291 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. A DECREE OF STAR CHAMBER CONCERNING PRINTING. Made July 11, 1637. 8vo. Reprinted by the Grolier Club, from the First Edition by Robert Barker, 1637. [New York. 1884.] HOLLAND-PAPER COPY. No. 101 of 148 copies. Full dark green crushed levant morocco, elaborately decorated in mosaic in an antique design, with compartments of inlaid blue crushed levant, gold-tooled and surrounded by bands of yellow morocco, with conventional designs inlaid in red levant, doublure of yellow levant with a border of entwining bands of dark green levant, flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt edges, with the original covers preserved, by the Club Bindery. 292 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. RUBÁLYÁT OF OMAR KHAYYÁM, The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English verse by Edward FitzGerald. 8vo. The Grolier Club of New York. 1885. VELLUM COPY. One of 2 copies printed on vellum, with the head-pieces from examples in Owen Jones's "Grammar of Ornament," and the cover from an Oriental design in Audsley's “Outlines of Ornament." Full red crushed levant morocco, with an elaborate Persian geometrical design on the covers inlaid in blue, green, white, and red levant, and gold-tooled, doublure of red crushed levant with a Persian design inlaid in green and blue levant, and gold-tooled in pointillé, vellum flies, edges gilt on the rough, with the original wrappers preserved, by Rivière. 293 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. RUBAIYÁT OF OMAR KHAYYAM, The Astronomer-Poet of Persia. Rendered into English verse by Edward FitzGerald. 8vo. The Grolier Club of New York. 1885. JAPAN-PAPER COPY. No. 26 of 150 copies on Japan paper. Full dark blue crushed levant morocco, with the covers inlaid in an elaborate mosaic of olive, brown, yellow, maroon, white, and red levant in a Persian design, all delicately gold-tooled, the back similarly inlaid and gold-tooled, doublure of white crushed levant exquisitely gold-tooled with delicate flower and leaf-sprays, flies of pink brocaded-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. 294 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. [IRVING, WASHINGTON.] A HISTORY OF NEW-YORK FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD TO THE END OF THE DUTCH DYNASTY; Containing, among many Surprising and Curious Matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. A New Edition, containing unpublished corrections of the Author, with illustrations by Geo. H. Boughton, Will H. Drake, and Howard Pyle, and Etchings by Henry C. Eno and F. Raubicheck. 8vo. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club. 1886. Two Volumes. The edition consisted of 175 copies on Holland paper. With the etchings, forming frontispieces to each volume, in three states, and with the head and tail-pieces printed in brown. Full light brown crushed levant morocco, with the covers divided into geometrical compartments, inlaid in blue, maroon, and olive morocco, and tooled with tulips and leaf-sprays in gold, and with an outside border of an inlaid band of green morocco delicately gold-tooled, doublure of dark blue crushed levant, flies of dark red watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by the Club Bindery. 295 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. PEG WOFFINGTON. By Charles Reade. In two volumes. 12mo. New-York: Printed for the Grolier Club. 1888. VELLUM COPY, one of two copies printed on vellum. The headbands, initials, and tail-pieces are from designs by C. M. Jencks. Full dark red crushed levant morocco, elaborately decorated with a trellis inlaid in gray, brown, green, and black levant with flowers inlaid in blue and green, with an inlaid lyre at the top with branches of laurel and oak leaves tooled in gold, at the bottom a mask of comedy in gold, doublure of green crushed levant with borders of inlaid red morocco, with gold-tooling, flies of brocadedsilk, edges gilt on the rough, by Taffin. 296 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. DE VINNE, THEODORE. CHRISTOPHER PLANTIN AND THE PLANTIN-MORETUS MUSEUM AT ANTWERP. By Theo. L. De Vinne. With Illustrations by Joseph Pennell, and others. 4to. Printed for the Grolier Club, New-York. 1888. VELLUM COPY, 1 of 3 copies printed on vellum, one being in the Grolier Club Library. With a frontispiece portrait of Christopher Plantin reproduced from an engraving by Henri Goltzius, and illustrations printed in tints. Full red crushed levant morocco, with a conventionalized design of grapes and grape-leaves gold-tooled on the covers, doublure of cream-colored pigskin with a bold gold-tooled design of grapes and grape-leaves, flies of pale pink brocaded-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by Miss Prideaux. 297 GROLIER CLUB PUBLICATIONS. BURY, RICHARD DE. RICARDI DE BURY PHILOBIBLON EX OPTIMIS CODICIBUS RECENSUIT. Versione Anglica necnon et Prolegomenis Adnotationibusque Auxit Andreas Fleming West in Collegio Princetoniæ Professor. Pars Prima. Textus. Novi Eboraci: Typis et Impensis Societatis Grolieriana. 1889. THE PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY. Edited from the best Manuscripts and Translated into English, with an Introduction and Notes, by Andrew Fleming West, Professor in Princeton College. Part Second. English version. New York: Printed for the Grolier Club. 1889. THE PHILOBIBLON OF RICHARD DE BURY. Edited from the best Manuscripts and Translated into Eng |