journal of proceedings. 1794-1795. Knoxville, 1794-95. (Reprint.) Nashville, 1852. 2 pts. 80. Constitutional Convention, 1796. Journal of proceedings. Knoxville, 1796. (Reprint.) Nashville, 1852. 80. pp. 32.

(State) House of Representatives. Journal. [1st, 2d session.] 1796. Knoxville, 1796. (Reprint.) Nashville, 1852. 2 pts. 8°.

Senate. Journal. [1st, 2d session.] 1796. Knoxville, 1796. (Reprint.) Nashville, 1852. 2 pts. 8°.

Theta Delta Chi [Fraternity]. The shield; a magazine published quarterly in the interests of Theta Delta Chi. Vol. vi. Elmira, N. Y., [1890]. 8°. Plates and wdcts.

Thornton, J. P. Training for health, strength, speed, and agility. N. Y., 1890. sm. 80. pp. 260. Plates and wdcts.

U.S.-Congress. Congressional record; containing the proceedings and debates of the 49th Congress, Ist session-51st Congress, Ist session. Vol. xviii.-xxi. [Dec. 6, 1886-Oct. 1, 1890.] Wash., 1887-[90]. 4 v. in 27. 4o.

Same. Index. 49th Congress, 2d session51st Congress, Ist session. Wash., 1887-190]. 4 V. 4.

[ocr errors]

Education Bureau. Circulars of information. 1889. 1-3. Wash., 1889, 3 nos. bd. in I v. 8°. Plates

House of Representatives. Digest and manual of the rules and practice of the House. Included, the Constitution of the United States, with the amendments thereto, and so much of Jef ferson's manual of parliamentary practice as under rule XLIV. governs the House; compiled by H. H. Smith. Wash., [1890]. 8°. pp. iv + (1) + 650.

Internal Revenue Office. Report of the commissioner of internal revenue for the year ended June 30, 1890. Wash., 1890. 8o.

Interstate Commerce Commission. ports and decisions. Vol iii. N. Y., 1890. 8o. Contents:-iii. March 25, 1888-May 21, 1889.

Ixiv +424. (Richter, K., editor. Pädagogische Bibliothek xvi.)

Walker, F. A. Political economy. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. N. Y., 1888. 80. pp. vi + (1) +537 (American science series: advanced course.) Wisconsin-Bureau of Labor Statistics. 4th biennial report of the commissioner of labor and industrial statistics. 1888-1889. Madison, 1890. 8°. Woodward, C. M. Manual training in education. N. Y., 1890. sm. 8°. pp. viii+310. (Ellis, H., editor. The contemporary science series.) Worms, E. L'Allemagne économique; ou, Histoire du Zollverein allemand. P., 1874. 80. pp. vii + 631 + (1).

Year-book (The) of commerce; an annual, statistical volume of reference, prepared with the object of showing the movement of the foreign trade and general economic position of the leading countries of the world. 2d year. L., 1890. 8°.

Compiled under the authority of the London Chamber of Commerce. Edited by K. B. Murray.


Including Medicine and Surgery. Annales des sciences naturelles. [7e série]: Zoologie, etc., tom. ix., x. P., 1890. 2 v. 80.

Ball, W. P. Are the effects of use and disuse inherited? An examination of the view held by Spencer and Darwin. L., etc., 1890. sm. 8o. pp. xii 156. (Nature series.)

Basset, A. B. An elementary treatise on hydrodynamics and sound. Camb., etc., 1890. 8°. pp. (199.)

Leitfaden der botanischen

Braunsch., 1890. 80. pp. viii+

Behrens, W. J. Mikroskopie. 208. Figs Re

Labor Bureau. 5th annual report of the commissioner of labor. 1889. Wash., 1890. 8°. Map.

Contents: - v. Railroad labor.

By an act approved June 13, 1888, the Bureau of Labor was abolished and the Department of Labor created, and the work undertaken by the Bureau was carried out by the Department, there being no change in the official designation of the head of the office This is the 1st annual report of the Department. Mint. Annual report of the director for the year ended June 30, 1889. Wash., 1889. 8°. Treasury Department. Reports of the Secretary Prefixed, the reports of Alexander Hamilton on public credit, a national bank, manufactures, and the establishment of a mint. Vol. i.-iii. Wash., 1837 3 v. 8o.

