Etheridge, Robert, jr. The invertebrate fauna of the Hawkesbury-Wianamatta series (beds above the productive coal-measures) of New South Wales. Sydney. 1888. 4. pp. (6), 21+. Diagrs. and plates. (NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia - Geological survey. Memoirs. Palæontology, 1.) MZ. Ettingshausen, Konstantin, freiherr VON. Contributions to the tertiary flora of Australia. Sydney. 1888. 4o. 15 plates. (NEW SOUTH WALES, Australia-Geological survey. Memoirs. Palæontology, 2.) MZ. Falsan, Albert. La période glaciaire étudiée principalement en France et en Suisse. Paris. 1889. 8°. Front., wdcts., map, and plate. (BIBL. scient. internat., 66.) MZ. Ferrel, William. A popular treatise on the winds; comprising the general motions of the atmosphere, monsoons, cyclones, tornadoes, waterspouts, hail-storms, etc. New York. 1889. 8o Front. and wdcts. Met. 411, also AO.; MZ. "Books and papers referred to," pp. 480-483. Filhol, Henri. Étude sur les vertébrés fossiles d'Issel (Aude). Paris. 1888. 4. 21 plates. (FRANCE Société géologique. Mémoires, 3o série, v. 1.) MZ. Fleming, John Ambrose. The alternate current transformer in theory and practice. Vol. i. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. Wdcts. V. 3673 Contents: -i. The induction of electric currents. Franchet, Adrien. Plantæ Delavayanæ : plantes de Chine, recueillies au Yun-nan par l'abbé Delavay. Publié sous les auspices du ministère de l'instruction publique. Livr. i., ii. 2 livr. Paris. 1889. 1. 8°. Plates. V. 3643 Fredericq, Léon. La lutte pour l'existence chez les animaux marins; recherches de physiologie comparée exécutées aux laboratoires de Roscoff et de Banyuls. Paris. 1889. 16o. Wdcts. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE scientifique contemporaine.) MZ. Ganong, William Francis. The economic mollusca of Acadia. St. John, N. B. 1889. 8°. Wdcts. V. 2984 "Reprinted from Bulletin no. viii. of the natural history society of New Brunswick." Gray, Asa. Scientific papers; selected by C. S. Sargent. Vol. i., ii. 2 vol. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. Diagrs. V. 3690, also MZ. Contents:i. Reviews of works on botany and related subjects, 1834-1887. ii. Essays, biographical sketches, 18411886. Guillemin, Amédée (Victor). Les étoiles filantes et les pierres qui tombent du ciel. Paris. 1889. 16°. Wdcts. (Petite encyclopédie populaire.) AO. Hansgirg, Anton. Physiologische und algologische studien. Prag. 1887. 4. 4 plates. V. 3649 Contents: Beiträge zur kenntniss der bewegungserscheinungen und der organisation der oscillarien. Ueber den polymorphismus der algen. - Bemerkungen zur systematik einiger süsswasseralgen. Zur kenntniss der algenformationen Böhmens. — Beiträge zur kenntniss algenartiger bildungen der moosvorkeime. Heim, Albert. Relief eines vollständigen gletschers sammt erratischen erscheinungen. Massstab 1: 18,000. Zürich. [18..] Plaster model. 24 X 15 in. Met. Lab. Heim, Albert. Relief einer vulkanischen insel. Massstab 1: 10,000. Zürich. model. 26 × 18 in. [18..] Plaster Met. Lab. Heim, Albert. Relief eines wildbaches; thalbildung durch erosion. Massstab 1: 10,000. Zürich. [18..] Plaster model. 24 × 15 in. Met. Lab. Heim, Albert, and others. Die catastrophe von Zug, 5. juli 1887. Gutachten der experten A. Heim, R. Moser, A. Bürkli-Ziegler. Geschichtliche notizen von Anton Wickart. Auszug aus dem protocoll über die vertheilung der liebesgaben von Alb. Keiser. 2. aufl. Herausgegeben auf veranlassung der tit. behörden von Zug. Zürich. 1888. 8. pp. vi., 60. Front. and 4 plates. Met. 762 Herzen, Aleksandr (b. 1839). Grundlinien einer allgemeinen psychophysiologie. Leipzig. 1889. 8. V. 3006 Hirt, Otto. Das fjord-problem; eine geographische studie. [Sorau. 1888.] 4. pp. 12. V. 3654 "Beilage zum progr. d. gymnas. 