The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, Opseg 7Grolier Society, 1908 |
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Stranica 16
... judgment unto the Son : that all men should honour the Son , even as they ho- nour the Father . He that honoureth not the Son ho- noureth not the Father which hath sent him . Verily , verily , I say unto you , He that heareth my word ...
... judgment unto the Son : that all men should honour the Son , even as they ho- nour the Father . He that honoureth not the Son ho- noureth not the Father which hath sent him . Verily , verily , I say unto you , He that heareth my word ...
Stranica 56
... judgment : of sin , because they believe not on me ; of righteousness , because I go to my Father , and ye see me no more ; of judgment , because the prince of this world is judged . I have yet many things to say unto you , but ye can ...
... judgment : of sin , because they believe not on me ; of righteousness , because I go to my Father , and ye see me no more ; of judgment , because the prince of this world is judged . I have yet many things to say unto you , but ye can ...
Stranica 178
... judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things . And thinkest thou this , O man , that judgest them which do such things , and do- est the same , that thou shalt escape the judgment of God ? Or despisest ...
... judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things . And thinkest thou this , O man , that judgest them which do such things , and do- est the same , that thou shalt escape the judgment of God ? Or despisest ...
THE GOSPEL according TO SAINT JOHN | 1 |
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The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments and the Apocrypha, Opseg 7 Potpun prikaz - 1611 |
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Abraham according Achaia Amen angel apostles art thou baptized beast behold believe believeth beloved blood body brethren brother Cæsarea called Christ Jesus church circumcision cometh commandment dead death disciples doeth earth Ephesus evil faith Father flesh fore fornication Galilee Gentiles glorified glory gospel grace hand hath hear heard heart heaven high priest Holy Ghost honour Israel Jerusalem Jesus answered Jesus Christ Jesus saith unto Jews Judæa judge king lest liveth Lord Jesus Christ Macedonia Moses passover Paul PAUL THE APOSTLE peace Peter Pharisees pray preached prophets received rejoice righteousness saints saith unto Samaria say unto sent servants shew Simon Peter sins spake speak Spirit spoken temple Thessalonians things thou art thou hast thou shalt throne Timotheus tongue truth Tychicus unto thee verily voice walk Wherefore whosoever witness woman word wrath written ye know yourselves