[blocks in formation]

Vassar College. Addresses at the celebration of the completion of the twenty-fifth academic year of Vassar College, June, 1890. n. p., [1890]. 8°. pp. 96.

Virginia - General Assembly Revised code of laws; a collection of all such acts of the General Assembly, of a public and permanent nature, as are now in force; with a general index. Prefixed, the Constitution of the United States, the declaration of rights, and the Constitution of Virginia. Richmond, 1819. 2 v. 80.

Vives, J. L. Ausgewählte pädagogische Schriften; übersetzt und mit Einleitung und Anmerkungen versehen von R. Heine. Lpz., [1881?] 80. pp.

Billings, J. S. Description of Johns Hopkins Hospital. Balt., 1890. 42. pp. 116+(34). Figs. and 56 plates. (Johns Hopkins Hospital. Publications.)

Blair, J. A The organic analysis of potable waters. L., 1890. sm. 8°. pp. viii+118. Plates. Bouley, H., and others, editors. Nouveau dictionnaire pratique de médecine, de chirurgie et d'hygiène vétérinaires. Tom. xiv.-xviii. P., 188890. 5 v. 8°.

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Contents:- xiv. N-CE Oi Par. xvi. -XV. Per. xvii. Pes-Pouls. xviii. Poumon-Ration These vols. are edited by A. Sanson, L. Trasbot, and E. Nocard

Boussinesq, J. B. J. D. Cours d'analyse infinitésimale, en vue de ses applications mecaniques et physiques. Tom. ii. P, 1890. I v. in 2. 8°. Contents: -ii. Calcul intégral.

British Association for the Advancement of Science. Report of the 59th meeting. 1889. L., etc., 1890. 8°. Figs. and plates.

Burnett, W. I. The cell; its physiology, pathology, and philosophy, as deduced from original investigations. Added, Its history and criticism. [Bost., 1853.] 80. pp. (2) + 647-832. Figs.

Extracted from the Transactions of the American Medical Association. Vol. vi. 1853

Cruikshank, W. The anatomy of the absorbing vessels of the human body. 2d ed., enlarged, and illustrated with additional plates. L., 1790. 4o. pp. 214. 5 plates.

Davies, D. C. A treatise on earthy and other minerals, and mining. 2d ed. L., 1888. sm. 8°. pp. xvi +336. Figs.

Denny, H. Monographia anoplurorum Britanniæ; or, An essay on the British species of parasitic insects belonging to the order anoplura of Leach, with the modern divisions of the genera according to the views of Leach, Nitzsch, and Burmeister. L., 1842. 80. pp. xxiv + 262. 26 plates.

Dingeldey, F. Topologische Studien über die aus ringförmig geschlossenen Bändern durch ge. wisse Schnitte erzeugbaren Gebilde. Lpz., 1890. 8o. pp. vii (1) + 54. Figs. and 5 tables.

Dittmar, W. Chemical arithmetic. Pt. I. Glasg., 1890. 8°. pp. xvi + 175.

Contents: i. A collection of tables, mathematical, chemical, and physical, for the use of chemists and others.

Edinger, L. Twelve lectures on the structure of the central nervous system, for physicians and students; translated [from the 2d revised ed.] by W. H. Vittum, edited by C. E. Riggs. Phil., etc., 1890. 80. pp. xii + 230. Figs.

The original German, 2e Aufl., Lpz., 1889, is also in the Library.

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Foster, M., and J. N. Langley. A course of elementary practical physiology and histology. 6th ed. L., etc., 1888. sm. 80. pp. (4) + 412 + (1). Plate and figs.

The 2d ed, L., 1877, is also in the Library.

Foville, A. L. Traité complet de l'anatomie, de la physiologie, et de la pathologie du système nerveux cérébro-spinal. Ire partie: Anatomie. P., 1844. 8°. pp. xvi + 676, and Atlas of 25 plates, 4o. No more published.