1888, no. 85." Hough, Walter. The preservation of museum specimens from insects and the effects of dampness. Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. (10). Diagrs. PM. "From the Report of the national museum, 1886-87, pp. 549-558." Zürich. Howell, William Henry. Dissection of the dog as a basis for the study of physiology. New York. 1888. 8. Wdets. and plates. MZ. Imfeld, X. Relief der St. Gotthard-gruppe. Massstab 1: 50,000. [18..] Plaster model. 13 X 8 in. Met. Lab. International geodetic association. Verhandlungen der vom 17.-23. sept. 1888 in Salzburg abgehaltenen conferenz der permanenten commission der internationalen erdmessung; redigirt vom secretär A. Hirsch. Zugleich mit den berichten über die fortschritte der erdmessung in den einzelnen ländern, während des letzten jahres. Berlin, etc. 1889. 4o. Maps. AO. Johnson, William Woolsey. A treatise on ordinary and partial differential equations. New York. 1889. 8% VI. 4376 Jourdan, E. Les sens chez les animaux inférieurs. Paris. 1889. 16o. Wdcts. (BIBLIOTHEQUE Scientifique contemporaine.) MZ. Jungersen, Hector F. E. Bidrag til kundskaben om kjønsorganernes udvikling hos benfiskene. Kjøbenhavn. 1889. 8. Plates. MZ. Contents:i. Gestalt und leben der pflanze. König, J. Chemie der menschlichen nahrungsund genussmittel. 3o sehr vermehrte und verbesserte aufl. jer theil. Berlin. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts. V. 3652 Contents:i. Chemische zusammensetzung der menschlichen nahrungs- und genussmittel. Kolbe, Hermann Julius. Einführung in die kenntnis der insekten. Lief. 1. Berlin. 1889. 8. Wdcts. MZ. Kreidel, (Johann Friedrich) Wilhelm. Untersuchungen über den verlauf der flutwellen in den ozeanen. Inaugural-dissertation, Kiel. Frankfurt a. M. 1889. 8°. pp. (8), 44+. "Lebenslauf," after p. 44. MZ. Lancaster, Albert. Notes biographiques sur J. C. Houzeau. Bruxelles. 1889. 1. 8°. Port. of Houzeau. AO. "Liste des travaux publiés par Houzeau," pp. cxv.-cxix. Lang, Arnold. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden anatomie, zum gebrauche bei vergleichend anatomischen und zoologischen vorlesungen. 9e gänzlich umgearbeitete aufl. von E. O. Schmidt's Handbuch der vergleichenden anatomie. ie abth. Jena. 1888. 1. 8°. Wdcts. V. 2979 Langley, Samuel Pierpont. Address [on the history of our present views on radiant energy]. Delivered at the Cleveland meeting [of the American association for the advancement of science], August, 1888. Salem. 1888. 8. pp. (2), 23. V. 2993 Lankester, Edwin Ray. Spolia maris. Contributions to the knowledge of rhabdopleura and amphioxus. London. 1889. 8. Large paper. pp. (6), 70. 10 plates. MZ. Two memoirs from the Quarterly journal of microscopical science. Lendenfeld, Robert von. A monograph of the horny sponges. London. 1889. 4. pp. iv., 936+. Wdcts. and 51 plates. V. 2985, also MZ. "List of publications relating to the sponges," pp. 8-83. Lévy, A. Michel, and Lacroix, Alfred. Les minéraux des roches. 1o. Application des méthodes minéralogiques et chimiques à leur étude microscopique, par A. Michel Lévy. 2o. Données physiques et optiques, par A. Michel Lévy et Alf. Lacroix. Paris. 1888. 8. Wdcts. and col. plate. McCook, Henry Christopher. American spiders and their spinningwork; a natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States, with special regard to their industry and habits. [Author's ed.] Vol. i. Philadelphia. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts. "250 copies. No. 38." MZ. Maynard, Charles Johnson. Contributions to science. Vol. i. no. 1, 2. April, July, 1889. .. 2 nos. Newtonville, Mass. 1889. 8o. Wdets. and plates. MZ. To be continued. Maynard, Charles Johnson. Eggs of North American birds. Boston. 1890 [88-89]. 8°. 10 col. plates. MZ. Miller, Samuel Almond. North American geology and palæontology. Cincinnati, Ohio. 1889. 