Slike stranica

and 184 steps: it is composed of but 34 pieces of marble, of which the whole basement contains 9, the torus 1, the shaft of the column 23, and the capital 1. The ashes of Trajan were placed in an urn of gold within or upon the column, the received opinion is, that they were contained in a gilded globe held in the hand of the colossal statue. The honour of being interred within the city was, says Eutropius, the peculiar privilege of Trajan. 30 It has already been observed, there was a temple attached to the Forum, but, as no vestiges of it have been discovered, the site can only be guessed at: it stood most probably between the pillar and the Piazza dei SS. Apostoli; because there was no space for it at either end of the Basilica, as appears from the contiguity of the two hills, and on the other side of the Basilica was the area and the triumphal arch. From the medal 31 which represents this temple, we find that there were eight columns in front; the tympanum was filled with sculpture, and crowned by statues; the large fragment of granite now lying near the pillar, if (as is most likely) it belonged to the temple, further enables us to state that the columns were about 55 feet high.32

30 " Solus omnium imperatorum intra urbem sepultus est. Ossa ejus collocata in urna aurea in Foro quod ædificavit sibi, columna ibi posita est, cujus altitudo cxl pedes habet." Eutrop. Rerum Romanar. lib. viii.; De Ulpio Trajan.; and compare Dion Cassius as cited in Note B. at the end of the Vol., and Euseb. Chronicon, edit. citat, p. 166. A. D. 117.

31 See impression (No. 1.) in the annexed plan of Forum, &c. 32 In the year 1765, in laying the foundations of a causeway leading to the "Palazzo Imperiale," which stands at the end of


The width and design of the Basilica are rescued from oblivion; the columns, of Egyptian granite, and of elegant proportion, are to a great extent restored to their original positions. Attempts have also been made to ascertain the length of the building: an excavation made by some members of the French academy, in 1824, seemed to determine the angle towards the Via Magnanapoli, from which it appeared that to each end of the section now visible there should be added a space equal to five intercolumniations; so that the whole number of columns belonging to the Basilica might thus amount to ninety-six. By a reference to the annexed plan 33 it will be further observed,

the Piazza dei Apostoli, the workmen came upon five other columns of the same magnitude and material as the one now lying near the pillar. Winkelmann estimates the diameters at 8 Roman palms (about six feet). At the same time was discovered a piece of cornice of corresponding proportions, which is now preserved in the Villa Albani. (See Winkelmann de l'Art sous les Empereurs, liv. vi. ch. 7. tom. ii. p. 449. edit. Paris, 1802.) These things sufficiently indicate the position of the temple. See also Appendice alla viii. Reg. in Nardini, tom. ii. p. 351.

33 In this plan, the white ground shows the extent of the excavations made by the French, and adopted by Pius VII. (see Note 35. in page following); the whole is enclosed by a wall. The ground plan of the Basilica is completed for the sake of clearness; and the following explanations will enable the spectator to comprehend the design of the whole:

(a) The atrium, or cavædium, in the middle of which the historical pillar stands.

(b) Vestibules leading to the two libraries which lay parallel

to the Basilica.

(c) The supposed site of the temple on which Hadrian affixed his inscription; the elevation represented in the impression of the medal (No. 1.)

(d) The main nef, or interior of the Basilica, floored with

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Plan of a Part of the Forum and Basilica of Trajan in their present State.

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that the building was divided into five naves; the pavement as there delineated (and partly remains to be seen on the spot) was of the finest marbles.

Adjoining the Basilica was the Forum, with which it communicated by a few steps still to be traced: the main entrance is found to be in a direct line with the pillar; and some slight vestiges of the wall of the Basilica on this side also are visible. The Forum extended far beyond the wall of Pius VII.; for Flaminius Vacca discovered the vestiges of a triumphal arch near the church of S. Maria in Campo Carleo, through which, in all probability, was the entrance into the Forum. Amongst the bas-reliefs found on that occasion was one representing Trajan effecting the passage of a river. Mention is also made of some statues which resembled the Dacian captives 34 now to be

slabs of precious marble. The roof was probably the one of bronze alluded to by Pausanias, and the "giganteus contextus" of Ammianus Marcellinus.

(e) Double portico, or aisles surrounding the same. (f) Excavation made in 1824, to ascertain the angle of the


(g) The principal entrance, whose elevation is, perhaps, represented in the impression of the medal (No. 2.). (h) The Forum Trajani, or open area, in the middle of which probably stood the equestrian statue of the emperor; otherwise it must have stood between the pillar and the temple. It is not known how far the Forum extended; but compare the discoveries enumerated in the succeeding notes. The vestiges visibly remaining are delineated as usual in dark tints.

34 Memorie di Flaminio Vacca, No. 9. At the monastery of the Spirito Santo, pieces of columns, seven palms in diameter, of



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