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(Numerals Refer to Map No. 9.)

1 and 2.-Part of original state of Massachusetts erected into state of Maine, 1820.

3.-Part of public land of the United States.

4.-One of original thirteen states.

5.-Formed into state of Vermont in 1791 out of the state of New York. 6.-One of original thirteen states; included 1 and 2, and extended west to the Mississippi River.

7.-One of original thirteen states.

8.-One of original thirteen states; originally extended west to the Mississippi River.

9. One of original thirteen states; originally including 5; a claim of Massachusetts to portion of territory of southern New York was settled in 1786 by a convention at Hartford.

10.-One of original thirteen states.

11.-One of original thirteen states; in 1792, 89 added.

12.-One of original thirteen states.

13.-One of original thirteen states; originally embraced 13 and 14.

14.-Ceded to the United States for a capital city by Maryland in 1790. 15.-Ceded to the United States for a capital city by Virginia in 1790; retroceded to Virginia by United States in 1846.

16.-One of original thirteen states; originally embraced 15, 16, 17, 18, 31, 54, and 55.

17.-Formed into state of West Virginia out of Virginia in 1863. 18.-Formed into state of Kentucky, 1792, out of Virginia.

19.-One of original thirteen states; originally embraced 19 and 20. 20.-Ceded to United States by North Carolina in 1790, and with 23, 24, and 28 erected into the Territory south of the Ohio River; admitted as state, 1796.

21.-One of original thirteen states; originally comprised 21, 23, 24, and 28. 22.-One of original thirteen states; originally comprised 22, 25, 26, 27, and 29.

23.-Ceded by South Carolina to United States in 1787; in 1790 transferred to Territory south of Ohio River (23, 24, 28, and 20); in 1802 ceded to Georgia. 24.-Ceded by South Carolina to United States in 1787; in 1790 transferred to Territory south of Ohio River; in 1804 to Mississippi territory; in 1817 to Alabama territory, and in 1819 tó state of Alabama.

25.-Ceded by Georgia to United States, 1802; transferred to Mississippi territory, 1804; to Alabama territory, 1817; and to state of Alabama, 1819. 26.-Erected, with 27, into Mississippi territory, 1798, subject to Georgia's claims, which were ceded to the United States, 1802; to Alabama territory 1817; to state of Alabama, 1819.

27.-Same as 26 until 1817, when erected into state of Mississippi. 28.-Ceded to United States by South Carolina, 1787; erected into Territory south of Ohio River, 1790; transferred to Mississippi territory, 1804; and to state of Mississippi, 1817.

U.S. H.-23.


29.-Ceded to United States by Georgia, 1802; transferred to Mississippi territory, 1804; and to state of Mississippi, 1817.'

30.-Ceded to United States by France, 1803; transferred to Mississippi territory, 1812; and to state of Mississippi, 1817.

31.-Ceded to United States by France, 1803; transferred to Mississippi territory, 1812; to Alabama territory, 1817; state of Alabama, 1819.

32.-Ceded to United States by Spain, 1819; erected into Florida territory, 1822; into state of Florida, 1845.

33.-Ceded to United States by France, 1803; transferred to state of Louisiana, 1812.

34.-Ceded to United States by France, 1803; erected into territory of Orleans, 1804; admitted as state of Louisiana, 1812.

35.-Ceded to United States by France, 1803; included in district Louisiana in 1804; in territory Louisiana, 1805; in territory Missouri, 1812; erected into Arkansas territory, 1819; admitted as state of Arkansas, 1836. 36.-Admitted as state of Missouri, 1821.

37.-Added to state of Missouri, 1836.

38.-Annexed to territory of Michigan, 1834; to territory Wisconsin, 1836; to territory Iowa, 1838; admitted as part of state of Iowa, 1846.

39.-Same as above to and including admission to territory Iowa; transferred to state of Iowa, 1846.

40.-Same as 39; transferred from state to territory Iowa, 1846; to territory Minnesota, 1819; to state Minnesota, 1858.

41.-Annexed to territory Michigan, 1834; territory Wisconsin, 1836; tertory Iowa, 1838; territory Minnesota, 1849; state Minnesota, 1858.

42.-As above, to and including territory Minnesota, 1849; included in territory Dakota, 1861.

43.-Transferred from territory Missouri to territory Nebraska, 1854; to territory Dakota, 1861.

44.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; included in territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; to territory Indiana, 1800; to territory Illinois, 1809; to territory Michigan, 1818; to territory Wisconsin, 1836; to territory Minnesota, 1849; to state Minnesota, 1858.

45.-As above, to and including territory Wisconsin, 1836; admitted as state Wisconsin 1848.

46.-As 44, to and including territory Michigan, 1818; to state Michigan, 1837.

47.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; territory north-west Ohio River, 1787 territory Indiana, 1800; territory Michigan, 1818; territory Wisconsin, 1836; state Wisconsin, 1848.

48.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; transferred to Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1800; territory Michigan, 1818; state Michigan, 1837.

49.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; transferred to Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1800; territory Michigan, 1805; state Michigan, 1837.

50.-Ceded by Great Britain; transferred to Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1802; territory Michigan, 1805; state Michigan, 1837.

51.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; transferred to Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; to territory Michigan, 1805; to state Ohio, 1836.

52.-Ceded by Great Britain, 1783; transferred to Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1800; territory Michigan, 1805; to state Indiana, 1816.

53.-North of 41st parallel ceded by Great Britain, 1783; south of same by Virginia, 1784; territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; admitted as state Ohio, 1803.

54.-North of 41st parallel ceded by Great Britain, 1783; south of same by Virginia, 1784; Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1800; state Indiana, 1816.

