LUBLINER, Hugo. 2876.115 Auf der Brautfahrt. Lustspiel von Hugo Bürger [pseud.]. Berlin. Bloch. [1870.] 130 pp. [Dramatische Werke. 1.] 16°. **6513.104 LYOUN, John, of Auldbar. Teares for the death of Alexander, Earle of Dunfermeling, lord chancellor of Scotland. [Anon. Ed. by James Maidment.] Edin. Ballantyne. 1823. (3), viii, 4, 8 pp. [Bannatyne club.] 4°. MAC CARTHY [McCarthy], Justin. The dictator, a novel of politics and society. MAC DONALD, Arthur. Criminology. N. Y. Harper. 1893. 12°. 14.122 (From The New Englander and Yale review. Vol. 20, pp. The book of marvellous adventures, & other books of the Morte d'Arthur. Ed. by Ernest Rhys. Morte d'Arthur: the last twelve books. Lond. Scott. [1892.] xiii, (1), 384 pp. [Scott library.] Sm. 8°. MANZONI, Giacomo, conte. *2152.51 Catalogue de la bibliothèque de feu M. le comte Jacques Manzoni. 1re partie. MARLET, Léon. Città di Castello, 1892. 8°. 2641.136 Lond. Seeley. 1892. xvi, 398 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. A story of the time of Charles the Second. MARSHALL, Emma. 6576.109 The two swords; a story of old Bristol. Lond. Seeley. 1891. x, (1), 178 pp. Pl. Sm. 8°. Time, 1644. MARSHALL, Emma. Under the Mendips. A tale. Lond. Seeley. 1892. vi, (1), 420 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. Time of the Bristol riots, 1831. 6577.103 MAUGRAS, Gaston. 2647.112 Journal d'un étudiant (Edmond Géraud) pendant la Révolution, 1789-1795. Paris. Lévy. 1890. xi, 393 pp. Portr. 16°. MAY, Gaston, and Henri BECKER. 8619.66 Précis des institutions du droit privé de Rome, destiné à l'explica tion des auteurs latins. 1892. xx, 273 pp. 12°. 2578.111 Paris. Larose & F. 1892. Holmby house: a tale of Old Northhamptonshire. New ed. Time of Charles I. MÉRIMÉE, Prosper. 2846.87 Théâtre de Clara Gazul, comédienne espagnole. Suivi de La Jaquerie et de La famille Carvajal. Nouv. éd. MILNER, Henry M. Paris. Lévy. 1883. (5), 447 pp. 16°. **K.38.43 Barmecide; or, the fatal offspring. A dramatick romance, in three acts. First acted in London, December, 1818. Baltimore. Robinson. 1819. 47 pp. 24°. *3860.123 MINING DIRECTORY and reference book of the U. States, Canada and Mexico. 1892. George W. Ramage, editor. Chic. Poole. 1892. MOMERIE, Alfred Williams. The religion of the future and other essays. V. 8°. 3447.108-3447.109 Edin. Blackwood. 1893. viii, (1), 141 pp. Sm. 8°. Contents. The religion of the future.-The decadence of the English church.-Ecclesiasticism.-Dogmatism in theology.-King's college council.-Clerical untruthfulness. The drift of religious thought in England. MOONEY, James. The sacred formulas of the Cherokees. Portr. 1885-86. Wash. 1891.) MORELLI, Giovanni. *4490.9.7 Fac-similes. Annual report, 7th. 8085.100 Monaco, Dresda e Le opere dei maestri italiani nelle gallerie di Berlino. Saggio critico di Jvan Lermolieff [pseud.]. Trad. dal russo in tedesco per cura del dott. Giovanni Schwarze e dal tedesco in italiano dalla Baronessa di K. . . . . .. A.. Bologna. Zanichelli. 1886. (3), xii, 470, (3) pp. Illus. 8°. MUIR, Alan. MUSSAT, Louise. Mon roman. 2578.164 3 v. Sm. 8°. 2675.143 Paris. Firmin-Didot. 1889. (3), 370 pp. [Bibliothèque des mères de famille. 2e série.] 12°. NICOLAI, Friedrich. 2874.103. 1st series 1, 2 Friedrich Nicolai's kleyner feyner Allmanach. 1777 und 1778. Jahrg. 1, 2. Herausg. von Georg Ellinger. Berlin. Paetel. 1888. 2 pts. [Berliner Neudrucke. Serie 1, B. 1, 2.] 