Friedlein, G. Die Zahlzeichen und das elementare Rechnen der griechen und Römer und des christlichen Abendlandes vom 7. bis 13. Jahrhundert. Erlangen, 1869. 8°. pp. v +(1) + 164. 11 tables.

Galton, F. English men of science; their nature and nurture. L., 1874. 8°. pp. xii + (1) + 270. Hereditary genius; an inquiry into its laws and consequences. New and revised ed., with an American preface. N. Y., 1887. 120. Pp. xii +390. L., etc., 1889. 8°.

Natural inheritance.

pp ix + 259.

Gauss, K. F. Die vier Gauss'schen Beweise für die Zerlegung ganzer algebraischer Functionen in reelle Factoren ersten oder zweiten Grades, (17991849); herausgegeben von E. Netto. Lpz., 1890. sm. 80. pp. 81.

Groth, P. (H.) Tabellarische Übersicht der Mineralien nach ihren krystallographisch-chemischen Beziehungen. 3, vollständig neu bearbeitete Aufi. Braunsch., 1889. 1. 8o. pp. x + 167 + (1).

Hackel, E. The true grasses; translated from Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, by F. LamsonScribner and E. A. Southworth. N. Y., 1890. 8°. pp. viii+228. Frontisp. and wdcts.

Helmholtz, R. von. Die Licht- und Wärmestrahlung verbrennender Gase. Berl., 1890. 4°. pp. viii+79. Figs.

"Gekrönte Preisarbeit des Vereins zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses in Deutschland (Berlin)."

[blocks in formation]

Contents:- Introduction, on the life and writings of Hewson, with a history of the coagulation of the blood. - List of Hewson's writings. Experimental inquiries: 1-3. 1. An inquiry into the properties of the blood; with remarks on some of its morbid appearances, and an appendix relating to the discovery of the lymphatic system in birds, fish, and the animals called amphibious. -2. A description of the lymphatic system in the human subject, and in other animals; with observations on the lymph, and the changes which it undergoes in some diseases. - 3. A description of the red particles of the blood in the human subject and in other animals; with an account of the structure and offices of the lymphatic glands, of the thymus gland, and of the spleen; [edited] by M. Falconer. A letter to J. Haygarth. The operation of the paracentesis thoracis, proposed for air in the chest; with some remarks on the emphysema, and on wounds of the lungs in general. - Description of the plates. General index.

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Bd. i. is "Unter Special-Redaction von A. Wernich; Bd. ii.-vi. are "Unter Special-Redaction von E. Gurlt."

Houston, E. J. A dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases. N. Y., 1889. sq. 16o. pp. iv +640+15. Figs.

Howe, H. M. The metallurgy of steel. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Vol. i. N. Y., 1891. fo. Plates and figs.

Jones, R. H. Asbestos; its properties, occurrence, & uses; with some account of the mines of Italy and Canada. L., 1890. sm. 8o. pp. xii + 236. Plates and wdcts.

Julius, W. H. Die Licht- und Wärmestrahlung verbrannter Gase. Berl., 1890. 4o. pp. (2) + 86. 4 plates.

"Gekrönte Preisarbeit des Vereins zur Beförderung des Gewerbfleisses in Deutschland (Berlin)."

Ladenburg, A., editor. Handwörterbuch der Chemie. 8er Bd Breslau, 1890. 80. Wdcts. (Encyklopædie der Naturwissenschaften. 2€ Abth., 3er Th.)

Leech, J. H. British pyralides, including the pterophorida. L., 1886. sm. 80. pp. viii+121 +(1). 18 plates.

Mann, L. Die Atomgestalt der chemischen Grundstoffe. Berl., 1883. 8°. pp. 43. Table.

Marshall, H., compiler. Arbustrum Americanum, the American grove; or, An alphabetical catalogue of forest trees and shrubs, natives of the United States, arranged according to the Linnæan system; containing the particular distinguishing characters of each genus, with plain, simple and familiar descriptions of the manner of growth, appearance, &c., of their several species and varieties, also hints of their uses in medicine, dyes, and domestic œconomy. Phil., 1785. 8°. pp. xx + 174.

