Lincoln, Gen., sent to aid Schuyler, 263; commands in South, 281, N.; attempts capture of Savannah, 285; surrenders Charleston, 285; re- ceives Cornwallis's sword, 304. Literary progress of the colonies, 149; in U. S., 642.
Livingston, Robert R., administers oath of office to Washington, 320, N.; aids Fulton, 320, N., 363; U. S. agent in purchasing Louisiana, 356, 357.
Livingston, William, at Constitu- ent Convention, 315, N. Locke, John, draws model of gov- ernment for Carolinas, 130, N. London Company, chartered, 55; laws of, 61; dissolved, 65. Long Island, battle of, 253. Long Island Sound, settlements, 89. Long Parliament, 126.
Longstreet, Gen. James, at Knox- ville, 547, N.
Lookout Mountain, battle of, 545. Louis XIV, attempts to settle Lou- isiana, 159, N.
Louis XV, attempts to found an empire in America, 161, N., 162. Louisburg, capt. by Eng. colonists, 175, N.; colonists and regulars, 189. Louisiana, named, 158; founder of, 160, N.; ceded to Spain, 193; ceded to France and purchased by U. S., 356, 357; terms of purchase, 359; state admitted, 383; secedes, 481. Lowell, Francis, inventor, 632. Lundy's Lane, battle of, 388, N. Lynn, founded, 86.
McClellan, Gen. Geo. B., victorious in W. Va., 492; commander-in- chief, 495, N.; at Williamsburg, 521; Fair Oaks, 523; South Mountain, 525; Antietam, 526; relieved of command, 526.
McCulloch, Gen., at Pea Ridge, 508. McDonough, Commodore, at Platts burgh, 391, N. McDougall, Gen., at N. Y., 262, N.
McDowell, Gen., at Bull Run, 493; checked by Jackson, 522. McHenry, Ft., bombarded, 386. Macomb, Gen., at Plattsb'gh, 391, N. Madeiras, discovered, 30. Madison, James, leading Democrat, 333; Sec'y of State, 353; Pres., 366, N. Magellan, 38, N.
Mail service, extended, 146; organ- ized, 205; present state, 637. Maine, coast explored, 54; colo- nized, 82; how named, 82, N.; east- ern part surrendered to Great Britain, 193; admitted, 402. Manhattan Island, settled, 106. Manufactures, colonial, 212; of U. S., 348, 632-636.
Marietta, founded, 325, N. Marion, Gen., harasses the British, 286, N.; as a host, 287. Marquette, 156, N. Marshall, John, envoy to France, 344, N.
Maryland, colony formed, 70; royal province, 73; agrees to Union, 298; cedes land for a national capital, 323; ravaged by British, 385, 386; refuses to secede, 490; invaded by Lee, 509, 525; by Early, 553. Mason, John, grant to, 82. Mason and Slidell difficulty, 499, 500. Massachusetts Bay Colony, coast explored, 54; extended, 81, 82, 140; royal charter, 85; laws of, 86; towns of, 86; religious intolerance in, 90, 91, 99; new laws adopted, 96; one of "United Colonies of New En- gland," 97; state cedes N. W. Ter- ritory to U. S., 298.
Massacre by Indians at Ft. Wm. Henry, 184; at Wyoming, 274; at Cherry Valley, N. Y., 275; at Ft. Mimms, 384; Wahoo Swamp, 420. Massasoit, treaty with, 79. Matamoras, captured, 446. Mather, Cotton, 141, N., 198. Mather, Increase, 198, N. Maximilian, in Mexico, 588. Mayflower, the, 77.
