"This day is seen! Now, therefore, Israel's God, His children walk, as he before Thee walked ;“This, oh, fulfil!-But will the Lord, indeed, Deign on this earth with men to dwell? Behold, Heaven, and the Heaven of heavens, cannot contain "Thee; how much less, then, can this house, which I "Have built? Yet Thou hast said that here Thou wilt, "Even here, place Thy great Name: be then Thine eye 66 Upon it day and night; and be Thine ear "Attent, to hear our prayer; the prayer to hear "Which I, and this Thy people, in this place, "With supplications make; and while Thou hearest "Our prayer, from heaven, Thy dwelling-place, forgive.” THE LITANY. "Hear us, Jehovah! Open be Thine eye "Be it our nation's sins, griefs, wants, we plead, "Or the lone heart its secrets to Thee bear, "Its guilty plague-spot, or its deep-felt need; Jehovah, hear! "If midst us strife-if between vengeful men "Offence or wrath arise-and witness clear "Attest it at Thy holy altar, then, Jehovah, hear! "And on the doer of the wrong and ill, "When Thou hast weighed the testimony clear, "Do Thou a retribution just fulfil; Jehovah, hear! "Turn on the deed Thy truth's eternal light; Jehovah, hear! "If for our guilt the fertilising rain "Be stayed, the dew, the dripping sunshine clear, "And drought the scorched and thirsty pastures drain; Jehovah, hear! "When we confess, and hither turn our eyes, "Oh send again the rain, the sunshine clear, "Let gentle showers descend, and dews arise; Jehovah, hear! "If dearth and famine come at Thy command; Jehovah, hear! “If to the field, at Thy behest, we go, Against our foe-and Thine-the sword to bear, “Oh, give our sword success against the foe; Jehovah, hear! "But if, for our own sin, subdued we fly, Yea, if from this fair land, exile and slave, "The vengeful foe Thy people conquered bear, "Then be Thine arm once more put forth to save; Jehovah, hear! "When to their land, this house, and Thee, they make "Their mournful cry, and penitential prayer, “Then, once more, for Thy Name, Thy mercy's sake, Jehovah, hear! END OF CANTO IV. CANTO V. SOLOMON. SWEET spectacle! When in the bloom of youth, The dewy morn of purity and truth, The spirit kindles with celestial fires, And to a union with its God aspires! Oh spectacle of all the sweetest, when |