Mascagni, P. Geschichte und Beschreibung der einsaugenden Gefässe, oder Saugadern des menschlichen Körpers; aus dem Lateinischen, mit einigen Anmerkungen und Zusätzen vermehrt; herausgegeben von C. F. Ludwig. Lpz., 1789. 4o. Pp. xii + 179. 7 tables.

Meckel, J. F. System der vergleichenden Anatomie. rer Th. Halle, 1821. 8°.

Contents:i. Allgemeine Anatomie.

Miller, W. J. C, editor. Mathematical questions and solutions, from the " Educational times"; with niany papers and solutions in addition to those published in the "Educational times." Vol. iii. L., 1890.


Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo.

The Missouri Botanical Garden. [St. L., 1890.] 8°. pp. 165+ (1). Port., plates and plans.

Contents:- Dimmock, T. Henry Shaw; a biographical sketch. Missouri-General Assembly. An act to enable Henry Shaw to convey or devise to trustees certain lands. Shaw, H. Will, establishing the Missouri Botanical Garden. -Deed to Washington University, for the endowment of a school of botany. - Shaw School of Botany. Inaugural exercises and address. - Report of the professor in charge. Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, Mo. First annual report of the director. The first annual flower sermon; by Rev. D. S. Tuttle. - Proceedings at the first banquet of the trustees of the Garden.


Morgan, A. P. The mycologic flora of the Miami valley, Ohio. [Cin., 1883-88.] 10 pts. 80.


Reprinted from the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Vol. vi.-xi. 1883-88.

North American fungi. [Cin., 1889-90.] 3 pts. 80. Plates.

Reprinted from the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History. Vol. xi., xii. 1889-90.

Neumann, F. Vorlesungen über die Theorie des Potentials und der Kugelfunctionen; herausgegeben von C. Neumann. Lpz., 1887. 8o. pp. xvi +364. Figs.

Newhall, C. S. The trees of northeastern America; with an introductory note by N. L. Britton. N. Y., etc., 1890. 80. pp. xiv +250. Wdcts.

Obersteiner, H. The anatomy of the central nervous organs in health and disease; translated, with annotations and additions, by A. Hill. Phil., 1890. 8°. pp. xix + 432. Figs.

Ohio - 2d Geological Survey. Preliminary report upon petroleum and inflammable gas; by E. Orton; with a supplement. Columbus, 1887. 80. pp. 200. Plates, maps and wdcts.

3d Geological Survey. 1st annual report, 1890. Columbus, O, 1890. 80.

Edward Orton, State geologist. The report for 1890 is devoted mainly to petroleum and natural gas.

Parker, T. J. A course of instruction in Zootomy; vertebrata. L., 1884. sm. 80. Pp. xxiii + 397. Figs.

39 Parkinson, J. Theatrum botanicum; the theater of plants; an herball of large extent. L. 1640.] fo. pp. 1746. Wacts..

Lacks t.-p., engr. t.-p. and port., also prefatory pp.

Inspectors of Mines. Reports of the anthracite and bituminous coal regions of Pennsylvania. 1889. Harrisburg, 1890. 8°. State Board of Agriculture - Ornitholo gist. Report on the birds of Pennsylvania, with special reference to the food-habits, based on over four thousand stomach examinations. 2d ed., revised and augmented. Harrisburg, 1890. 8°. pp. xiv +434. Plates.

B. H. Warren, ornithologist.

Quain, J. Elements of anatomy; edited by E. A. Schäfer and G. D. Thane. 10th ed. Vol. i., pt. 1, ii, pt. 1. L., 1890. 2 v. l. 8°. Wdcts.

Contents: i., 1. Embryology; by [E. A.] Schäfer. ii., 1. Osteology; by [G. D] Thane.