Meade, Gen., at Gettysburg, 534, N. Mecklenburg Resolutions, 242. Meigs, Col., at Sag Harbor, 262, N. Meigs, Ft., besieged, 376. Memphis, ft. established, 165; capt- ured by U. S., 508. Menendez, Pedro, 46. Mercantile system adopted, 147. Mercer, Ft., evacuated, 263, N. Meridian Raid, the, 548. Merrimac and Monitor, 516-519, N. Mexico, city of, captured, 453. Mexico, conquest of, 40; recognized by U. S., 404; wages war with U. S., 446-457; Maximilian in, 588. Michigan, settled, 156; organized as territory, 399; admitted, 426; forest fires in, 602.
Michillimackinac, founded, 158. Miller, Col. James, at Lundy's Lane, 388, N.
Mimms, Ft., massacre of, 384. Ministers of early New Eng., 198, N. Mint, established, 323. Minuit, Peter, 110, N. Minute-men, organized, 231, N. Mission Indians, 48. Missionary Ridge, battle of, 546. Mississippi, settled by French, 160; admitted, 402; secedes, 481. Mississippi River, disc. by De Soto, 41; by Marquette, 156; navigation secured to Americans, 334; strug- gle for possession of, 502-515; nav- igation of, opened, 539. Mississippi Scheme, 161, N., 162.
Mississippi Valley, described, 17; explored by French, 155-158. Missouri, admitted, 402; refuses to secede, 490; field of Civil War, 492. Missouri Compromise, 402; disre- garded, 463, 473.
Mitchell, Col., at Oswego, 387. Mobile, Alabama, settled, 160. Mohawk Valley, ravaged, 264, N. Monmouth's rebels, in Virginia, 136. Monroe, Fortress, held by Union forces, 485; headquarters Army of Potomac, 520; prison of Jefferson Davis, 568.
Monroe, James, leading Democrat, 333; agent of U. S. in purchasing Louisiana, 356; Pres., 400, N.; re- elected, 404.
Monroe Doctrine, the, 404. Montana, organized territory, 573. Montcalm, captures Ft. Oswego, 183; destroys Ft. William Henry, 184; defeats Abercrombie, 187; killed at Quebec, 190-192, N. Monterey, captured, 448. Montezumas, 453, N. Montgomery, Ala.,
Convention at, 483. Montgomery, Gen., captures Mon- treal, 246, N.; killed at Quebec, 247. Montreal, founded, 165; conquest by American colonists planned, 169; captured by English, 193; by Montgomery, 246; abandoned, 247. Moore, Gov., attacks Spanish set- tlements, 171.
Morgan. Gen. Daniel, aids Schuy- ler, 263; wins battle of the Cow- pens, 289, N.; pursued by Corn- wallis, 290.
Morgan's raid, 540. Mormons, 438, 439, N.
Morris, Com. Charles, 360, N. Morris, Lieut., 516, N.
Morris, Robt., at Const. Conv., 315, N. Morristown, winter at, 284. Moultrie, Col. William, defends Charleston, 249, N.; recaptures Port Royal, S. C., 281.
Moultrie, Ft., named, 249, N.; evac- uated by Anderson, 482. Mound Builders, 2-5.
Murfreesborough, battle of, 513. Mutiny during Řevolution, 297.
Napoleon Bonaparte, friendly to U. S., 345; orders mourning for Washington, 346; prophecy con- cerning U. S., 357.
Napoleon III, designs on Mex., 588. Narragansett Indians, threaten war, 80; receive Roger Williams, 92; refuse to make war, 94, 95. Narvaez, 41.
Natchez, Miss., settled, 160, 165; capt- ured by Union forces, 515. Natchez Indians, exterminated, 163. |
National Bank Bill, vetoed, 435. National debt, 577; reduction of, 626. Naval battles: the Bon Homme Richard and Serapis, 283; bet. Eng. and French at Yorktown, 302; Guerrière and Constitution, 372; Wasp and Frolic, 373; Hornet and Peacock, 378; Chesapeake and Shannon, 378; Argus and Pelican, 379; Essex and British ships, 379; of Lake Erie, 380-382; United States and Macedonian, 397, N.; Alabama and Kearsarge, 498; on the Missis- sippi, 508; Monitor and Merrimac, 516-519; in Mobile Bay, 560. Navigation Acts, embarass Ameri- can trade, 128; renewed, 147. Navy of U. S. in the Rev., 283, N.; in the Civil War, 496, N. Nebraska, admitted, 594. Necessity, Ft., built, 177. Negroes, introduced in America as slaves, 62, 135, N.; confiscated by Butler, 529; take part in the Civil War, 531; civil rights estab., 589. Nevada, ceded to U. S., 457; be- comes a state, 573.