8. pp. 664. Wdcts. MZ. Mills, John, of the normal school of science, London. Lessons on elementary physiographic astronomy. Designed to meet the requirements of students preparing for the elementary stage of physiography in the science and art department examinations [South Kensington museum]. don. 1889. 16. Wdcts. LonVI. 4399 Nason, Frank L. Some New York minerals and their localities. Albany. 1888. 8°. pp. 19+. Plate. (NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin, i. 4.) V. 2942 4o. V. 3679 Lick observatory of the university of California. Reports on the observations of the total eclipse of the sun of Jan. 1, 1889; published by the observatory. Sacramento. 1889. 8°. Front., plates, and wdcts. VI. 4375, also AO. Lintner, Joseph Albert. Cut-worms. Albany. 1888. Wdcts. 8. pp. 36. (NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin, i. 6.) V. 2942 Lintner, Joseph Albert. The white grub of the May beetle. Albany. 1888. 8. pp. 31. Wdcts. (NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletin, i. 5.) V. 2942 Littlehales, George Washington, and Siebert, John Selmar. Table of meridional parts, for the terrestrial spheroid, compression 293.465 Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. 23. (UNITED STATESBureau of navig.—Hydrog. office. [Publ.] 91.) VIII. 82 Lohmann, Hans (Theodor). Die unterfamilie der halacaridae Murr. und die meeresmilben der Ostsee. Inaugural-dissertation, Kiel. Jena. 1888. 8. Plates. " MZ. Alphabetisches verzeichniss der citirten abhandlungen," pp. 137-140.- "Lebenslauf," after p. 140. "Aus dem zoologischen institut der universität Kiel." London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. Solutions to the questions set at the May examinations of the science and art department, 18811886. 6 vol. London. 1889. 16. Plans and diagrs. V. 893 Nettelroth, Henry. Kentucky fossil shells; a monograph of the fossil shells of the Silurian and Devonian rocks of Kentucky. Frankfort, Kentucky. 1889. 36 plates. (Kentucky geological survey.) MZ. Newberry, John Strong. Fossil fishes and fossil plants of the triassic rocks of New Jersey and the Connecticut valley. Washington. 1888. 26 plates. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. 20.3 Monographs, 14.) Ormerod, Eleanor A. Notes and descriptions of a few injurious farm & fruit insects of south Africa; with descriptions and identifications of the insects by O. E. Janson. London, Eng. 1889. Wdcts. sm. 8°. MZ. Peck, Charles Horton. Contributions to the botany of the state of New York. Albany. 1887. 8°. pp. 66. Plates. (NEW YORK STATE MUSEUM Bulletin, i. 2.) V. 2942 Pennsylvania —University. Handbook of information concerning the school of biology. Philadelphia. 1889. 1. 8°. Front., plan, and plates. OF NATURAL HISTORY. MZ. Philippi, Rudolph Amandus. Reise durch die wueste Atacama auf befehl der chilenischen regierung im sommer 1853-54 unternommen und beschrieben. Halle. 1860. 4°. Map and 27 plates. AO. Poincaré, (Jules) Henri. Leçons sur la théorie mathématique de la lumière, professées pendant le Paris. premier semestre 1887-1888. 1889. 8. (Faculté des sciences de Paris. Cours de physique mathématique.) VI. 4389 Posewitz, Theodor. Borneo. Entdeckungsreisen und untersuchungen. Gegenwärtiger stand der geologischen kenntnisse. Verbreitung der nutzbaren mineralien. Berlin. 1889. 1. 8. Maps. and wdcts. I. 2484 Roscoe, Sir Henry Enfield, and Schorlemmer, Karl. A treatise on chemistry. Vol. i., ii. 2 vol. in 3. London, etc. 1888, '87-89. 8°. Port. of John Dalton and wdets. V. 3667 Contents:i. The non-metallic elements. 1888.-ii. Metals. 2 pt. 1887-89. Vol. i. and ii. pt. 2 are "new and revised ed." Rowland, Henry Augustus. Photographic map of the normal solar spectrum, made with the concave grating. 2d series. [Baltimore.] 1888. 