N. Y.,

Reyer, E. Theoretische Geologie. Stuttg., 1888. 8°. pp. xiii + 867 + (1). Plates and figs. Rosenbusch, K. H. F. Microscopical physiography of the rock-making minerals; an aid to the microscopical study of rocks; translated and abridged by J. P. Iddings. 2d, revised ed. 1889. 8°. pp. (348). Tables, plates and figs. Ross, J. On aphasia; a contribution to the subject of the dissolution of speech from cerebral disL., 1887. 8°. pp. (3) +128. Figs. Routh, E. J. A treatise on analytical statics; with examples. Vol. i. Camb., 1891. 8°. Figs. A treatise on the dynamics of a system of


rigid bodies. 5th ed., revised and enlarged. Pt. i. L., etc., 1891. 8°. Figs.

Contents:-i. Elementary part.

Royal Astronomical Society, London. Monthly notices; containing papers, abstracts of papers, and reports of the proceedings of the Society. Vol. 1. Nov., 1889-Nov., 1890.

Sargent, C. S. The silva of North America; a description of the trees which grow naturally in North America, exclusive of Mexico; illustrated with figures and analyses drawn from nature by C. E. Faxon, and engraved by P. and E. Picart. Bost., etc., 1891. [1890]. fo. Plates.

Contents: - i. Magnoliaceæ. - Ilicineæ.

Schwarz, H. A. Gesammelte mathematische Abhandlungen. Berl., 1890. 2 v. 8°. Figs. and plates.

Contents:i. Ueber die Minimalfläche, deren Begrenzung als ein von vier Kanten eines regulären Tetraeders gebildetes räumliches Vierseit gegeben ist - Bestimmung einer speciellen Minimalfläche. - Ueber ein Modell eines Minimalflächenstückes, welches längs seiner Begrenzung vier gegebene Ebenen rechtwinklig trifft. Beitrag zur Untersuchung der zweiten Variation des Flächeninhalts von Minimalflächenstücken im Allgemeinen und von Theilen der Schraubenfläche im Besonderen. - Miscellen aus dem Gebiete der Minimalflächen. Ueber diejenigen Minimalflächen, welche von einer Schaar von Kegeln zweiten Grades eingehüllt werden. - Ueber einige nicht algebraische Minimalflächen, welche eine Schaar algebraischer Curven enthalten. Sur les surfaces à courbure moyenne nulle sur lesquelles on peut limiter une portion finie de la surface par quatre droites situées sur la surface. - Ueber ein die Flächen kleinsten Flächeninhalts betreffendes Problem der Variationsrechnung. Ueber specielle zweifach zusammenhängende Flächenstücke, welche kleineren Flächeninhalt besitzen, als alle benachbarten, von denselben Randlinien begrenzten Flächenstücke. ii. Elementarer Beweis des Pohlkeschen Fundamentalsatzes der Axonometrie. - De superficiebus in planum explicabilibus primorum septem ordinum. — Ueber die geradlinigen Flächen fünften Grades. - Ueber einige Abbildungsaufgaben. - Conforme Abbildung der Oberfläche eines Tetraeders auf die Oberfläche einer Kugel. - Notizia sulla rappresentazione conforme di un' area ellittica sopra un' area circolare. - Zur Theorie der Abbildung. Ueber die Integration 2u 8 21 der partiellen Differentialgleichung + = für die 8x2 8 12 Fläche eines Kreises. Ueber einen Grenzübergang durch alternirendes Verfahren. Ueber die Integration der partiellen 8 24 8 2u Differentialgleichung + =o unter vorgeschriebenen 8x2 832 Grenz und Unstetigkeitsbedingungen. - Mittheilung über diejenigen Fälle, in welchen die Gaussische hypergeometrische Reihe F (a, B, Y, x) eine algebraische Function ihres vierten Elementes darstellt. Zur Integration der partiellen Differen822 8 211 + 8x2 8y2


o. Ueber diejenigen Fälle, in

tialgleichung welchen die Gaussische hypergeometrische Reihe eine algebraische Function ihres vierten Elementes darstellt. Ueber ebene algebraische Isothermen. — Beispiel einer stetigen nicht differentiirbaren Function. - Ueber ein vollständiges System von einander unabhängiger Voraussetzungen zum Beweise des Satzes ((x, 2)) = ( 1 (x, y)). - Ueber diejenigen



