This seen, Orlando did approach the man, Cel. O, I have heard him speak of that same bro ther; And he did render him the most unnatural That liv'd 'mongst men. And well he might so do, For well I know he was unnatural. Ros. But, to Orlando ;-Did he leave him there, Food to the suck'd and hungry lioness? Oli. Twice did he turn his back, and purpos'd so: But kindness, nobler ever than revenge, Made him give battle to the lioness, Who quickly fell before him; in which hurtling From miserable slumber I awak'd. Cel. Are you his brother? Ros. Was it you he rescu'd? Cel. Was't you that did so oft contrive to kill him? To tell you what I was, since my conversion Ros. But, for the bloody napkin ?- By, and by. When from the first to last, betwixt us two, Who gave me fresh array, and entertainment, Committing me unto my brother's love; There stripp'd himself, and here upon his arm Which all this while had bled; and now he fainted, His broken promise, and to give this napkin, Cel. Why, how now, Ganymede? sweet Gany[Rosalind faints. mede? Oli. Many will swoon when they do look on blood. Cel. There is more in it:-Cousin-Ganymede 67 ! Oli. Look, he recovers. Ros. I would, I were at home. Cel. We'll lead you thither : I pray you, will you take him by the arm ? Oli. Be of good cheer, youth: -You a man? You lack a man's heart. Ros. I do so, I confess it. Ah, sir, a body would think this was well counterfeited: I pray you, tell your brother how well I counterfeited.-Heigh ho! Oli. This was not counterfeit; there is too great testimony in your complexion, that it was a passion of earnest. Ros. Counterfeit, I assure you. Oli. Well then, take a good heart, and counterfeit to be a man. Ros. So I do: but, i'faith I should have been a woman by right. Cel. Come, you look paler and paler; pray you, draw homewards :- Good sir, go with us. Oli. That will I, for I must bear answer back How you excuse my brother, Rosalind. Ros. I shall devise something: But, I pray you, commend my counterfeiting to him:-Will you go? [Exeunt. ACT V. SCENE I. The Sume. Enter TOUCHSTONE and AUDREY. Touch. We shall find a time, Audrey; patience, gentle Audrey. Aud. 'Faith, the priest was good enough, for all the old gentleman's saying. Touch. A most wicked sir Oliver, Audrey, a most vile Mar-text. But, Audrey, there is a youth here in the forest lays claim to you. Aud. Ay, I know who 'tis; he hath no interest in me in the world: here comes the man you mean. Enter WILLIAM. Touch. It is meat and drink to me to see a clown: By my troth, we that have good wits, have much to answer for; we shall be flouting; we cannot hold. Will. Good even, Audrey. Aud. God ye good even, William. Will. And good even to you, sir. Touch. Good even, gentle friend: Cover thy head, cover thy head; nay, pr'ythee, be cover'd. How old are you, friend? Will. Five and twenty, sir. Touch. A ripe age: Is thy name, William ? Will. William, sir. Touch. A fair name: Wast born i'the forest here? Will. Ay, sir, I thank God. |