10 plates, each 35 X 10 in. VI. 4394 Russell, Israel Cook. Subaërial decay of rocks and origin of the red color of certain formations. Washington. 1889. 8. pp. 65. Plates. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 52.) 20.18 "Bibliography," pp. 57-61. Sanitary era (The). Published by W. C. Conant. Year i., ii. July 31, 1886-Aug. 1, 1888. w. and s.-m. 2 vol. New York. 1886-88. 4o. Wdcts. and plate. IX. 43 Sargent, Dudley Allen. Handbook of developing exercises. Cambridge. 1889. 8°. pp. 77. Wdets. Pier 3.334 Schlitzberger, S. Unsere häufigeren essbaren pilze, in 22 naturgetreuen und feinkolorierten abbildungen, nebst kurzer beschreibung und anleitung zum einsammeln und zur zubereitung. 2 aufl. Cassel. 1888. 8°. pp. 20. Plate. V. 3650 Schmidt, Karl, privatdocent in Basel. Zur geologie der Schweizeralpen. Basel. 1889. 8. Plate. pp. 52. MZ. Schumann, K. Die ameisenpflanzen. Hamburg. 1889. (SAMMLUNG 8. pp. 37+. Plate. gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 83.) VIII. 175a(IV) Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Aspects of the earth; a popular account of some familiar geological phenomena. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. Illustr. V. 3677, also MZ. Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. The geology of Nantucket. Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. 55. Map, plates, and wdcts. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 53.) 20.18 Sienna, Italy —Reale accademia dei fisiocritici. Atti. Serie 4. Vol. i. fasc. 1-7. 7 fasc. in 4. Siena. 1889. 8. Wdcts. and plates. To be continued. MZ. Storer, Horatio Robinson. The medals of Benjamin Rush, obstetrician. Read at the 40th annual meeting of the American medical association, held at Newport, R. I., June, 1889. Chicago. 1889. 12o. pp. 20. 17376.70.2 "Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association, Sept. 7, 1889." Strasburger, Eduard. Ueber das wachsthum vegetabilischer zellhäute. Jena. 1889. 8°. Plates. (In his Histologische beiträge, 2.) MZ. Thomson, Sir Charles Wyville, editor. Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during 1873-76. Zoology. Vol. xxxii. London, etc. 1889. 4. Diagrs. and plates. VIII. 341, also MZ. xxxii. 1. BROOK, George. Antipatharia. - 2. STUDER, Theophil. Supplementary_report on the alcyonaria. 3. HAECKEL, Ernst (H.). Deep-sea keratosa. 1889. This is the concluding volume of "Zoology." Torrey, Bradford. A rambler's lease. Boston, etc. 1889. 16o. V. 2991 Contents: My real estate. A woodland intimate. - An old road. Confessions of a bird's-nest hunter. A Green Mountain corn-field. Behind the eye. A November chronicle. New England winter. - A mountain-side ramble. A pitch-pine meditation. - Esoteric peripateticism. - Butterfly psychology. - Bashful drummers. Trautzsch, Hermann. Beitrag zur kenntnis der polynoïden von Spitzbergen. Inaugural-dissertation. Jena. 1889. 8. pp. (4), 44. "Litteraturverzeichnis," pp. 43-44. MZ. United States Department of agriculture· Division of ornithology and mammalogy. North American fauna. No. 1, 2. 2 nos. Washington. 1889. 8. Wdcts. and plates. MZ. Contents: i. Reifung, befruchtung, und die ersten furchungsvorgänge des rhynchelmis-eies. Verworn, Max. Psycho-physiologische protisten-studien ; experimentelle untersuchungen. Jena. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts. and plates. MZ. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Darwinism; an exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Port., wdcts., and map. MZ.; DS. Timber and some of 1889. sm. 8°. Wdcts. MZ. Ward, Harry Marshall. its diseases. London, etc. (NATURE series.) Watson, Henry William, and Burbury, Samuel Hawksley. The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism. 2 vol. Oxford. 1885-89. 8o (Clarendon press series.) VI. 3419 Contents: i. Electrostatics. 