8 δν 8x algebraischen Gleichungen zwischen zwei veränderlichen Grössen, welche eine Schaar rationaler, eindeutig umkehrbarer Transformationen in sich selbst zulassen - Essai d'une démonstration d'un théorème de Géométrie, rédigé sur l'invitation de C. Hermite. Verallgemeinerung eines analytischen Fundamental. satzes. Auszug aus einem Briefe an F. Klein. - Démonstration élémentaire d'une propriété fondamentale des fonctions interpolaires. - -Sur une définition erronée de l'aire d'une surface courbe. Bestimmung der scheinbaren Grösse eines Ellipsoids für einen beliebigen Punkt des Raumes. - Zur conformen Abbildung der Fläche eines Rechtecks auf die Fläche einer Halbkugel. - Beweis des Satzes, dass die Kugel kleinere Oberfläche besitzt, als jeder andere Körper gleichen Volumens. Beweis eines für die Theorie der trigonometrischen Reihen in Betracht kommenden Hülfssatzes. Beweis des Satzes, dass unter allen einem spitzwinkligen Dreiecke eingeschriebenen Dreiecken das Dreieck der Höhenfusspunkte den kleinsten Umfang hat. Bemerkung zu der Mittheilung des Herrn Weierstrass Zur Theorie der aus n Haupteinheiten gebildeten complexen Grössen.

Scott, R. H. Elementary meteorology. 5th ed. L., 1890. sm. 80. pp. xiv +410. Plates and figs. (International scientific series. xlvi.)

Seegen, J. La glycogénie animale; traduction par L. Hahn. P., 1890. 8°. pp. x + 248.

Siebold, P. F. von. Flora Japonica; sive, Plantae quas in imperio Japonico collegit, descripsit, ex parte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit P F. de Siebold. Sectio prima digessit J. G. Zuccarini. Lugduni Batavorum, 1835-[44]. fo. 127 plates.

Contents:i. Continens plantas ornatui vel usui inservientes; centuria prima [et altera, tabb. 1-127].

Smith, Sir J. E. The natural history of the rarer lepidopterous insects of Georgia, including their systematic characters, the particulars of their several metamorphoses, and the plants on which they feed; collected from the observations of J. Abbot. L., 1797. 2 v. fo. Colored plates.

French and English.

Smith, J. T. The ventriculidæ of the chalk, their microscopic structure, affinities, and classification, including figures and descriptions of every species. L., 1848. 8°. pp. iv 108. Figs. and 6 plates.

Reprinted from Annals and magazine of natural history. Ist series, vol. xx., 1847; 2d series, vol. i., 1848.

Presented by Miss Lucy Toulmin Smith, daughter of the


Sömmerling, S. T. von. Vom Baue des menschlichen Körpers. Neue umgearbeitete und vervollständigte Original-Ausgabe. 6er Bd. Lpz., 1841. 8°. Plates and wdcts.

Contents: vi. Allgemeine Anatomie; Lehre von den Mischungs- und Formbestandtheilen des menschlichen Körpers, von J. Henle.

Spallanzani, L., abate. Expériences pour servir à l'histoire de la génération des animaux et des plantes; avec une ébauche de l'histoire des êtres organisés avant leur fécondation, par J. Senebier. Genève, 1785. 80. pp. xcvi + 413. 2 tables.

Expériences sur la circulation observée dans l'universalité du système vasculaire, les phénomènes de la circulation languissante, les mouvemens du sang indépendans de l'action du cœur, la pulsation des artères; ouvrage traduit de l'italien avec des notes, précédé d'une esquisse de la vie littéraire de l'auteur, par J. Tourdes. P., [An] 8. (1800). 80. pp. (3) + 410. Plate.

Mémoires sur la respiration; traduits en français par J. Senebier. Genève, An XIII. (1803). 80. pp. viii+ 373+ (1).

Opuscules de physique, animale et végétale, augmentés de ses expériences sur la digestion de l'homme & des animaux; traduits de l'italien par J. Senebier; on y a joint plusieurs lettres relatives à ces opuscules écrites à Spallanzani par C. Bonnet & par d'autres naturalistes célèbres. Pavie, etc., 1787. 2 v. 80.

Half title, Œuvres, tom. i., ii.

