Slike stranica
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purple levant and surrounded by a wide band of inlaid brown levant, the panels containing a conventionalized wild geranium, with leaves and buds tooled in gold and flowers inlaid in purple levant, doublure of dark green levant with an inlaid border of brown levant framed by narrow bands of purple levant, with a diaper of wild geranium flowers inlaid in purple levant and gold-tooled, flies of dark green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, with the original paper wrappers preserved, by Rivière.


THE CENCI. A Tragedy, in Five Acts. By Percy B. Shelley. Italy. 8vo. Printed for C. and J. Ollier, Vere Street, Bond Street. London. 1819.

THE FIRST EDITION. Exceedingly scarce.

Full dark red crushed levant morocco, with the front cover covered with a bold scroll of foliage, starting from a figure of Tragedy holding a poison cup and dagger, inlaid in bright red, black, and yellow morocco, the entire background of inlaid green levant dotted with gold-tooling, the back cover with a small panel framed with bands inlaid in bright red and black levant and containing a smaller scroll with a poison cup and dagger inlaid on a dotted green ground, doublure of dark blue levant with a serpententwined poison cup inlaid in brown and green levant in the center, and with a dagger inlaid in blue and framed by bright red leaves in each corner, the ground dotted with drops of blood inlaid in red, flies of red watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, with the paper back-label preserved, by Rivière.


ADONAIS. An Elegy on the Death of John Keats,
Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. By Percy B.
Shelley. [Quotation. Plato.] 4to. Pisa: With the
Types of Didot. MDCCCXXI.

THE FIRST EDITION. A presentation copy
A presentation copy inscribed on the
fly-leaf "With the Comps of the Author to Sir Chas. Hyde Bart."
A very fine, tall, and clean copy.

Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with the sides entirely covered with a design of daisies and violets with green leaves arranged in a conventional pattern, and inlaid in white, yellow, purple,

and green morocco and gold-tooled, doublure of blue levant with a diaper of blossoms, buds, and leaves, inlaid in white and red levant and gold-tooled, flies of blue watered-silk, edges gilt on the rough, by Rivière.


EPIPSYCHIDION. Verses addressed to the Noble and Unfortunate Lady Emilia V

Convent of

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now imprisoned in the

[Quotation.] 8vo. London: C. and

J. Ollier, Vere Street, Bond Street. 1821.

THE FIRST EDITION. Exceedingly scarce.

Full dark green crushed levant morocco, with elaborately decorated covers, with a group of jonquils in the center of each cover with the leaves inlaid in bright green and the flowers in white, with a plant of wood-violets in each corner, the leaves in green and the flowers in purple, and with the intervening spaces filled in with large gold-tooled tufts of moss, doublure of blue levant with lemonflowers inlaid in white and gold-tooled, flies of blue watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière.


HELLAS. A Lyrical Drama. By Percy B. Shelley. [Greek Quotation.] 8vo. London: Charles and James Ollier, Vere Street, Bond Street. 1822.

THE FIRST EDITION; a fine, tall copy. The last two pages (after the Notes) contain five stanzas "Written on Hearing the News of the Death of Napoleon."

Full light blue crushed levant morocco, with a panel on the covers containing a Greek design inlaid in green, brown, white, and blue morocco on a background of gold pointillé, and blind-tooled throughout, doublure of green crushed levant, with a wide border of a Turkish pattern inlaid in brown, black, blue, and red morocco, flies of green watered-silk, gilt top, uncut, by Rivière.


POSTHUMOUS POEMS OF PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. [Quotation. Petrarca.] 8vo. London, 1824: Printed for John and Henry L. Hunt, Tavistock Street, Covent Garden.

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