INDEX OF REFERENCE LISTS AND SPECIAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES INCLUDED IN PERIODICAL AND OTHER PUBLICATIONS OF RECENT DATE. No. 4. 1890. BY WILLIAM COOLIDGE LANE, Assistant Librarian. *** In continuation of the Index published in January, 1888, and compiled in the same way. The larger number of the * Adulteration. Bibliography and literature of Aesthetics, Guide to the literature of. By Also published separately. Africa. L'Afrique. Par Lucien Lanier. Paris. Lectures with explanatory and bibliographical notes. Alcoholism. Hérédité et alcoolisme. Par Index bibliographique, pp. 419-422. Alf laila. Lady Burton's edition of her hus- Algae. Sylloge algarum omnium hucusque Bibliotheca phycologica, pp. cxxxix. See also WATER-BLOOM. Algeria, Bibliography of. 1541-1887. By Sir Annotated. Chronological, with indexes of authors and Alps. List of the principal works relating to See also SWITZERLAND. Amalgams, Index to literature on. By W. L. Ambassadors. See DIPLOMATIC AGENTS. A bibliographical list follows each chapter. Narrative and critical history of America. Critical essays on the sources of information follow most of viii. 413-507. American archaeology. Die culturvölker Literatur, pp. ix.-xxiii. American bibliography. Reference list to Also published separately, Brooklyn, 1889, 4°. American languages. Einleitung in die all- American literature. Bibliographical list of works on the history of English and American literature. (Bibliographer and reference list, May, 1888, i. 1.) Ammonia, Index of researches upon the production of, from atmospheric nitrogen. By E. J. Ware. (Proc. Michigan state pharmaceutical assoc. 1888. pp....) Amphictyonic council, Bibliog. note on. (Hart, A. B. Introd. to federal government, Boston, 1891, p. 29.) Amphipoda, Report on the, collected by the Challenger. By T. R. R. Stebbing. (Report of results. Zoology, vol. xxix. 1888.) Bibliography, pp. 1-600, 1617-1656. Ana, De la bibliographie des. Par Louis Mohr. (Annales du bibliophile belge, 1886, nouv. série, ii. 1-12.) Analogy, and the scope of its application in language. By B. I. Wheeler. [Ithaca, N. Y.] 1887. 8°. (Cornell univ. Studies in classical philol. 2.) Bibliography, chronologically arranged, and annotated, pp. 44-50. Anam. Bibliographie. (Henrique, L., editor. Les colonies françaises, Paris, [1889,] iii. 259.) Anatomy. See also BRAIN; CIRCUMCISION; COMPARATIVE ANATOMY; DEFORMATION; DEGENERATION; EMBRYOLOGY; TASTE. *Angling books, Collector's hand-list of. By T. Satchell. (The angler's note-book and the naturalist's record, London, 1888, sm. 4°, pp....) Anglo-Saxon language. Angelsächsische grammatik. Von Ed. Sievers. 2o aufi. Halle. 1886. 8°. Ante-Nicene fathers. See FATHERS. Anthropology. Bibliografia antropolójica, obras modernas. (Vasconcellos-Abreu, G. de. O critério nomolójico, Lisboa, 1887, pp. 62-82.) The natural history of man, Some of the more important publications on. By O. T. Mason. (Riverside natural history, Boston, 1888, vi. 477486.) Progrès de l'anthropologie et de l'archéologie préhistorique. [1878-1888.] Par Ad. Arcelin. (Congrès bibliog. internat. 1888, pp. 295-312.) Antipatharia, Report on the, collected by H.M.S. Challenger. By George Brook. (Report on the results, etc. Zoology, vol. xxxii.) Bibliography and critical review of literature, pp. 1-34. Antiphon, Essai sur la langue et le style de l'orateur. Par Ch. Cucuel. Paris. 1886. 8°. List of works consulted, pp. viii.-ix. Antiquities. The dawn of history. By C. F. Keary. New ed.. New York. 1889. 8°. Notes and authorities, pp. 331-357. See also AMERICAN ARCHAEOLOGY; BIBLICAL ANTIQUITIES; BRITISH ANTIQUITIES; ECCLESIASTICAL ANTIQUITIES; GREEK AND ROMAN ANTIQUITIES; ROMAN ANTIQUITIES. *Antoninus Pius. Antonin le Pieux, et son temps. Par G. Lacour-Gayet. Paris. 1888. 8°. Liste des principaux ouvrages cités; Sources et bibliographie du sujet, pp. ix.-xxvii. Ants. Myrmecophile und myrmekophobe pflanzen. Berlin. 1887. 8°. Litteratur-verzeichniss, pp. 25-27. Die wechselbeziehungen zwischen pflanzen und ameisen. Von A. F. W. Schimper. Jena. 1888. 8°. Uebersicht der benutzten literatur, pp. 1-3. Aphididae, Bibliography of. (Oestlund, O. W. Synopsis of the aphididae of Minnesota, St. Paul, 1887, pp. 9-12. Bull. of the geol. and nat. hist. survey of Minn. no. 4.) Arabian nights. See ALF LAILA. *Architecture. Course of reading in architecture. By F. Osborne. (Architecture and building, 1890, xii. 111, 147.) TECTURE. See also BUILDING; LIBRARY ARCHI English. Bibliographie de l'hist. de l'arch. en Angleterre depuis la conquête normande jusqu'à Henri VIII. (Ruprich-Robert, V. L'architecture normande aux x1o et xe siècles, Paris, 1884-89, fo, i. 253-279.) Greek. Liste des publications sur l'arch. grecque. (Laloux, V. L'architecture grecque, Paris, 1888, pp. 9-10.) Arctic explorations, Bibliography of. (Winsor, J. Narrative and critical history of America, Boston, 1889, viii. 104-130.) American explorations in the ice zones. By J. E. Nourse. Boston. [1884.] 