The present list includes books and articles published during the year 1885, with those of an earlier date which were omitted in previous numbers of this Bulletin. This record is to be continued, and, in order that it may be made as complete and accurate as possible, the members of the University are invited to co-operate by giving notice of omissions, and information of additional publications. Adams, H. C. The financial standing of states. (Four. of Social Sci., no. 19, Dec. 1884, p. 27.) Read before the Amer. Social Sci. Assoc. Sept. 9, 1884. Anthony, W. A. The mammoth tangent galvanometer at Cornell. (Electrician and Electrical Engineer, Oct. 1885. Illus.) Also, another account in the Scientific American, Sept. 19, 1885. Upon a generator in use at Cornell University for producing oxygen and hydrogen gas by means of the dynamo machine. (Abstract in Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 115.) joint author. Elementary text-book on physics; by W. A. Anthony and C. A. Brackett. Pt. 1. N. Y., 1884. 120. Contents:-Roberts, I. P. Experiments on the cost and value of stable manure. —- Feeding experiments. Ensilage for young cattle. Effect of sudden changes in the ration on the composition of the milk. Field experiments with crops. — Experiments on preparing seed for potatoes. Self-fertilization of corn. - Caldwell, G. C. Comparison of the productive effect of the same ration with different breeds of cows. - Gain of steers on a fattening ration. - Effect of a maintenance ration. -Test of sampling silage. Cost of plant food in commercial fertilizers in this state. - Miscellaneous analyses of fertilizing materials. Effect of potash salts as fertilizers for the grape. — Furry, F. E. Analyses of fodder. Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. Bost., etc., 1885. 8°. pp. xxxiv + 389. The preacher's promptuary of anecdote; by Rev. W. F. Shaw. [A review.] (Academy, vol. xxvii., p. 255.) Sicilian proverbs. (Lippincott's Magazine, vol. xxxv., p. 309.) Two medieval folk-tales. (Germania, Jahrg. xxx, p. 203.) The Cornell University library. (Evening Post, (N. Y.), Jan. 21, 1885.) Dudley, W. R. Botany. (In Appleton's annual cyclopædia, 1884, p. 90.) Flagg, I. The Seven against Thebes of Æschylus; with an introduction and notes, by Isaac Flagg. 120. Bost., 1885. pp. xii 128 + (1). Мар. Gage, S. H. The epithelium in the mouth of the necturus. (Microscope, Sept. 1885.) Presented at the meeting of the American Society of Microscopists, Aug. 1885. The limitations and value of histological investigation. (Abstract in Science, Sept. 11, 1885.) Vice-president's address before the section of Microscopy and Histology of the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., 1885. joint author. Aquatic respiration in softshelled turtles (aspidonectes and amyda); a contribution to the physiology of respiration in vertebrates. By S. H. Gage and Susanna P. Gage. (Abstract in Science, Sept. 11, 1885.) A paper presented to the section of Biology at the meeting of the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., 1885. An abstract is also given in the Scientific American Supplement, Nov. 14, 1885, and an additional note by the authors in Science, Oct. 2, 1885. Hewett, W. T. The house of Orange. (Harper's Magazine, vol. lxx., p. 501. Illus.) See also White, H. S. Englisch-amerikanische Bibliographie. Glanders Law, J. Rabies and hydrophobia.. and farcy. Anthrax. (In Pepper, W., and L. Starr, editors. System of practical medicine. Vol. i. Phil., 1885. 80. pp. 886, 909, 926.) Newbury, S. B. The action of light on silver chloride. (Amer. Chemical Jour., vol. vi., p. 407.) Roberts, I. P. See Cornell University --- Experiment Station. 2 Schaeffer, C. A. Note on tantalite and other minerals accompanying the tin ore in the Black Hills. (In Amer. Inst. of Mining Engineers. Transactions, vol. xiii., p. 231.) Thurston, R. H. A text-book of the materials of construction. N. Y., 1885. 8°. pp. xviii + 697. Diagrs. and figs. Abridged from the author's "Materials of Engineering." A treatise on friction and lost work in machinery and millwork. N. Y., 1885. 