16°. **K.38.90 NIGHT-WATCH, The; or, pirates' den: a melo-drama, in two acts. By a gentleman of Boston. Bost. The author. 1820. 33, (1) pp. 24°. NUÑEZ ALBA, Diego. **D.150a.112 Diálogos de la vida del soldado. Reimpresos según la primera edición con un prólogo de Antonio María Fabié. Madrid. Fé. 1890. lxxvii, xxiii, (2), 332, (1) pp. [Libros de antaño. 13.] 12°. O'CALLAGHAN, P. P. **K.38.86 The married bachelor, or, master and man: a comic piece, in one act. From the acting copy, with remarks, biographical and critical, by D.-G. [George Daniel]. With engraving. Lond. G. H. Davidson. [1850.] 28 pp. 24°. OETKER, Friedrich. Belgische Studien. Schilderungen und Erörterungen. O'GR Standish. 2579a.144 Finn and his companions. Lond. Unwin. 1892. xvi, 182 pp. Illus. 16°. From Annales de Philosophie chrétienne 5e sér., t. 13 [*7509.50. 5th ser. 13]. OPPERT, Jules. Chronologie des Assyriens et des Babyloniens. ORTEGA Y FRÍAS, Ramón. El naufragio de la Medusa, novela histórica. Time, 1816. ORTEGA MUNILLA, José. Viajes de un cronista. Dibujos de Ángel Pons. OSLET, Gustave. 5047.81 8°. 3099.108 3099.145 16°. 8010.136 Cours de construction. le partie : Matériaux de construction et leur emploi. Paris. Chairgrasse. [1885.] (3), 668 pp. Illus. [Bibliothèque théorique et pratique des connaissances civiles et militaire. Partie civile.] 8°. OULTON, Walley Chamberlain. No. 5 in *Pph. vol. 208=**K.38.72 The sleep-walker; or, which is the lady? A farce, in two acts. (From the 1st Lond. ed. of 1812.) PABST, Arthur. N. Y. Longworth. 1813. 36 pp. 24°. *Cab.40.19.2 Kirchen-Möbel des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. PAGÈS, Léon, and J. MOURIER. 6186.38 Bibliothèque japonaise. Contenant principalement une collection de textes-originaux japonais, et une série de relations des pères jésuites. Paris, 1889. 100 pp. 8°. PALMER, Henry Spencer. 3049.157 Sinai. From the fourth Egyptian dynasty to the present day. New ed., revised by Prof. Sayce. Lond. Soc. for prom. Christian knowledge. 1892. 224 pp. Illus. Maps. [Ancient history from the monuments.] Sm. 8°. PAOLUCCI, Giuseppe. 3567.136 L'origine dei communi di Milano e di Roma (secolo XI e XII). 6249.82 PARMELEE, Mary. Who? when? and what? Famous men and events of six centuries. 1250-1850. N. Y. Lovell. 1891. iv, 55 pp. Chart. 48°,obl. PARSONS, Thomas William. Versi sopra un busto di Dante. Trad. dal generale Masi. 2795.66 PAUL, Norris. Eveline Wellwood. A story of modern Irish life. PAUTHE, Léopold, abbé. 6577.106 3557.118 Histoire de sainte Marcelle. La vie religieuse chez les patriciennes de Rome au Ive siècle. 2e éd. 16o. Paris. Poussielgue. 1884. xxiii, 551 pp. PAZ Y MELIA, Antonio, ed. *3092.111 Nobilario de conquistadores de Indias. Le publica la Sociedad de bibliófilos españoles. [Tomo 1.] PEPYS, Samuel. Madrid, 1892. Ed. with additions by POPE, Albert A. 8016.164 The relation of good streets to the prosperity of a city. An address. PORTER, Edward Griffin. N. p. [1890.] 40 pp. 12°. 3041.134 The aborigines of Australia. A paper read before the American an Lond. Longmans. 1890. PROCTOR, Francis Bartlett, ed. Classified gems of thought, from the great writers and preachers of all ages. With a preface by Henry Wace. 3d ed. Lond. Hodder & S. 1892. xvi, 816 pp. 8o. *6170.28 PROU, Maurice. QUESNOY, Ferdinand. La guerre à toutes les époques. 3955.117 Paris. Laurens. [1893.] (5), 309 pp. Illus. [Bibliothèque d'histoire et d'art.] 8°. |