New Amsterdam, founded, 106; seized by Eng. and name changed to New York, 115; recaptured by Dutch, 117; ceded to England, 117. New Brunswick, ceded to Great Britain, 193.
New England, suffers in War of 1812, 387; oppose the war, 390, 392. New France, named, 43; father of, 47. New Hampshire, settled, 82, N.; part of Massachusetts, 140; claims Ver- mont, 237, N.
New Haven, founded, 89, N.; laws of, 89; one of "United Colonies of New England," 97; site of Yale College, 200.
New Jersey, named, 116; purchased by Quakers, 118; receives the Cov- enanters, 137.
New Mexico, settled, 48, N.; ceded to U.S., 457.
New Netherlands, named, 105; char- acter of inhabitants, 107; discon- tent in, 114; seized by Eng., 115; re- captured, 117; ceded to Eng., 117. New Orleans, founded, 161, N., 162; growth of, 164; American depot, 334; battle of, 394, 395; captured by Union forces, 514, 515.
New Sweden, founded, 110, N.; con- quered by the Dutch, 113.
New York, harbor entered, 43; city named, 115; captured by Dutch, 117; ceded to Eng., 117; colony loses its charter, 138; claims Ver- mont, 237, N.; city seized by Brit., 255; state cedes N. W. Terr., 298; city evacuated by Brit., 308; Wash- ington inaugurated as Pres., 320; riots in, 533.
Newcastle, Duke of, 214.
Newfoundland, disc., 37; trans- Palo Alto, battle of, 446. ferred to England, 173, N. Newport, Christopher, 56. Newport, harbor disc., 43; settle- ment founded, 93; attack upon, 273. Newspapers, colonial, 201, N. Niagara, ft. estab., 165; English at- tempt to capture, 182. Nicolls, Richard, gov. of N. Y., 117. Norfolk, navy-yard seized by Con- federates, 490; surrendered to U. S., 519.
Pamlico Sound, attacked, 172. Pamphlets, colonial, 208. Panic, of Van Buren's term, 427- 429; of 1873, 608.
Norridgewock, settlement of, 173. North Carolina, settled, 132; discon- tent in, 223; state cedes western lands to U. S., 298; pays for use of cotton-gin, 348, N.; coasts ravaged by British, 385; secedes, 490. Northern Pacific R. R., begun, 608. Northmen, in Iceland and Green- land, 6; in New England, 7. North-west passage attempted, 38, 50, N., 104, N.
North-west Territory, see Terri- tory, etc.
Nova Scotia, ceded to Alexander, 83; to Temple, 129; ceded to Great Britain by France, 193; see Acadia.
Officials, English, in colonies, 214. Oglethorpe, receives Georgia, 150, N.; lays out Savannah, 151; forbids slavery and rum, 152; besieges St. Augustine and repels Spanish in- vasion, 153, 174; returns to Eng., 154. Ohio, settled, 325, N.; admitted, 349. Ohio Company, 325, N.
Ohio River, discovered, 158, N. Ohio University, established, 324. Ohio Valley, possession disputed, 176; Indian troubles in, 183. Omnibus Bill, 463, N.; excitement over, 467.
Orange, Ft., changed to Albany, 115. Ordinance of 1787 passed, 324; in- fringed, 477, N.
Oregon, explored, 358, N.; settled and northern boundary fixed, 443, 444; territory formed and state ad- mitted, 444.