8°. Arctic meteorology. See METEOROLOGY, Arctic. Arian controversy. By H. M. Gwatkin. London. 1889. 8°. (Epochs of church history.) List of works, pp. ix.-xi. Aristotle. Handschriften und ausgaben des pseudo-aristotelischen Secretum secretorum. Von R. Förster. (Centralblatt für bibliothekswesen, 1889, vi. 1, 57.) * Arlt, Ferd. Meine erlebnisse. 1887. 8°. Wiesbaden. Verzeichniss seiner schriften, pp. 119-131. Armenian works printed in Persia, List of. By S. J. A. Churchill. (Indian antiquary, April, 1888, xvii. 116.) Arnold, Matthew. [List of his writings.] (The torch and colonial book circular, June, 1888, i. 135-139.) Arthropoda, Some of the more important publications on the. By W. Faxon and C. W. Woodworth. (Riverside natural history, Boston, 1888, ii. 549-568.) Arts. Index to the reports of the committee on science and the arts of the Franklin Institute, 1834-1890. pp. 79. (Journal of the Franklin Institute, Nov. 1890, cxxx.) Asia. L'Asie : choix de lectures de géographie. Par L. Lanier. 1o pt. 2o éd. Paris. 1889. 12°. With bibliographies at the close of each section of the work. Mediaeval researches from Eastern Asiatic sources. Fragments towards the knowledge of the geography and history of Central and Western Asia. By E. Bretschneider. 2 vol. London. 1888. 8°. (Trübner's Oriental series.) Bibliographical notices, pp. 180-207. Asia, Central, Bibliography of. (Curzon, G. N. Russia in Central Asia in 1889, London, 1889, pp. 440-468.) Asia, Central. Bibliographie géographique et régionale. (Dutreuil de Rhins, J. L. L'Asie centrale, Paris, 1889, 4°, pp. 25-77.) Assyrian language. Assyrische grammatik. Von Fr. Delitzsch. Berlin. 1889. 16°. Litteratura, pp. 53*-78*. Assyriology, its use and abuse in Old Testament study. By Francis Brown. New York. 1885. 16°. Literature, pp. 88-96. Astronomy. Popular astronomy. By S. Newcomb. New York. 1887. 8°. Papers on the solar parallax, 1854-78, pp. 551-554.-List of authorities, pp. 555-561. - Also in earlier editions. See also MOON. Ataxy, Hereditary. Literatur. Von P. Menzel. (Archiv für psychiatrie, 1890, xxii. 183-189.) Athens. Bibliography of works on the Acropolis. [Brief, but annotated.) (Johns Hopkins univ. circulars, Apr. 1888, vii. 79.) Aucassin and Nicolette. Edited by F. W. Bourdillon. London. 1887. 16° Bibliography, pp. 181-198. Aungerville (Richard de Bury). Philobiblon. Ed. and trans. by E. C. Thomas. London. 1888. 8° Bibliography, pp. xlix.-lxxix. Austen, Jane. Bibliography. By J. P. Anderson. (Smith, Goldwin. Life of Jane Austen, London, 1890, pp. v.) Chapters from, by O. F. Adams. Boston. 1889. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 365-366. Australia. Bibliography of Terra Australis, New Holland and New South Wales, to the year 1820. (Barton, G. P. History of New South Wales, Sydney, 1889, i. 563-603.) List of standard books on. (Loftie, W. J. Orient line guide, London, 1890, pp. xxx.-xxxi.) See also GEOLOGY of Australia. Avignon. Les sources de l'historie des arts dans la ville d'Avignon pendant le xive siècle: essai bibliographique. Par Eug. Müntz. (Bull. archéol. du comité des travaux hist., 1887, pp. 249264.) Baily, W. Hellier. [List of his geological papers.] (Geological magazine, Dec. 1888, ν. 575-576.) Ballads. See also FOLKLORE. Bibliography of. By J. P. Anderson. (Wedmore, F. Life of Balzac, London, 1890, pp. xv.) Banks. Les banques d'émission en Europe. Par O. Noël. Tom. i. Paris. 1888. 8°. Principaux ouvrages consultés, pp. 655-656. Barbary States, Bibliography of. Part i. Tripoli and the Cyrenaica. By Sir R. L. Playfair. (Royal geographical soc. Supplementary papers, 1889, ii. pt. 4, pp. 557-614.) * Barlaamo, Fra, Calabrese, maestro del Petrarca. Da G. A. Mandalari. Roma. 1888. 8°. At end:- Bibliografia Barlaamina. Barnes, William, List of the works of. (Baxter, Mrs. Lucy E. Life of Barnes, London, 1887, pp. 350-358.) Barrande, Joachim. [List of his works.) (In his Sistême silurien, 1887, 1a partie, vol. vii. pp. ix.-xvi.) Von Bartsch, Karl. Verzeichniss seiner selbständig erschienenen germanistischen schriften. G. Ehrismann. (Germania, 1888, xxxiii. 94-97.) Batrachia and reptilia, List of some of the important publications on. By S. Garman. (Riverside natural history, Boston, 1888, iii. 475-477.) Die entwickelung der vorderen extremität der anuren batrachier. Von Paul Jordan. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. Litteratur-verzeichniss, pp. 53-54. of North America. By E. D. Cope. Wash. 1889. 8°. (Bulletin U. S. nat. mus. no. 34.) Bibliography, pp. 461-487. * Bayonets, Fixed: a complete system of fence for the British magazine rifle. By A. