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The present list includes books and articles pub-
lished during the year 1885, with those of an earlier
date which were omitted in previous numbers of this
Bulletin. This record is to be continued, and, in
order that it may be made as complete and accurate
as possible, the members of the University are in-
vited to co-operate by giving notice of omissions,
and information of additional publications.
Adams, H. C. The financial standing of states.
(Four. of Social Sci., no. 19, Dec. 1884, p. 27.)
Read before the Amer. Social Sci. Assoc. Sept. 9, 1884.
Anthony, W. A. The mammoth tangent gal-
vanometer at Cornell. (Electrician and Electrical
Engineer, Oct. 1885. Illus.)
Also, another account in the Scientific American, Sept. 19,
Upon a generator in use at Cornell Uni-
versity for producing oxygen and hydrogen gas by
means of the dynamo machine. (Abstract in Amer.
Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci. Proceedings, 33d
meeting, p. 115.).
-joint author. Elementary text-book on phys-
ics; by W. A. Anthony and C. A. Brackett. Pt. 1.
N. Y., 1884. 120.
Contents:-Roberts, I. P. Experiments on the cost and
value of stable manure. -- - Feeding experiments. Ensilage for
young cattle. Effect of sudden changes in the ration on the
composition of the milk. - Field experiments with crops. -
Experiments on preparing seed for potatoes. - Self-fertilization
of corn. - Caldwell, G. C. Comparison of the productive
effect of the same ration with different breeds of cows. Gain
of steers on a fattening ration. - Effect of a maintenance ration.
-Test of sampling silage. -Cost of plant food in commercial
fertilizers in this state. - Miscellaneous analyses of fertilizing
materials. Effect of potash salts as fertilizers for the grape. —
Furry, F. E. Analyses of fodder.
Crane, T. F. Italian popular tales. Bost., etc.,
1885. 80. pp. xxxiv + 389.
The preacher's promptuary of anecdote;
by Rev. W. F. Shaw. [A review.] (Academy, vol.
xxvii., p. 255.)
Sicilian proverbs. (Lippincott's Magazine,
vol. xxxv., p. 309.)
Two medieval folk-tales. (Germania, Jahrg.
xxx, p. 203.)
The Cornell University library. (Evening
Post, (N. Y.), Jan. 21, 1885.)
Dudley, W. R. Botany. (In Appleton's an-
nual cyclopædia, 1884, p. 90.)
Flagg, I. The Seven against Thebes of Æs-
chylus; with an introduction and notes, by Isaac
Flagg. Bost., 1885.
pp. xii+128 + (1).
Gage, S. H. The epithelium in the mouth of the
necturus. (Microscope, Sept. 1885.)
Presented at the meeting of the American Society of Micro-
scopists, Aug. 1885.
The limitations and value of histological
investigation. (Abstract in Science, Sept. 11, 1885.)
Vice-president's address before the section of Microscopy and
Histology of the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., 1885.
joint author. Aquatic respiration in soft-
shelled turtles (aspidonectes and amyda); a contribu
tion to the physiology of respiration in vertebrates.
By S. H. Gage and Susanna P. Gage. (Abstract in
Science, Sept. 11, 1885.)
A paper presented to the section of Biology at the meeting of
the Amer. Assoc. for the Adv. of Sci., 1885. An abstract is also
given in the Scientific American Supplement, Nov. 14, 1885,
and an additional note by the authors in Science, Oct. 2, 1885.
Hewett, W. T. The house of Orange. {Har-
per's Magazine, vol. lxx., p. 501. Illus.)
See also White, H. S. Englisch-amerika-
nische Bibliographie.
Law, J. Rabies and hydrophobia. - Glanders
and farcy. Anthrax. (In Pepper, W., and L.
Starr, editors. System of practical medicine. Vol. i.
Phil., 1885. 80. pp. 886, 909, 926.)
Newbury, S. B. The action of light on silver
chloride. (Amer. Chemical Jour., vol. vi., p. 407.)
Roberts, I. P. See Cornell University --- Ex-
periment Station.