HATTON, Joseph. Under the great seal. HAWTREY, Louisa. N. Y. Cassell. 1893. 12o. 14.140 2579a.135 Castle Cornet; or, the island's troubles in the troublous times. A story of the Channel islands. Lond. Soc. for prom. Christian knowledge. [1872.] vii, 176 pp. Illus. Sm. 8°. Time of Charles I. HILGARD, Eugene Waldemar. 7995.34 Alkali lands, irrigation and drainage in their mutual relations. 2d rev. reprinted . . Sacramento, 1892. 69 pp. Tables. [University of California. College of agriculture. Agricul. experiment station.] 8°. HOPPIN, Emily Howland. 14.136 From out of the past, the story of a meeting in Touraine. N. Y. Dodd, M. & co. [1893.] 12°. HORATIUS FLACCUS, Quintus. Odes. English. Horatian echoes. Translations from the Odes of Horace by John Osborne Sargent. 2927.74 Bost. Houghton, M. & co. HOWELLS, William Dean. 1893. xxi, 240 pp. 12o. 14.138 The unexpected guests: a farce. N. Y. Harper. 1893. Illus. 32°. HUIGINN, E. J. V. 4352.122 3047.174 HUNTER, Sir William Wilson. IBN AL-ABBAR. **D.244.20.4 Almocham (Dictionarium ordine alphabetico) de discipulis Abu Ali Assadafi . . . nunc primum edidit Franciscus Codera et Zaydin. Matriti. De Rojas. 1886. xix, 368 pp. [Bibliotheca ArabicoHispana. 4.] 8°. IBN AL-ABBAR. **D.244.20.5,6 Complementum libri Assilah (dictionarium biographicum) ab Aben al-Abbar scriptum. Nunc primum edidit Franciscus Codera et Zaydin. Matriti. Romero. 1889. 2 v. [Bibliotheca Arabico-Hispana. 5, 6.] 8°. KAULBARS, Nikolai, baron. 3953.120 Les armées de la Triple-alliance. L'armée Austro-Hongroise. Trad. du Russe, par R. Candiani. Paris. Westhausser. 1893. KRASPER, Eduard. 2986.63 Griechische Formenlehre des attischen Dialekts für Gymnasien. Magdeburg. Creutz. 1857. xii, 191, (1) pp. Sheet. [Griechische Grammatik des attischen Dialekts, von E. Krasper u. K. Ditfurt. Th. 1.] 8°. LAURENT, Jean Émile. Le nicotinisme. Étude de psychologie pathologique. 3795.113 Paris. Société d'éd. scient. 1893. (3), 221 pp. Portrs. [Bibliothèque générale de physiologie.] 8°. LEADMAN, Alexander D. H. 2492.119 Proelia Eboracensia. Battles fought in Yorkshire: treated historically and topographically. Lond. Bradbury, A., & co. 1891. (7), 192 pp. Illus. Pls. Plans. 8°. Lond. 14.143 Trans. by Belle M. Sherman. 4461.134 LENGUAS indígenas de Centro América en el siglo XVIII, según copia del Archivo de Indias, hecha por León Fernández y publicada por Ricardo Fernández Guardia y Juan Fernández Ferraz para el 9o Congreso de Americanistas. 110, (3) pp. L. 8°. San José de Costa Rica. Tip. nacional. 1892. LINTNER, Joseph Albert. 5892.81 Report of the committee [of the Western New York horticultural society] on entomology. *2500a.133 LONDON. Churches. Dutch reformed church, Austin Friars. Register of the attestations or certificates of membership, confessions of guilt, certificates of marriages, betrothals, &c. . . . 1568-1872. Ed. by J. H. Hessels. Lond. Nutt. 1892. Dutch church.] 8°. LOON, Gerard van. 1892. xi, 296 pp. [Archives of the London Beschryving der nederlandsche historie-penningen. 's Gravenhage. Van Lom. 1723-31. 4 v. Pls. Fo. *6820.10 Beschrijving van nederlandsche historie-penningen, ten vervolge op het werk van G. van Loon. Uitgegeven door de Koninklijke akademie der wetenschappen. Amsterdam. Pieper & I. 1822-69. MAC CRINDLE [M'Crindle], J. W. *6820.11 3042.137 The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch, and Justin. Westminster. Constable. 