Nichol, John. Francis Bacon; his life and philosophy. 2 pt. Philadelphia, etc. 1888-89. 16o. Portrs. of Bacon. (KNIGHT, William, editor. Philosophical classics for English readers, 13, 14.) III. 5545, also DS. Contents: -i. Bacon's life. 1888. ii. Bacon's philosophy, with a sketch of the history of previous science and method. 1889. Olden, Thomas, translator. The Holy Scriptures in Ireland one thousand years ago: selections from the Würtzburg glosses. [With "Remarks on some of the sources of early Irish theology."] 1889. London, etc. 8. Fac-sim. III. 5589 O'Reilly, Bernard (b. 1823). Life of Leo XIII., from an authentic memoir furnished by his order; written with the encouragement, approbation, and blessing of His Holiness the pope. New York. 1887. 8°. pp. 603. Rievaulx, Eng. - Abbey. Cartularium abbathiæ de Rievalle ordinis cisterciensis fundatæ anno 1632. [Edited by J. C. Atkinson.] Durham, etc. 1889. 8. Front., plan, and plate. (SURTEES SOCIETY. Publ. 83.) Eng. Lit. 1003 Rome, Italy - Vaticano. Al sommo pontefice Leone XIII. omaggio giubilare della biblioteca vaticana. Roma. 1888. fo. Plates. 27 Case. 566 Contents: ROMANUS Melodus, of Constantinople, Saint. Cantica sacra, ex codicibus MSS. monasterii S. Ioannis in insula Patmo, primam in lucem edidit I. B. Pitra. Gr. and Lat. CozzA-LUZI, Giuseppe, l'abate. Pergamene purpuree vaticane di Evangeliario, a caratteri di oro e di argento. Memoria. CICCOLINI, Stefano. Leone XIII. e la biblioteca vaticana. BOLLIG, Joannes. De codice aethiopico [Orgânon Denghel] quem Leo XIII. a Menelik rege Abyssiniae acceptum dono dedit bibliothecae vaticanae. Monitum. Rossi, G. B. DE. La Bibbia offerta da Ceolfrido abbate ai sepolcro di S. Pietro; codice antichissimo tra i superstitl - STEVENdelle biblioteche della sede apostolica. Memoria. Portrs., plates, and wdcts. SON, Henry. Topografia e monumenti di Roma nelle pitture a fresco di Sisto V. della biblioteca vaticana. Memoria. JACOBUS, bp. of Edessa. De fide adversus Nestorium carmen. Ex MS. syriaco vaticano CLXXIII. edidit et latinitate donavit Marianus Ugolini. - STORNAIOLO, Cosimo. Il trittico a smalto dipinto, donato da Leone XIII. al museo sacro della biblioteca vaticana, illustrato.- SCAGLIOSI, Nicola. Di alcuni notevoli sigilli contenuti nella collezione sfragistica della biblioteca vaticana. VII. 2329 Palgrave, Francis Turner, editor. The treasury of sacred song; selected from the English lyrical poetry of four centuries, with notes explanatory and biographical. Oxford. 1889. 8. 10415.47 The same. Oxford, etc. 1889. 8°. Large paper. "585 copies printed. No. 378." DS. Perry, George Gresley. The life of St. Hugh of Avalon, bishop of Lincoln; with some account of his predecessors in the see of Lincoln. London. 1879. 8. Port. of St. Hugh. III. 5449 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (b. 1844). The struggle for immortality. Boston, etc. 1889. 16°. III. 5511 Contents: What is a fact? -Is God good? What does revelation reveal? The struggle for immortality. The Christianity of Christ. The psychical opportunity. The psychical wave. "Edizione di soli 202 esemplari. N. 62." Prentice, George. Wilbur Fisk. Boston, etc. 1890 [1889]. 16. (AMERICAN religious leaders.) 17347.45, also DS. Prentiss, George Lewis. The Union theological seminary in the city of New York: historical and biographical sketches of its first fifty years. New York. 1889. 8°. Front. and plate. VI. 5367 Pressel, Wilhelm. Die zerstreuung des volkes Israel. 5 hefte in 1 vol. Berlin. 1888-89. 8o Sem. 317 Contents: i. Der charakter dieser zerstreuung. 1888. — ii. Die stufen dieser zerstreuung. 1888. iii. Der Thalmud. 1888. iv. Midrasch, Kabbalah, Thargum, Septuaginta, Massora. 1889. v. Die zukunft der zerstreuung. 1889. Purinton, Daniel Boardman. Christian theism, its claims and sanctions. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. DS. Rawlinson, George. The kings of Israel and Judah. London. [1889.] sm. 8°. (MEN of the Bible.) DS. Reply (A) to Dr. Lightfoot's Essays. By the author of " Supernatural religion." London, etc. 1889. 8. III. 5579, also DS. Revel, Alberto. Letteratura ebraica. 2 vol. (paged contin.). Milano, etc. 1888. 16o. (Manuali Hoepli.) Sem. 312 Reynolds, George. The story of the Book of Mormon. Salt Lake City. 1888. 8o. Illustr. III. 5597 pp. 96. Map. (BY Sayce, Archibald Henry. The life and times of Isaiah, as illustrated by contemporary monuments. [London.] 1889. sm. 8° PATHS of Bible knowledge, 13.) III. 4237 Schirnhofer, Resa voN. Vergleich zwischen den lehren Schelling's und Spinoza's. Inauguraldissertation. Zürich. 1889. 8. pp. vi., 85+. III. 5568 "Curriculum vitae," after p. 85. Schmidt, Karl, prof. at Strasburg. The social results of early Christianity. Translated by Mrs. Thorpe, with preliminary essay by R. W. Dale. 2d ed. London. 1889. 8. DS; SQ. Schubert, Hans voN. Roms kampf um die weltherrschaft; eine kirchengeschichtliche studie. Halle. 1888. 8o (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 23.) III. 3119 (23) Schultze, Victor. Geschichte des untergangs i. des griechisch-römischen heidentums. Jena. 1887. 8° III. 5489 Contents:i. Staat und kirche im kampfe mit dem hei dentum. Simpson, William Sparrow. Chapters in the history of old S. Paul's. London. 1881. 8o. Front., fac-sim., and wdct. 9413.26 Simpson, William Sparrow. Gleanings from old S. Paul's. London. 1889. 8. Front., plates, and wdcts. 9413.27 Souchon, Martin. Die papstwahlen von Bonifaz VIII. bis Urban VI. und die entstehung des schismas 1378. Braunschweig. 1888. 8° Table. III. 5495 Sprenger, Aloys. Mohammed und der Koran; eine psychologische studie. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 74. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 84, 85.) VIII. 175 (IV) Steinitzer, Max. Die menschlichen und tierischen gemütsbewegungen als gegenstand der wissenschaft; ein beitrag zur geschichte des neueren geisteslebens. München. 1889. 8o. III. 5494 Strack, Herinann (L.), and Zöckler, Otto, editors. Kurzgefasster kommentar zu den Heiligen Schriften Alten und Neuen Testamentes, sowie zu den Apokryphen. Altes Testament. viie abt. Nördlingen. 1889. 1. 8. Namely: — Contents:i. Die götter und göttersagen. Sunderland, Jabez Thomas. The liberal Christian ministry [as a calling for young men and for young women]. Boston. 1889. 12. pp. 96. DS. Taylor, Graham. The practical training needed for the ministry of to-day. Inaugural address, Oct. 10, 1888. Hartford. 1888. 8°. pp. 19. (HARTFORD seminary publications; new series, 2.) III. 5499 The same. 2d ed. Hartford. 1888. 8o pp. 19. (Ditto.) DS. Têtu, (Louis David) Henri. Notices biographiques. Les évêques de Québec. Québec. 1889. 8°. pp. 692. Portrs. 4374.13 That unknown country; or, What living men believe concerning punishment after death, together with recorded views of men of former times. Springfield, Mass. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 9-943. Portrs. and fac-sims. DS. Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament; being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti translated, revised, and enlarged. Corrected edition. New York. 1889. 4o. pp. xx., 728. DS. Thwing, Edward Payson, compiler. The preacher's cabinet; a handbook of illustrations. 3 series in 1 vol. New York. 1887 [cop. 188084]. 12°. III. 5537 Thwing, Edward Payson. Windows of character, and other studies in science and art. New York, etc. [1889.] 12o. III. 5569 Other studies: A persuasive voice. Psychological studies.-Mental automatism.-A clinical and forensic study of trance. The basis of remedial science. - The mystery and mastery of men. - The peril of the city.-American life as related to inebriety. - Vocal and musical culture in America. -The works of Canova. Weyland, Gerard Johan. Omwerkings- en compilatie-hypothesen toegepast op de Apokalypse van Johannes. Academisch proefschrift. Groningen. 1888. 1. 