The Topography and Antiquities of Rome: Including Recent Discoveries Made about the Forum and the Via Sacra, Opseg 2Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown and Greene, 1831 - Broj stranica: 492 |
Iz unutrašnjosti knjige
Rezultati 1 - 5 od 78.
... On the Fourteenth Region , or Transtyberina , with the Tyber , Bridges and Drains of the City ; including also the Vatican Mount , the Fort S. Angelo , and the Monte Mario - 58 145 217 Page DISSERTATION XII . On the Walls and Aqueducts ,
... On the Fourteenth Region , or Transtyberina , with the Tyber , Bridges and Drains of the City ; including also the Vatican Mount , the Fort S. Angelo , and the Monte Mario - 58 145 217 Page DISSERTATION XII . On the Walls and Aqueducts ,
Stranica 2
... Tyber . The two remaining " VIÆ gave names to their re- spective regions . دو The most probable direction that can now be assigned to the Alta Semita is along the summit of the Quirinale hill , from the Monte Cavallo to the Quattro ...
... Tyber . The two remaining " VIÆ gave names to their re- spective regions . دو The most probable direction that can now be assigned to the Alta Semita is along the summit of the Quirinale hill , from the Monte Cavallo to the Quattro ...
Stranica 43
... Tyber . On that occasion the games were transferred to a place without the Porta Collina near the temple of the Erycinian Venus . 92 This passage of Livy gives not the least intimation of a Circus being there at that time ; or if it ...
... Tyber . On that occasion the games were transferred to a place without the Porta Collina near the temple of the Erycinian Venus . 92 This passage of Livy gives not the least intimation of a Circus being there at that time ; or if it ...
Stranica 51
... τοῖς πολυτελεσάτοις ἀριθμοῦνται . — Plutarch . in Lucull . p . 518. edit . citat .: vide Tacit . Annal . lib . xi . cap . 33. 37 , 38 . us nearly round to the Tyber , without mentioning the E2 DISS . VIII . 51 THE MONTE PINCIO .
... τοῖς πολυτελεσάτοις ἀριθμοῦνται . — Plutarch . in Lucull . p . 518. edit . citat .: vide Tacit . Annal . lib . xi . cap . 33. 37 , 38 . us nearly round to the Tyber , without mentioning the E2 DISS . VIII . 51 THE MONTE PINCIO .
Stranica 52
... Tyber , without mentioning the grove attached to the mausoleum of Augustus , and the " Horti Serviliani , " supposed to have been not far from the Ponte Xysto 106 : and thus we find the whole city on this side the river , al- most ...
... Tyber , without mentioning the grove attached to the mausoleum of Augustus , and the " Horti Serviliani , " supposed to have been not far from the Ponte Xysto 106 : and thus we find the whole city on this side the river , al- most ...
Ostala izdanja - Prikaži sve
The Topography and Antiquities of Rome: Including Recent Discoveries Made ... Richard Burgess Pregled nije dostupan - 2016 |
Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
Ædes Agrippa ancient Anio Antichità di Roma antiquaries Antoninus Appia apud Grævium Aqua aqueduct arches Augustus Aurelian Aventine hill Basilica baths Belisarius belonged building built Cæsar called Campus Martius Capitoline Caracalla century church circuit Circus Flaminius Circus Maximus columns Dion Cassius Dissertation Domitian Donatus edifice edit emperor erected Flaminia Frontinus Fulvio gardens gate ground Hadrian Hist Honorius inscription Livy marble Maria Marliano mentioned miles monument Nardini Nero Nibby Note obelisk observed original palace Palatine hill Palazzo passage Piazza Piranesi Pius Plin Pliny Ponte Pope Popolo Porta Maggiore Porta Trigemina portico Procopius quæ region remains repairs Roma Romæ Roman Rome ruins Septimius Severus sepulchre Severus statue stood Suet supposed temple theatre theatre of Marcellus thermæ Totila tower traced Trajan travertine travertine stone Tyber Vatican Venuti vestiges Victor Vide Villa walls whole δὲ ἐν καὶ τὴν τῷ сар