1885. - ii. Magnetism and electrodynamics. 1889. Weismann, August. Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems. Authorised translation, edited by E. B. Poulton, Selmar Schönland, and A. E. Shipley. Oxford. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts. (Translations of foreign biological memoirs, 4.) V. 3007, also MZ White, Charles Abiathar. On invertebrate fossils from the Pacific coast. Washington. 1889. 8. Plates. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 51.) 20.18 Woodward, Robert Simpson. On the form and position of the sea level, with special reference to its dependence on superficial masses symmetrically disposed about a normal to the earth's surface. Washington. 1888. 8. pp. 88. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 48.) 20.18 Woodward, Robert Simpson. Formulas and tables to facilitate the construction and use of maps. Washington. 1889. 8. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 50.) 20.18 Woodward, Robert Simpson. Latitudes and longitudes of certain points in Missouri, Kansas, and New Mexico. Washington. 1889. 8°. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletins, viii. 49.) 20.18 Untersuchungen Zopf, Wilhelm, of Halle. über parasiten aus der gruppe der monadinen. Halle. 1887. 4. pp. 39. Plates. MZ. Zürich, Switzerland Polytechnikum. Die chemischen laboratorien des eidgenössischen polytechnikums in Zürich. Mit unterstützung des schweizerischen schulrates herausgegeben von F. Bluntschli, G. Lasius, und G. Lunge. Zürich. 1889. 4. pp. 39. 11 plates and wdcts. V. 3687 IV. - Useful Arts. Baker, Ira Osborn. A treatise on masonry construction. New York. 1889. 8°. Plates and wdcts. II. 2631 Clark, Frederick William. Notes on assaying of lead, silver, and gold. [Written for the students in assaying at the Massachusetts institute of technology.] Brookline. 1887. 8°. pp. 40. V. 3666 Clarke, Thomas Curtis, and others. The American railway; its construction, development, management, and appliances. With an introduction by T. M. Cooley. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. Illustr. VI. 5314 Contents:- The building of a railway; by T. C. Clarke.Feats of railway engineering; by John Bogart. — American locomotives and cars; by M. N. Forney. - Railway management; by E. P. Alexander.- Safety in railroad travel; by H. G. Prout.- Railway passenger travel; by Horace Porter. -The freight-car service; by Theodore Voorhees. - How to feed a railway; by Benjamin Norton. - The railway mail service; by T. L. James.-The railway in its business rela tions; by A. T. Hadley. The prevention of railway strikes; by C. F. Adams. The every-day life of railroad men; by B. B. Adams, jr.- Statistical railway studies; by F. W. Hewes. Comes, Orazio. Die laven des Vesuv; ihr fruchtboden und dessen vegetation. Unter mitwirkung des verfassers übersetzt von J. J. Mohrhoff. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 40. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 80.) VIII. 175 (IV) Foxwell, E., and Farrer, T. C. Express trains, English and foreign; being a statistical account of all the express trains of the world. London. 1889. 8. Maps. VI. 5224 Fremont, John Charles, and Orr, Robert Hunter. The east coast of South America, from Cape Orange to Cape Virgins, including Falkland, South Georgia, Sandwich, and South Shetland islands. Washington. 1889. 8°. Map. (UNITED STATES Bureau of navig.-Hydrog. office. [Publ.] 88.) VIII. 81 Hammond, Adam. The rudiments of practical bricklaying. 7th ed., revised, with additions. London. 1890 [1889]. 12. Diagrs. (WEALE, John, editor. Rudimentary series, 189.) SS. Reprinted from the Minutes of proceedings of the institution of civil engineers, London. Littlehales, George Washington. The development of great circle sailing. Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. 