8°. pp. xi + 365. Illus. Development of the philosophy of heat engines. (Abstract in Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 276.) Education of the American citizen; an address before the Board of Trade, Scranton, Pa., Nov. 24, 1885. (Scranton Republican, Nov. 25, 1885.) The mission of science. (In Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 227.) Vice-president's address before the section of Mechanical Science of the Assoc., 1884. On the theory of the finance of lubrication and on the valuation of lubricants by consumers. (Four. of the Franklin Inst, July, Aug., 1885.) Read before the Amer. Soc. of Mechanical Engineers, May 25, 1885. On the theory of the steam engine. (In British Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Report of the 54th meeting, 1884, p. 569.) On trials of steam-engines determining laws of cylinder condensation; by C. L. Gately and A. P. Kletzsch; with an introduction by R. H. Thurston. (Four. of the Franklin Inst., Oct. 1885.) Also in London Engineer, Oct. 30, 1885, p. 341. Tuttle, H. John De Witt. (Dial, vol. vi., p. 205.) A review of A. Lefèvre-Pontalis' "Life of John De Witt." White, A. D. The presidency of Cornell University; remarks presented in accordance with the request of the Trustees that he would address them regarding the election of his successor, July 13, 1885. Ithaca, N. Y., 1885. 8°. pp. 28. On studies in general history and the his- German university notes. III-VI. nell Era, vol. xvii., pp. 173, 195, 219, 243.) (Cor Goethe's youth; a lecture. (Report in Boston Daily Advertiser, July 22, 1885.) Delivered at the Concord School of Philosophy, July 21, In memoriam: Joseph Lyman. (In Har- · Class of 1873. vard College Do the cerebellum and the oblongata rep- Encephalic nomenclature. I. Cœlian terminology: the names of the cavities of the brain and myelon. (N. Y. Medical Jour., Mar. 21, 28, the enlargement, yet complete circumscription of the Also in Four. of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. xii., (N. Y. The names of the encephalic arteries. Neuronymy. (N. Y. Medical Record, Aug. 1, On a seldom described artery (a. termatica); Also in Jour. of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. xii., On two little known cerebral fissures; with suggestions as to fissural and gyral names. (Same, P. 35.) Also in Four. of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. xii., p. 350, and abstract in Neurologisches Centralblatt, Dec. 15, 1885. Paronymy versus heteronymy as neuronymic principles; presidential address at the 11th annual meeting of the American Neurological Association, 1885. (Jour. of Nervous and Mental Disease, vol. xii., p. 21.) Abstract in Neurologisches Centralblatt, Dec. 15, 1885. The relative position of the cerebrum and the cerebellum in anthropoid apes. (Abstract in Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 527.) Some questions in anatomical nomenclature. (Abstract in Same, p. 528.) The use of slips in scientific correspondence. (Science, vol. v., p. 44.) Williams, H. S. Geographical and physical conditions as modifying fossil faunas. (Abstract in Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 422.) Notice of a new limuloid crustacean from the Devonian. (Amer. Jour. of Sci., vol. cxxx., p. 45. Illus.) Williams, S. G. Applied geology: a treatise on the industrial relations of geological structure, and on the nature, occurrence and uses of substances derived from geological sources. N. Y., 1886 [1885]. 120. pp. xii +386. Figs. General geology; abstract of lectures. Ithaca, N. Y., 1885. 80. pp. 46. The geological age, character, and origin of gypsum beds of Cayuga co., N. Y. (Abstract in Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d meeting, p. 402.) Geological relations of the gypsum deposits in Cayuga co., N. Y. (Amer. Jour. of Science, vol. CXXX., p. 212.) ADDITIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY, DECEMBER, 1885, TO FEBRUARY, 1886. Only the more important titles are given, including occasionally other than recent additions, for the purpose of correcting the old cataloguing or of calling attention to important books. Almanach de Gotha. 