8°. DS. Wiese, Albert. Die cistercienser in Dargun von 1172 bis 1300; ein beitrag zur meklenburg-pommerschen colonisationsgeschichte. [Inaugural dissertation, Rostock.] Güstrow. 1888. 8°. pp. 93. III. 5481 Wolf, Gustav. Zur geschichte der deutschen protestanten, 1555-1559. Nebst einem anhange von archivalischen beilagen. Berlin. 1888. 8. III. 5483 "Verzeichnis der zitierten litteratur," pp. 462-466. Wrede, Adolf. Ernst der Bekenner, herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg. Halle. 1888. 8°. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 25.) III. 3119 (25) Wundt, Wilhelm (Max). Grundzüge der physiologischen psychologie. 3e umgearbeitete aufl. 2 bde. Leipzig. 1887. 8. Wdcts. V. 2996 Wycliffe, John DE. Tractatus de officio regis. Now first edited, from the Vienna Mss. 4514 and 3933, by A. W. Pollard and Charles Sayle. London. 1887 [1889]. 8°. (WYCLIF SOCIETY. [Publ.]) III. 23978 Ziegler, Heinrich. Die gegenreformation in Schlesien. Halle a. S. [1888.] 8°. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 24.) III. 3119(24) Zorn, Philipp. Lehrbuch des kirchenrechts. Stuttgart. 1888. 8. III. 5490 III. - Science. Abercromby, Ralph. Seas and skies in many latitudes; or, Wanderings in search of weather. London. 1888. 8°. Front., maps, plates, and wdcts. Met. 417, also AO. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Witch, warlock, and magician: historical sketches of magic and witchcraft in England and Scotland. London. 1889. 8. III. 5592 American academy of arts and sciences. Memorial of Asa Gray. Fellow, 1841 to 1888; corresponding secretary, 1844 to 1850, 1852 tc 1863; president, 1863 to 1873. Cambridge. 1888. 8°. pp. 45. PM. Austria-Gradmessungs-bureau. Astronomische arbeiten des k. k. gradmessungs-bureau; ausgeführt unter der leitung des hofrathes Theodor v. Oppolzer. Nach dessen tode herausgegeben von Edmund Weiss und Robert Schram. i. bd. Wien. 1889. 4o. Wdcts. (Publicationen für die internationale erdmessung.) АО. Contents:i. Längenbestimmungen. Becker, George Ferdinand. Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. Washington. 1888. 4. Maps, plates, wdcts., and atlas of 12 plates, 1887, fo. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Monographs, 13.) Text, 20.3; Atlas, M. 3998 Bennett, Alfred William, and Murray, George, F. L. S. A handbook of cryptogamic botany. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Wdcts. V. 3670 Bergmann, Ernst von (b. 1836), and Rochs, H. Anleitende vorlesungen für den operationscursus an der leiche. Berlin. 1889. 16. Wacts. V. 2982 Billings, Frank Seaver. Original investigations of cattle diseases in Nebraska, 1886-1888. Lincoln, Neb. 1889. 8o. Plates. V. 2995 From "Bull. agr. expt. station of Neb., vol. iii., bulletin 7-10." Blakesley, Thomas Holmes. Papers on alternating currents of electricity, for the use of students and engineers. 2d ed., enlarged. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8. Diagrs. (The SPECIALISTS' series.) V. 3672 Blanford, Henry Francis. A practical guide to the climates and weather of India, Ceylon, and Burmah, and the storms of Indian seas; based chiefly on the publications of the Indian meteorological department. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Wdcts. AO. Borckert, Hans (Georg). Anatomisch-physio logische untersuchung der haftscheibe von cyclop terus lumpus L. Inaugural-dissertation. Kiel. 1889. 8°. pp. 34+. Plates. MZ. "Lebenslauf," after p. 34. "Aus dem zoologischen institut der universität Kiel." Botanisches centralblatt; referirendes organ für das gesammtgebiet der botanik des in- und auslandes. Bd. i.-xxxvi. 1880-1888. w. 36 bde. in 18. Cassel. 1880-88. 8°. Plates, portrs., wdcts., etc. IX. 48 To be continued. Bd. i.-v. were edited by Oscar Uhlworm; vi.-xxxiv. by Oscar Uhlworm and W. J. Behrens; xxxv., xxxvi. by Oscar Uhlworm and G. F. Kohl. Bourcart, Emanuel. Erklärung der variation der vogeleier. Genf. 1889. 