52. Plates, map, and diagrs. (UNITED STATES Bureau of navig. Hydrog. office. [Publ.] 90.) VIII. 80 "List of literature upon the subject," p. 52. Massachusetts-General court. (1889.) Evidence before the Massachusetts committee on street railways as to the safety of overhead electric wires. Feb.-March, 1889. Boston. [1889.] 8°. pp. 80. V. 3640 Morison, George Shattuck. The new Omaha bridge. A report to Charles Francis Adams, president of the union Pacific railway company. [New York.] 1889. obl. 4o. pp. 28. Front. and 27 plates. 27 Case. 564 Picard, Alfred. Traité des chemins de fer; économie politique, commerce, finances, administration, droit, études comparées sur les chemins de fer étrangers. 4 tom. 1887. 1. 8°. VI. 5261 Paris. Index général des quatre volumes. Paris. 1887. 1. 8o. pp. 98. VI. 5261(IV) Rohrer, Richard. Die geschichtliche entwickelung der fruchtwechselwirtschaft. Inauguraldissertation. Jena. 1889. 8. pp. (4), 51. V. 3661 Thompson, Silvanus Phillips. Dynamo-electric machinery; a manual for students of electrotechnics. 3d ed., enlarged and revised. London, etc. 1888. 8. pp. xii., 672. Wdcts. V. 3669 United States - Department of agriculture. (1889.) Album of agricultural statistics of the United States. Results of investigation under direction of the statistician. Washington, D.C. 1889. 4o. pp. 8. 16 plates. VI. 5256, also PE. V. Fine Arts. Alinari, fratelli, publishers. Raccolta di disegni della r. galleria degli Uffizi, [riprodotti in fototipia. ii serie.] Firenze. [1889.] fo. pp. (2). Vign. and 50 plates. SS. Arndt, Paul. zig. 1887. 8°. FA. Studien zur vasenkunde. Leip II. 2646 Babelon, Ernest. Manual of oriental antiquities, including the architecture, sculpture, and industrial arts of Chaldæa, Assyria, Persia, Syria, Judæa, Phoenicia, and Carthage. Translated and enlarged by B. T. A. Evetts. New York, etc. 1889. 8. Wdcts. II. 2630 Baker, Henry Barton. The London stage; its history and traditions from 1576 to 1888. 2 vol. London. 1889. sm. 8°. Fronts. 10443.17 "Chronological list of the London theatres from the carliest period to the present time," i. ix.-xiv. Baker, William Spohn. The history of a rare Washington print [from a portrait by C. W. Peale]. A paper read before the historical society of Pennsylvania, May 6, 1889. Philadelphia. 1889. 8. 6337.27.2 pp. 10. Port. of Washington. Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography." Bartoli, Pietro Sante. Colonna traiana eretta dal senato e popolo romano all' imperatore Traiano Avgvsto nel svo foro in Roma, nvovamente disegnata et intagliata. Con l'espositione latina d'Alfonso Ciaccone; compendiata nella vvlgare lingva sotto ciascvna immagine, accrescivta di medaglie, inscrittioni, e trofei, da G. P. Bellori. Roma. [1673.] obl. fo. pp. (2), 14+. 127 plates. 2 klarinetten, 2 fagotte, und 2 hörner. Op. 103. [Es-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 27. (PAYNE'S kleine partitur-ausgabe, 135.) 1224.38 Beethoven, Ludwig VAN. Sextett für 2 klarinetten, 2 hörner, und 2 fagotte. Op. 71. [Es-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 32. (PAYNE'S kleine partitur-ausgabe, 139.) 1224.38 Beethoven, Ludwig VAN. Sextett für 2 violinen, viola, violoncell, und 2 hörner. Op. 81 b. [Es-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 30. (PAYNE'S kleine partitur-ausgabe, 140.) 122.38 Boucheron, Maxime. La divine comédie française. Dessins de Job et G. Taverne. Préface de Henry Bauer. Paris. [1888.] 18°. Wdcts. 6525.29 Sa Contents:- Au comité de lecture. Monsieur l'administrateur général. Chez Bodinier. - Chez Monval. - Le foyer des artistes. Le musée de la comédie-française. Place au théâtre. La musique au théâtre-français. majesté le public. - En comité. - Revue de la troupe. Brown, James D. Biographical dictionary of musicians; with a bibliography of English writings on music. Paisley, etc. 1886. 