Deutsch-amerikanische Geschichtsblätter, Opseg 13

Die Gesellschaft, 1914
V. 3 no. 1 has supplement: Gustav Körner, deutsche-amerikanischer jurist, staatsmann, diplomat und geschichtschriber. Ein lebensbild von H. A. Rattermann.

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Stranica 70 - I have at length hit upon a plan for a poem on the American Indians, which seems to me the right one and the only. It is to weave together their beautiful traditions into a whole. I have hit upon a measure, too, which I think the right and only one for such a theme.
Stranica 205 - XXIII. [No person of foreign birth shall be entitled to vote, or shall be eligible to office, unless he shall have resided within the jurisdiction of the United States for two years subsequent to his naturalization...
Stranica 56 - And yet,' say those injured people, 'these white men would always be telling us of their great Book which God had given to them; they would persuade us that every man was good who believed in what the Book said, and every man was bad who did not believe in it. They told us a great many things, which, they said, were written in the good Book, and wanted us to believe it all. We would probably have done so, if we had seen them practise what they pretended to believe, and act according to the good words...
Stranica 254 - ... keep the word of promise to the ear, and break it to the hope" — we have presumed to court the assistance of the friends of the drama to strengthen our infant institution.
Stranica 56 - We would probably have done so, if we had seen them practice what they pretended to believe, and act according to the good words which they told us. But no! While they held their big Book in one hand, in the other, they had murderous weapons, guns and swords wherewith to kill us, poor Indians. Ah! and they did so, too; they killed those who believed in their Book, as well as those who did not. They made no distinction...
Stranica 17 - To effect this great and necessary work, let one of the first acts of the new Congress be, to establish within the district to be allotted for them, a federal university, into which the youth of the United States...
Stranica 205 - No person of foreign birth shall be entitled to vote, or shall be eligible to office, unless he shall have resided within the jurisdiction of the United States for two years subsequent to his naturalization, and shall be otherwise qualified, according to the constitution and laws of this commonwealth : provided, that this amendment shall not affect the rights which any person of foreign birth possessed at the time of the adoption thereof ; and provided, further, that it shall not afiect the rights...
Stranica 77 - All that the other Slavic nations, or the Germans, or the Scotch, or the Spaniards possess of popular poetry can at the utmost be compared with the lyrical part of the Servian songs, called by them female songs, because they are sung only by females and youths ; but the long...
Stranica 55 - I admit that there are good white men, but they bear no proportion to the bad ; the bad must be the strongest, for they rule.
Stranica 19 - ... of the second grade are our first object ; and, to adapt them to our slender beginnings, we must separate them into groups, comprehending many sciences each, and greatly more, in the first instance, than ought to be imposed on, or can be competently conducted by a single professor permanently. They must be subdivided from time to time, as our means increase, until each professor shall have no more under his care than he can attend to with advantage to his pupils and ease to himself.

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