8. pp. 20. MZ. Bradbury, William Frothingham, editor. Algebra examination papers for admission to Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth, Brown, and to the Mass. institute of technology, from June, 1878, to Sept. 1889, inclusive. Boston. [1889.] 8%. VI. 4395 Breck, William Gilman. In memoriam: William Gilman Breck. Died Jan. 22, 1889. [Springfield. 1889.] 8°. pp. 20. Port. 17336.40 Brown, John A. HARVIE, and Buckley, Thomas Edward. A vertebrate fauna of the outer Hebrides. Edinburgh. 1888. sq. 8°. Illustr. MZ. Calleja, Camilo. Principles of universal physiology; a reform in the theories of physics, chemistry, biology, and cosmology. London. 1889. sm. 8°. V. 2977 Under "universal physiology" the author comprehends "the whole theory of nature." Chambers, George Frederick. A handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. 4th ed. i. Oxford. 1889. 8°. Front., wdcts., and plates. Contents:i. The sun, planets, and comets. AO. Cottam, Arthur. Charts of the constellations from the North Pole to between 35 and 40 degrees of south declination. London. 1889. f. pp. (4). 36 charts. AO. Craig, Thomas, Ph.D. A treatise on linear differential equations. Vol. i. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. Diagrs. VI. 4377 Contents:i. Equations with uniform coefficients. Dana, James Dwight. Manual of mineralogy and petrography; containing the elements of the science of minerals and rocks. 7th ed., revised and enlarged. New York. 1889 [cop. 1887]. 8°. Wdcts. V. 3000 Darwin, Charles (Robert). A naturalist's voyage journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle' round the world. [2d ed.] London. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. and wdcts. MZ. Darwin, Charles (Robert). The structure and distribution of coral reefs. 3d ed., with an appendix by T. G. Bonney. New York. 1889. 12°. Map, plates, and wdcts. V. 3644 Davaine, Casimir Joseph. Euvre. Charbon, septicémie; parasitisme, microbisme; anatomie, physiologie; anomalies, tératologie. Paris. 1889. 8. pp. (6), 863+. Port. and plates. V. 3003 "Notice sur Davaine," pp. 1-29. Davenport, Francis Henry. Diseases of women; a manual of non-surgical gynecology. V. 2994 Philadelphia. 1889. 12°. Wdcts. Ligeros apuntes sobre Davis, Walter Gould. Emery, Titus Salter. Inorganic coal and limestone in an electro-chemical world. Philadelphia. 1888. 8°. Wdcts. V. 3645 The author propounds a new theory in regard to the forma tion of coal and limestone, with special reference to the occurrence of coal in the Tipton Run coal fields of Pennsylvania. Engler, Adolf, and Prantl, Karl voN. Die natürlichen pflanzenfamilien, nebst ihren gattungen und wichtigeren arten, insbesondere den nutzpflanzen; bearbeitet unter mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender fachgelehrten. ii. teil. Leipzig. 1889 ['87-89]. 1. 8. Plates and wdcts. V. 3642 References to the principal literature are given for each family. Erk, Fritz. Der föhn; eine meteorologische skizze. Vortrag gehalten im polytechnischen verein in München am 14. nov. 1887. [München. 1888.] 1. 8. pp. 19. Charts. Met. 410 "Sonderabdruck aus dem Bayer. industrie- und gewerbeblatt, vierteljahresheft 1888, i." Simpson, William Sparrow. Chapters in the history of old S. Paul's. London. 1881. 8. Front., fac-sim., and wdct. 9413.26 Simpson, William Sparrow. Gleanings from old S. Paul's. London. 1889. 8°. Front., plates, and wdcts. 9413.27 Souchon, Martin. Die papstwahlen von Bonifaz VIII. bis Urban VI. und die entstehung des schismas 1378. Braunschweig. 1888. 8° Table. III. 5495 Sprenger, Aloys. Mohammed und der Koran; eine psychologische studie. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 74. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 84, 85.) VIII. 175 (IV) Steinitzer, Max. Die menschlichen und tierischen gemütsbewegungen als gegenstand der wissenschaft; ein beitrag zur geschichte des neueren geisteslebens. München. 1889. 8. III. 5494 Strack, Herinann (L.), and Zöckler, Otto, editors. Kurzgefasster kommentar zu den Heiligen Schriften Alten und Neuen Testamentes, sowie zu den Apokryphen. Altes Testament. viie abt. Nördlingen. 