8. pp. vi., (2), 637. DR. 149.5 Cambridge, Eng. - University. Fitzwilliam museum. Catalogue of casts in the museum of classical archaeology. By Charles Waldstein. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. Plates and plan. - II. 2628 Coleman, John. Players and playwrights I have known. 2 vol. London. 1888. 8. 10444.17 Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl. Quartett für 2 violinen, viola, und violoncell. [A-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8 pp. 14. (PAYNE'S kleine partitur-ausgabe, 137.) 1224.38 Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl. Quartett für 2 violinen, viola, und violoncell. [C-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 16. (PAYNE'S kleine partitur-ausgabe, 138.) 1224.38 Quartett für [G-dur.] Leip(PAYNE'S kleine 1224.38 Ditters von Dittersdorf, Karl. 2 violinen, viola, und violoncell. zig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 16. partitur-ausgabe, 136.) Erba, Dionigi. Magnificat. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Chrysander. Leipzig. 1888. 1. 8°. pp. (6), 64. Fac-sim. (DEUTSCHE HÄNDELGESELLSCHAFT. Supplemente, enthaltend quellen zu Händel's werken, 1.) 122.122 Fischer, Ludwig Hans. Die technik der aquarell-malerei. Wien. 1888. 8°. pp. (4), 88+. Plates and wdcts. *II. 2642 Gibson, Louis Henry. Convenient houses, with fifty plans for the housekeeper. New York. [1889.] sq. 8°. Front., plates, plans, and wdcts. II. 2623 Contents: Architect and housewife. - A journey through the house. Fifty convenient house plans. - Practical house building for the owner. - Business points in building. — How to pay for a home. Graul, Richard (Ernst). Beiträge zur geschichte der dekorativen skulptur in den Niederlanden während der ersten hälfte des XVI. jahrhunderts. Inaugural-dissertation, Zürich. Leipzig. 1889. 8. pp. (4), 55. II. 2632 Hatton, Joseph. Reminiscences of J. L. Toole; related by himself, and chronicled by Joseph Hatton. 3d ed. London. 1889. 8°. Portrs. and wdcts. VII. 2305 Hennecke (C.) co. Hennecke's art studies. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. Chicago, Ill., etc. [1889.] 4° Illustr. II. 2637 A catalogue of "classical statuary, busts and models," containing also chapters on art education, drawing, modeling, pottery, wood carving, etc., mostly by C. F. Zimmer mann. Holtzinger, Heinrich. Die altchristliche architektur in systematischer darstellung. Form, einrichtung, und ausschmückung der altchristlichen kirchen, baptisterien, und sepulcralbauten. Stuttgart. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdcts. II. 2621 Kroker, Ernst. Katechismus der archäologie: übersicht über die entwickelung der kunst bei den völkern des altertums. Leipzig. 1888. 16o. Plates and wdcts. (WEBER, J. J., publisher. Illustrierte katechismen, 123.) II. 2649 Kunst für alle (Die). Herausgegeben von Friedrich Pecht. 5. jahrg. heft 1. 1. okt. 1889. s.-m. München. 1889. 4o. Plates and wdcts. Germ. To be continued. Landriani, Gaetano. La basilica ambrosiana fino alla sua trasformazione in chiesa lombarda a volte. I resti della basilica di Fausta. Rilievi e note. Milano, etc. 1889. f. pp. viii., 48+. Vign., 7 plates, and wdcts. 27 Case. 570 "Edizione di 200 esemplari numerati. N. 148." Michaelis, Alfred. Frauen als schaffende tonkünstler; ein biographisches lexikon. Leipzig. 1888. 16o. pp. viii., 55. 1224.55 Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. Divertimento für violine, viola, violoncell, bass, fagott, und 2 hörner. Köch. verz. 205. [D-dur.] Leipzig. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 20. (PAYNE's kleine partitur-ausgabe, 141.) 1224.38 Musical times (The) and singing-class circular. Vol. xxx. 1889. m. [London.] 1889. 1. 8°. To be continued. 1224.8 |