Oriskany, battle of, 264, N.
Orleans, Territory of, organized, 359; included in Louisiana, 383. Osceola, 419, 420.
Ostend Manifesto, 472. Oswego, Ft., capt. by Montcalm, 183; town capt. by British, 387. Oxenstiern, sends emigrants to America, 109.
Pacific coast, explored, 50. Pacific Ocean, discovered, 39. Pacific Railroad, explorations for, 471; completed, 597. Pakenham, Gen., at New Orleans, 394, 395.
Paoli, Penn., attack upon, 263, N. Paper-making, 633.
Paper money, issued during Rev., 296; in Civil War, 511, 577, 579; effects of latter, 607, 608. Paris, treaty of, 193. Parliament, oppresses the colonies, 144, 147, 148.
Patrons of Husbandry, 619. Patroons, 107, N.
Pea Ridge, battle of, 508. Peabody, Geo., endowments by,640. Peekskill, N.Y., Brit. raid on, 262, N. Pemberton, Gen., at Vicksburg, 538. Penn, Wm., helps purchase New Jersey, 118, N.; obtains grant of Pennsylvania, 119; purchases land from Swedes and founds Philadel- phia, 120; makes treaty with In- dians, 120; grants liberal constitu- tion, 121; receives Delaware, 122; releases Quaker prisoners, 123; in- gratitude towards, 124; draws plan of union for the colonies, 146. Pennsylvania, granted to Penn, 119; just laws of, 121; includes Delaware, 122; recharters Bank of U. S., 429 invaded by Lee, 534; by Early, 553. Pepperell, Col. William, 175, N. Pequod War, 94, 95. Perry, Capt. O. H., wins battle of Lake Erie, 380-382, N. Perry, Com. M. C., in Japan, 470. Perryville, battle of, 512. Personal Liberty Laws, 468. Peru, conquered, 40.
Petersburg, Va., besieged, 554. Petition sent to George III, 231. Philadelphia, Swedish settlements near, 110; founded, 120; second Continental Cong. meets, 234; capt. by Howe, 263, N.; evacuated by Brit., 272; Constituent Conv. meet, 314; site of Bank of U. S., national mint, and national capital, 323; of Centennial Exposition, 612. Philadelphia, the ship, burned by Decatur, 360.
Physical divisions of the U. S., 19. Pickens, Ft., 485.
Pickens, Gen., 286, N. Picture-writing, 27.
Pierce, Franklin, in Mexican War, 453; Pres., 468; biography of, 473, N. Pilgrims, selected to found colony, 76; sail from Eng., 76, 77, N.; found Plymouth, 78, N.; hardships of, 79- 81; religious tolerance, 90. Pillow, Ft., abandoned, 508. Pillow, Gen., at Contreras and Churubusco, 452.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth, en- voy and minister to France, 344, N.
Pirates, in colonial times, 213; of Barbary States, 329, 335, 360, 397. Pitcher, Molly, 272, N.
Pitt, Wm., premier of Eng., 185; se- lects Wolfe to attack Quebec, 192, N.; biography, 219, N.; takes part of colonists, 229; opinion of Second Continental Congress, 236. Pittsburgh, site of fort, 176; named, 188; riot at, 621.
Plains of Abraham, 190, N., 191. Plattsburgh, battle of, 391. Plots, against Washington, 265, N., 268, N.; to make Washington king, 310.
Plymouth Colony founded, 78; part of Mass., 81, 140; becomes one of "United Colonies of New Eng.," 97. Plymouth Company, 55. Pocahontas, 64, N.
Point Comfort, named, 57. Polk, James K., Pres., 441; biogra- phy of, 443, N. Ponce de Leon, 39.