1889. 1.8°. Namely:· vii. VOLCK, Wilhelm, and OETTLI, Samuel. Die poetischen hagiographen (buch Hiob, Prediger Salomo, Hohelied, und Klagelieder). 1889. III. 4100.7 Strauss und Torney, Victor (Friedrich) VON. Der altägyptische götterglaube. ier theil. Heidelberg. 1889. 8. III. 5470 Contents:i. Die götter und göttersagen. Sunderland, Jabez Thomas. The liberal Christian ministry [as a calling for young men and for young women]. Boston. 1889. 12. pp. 96. DS. Taylor, Graham. The practical training needed for the ministry of to-day. Inaugural address, Oct. 10, 1888. Hartford. 1888. 8°. pp. 19. (HARTFORD seminary publications; new series, 2.) III. 5499 The same. 2d ed. Hartford. 1888. 8o. pp. 19. (Ditto.) DS. Têtu, (Louis David) Henri. Notices biographiques. Les évêques de Québec. Québec. 1889. 8. pp. 692. Portrs. 4374.13 That unknown country; or, What living men believe concerning punishment after death, together with recorded views of men of former times. Springfield, Mass. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 9-943. Portrs. and fac-sims. DS. Thayer, Joseph Henry. A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament; being Grimm's Wilke's Clavis Novi Testamenti translated, revised, and enlarged. Corrected edition. New York. 1889. 4°. Pp. xx., 728. DS. Thwing, Edward Payson, compiler. The preacher's cabinet; a handbook of illustrations. 3 series in 1 vol. New York. 1887 [cop. 188084]. 12°. III. 5537 Thwing, Edward Payson. Windows of character, and other studies in science and art. New York, etc. [1889.] 12°. III. 5569 Other studies: A persuasive voice. - Psychological studies.- Mental automatism. A clinical and forensic study of trance. The basis of remedial science. -The mystery and mastery of men. The peril of the city. American life as related to inebriety. - Vocal and musical culture in America. -The works of Canova. Weyland, Gerard Johan. Omwerkings- en compilatie-hypothesen toegepast op de Apokalypse van Johannes. Academisch proefschrift. Groningen. 1888. 1. 8o. DS, Wiese, Albert. Die cistercienser in Dargun von 1172 bis 1300; ein beitrag zur meklenburg-pommerschen colonisationsgeschichte. [Inaugural dissertation, Rostock.] Güstrow. 1888. 8°. pp. 93. III. 5481 Wolf, Gustav. Zur geschichte der deutschen protestanten, 1555-1559. Nebst einem anhange von archivalischen beilagen. Berlin. 1888. 8o III. 5483 "Verzeichnis der zitierten litteratur," pp. 462-466. Wrede, Adolf. Ernst der Bekenner, herzog von Braunschweig und Lüneburg. Halle. 1888. 8°. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 25.) III. 3119 (25) Wundt, Wilhelm (Max). Grundzüge der physiologischen psychologie. 3e umgearbeitete aufl. 2 bde. Leipzig. 1887. 8. Wdcts. V. 2996 Wycliffe, John DE. Tractatus de officio regis. Now first edited, from the Vienna мss. 4514 and 3933, by A. W. Pollard and Charles Sayle. London. 1887 [1889]. 8°. (WYCLIF SOCIETY. [Publ.]) III. 23978 Ziegler, Heinrich. Die gegenreformation in Schlesien. Halle a. S. [1888.] 8°. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 24.) III. 3119(24) Zorn, Philipp. Lehrbuch des kirchenrechts. Stuttgart. 1888. 8. III. 5490 III. Science. Abercromby, Ralph. Seas and skies in many latitudes; or, Wanderings in search of weather. London. 1888. 8°. Front., maps, plates, and wdcts. Met. 417, also AO. Adams, William Henry Davenport. Witch, warlock, and magician: historical sketches of magic and witchcraft in England and Scotland. London. 1889. 8 III. 5592 American academy of arts and sciences. Memorial of Asa Gray. Fellow, 1841 to 1888; corresponding secretary, 1844 to 1850, 1852 tc 1863; president, 1863 to 1873. Cambridge. 1888. 8o. pp. 45. PM. Austria-Gradmessungs-bureau. Astronomische arbeiten des k. k. gradmessungs-bureau; ausgeführt unter der leitung des hofrathes Theodor v. Oppolzer. Nach dessen tode herausgegeben von Edmund Weiss und Robert Schram. i. bd. Wien. 1889. 