1886. Gotha, [1885]. 24°. Asselineau, C. Bibliographie romantique; catalogue anecdotique et pittoresque des éditions originales des œuvres de Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Prosper Mérimée, Alexandre Dumas, Jules Janin, Théophile Gautier, Pétrus Borel, etc. 3e éd., augmentée. P., 1874. 80. pp. xxxii + 335. Frontisp. Baldwin, J. The book-lover; guide to the best reading. 4th ed. Chic., 1886. 160. pp. 201. Becker, G. Catalogi bibliothecarvm antiqvi. Bonnae, 1885. 80. pp. iv + 329. Contents: - Catalogi saecvlo xIII vetvstiores. -Catalogvs catalogorvm posterioris aetatis. Boston, Mass.- Public Library. Catalogue of English prose fiction, and books for the young, in the Lower Hall; with additions and corrections. 7th ed. Aug., 1885. Bost., 1885. 1. 8°. pp. 238. British Museum - Library. Catalogue of the books printed in Iceland, 1578-1880; [compiled by T. W. Lidderdale.] L., 1885. fo. pp. 30+ (5) +lv. Contents:- Academies: 3. London. -4. Longton-Paris. Ben-Ber. - Bib-Bil. -- Bil-Bks. Bl-Bli. Bli-Bod. Boe-Boi. Boi-Bon. - Bon-Bos. - Bos-Bou. Bou-Boy. Bre-Bri.- Bri Bro. Bro-Bru. Bruc-Brux Bruy-Budc. -C-Cæs. Cæs-Caln. - Calo-Camp. Cap-Car. CariCarq. Carr-Casb. - Casb-Cat. -Cat-Caw. -Cic-Cla. - Periodical publications. 1. Aarau-Düsseldorf. — 2. EalingLobau.- 3. London. Same. Accessions. Sect. A. & B., C., D. L., 1885. 16 pts. 4o. Contents:- A. & B. New English and foreign books. Pt. lvii-lxix.-C. Old English books; also, works in foreign languages printed in England. Pt. xvi-xviii. D. Old foreign books. Pt. xxxi-xxxiii. Cushing, W. Initials and pseudonyms; a dictionary of literary disguises. N. Y., 1885. 8o. pp. iv + 603. About 2000 of the titles were supplied by A. R. Frey. Deutsche Presse (Die); Verzeichniss der im deutschen Reiche erscheinenden Zeitungen und Zeitschriften. 1er Bd. Forbach, 1885. 8o. Contents:i. Politische Zeitungen, Amts-, Local- und Anzeigeblätter. Dewey, M. Decimal classification and relativ index for arranging, cataloging and indexing libra ries, and for pamflets, notes, scrap books, index re rums, etc. 2d ed., enlarged. Bost., 1885. 80. pp. 65+ (249). Edwards, E. Free town libraries; their formation, management, and history in Britain, France, Germany, & America; with notices of book-collectors and of the respective places of deposit of their surviving collections. N. Y., etc., 80. pp. xiv + 371 + 262. Griswold, W. M. A general index to the Nation, vol. 31-40, Oct. 1880-Oct. 1885. Bangor, Me., 1885. 8°. pp. 32. Q. P. indexes, no. xviii. Catalogue. Hildeburn, C. R. A century of printing: the issues of the press in Pennsylvania, 1685-1784. Vol. i. Phil., 1885. 1. 80. Contents:i. 1685-1763. No. 77 of an ed. of 300 copies. Index Society. Publications. Vol. xiv. L., 1884. 4o. Contents:-xiv. Index of obituary notices for 1882. Johnson's new universal cyclopædia. Editorsin-chief: F. A. P. Barnard, Arnold Guyot. 2d and 3d biennial supplements. N. Y., 1885. 1. 8o. pp. 439. Illus. Kirchhoff, A. Die Handschriftenhändler des Mittelalters. 2e Ausg. Lpz., 1853. sm. 80. pp. iv + 189. Klemm, H. Beschreibender Catalog des bibliographischen Museums von Heinrich Klemm. Ie und 2e Abth. Dresden, 1884. 2 pts. in I v. Frontisp. Contents:-1, 2. Manuscripte und Druckwerke des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts. sm. 80. Gebunden in Deckel von zweitausendjährigem Holze aus den Fundamenten der ehemaligen Mainzer Römerbrücke." Kongliga Universitetet i Lund, Sweden. Acta universitatis: års-skrift. Tom. xix., xx. 1882-83, '83-'84. Lund, 1882-84. 2 V. 4o. Plates. Library Association of the United Kingdom. Transactions and proceedings of the 4th and 5th annual meetings, 1881, 1882. Edited by E. C. Thomas. L., 1884. 4o. Massachusetts Historical Society. A catalogue of paintings, engravings, busts, and miscellaneous articles belonging to the cabinet of the society. Bost., 1885. 8°. pp. 143. New York (State)-State Library. Catalogue: subject-index of the law library to Dec. 31, 1882. By S. B. Griswold. Albany, 1883. 8o. pp. viii+251. 65th-67th annual report. 1882-84. Albany, I883–85. 3 v. 8. |