Pontiac, conspiracy of, 194. Pope, Gen., at Cedar Mountain, sec- ond Bull Run, and Chantilly, 524. Population of Ú. S. in 1880, 627. Port Hudson, held by Confederates, 528; surren. to Union forces, 539. Port Royal, Nova Scotia, twice capt- ured by Massachusetts volunteers and named Annapolis, 169. Port Royal, S. C., named, 44; capt- ured by British and recaptured, 281; fort captured by U. S., 501, N. Porter, Capt. David, com. Essex, 379. Porter, Com. D. D., assists at Ft. Fisher, 559, N.
Postal service, see Mail service. Potomac River, banks ravaged by British, 284. Powhatan, 64.
Praying Indians, 101; persecuted by whites, 102.
Preble, Com. Edward, blockades Tripoli, 360, N.
Prescott, Col., at Bunker Hill, 238, N. Prescott, Gen. (British), 257, 262, N. Price, Gen., in Missouri, 508. Prince Edward Island, capt., 189. Princeton, battle of, 260, N. Princeton College, founded, 201. Pring, 54.
Printing-press, type-revolving, 636. Printz, gov. of New Sweden, 110, N. Privateers, in the Rev., 283, 315, N.; in the War of 1812, 373; of the Con- federate States, 498.
Proctor, Gen., brutality to prison- ers, 375; defeated at Fts. Meigs and Stephenson, 376; at battle of the Thames, 383.
Providence, founded, 92, N. Public education in N.W. Terr., 324. Public improvements, disputes on, 411; during Jackson's term, 423. Public schools in the U. S., 641.
Railroads, 412; Pacific R. R. ex- plorations, 471; growth of, 629. Railway riots, 620.
Raleigh, N. C., captured by Sher- man, 563.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 51, N., 54. Rall, Colonel, 259.
Randolph, Edmund, Attorney-gen- eral, 321, N.
Randolph, John, fights duel with Henry Clay, 402, N. Rasles, Father, killed, 173. Reconstruction of the Southern States, 591, 598.
Red Jacket, 276, N.
Regulators, in North Carolina, 223. Reign of Terror, effect in Amer., 329. Religion of Indians, 26.
Religious differences in Eng., 74. Religious intolerance in Massachu- setts, 90, 91.
Republican or Dem. party, 333. Republican party, org., 476, 590, N. Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 446. Resolutions, the Mecklenburg, 242. Restrictions on colonial industry, 128, 147, 148, 224, 244.
Resumption of specie provided for, 611; effected, 626.
Revenue Laws, evaded in R. I., 225. Revere, Paul, 232, N. Revolution, French, effect in Amer- ica, 38, 329.
Revolution in England, 140; settles three great principles, 144. Rhode Island, settled, 92, 93, N.; charter of, 98; charter lost, 139; smuggling in, 225; sends no dele- gates to Constituent Convention, 314; rebellion in, 437, N.
Rhode Island, island of, purch'd, 93. Riall, Gen., defeated at Chippewa, 387; capt. at Lundy's Lane, 388. Ribault, 44, N.
Richmond, Ky., battle of, 510.
Richmond, Va., settled, 66; Demo- | cratic convention at, 479; capital of Southern Confed., 493; threat- ened by Union troops, 520, 521; re- lieved, 522, 523; Grant's advance on begun, 550; outer defenses capt., 552; besieged by Grant and cut off from South, 554; capt. by Grant, 565, 566; burned, 566. Riedesel, Hessian general, 266. Right of search, claimed, 364, 367, 368; abandoned, 396. Ring robberies, 610.
Rio Grande, explored, 48; claimed by Texas as boundary, 445. Riots, in New York, 533; railway, 620. Roads, in colonial times, 211. Roanoke Island, first settlement, 52; second settlement, 53, N.; re- covered by Union forces, 528. Robertson, James, pioneer, 223, N. Rochambeau, Count de, 302, N. Rolfe, John, 64. Rosalie, Fort, 160.