4o. Wdcts. (Publicationen für die internationale erdmessung.) AO. Contents:i. Längenbestimmungen. Becker, George Ferdinand. Geology of the quicksilver deposits of the Pacific slope. Washington. 1888. 4. Maps, plates, wdcts., and atlas of 12 plates, 1887, fo. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Monographs, 13.) Text, 20.3; Atlas, M. 3998 Blakesley, Thomas Holmes. Papers on alter- AO. Cottam, Arthur. Charts of the constellations from the North Pole to between 35 and 40 degrees of south declination. London. 1889. f. pp. (4). 36 charts. AO. Craig, Thomas, Ph.D. A treatise on linear differential equations. Vol. i. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. Diagrs. VI. 4377 Contents:i. Equations with uniform coefficients. Dana, James Dwight. Manual of mineralogy and petrography; containing the elements of the science of minerals and rocks. 7th ed., revised and enlarged. New York. 1889 [cop. 1887]. 8° Wdcts. V. 3000 Darwin, Charles (Robert). A naturalist's voyage journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H.M.S. Beagle' round the world. [2d ed.] London. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. and wdcts. MZ. Darwin, Charles (Robert). The structure and distribution of coral reefs. 3d ed., with an appendix by T. G. Bonney. New York. 1889. 12o. Map, plates, and wdcts. V. 3644 Davaine, Casimir Joseph. Euvre. Charbon, septicémie; parasitisme, microbisme; anatomie, physiologie; anomalies, tératologie. Paris. 1889. 8°. pp. (6), 863+. Port. and plates. V. 3003 "Notice sur Davaine," pp. 1–29. Davenport, Francis Henry. Diseases of a manual of non-surgical gynecology. 12o. Wdcts. V. 2994 Philadelphia. 1889. Kiel. MZ. Davis, Walter Gould. Ligeros apuntes sobre el clima de la República Argentina. Buenos Aires. 1889. 4o. 25 charts and map. AO. Borckert, Hans (Georg). Anatomisch-physio logische untersuchung der haftscheibe von cyclopterus lumpus L. Inaugural-dissertation. 1889. 8°. pp. 34+. Plates. "Lebenslauf," after p. 34. "Aus dem zoologischen institut der universität Kiel." Botanisches centralblatt; referirendes organ für das gesammtgebiet der botanik des in- und auslandes. Bd. i.-xxxvi. 1880-1888. w. 36 bde. in 18. Cassel. 1880-88. 8°. Plates, portrs., wdcts., IX. 48 etc. To be continued. Bourcart, Emanuel. Erklärung der variation der vogeleier. Genf. 1889. 8°. pp. 20. MZ. Bradbury, William Frothingham, editor. Algebra examination papers for admission to Harvard, Yale, Amherst, Dartmouth, Brown, and to the Mass. institute of technology, from June, 1878, to Sept. 1889, inclusive. Boston. [1889.] 8°. VI. 4395 Breck, William Gilman. In memoriam: William Gilman Breck. Died Jan. 22, 1889. [Springfield. 1889.] 8°. pp. 20. Port. 17336.40 Brown, John A. HARVIE, and Buckley, Thomas Edward. A vertebrate fauna of the outer Hebrides. Edinburgh. 1888. sq. 8°. Illustr. MZ. Calleja, Camilo. Principles of universal physiology; a reform in the theories of physics, chemistry, biology, and cosmology. London. 1889. V. 2977 sm. 8°. Under "universal physiology" the author comprehends "the whole theory of nature.' Chambers, George Frederick. A handbook of descriptive and practical astronomy. 4th ed. i. Oxford. 1889. 8. Front., wdcts., and plates. women; Die The author propounds a new theory in regard to the forma tion of coal and limestone, with special reference to the occurrence of coal in the Tipton Run coal fields of Pennsylvania. Engler, Adolf, and Prantl, Karl voN. natürlichen pflanzenfamilien, nebst ihren gattungen und wichtigeren arten, insbesondere den nutzpflanzen; bearbeitet unter mitwirkung zahlreicher hervorragender fachgelehrten. ii. teil. Leipzig. 1889 ['87-89]. 1. 8°. Plates and wdcts. V. 3642 References to the principal literature are given for each family. Erk, Fritz. Der föhn; eine meteorologische skizze. Vortrag gehalten im polytechnischen verein in München am 14. nov. 1887. [München. 1888.] 1. 8. pp. 19. Charts. Met. 410 "Sonderabdruck aus dem Bayer. industrie- und gewerbeblatt, vierteljahresheft 1888, i." |