COLOMB, Joséphine Blanche. Contes pour les enfants. 2675.133 Paris. Hachette. 1880. (1), 189 pp. Pls. [Bibliothèque des écoles et des familles.] 16°. 4311.151 COLON. Cuarto centenario del descubrimiento de la América. Madrid. Hernando. 1892. 29 pp. Col. illus. 8°. CONCORD AND MONTREAL RAILROAD. *4436.151 Vistas on the C. & M. Bost. n. d. Pls. Maps. 16°, obl. CONWAY, Katherine Eleanor. 2403.109 A dream of lilies. Bost. Cupples. [1893.] vi, 64 pp. 8°. COUTAGNE, Jean Paul Henry. 8047.108 DARBY, Joseph. 3605.125 Day visions and clairvoyant night dreams, with facts on somnambu Géographie de Maurice et de ses dépendances. DEERING, Charles. and 2491.137 Nottinghamia vetus et nova: or an historical account of the ancient present state of the town of Nottingham. With Appendix. Nottingham. Ayscough & W. 1751. vi, (1), 13, (3), 370 pp. Pls. 4. DESDEVISES DU DEZERT, Georges Nicolas. Les unions irrégulières en Navarre sous le régime du Fuero general. DREYFUS, Abraham. 2674.127 Paris. Lévy. 1880. (4), 63 pp. 12o. EICHELBERGER, William Snyder. Salem. Nichols. [1892.] 13, (1) pp. 4°. From Astronomical jour., vol. 12 [**E.200.1.12]. ELLER, George. 5920.100 *2492.117 Memorials, archaeological and ecclesiastical, of the West Winch manors. King's Lynn. Thew. 1861. (6), 240 pp. Illus. Pls. Map. Fac-similes. 8". FAESCH, Johann Rudolf. **Cab. 60.89.2 Anderer Versuch seiner architect: Wercke bestehend in allerhand Grund-Haupt-Rissen und Profile unterschiedener Gebäuden. Nürnberg. Weigel. [1738.] 5 pts. in 1 v. 125 pl. Sm. f, obl. FANTONI, Giovanni. 2766.62 Le odi di Giovanni Fantoni (Labindo). Con prefazione e note di Angelo Solerti. Torino. Loescher. 1889. (7), 327 pp. Portr. [Biblioteca di autori italiani. 2.] 12°. FINSKA fornminnesföreningens tidskrift. Suomen muinaismuistoyhdistyksen aikakauskirja. 1-12. Helsingfors, 1874-91. 12 v. in 5. Illus. Pls. Maps. 8°. FIORINI, Matteo. 2286.82 I globi di Gerardo Mercatore in Italia. [Roma, 1890.] 7 pp. 8°. From Bollettino della Soc. geog. italiana. 3d ser. T. 3 [*6276.13. 3d ser. 3]. FIORINI, Matteo. 2286.80 Le projezioni cordiformi nella cartografia. 1889. 28 pp. 8°. From Boll. della Soc. geog. italiana, ser. 3, vol. 2 [*5276.13.26]. 2286.78 FIORINI, Matteo. Sulle misure ricavate dalle carte geografiche. Roma. Soc. geog. italiana. 1886. 24 pp. 8o. From Bollettino della Soc. geog. italiana [*6276.13.23]. 7999.31 Bost. Ellsworth. 1878. 16°. FRANCE. Ministère de la guerre. FRENCH, Alice. 8°. 14.117 Stories of a Western town. By Octave Thanet [pseud.]. FRISI, Paolo. N. Y. Versuch über die gothische Baukunst. *2890b.50.40/41 (Von deutscher Art und Kunst. Pp. 93-109. Stuttgart, 1892.) GIBSON, George Rutledge. 3640b.89 Bruges ancienne et moderne. Bruxelles. Inst. nat. de géog. 1890. 81 pp. Pls. Maps. 8°. GIRARDIN, Delphine Gay de. 2674.128 Une femme qui déteste son mari. Comédie. Nouv. éd. 12°. GOSPEL, The, according to Peter. Two lectures on the newly discovered fragments, together with the Greek texts. By J. Armitage Robinson and Montague Rhodes James. 2d ed. Lond. Clay. 1892. 96 pp. Sm. 8°. **6513.115 GRAHAM, John, 1st viscount of Dundee. similes. [Bannatyne club.] 4°. GRAUX, Charles. No. 2 in *2170a.78 Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs de Suède. Mises en ordre et complétées par Albert Martin. Notices sommaires des manuscrits grecs d'Espagne et de Portugal. Mises en ordre et complétées par Albert Martin. Paris. Leroux. 1892. (3), 321, (2) pp. 8°. Outline of experiments. in sound, light, heat. . . Rev. by A. HARDY, William John, and William Tomlinson PAGE. The great bore: a souvenir of the Hoosac tunnel. North Adams, 1891. 74 pp. Illus. 16o. Contents.-1. Richard I to Richard III. HEPBURN, James, earl of Bothwell. *6513.129 Les affaires du Conte de Boduel. L'an 1568. [Ed. by T. G. Repp.] Edin. 1829. (6), xvi, lxv pp. [Bannatyne club.] 4°. ! [Bost. 1890.] 8 pp. [Nationalist leaflets.] 8°. HEURTLEY, Charles Abel. 3458.163 A history of the earlier formularies of faith of the Western and Eastern churches added an exposition of the Athanasian creed. Lond. Parker. 1892. viii, 166 pp. Sm. 8°. HILDRETH, A. Dr. W. T. Harris on nationalism. HILL, Hamilton Andrews. 4442.224 5561.143 Thomas Coram in Boston and Taunton. Read before the American antiquarian society. Worcester. Hamilton. 1892. 18 pp. 8°. 3039.107 HITCHCOCK, Edward, prof. of hygiene, Amherst coll. The results of anthropometry. As derived from the measurements of the students in Amherst college. [Anon.] HOLM, Adolf. Amherst, 1892. 7 pp. 3 tables. 8°. Beiträge zur Berichtigung der Karte des alten Siciliens. HOMER. Iliad. English. 4735.8 2999a.62 The Iliads of Homer done into English, by George Chapman. HOOD, Thomas. No. 1 in *6564.34 HORN, M. *4894.15 Register op de Litterarische Fantasien en Kritieken van Cd. Busken Huet. Samengesteld door M. Horn. Memorial of Hon. Thomas Green, a Boston merchant. HUMBLET, Léon. Traité des noms, des prénoms & des pseudonymes dans le droit civil, commercial, criminel . . . Paris. Larose & F. 1892. vii, (1), 466 pp. 8°. |