Rosecrans, Gen., at Murfreesbor- ough, 513; at Chickamauga River, 543; relieved of command, 543. Ross, Gen., burns Washington, 385, N.; attacks Baltimore, 386. Rotation in office introduced, 415. Roxbury, founded, 86.
Royal officials in the colonies, 214. Russian America purchased, 594.
Sacs and Foxes, moved west, 418. Sag Harbor, British vessels and stores destroyed, 262, N. St. Augustine, founded, 46; sieged by Oglethorpe, 153, 174. St. Clair, Gen. Arthur, at Hubbard- ton, 264, N.; governor of N. W. Ter- ritory, 325, N., 326.
St. Eustatius, captured by British and restored, 300.
St. Ignace, Mich., established, 156. St. John's, Canada, captured by Montgomery, 246; abandoned, 247. St. John's River, settlement, 45. St. Joseph's, Mich., founded, 158. St. Leger, Col., 264, N.
St. Mary, Mich., established, 156. Salem Colony, founded, 84, N.; city offers wharves to Boston mer- chants, 228.
Salem witchcraft, 141, N., 142. Salt Lake City, founded, 439. Samoset, 79.
San Antonio, captured, 452. San Francisco, becomes city, 459. San Jacinto, battle of, 440, N. San Salvador, discovered, 33. Sandys, Geo., translates Ovid, 197. Sanitary Commissions during Civil War, 585, 586.
Santa Anna, Gen., in Mexican War, 449-453, N.
Santa Fé, founded, 48, N.; captured by U. S. forces, 454. Saratoga, first battle of, 265, N.; sec- ond battle of, 266, N.; effect of vic- tories, 270.
Savannah, founded, 151; capt. by British, 280; attempt at recapture, 285; evacuated by British, 307; oc- cupied by Sherman, 559.
Say, Lord, establishes settlement in America, 89.
Saybrook, Conn., founded, 89; col- lege at, 200.
Schenectady, attacked by Ind., 168. Schofield, Gen., pursues Hood, 558. Schurz, Carl, 631.
Schuyler, Gen., 246, N.; 265, N. Science, in the colonies. 206; in the U. S., 643.
Scott, Winfield, prisoner by British, 371, N.; at Lundy's Lane, 388; in South Carolina, 417; in Seminole War, 420; on Canadian frontier, 431; in Mexican War, 447, N., 450-453; candidate for Pres., 473, N.; retires from active service, 495. Secession, right claimed, 416; of the South, 481, 490; inadmissable, 581. Second Continental Congress, 234- 236; abolish "colonial system," 250; commissions La Fayette, 261, N.; removes to Lancaster, 263; refuses to receive British envoys, 271; re- turns thanks for result of Rev., 305; pass "Ordinance of 1787," 324. Sedition Law, 342.
Semi-centennial, celebrated, 413. Seminole War, 419, 420. Semmes, Raphael, 498. N. Separatists, 75, 76.
Serapis, captured by Jones, 283. Seven Cities of Cibola, 42, N. Sewall, Justice, 142.
Seward, Wm. H., on duration of Civil War, 488, N.; attack on, 570. Sewing-machine, invented, 635. Shaftesbury, Lord, 130. Sharpsburg, battle at, 526. Shenandoah Valley, operations in, 522, 532, N., 552, 553.
Sheridan, Gen. Philip, at Murfrees- borough, 513; at Missionary Ridge, 546; raid in Virginia, 552, N.; de- feats Early, 553; at Five Forks, 552, N., 564; pursues Lee, 567. Sherman, Gen. W. T., at Shiloh, 506; at Chattanooga, 544-546; relieves Burnside, 547; conducts Meridian raid, 548; chief command in West, 549; advances into Georgia, 555; defeats Hood, 556; compels de- struction of Atlanta, 557; march to the sea, 558, N.; captures Savannah, 559; Columbia, S. C., 562; defeats Johnston at Averysboro and Ben- tonville, 563; captures Raleigh, N. C., 563; receives Johnston's sur- render, 567, N.
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