Starr, M. A. Familiar forms of nervous disease. N. Y., 1890. 80. pp. xii + 339. Wdcts. Tait, P. G. Light. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Edin., 1889. sm. 8°. pp. xii + 294. Figs. Technisch-chemisches Jahrbuch. April, 1889April, 1890. 12er Jahrg. Berl., 1891. 80. Figs. Thompson, S. P. Lectures on the electromagnet. Authorized American ed. N. Y., 1891. 16o. pp. 287. Figs.

Thorpe, T. E., editor. A dictionary of applied chemistry. Vol. i. L., etc., 1890. 8°. Figs. Contents:i. Aal-Dysodyl.

[blocks in formation]

National Museum. Proceedings. Vol. xi. 1888. Wash., 1889. 80. Illus.

Nautical Almanac Office. The American ephemeris and nautical almanac for 1893. Ist ed. Wash., 1890. 1. 8°.

Wagner, R. Vorstudien zu einer wissenschaftlichen Morphologie und Physiologie des menschlichen Gehirns als Seelenorgan. Göt., 1860–62. 2 pts. in I v. 4°. Plates.

Contents: i. Ueber die typischen Verschiedenheiten der Windungen der Hemisphären und über die Lehre vom Hirngewicht mit besonderer Rücksicht auf die Hirnbildung intelligenter Männer. ii. Über den Hirnbau der Mikrocephalen mit vergleichender Rücksicht auf den Bau des Gehirns der normalen Menschen und der Quadrumanen.

Wanklyn, J. A., and W. J. Cooper. Airanalysis; a practical treatise on the examination of air; with an appendix on illuminating gas. L., 1890. sm. 8°. pp. viii + 82. Figs. and 9 plates. Watts, W. M. Index of spectra; with an introduction on the methods of measuring and map. ping spectra. Revised ed., enlarged. Manchester, Plate. 1889. 80. pp. xii + 232.

Weinstein, (M.) B. Handbuch der physikalischen Maasbestimmungen. Berl., 1886-88. v. 80.


Contents:-i. Die Beobachtungsfehler; ihre rechnerische Ausgleichung und Untersuchung. ii. Einheiten und Dimensionen, Messungen für Längen, Massen, Volumnia und Dichtigkeiten.

Williams, G. H. Elements of crystallography. N. Y., 1890. sm. 8°. pp. viii+250. Figs. and plates.

Useful and Military Arts,

Including Sports and Games.

Barlow, C. The new Tay bridge; a course of lectures at the Royal School of Military Engineering, Chatham, November, 1888. L., etc., 1889. fo. Pp. (4)+46. 22 plates.

Björling, P. R. Practical handbook on directacting pumping engine and steam pump construction. L., etc., 1889. sm. 80. pp. (3) +123. 20 plates.

Brannt, W. T., compiler. The metal worker's handy-book of receipts and processes; a collection of chemical formulas and practical manipulations for the working of all the metals and alloys, including the decoration and beautifying of articles manufactured therefrom as well as their preservation. Phil., etc., 1890. sm. 80. pp. xxiii +33-538. Figs.

Clark, D. K. A manual of rules, tables, and data for mechanical engineers. 5th ed. L., etc., 1890. 8°. pp. xxvii +984. Figs.

The steam engine; a treatise on steam engines and boilers. L., etc., 1890. 2 v. in 4. 8°. Figs. and plates.

Vol. i. contains General introduction by R. H. Thurston.

Clarke, Maj. G. S. Fortification; its past achievements, recent development, and future progress. L., 1890. 8°. pp. xiv +310. Plates, tables and wdcts.

Cole, W. H. Notes on permanent-way material, platelaying, and points and crossings. L., etc., 1890. sm. 80. pp. vii +90. 18 plates.

Cousins, R. H. A theoretical and practical treatise on the strength of beams and columns. N. Y., etc., 1889. 80. pp. ix + 170. Figs. Cross, C. S. Engineer's field book; compiled and edited by G. H. Frost. 3d ed. N. Y., 1890. 16o. pp. 98. Figs.

Eggs all the year round at fourpence per dozen. and chickens at fourpence per pound; containing

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