UNIVERSITY CHRONICLE, The Right Rev. Rector delivered a lecture at Boston, December 18th, under the auspices of the Irish Charitable Society on "Ireland's Influence on the Character of the Nations." He also assisted at the fall meeting in New York of the Association of Preparatory Schools of Pennsylvania and Maryland. Bequest from Mr. David T. Leahy.-By the will of the late Mr. David T. Leahy, of Brooklyn, the University receives the sum of $10,000. It is also named as residuary legatee in the case of his son and heir dying without issue. Mr. Leahy was a prominent business man of New York city. The University is profoundly grateful for this mark of his interest and affection. Bequest by Rev. Patrick Cuddihy.-The venerable pastor of Milford, Mass., left $1,000 to the University in his will. May he rest in peace! The University is extremely grateful for all such continued proof of the interest taken in its work by the reverend clergy. Reception by the University Club.-On December 15th, a very brilliant reception was given by the University Club. Assembly Hall was well filled with the friends who came from Brookland and the city. The management deserves great credit for the perfection of all the details. The Latest Number of Pittonia.-Below we give the contents of the latest number for May-September, 1898, of Pittonia, (vol. III, part 19), a botanical periodical issued by our colleague, Professor Greene: New or Noteworthy Violets, Critical Notes on Antennaria, The Genera Polycodium and Batodendron, New Species of Convolvulus, Some Canadian Violets, A Fascicle of New Labiata, New or Noteworthy Species XXIII. THE LAW SCHOOLS. The Professional School of Law opened the academic year with twenty-eight students, of whom eight are at present satisfying the requirements of their local bars by spending the period from Easter, 1898, to Easter, 1899, in study in a home office or law school and will return. to take their examinations and degrees in June. The introduction of the Harvard Case System into the work of the middle and senior classes in certain subjects, under the supervision of James A. McDonald, Esq., an alumnus of the Harvard Law School, has proved eminently successful, and the system will be extended to several other branches in the coming year. The number of students in the University School of Law has greatly increased. All these students are graduates of law schools and all except two are members of the bar. The nature of the work in which they are engaged will appear from the following list: As the faculty have already made arrangements to conduct some of the seminars connected with these University Law Courses at apartments in the immediate vicinity of the Capitol and Congressional Library, the rapid development of this school is confidently expected. Outlines of New Testament History. By REV. F. E. GIGOT, S. S., author of "Outlines of Jewish History." 8vo, cloth, net, $150 Christian Philosophy. A Treatise on the Human Soul. By REV. J. T. DRISCOLL, S. T. L. New Testament Studies. 12mo, cloth, net. $1 25° The Principal Events in the Life of Christ. By Right Rev. Mgr. THOMAS J. CONATY, D. D., Rector of the Catholic University, Washington. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, $0 60 Illustrated Explanation of the Holy Sacraments. With numerous examples from Holy Scripture, the holy Fathers, and other sources. Veneration of the Blessed Virgin. By Rev. B. ROHNER, O. S. B. Her Feasts, Prayers, Religious Orders, and Sodalities. Subscribe for the New Illustrated Catholic Monthly $1 25 OUR BOYS' AND GIRLS' OWN Stories by the foremost Catholic Authors, and other articles. Fine half-tone illustrations. Subscription Price, 75 cents a year. Benziger Brothers, New York, Cincinnati, Chicago. I. FACULTY OF THEOLOGY; School of the Sacred Sciences: Four Depart- II. FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY; Five Schools: (1) Philosophy; (2) Letters- III. FACULTY OF LAW: Two Schools: The Professional School of Law; The IV. BOARD OF INSTRUCTION OF TECHNOLOGY: School of the Technological Sciences-Applied Mathematics, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering. AWARDS DEGREES IN DIVINITY,-Bachelor of Divinity, (S. T. B.); Licentiate in Divinity, (S. T. L.); Doctor of Divinity, (D. D.). IN PHILOSOPHY,-Bachelor of Philosophy, (Ph. B.); Master of Philosophy, (Ph M.); Doctor of Philosophy, (Ph. D.). LAW,-Bachelor of Laws, (LL. B.); Master of Laws, (LL. M.); Doctor of IN TECHNOLOGY,- Civil Engineer, (C. E.); Electrical Engineer, (E. E.); For further information, catalogues, etc., address the GENERAL SECRETARY OF THE CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D. C. |