55.-North of 41st parallel ceded by Great Britain, 1783; south of same by

All of the French cession west of the Mississippi River (except 34) was ceded to the United States as the "Province of Louisiana" in 1803; erected into district of Louisiana, 1804; into territory of Louisiana, 1805; into territory of Missouri, 1812. The subsequent descriptions of territory within the French cession will be carried on from this point,and a repetition of these changes common to all, avoided.



Virginia, 1784; Territory north-west Ohio River, 1787; territory Indiana, 1800; territory Illinois, 1809; state Illinois, 1818.

56.-Territory Nebraska, 1854; state Nebraska, 1867. 57.-Territory Kansas, 1854; state Kansas, 1861.

58.-Ceded by Texas, 1850; transferred to territory Kansas, 1854; to state Kansas, 1861.

59.-Ceded by Texas, 1850; never has been organized.

60.-Ceded by France, 1803; declared "Indian country," 1834.

61.-The independent republic of Texas, admitted as state of Texas, 1845. 62.-Ceded by Texas, 1850; transferred to territory Kansas, 1854; territory Colorado, 1861; state Colorado, 1876.

63.-Ceded by Texas, 1850; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1850; territory Colorado, 1861; state Colorado, 1876.

64.-Ceded by Texas, 1850; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1850. 65.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1850. 66.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1850; territory Arizona, 1863.

67.-Ceded by Mexico, 1853; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1854; to territory Arizona, 1863.

68.-Ceded by Mexico, 1853; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1854. 69.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory New Mexico, 1850; to territory Arizona, 1863; to state Nevada, 1866.

70.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory Utah, 1850; territory Nevada, 1861; erected into state Nevada, 1864.

71.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory Utah, 1850; state Nevada, 1866.

72.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; admitted as state of California, 1850. 73-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; territory Utah, 1850.

74.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; territory Utah, 1850; territory Colorado, 1861; state Colorado, 1876.

75.-Ceded by France, 1803; territory Missouri to territory Nebraska, 1854; territory Colorado, 1861; state Colorado, 1876.

76.-Ceded by France, 1803; territory Missouri to territory Kansas, 1854; to territory Colorado, 1861; to state Colorado, 1876.

77.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; transferred to territory of Utah, 1850; territory Nebraska, 1861; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Dakota, 1864; territory Wyoming, 1868.

78.-Ceded by Mexico, 1848; territory Utah, 1850; territory Wyoming, 1868. 79.-Ceded by France, 1803; territory Missouri to territory Oregon, 1848; territory Washington, 1853; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Wyoming, 1868. 80.-Ceded by France, 1803; territory Missouri to territory Oregon, 1848; territory Washington, 1853; territory Nebraska, 1861; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Dakota, 1864; territory Wyoming, 1868.

81.-Ceded by France in 1803 (except south-west corner, which was ceded by Mexico in 1848); transferred to territory Nebraska, 1854; territory Idaho, 1861; territory Dakota, 1864. territory Wyoming, 1868.

82.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Nebraska, 1854; territory Dakota, 1861; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Dakota, 1864; territory Wyoming, 1868.

83.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Nebraska, 1854; terDakota, 1861; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Montana, 1864.

84.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Oregon, 1848; territory Washington, 1853; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Montana, 1864.

85.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Oregon, 1848; territory Washington, 1853; territory Idaho, 1863.

86.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Oregon, 1848; territory Washington, 1853.

87.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Oregon, 1848; state Oregon, 1859.

88.-Ceded by France, 1803; transferred to territory Nebraska, 1854; territory Dakota, 1861; territory Idaho, 1863; territory Dakota, 1864; territory Montana, 1873.

89.-Ceded by state of New York, 1781, and Massachusetts, 1785, to United States; transferred to Pennsylvania, 1792.

90.-Ceded by Russia, 1867; unorganized territory of Alaska.


1, 2.—George Washington, 1789-1797. Public credit established by Hamilton-United States Bank and Mint at PhiladelphiaWhisky riot and Indian ravages suppressed-Treaties with Great Britain, Spain, and Algiers-Vermont, Kentucky, and Tennessee admitted. 22321-339 3.-JOHN ADAMS, 1797-1801. Party strife between Federalists and Republicans—Alien and sedition laws—French republic threatens war, but Bonaparte makes peace-United States Government removed to Washington City, in the district ceded by Maryland and Virginia—Coal and cotton become sources of wealth-Ohio admitted as a state in 1803. 22340-349 4, 5.—Thomas JEFFERSON, 1801-1809. Republican plainness at the White House-Purchase of Louisiana; its northern part explored by Lewis and Clarke-War with Tripoli ends in victory to the United States-Steam navigation on the Hudson—English Right of Search retaliated by the Embargo Act. 22350-365

6, 7.—JAMES MADISON, 1809-1817. War with Great Britain-Harrison's victory at Tippecanoe—Hull surrenders Detroit and all Michigan Territory—American victories on ocean and lakes— State of Louisiana admitted-Massacre at Raisin River-Southern Indians surprise Fort Mims, but are subdued by Jackson -British ravage Atlantic coast, burn Washington, bombard Baltimore-Burn Oswego-American victories at Lundy's Lane and Plattsburgh-Hartford Convention opposes the warJackson's victory at New Orleans-Peace at Ghent-War against Barbary States puts an end to tribute-Duties imposed for protection of home industries—Indiana organized as a state, Michigan and Illinois as territories. 22 366-399 8, 9.-JAMES MONROE, 1817-1825. Return of prosperity-Mississippi, Illinois, Alabama, Maine, and Missouri admitted as states"Missouri Compromise" advocated by Henry Clay-First steamship crosses the Atlantic-Florida is ceded by Spain— Monroe Doctrine enunciated.

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