1893. xv, 432 pp. Illus. Pls. Maps. 8°. *4474.188 [Mason and Dixon's line.] Message transmitting the reports of the joint commissioners and of Lt. col. Graham, U. S. engineers, in relation to the intersection of the boundary lines of the states of Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Wash. 1850. 87, (1) pp. Map. 8°. MAYHEW, Henry, and George CRUIKSHANK. *6570a.64 1851 or, the adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Sandboys, their son and daughter, who came to London to enjoy themselves and to see the great exhibition. N. Y. Stringer & T. [1852.] 242 pp. Pl. 8°. A re-issue of the plates which accompanied the English edition of the text will be found on shelf-number **Cab.40.14.4. MELUCCI, Pasquale. 8067.124 Verismo ed idealismo in arte. Leggendo Leopardi. Due conferenze. MILTON, John. 16°. 4608.112 Paradise lost. Books v. and VI., XI. and XII. With introd., notes, glossary and index by A. Wilson Verity. Camb. University press. 1892. 2 v. Sm. 8°. MIMANDE, Paul. Souvenirs d'un échappé de Panama. Paris. Perrin. 1893. vi, 134 pp. 16°. MONKHOUSE, William Cosmo. Life of Leigh Hunt. 4366.139 Lond. Scott. 1893. ["Great writers."] 8°. MOORS, John Farwell. History of the 52d regiment, Mass. volunteers. Bost. Ellis. 1893. 220, lxiii pp. Portrs. 8°. MORFILL, William Richard. The story of Poland. N. Y. 1893. 530.74 *4422.212 940.45 Portrs. Maps. [Story of the nations.] 12°. 178.53 Souvenir. Descriptive of the social, religious and industrial characteristics of Lynn. Ed. by John Myron Potter. Essai de localisation des habitants précolombiens de l'Amérique cen trale. 4310a.180 La nuova città America ed il r. Prinzapulka nel Nicaragua. [Torino, 1891.] 2 pp. 8°. PELHAM, Henry Francis. Outlines of Roman history. N. Y. Putnam. 1893. Maps. 12°. PÉREZ GALDOS, Benito. Tormento. 4a ed. 950.37 3099.153 Madrid. La Guirnalda. 1888. 315 pp. [Novelas españolas contemporáneas.] 16°. PHELPS, Elizabeth Stuart. PINGAUD, Léonce. gues. 14.137 Bost. Houghton, M. & co. 1893. 12°. 4650a.1 Un agent secret sous la Révolution et l'Empire. Le comte Antrai- PIPER, Paul, ed. 4894.54 Höfische Epik. Iter Teil. Die ältesten Vertreter ritterlicher Epik in Deutschland. Stuttgart. Union deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft. [1893.] [Deutsche National-Litteratur. B. 4.] 8°. PORTER, Edward Griffin. The beginning of the Revolution. 4410.117 Bost. Osgood. 1882. (1), 66 pp. Illus. Portrs. Fac-similes. 8°. From the Memorial hist. of Boston [*4451.51.3]. REVERE, Paul. **G.41.64 [Correspondence, circular and newspaper cuttings, relating to the proposed equestrian statue of Paul Revere.] REYER, Eduard. [Bost. 1882.] Manuscript. 4°. Die Eisenindustrie der Vereinigten Staaten. 8012.132 [Düsseldorf. Bagel. 1877.] 2, 27 pp. 8°. ROBILLARD DE BEAUREPAIRE, Georges de. 3561.130 Droit romain: Du culte des ancêtres chez les Romains dans ses rapports avec le droit privé. Droit français: Des avaries communes. Thèse. Caen. Delesques. 1890. (7), 342 pp. [Faculté de droit de Caen.] 8°. ROCKWELL & CHURCHILL. Artistic work from type & plates. ROGERS, Clara Kathleen. 6110.32 Bost. 1888. 4°. 8047.110 Le couvent du dragon vert. Drame japonais, adapté à la scène française. Paris. Faivre. 1893. viii, 184 pp. Vignettes. 8°. RUMFORD FALLS power company, Portland, Me. Rumford falls, Maine. Prospectus of the company. ST. JOHN, Charles William. *4434.126 8005.59 A tour in Sutherlandshire, with extracts from the field-books of a sportsman and naturalist. Lond. Murray. 1849. 2 v. Illus. Sm. 8°. |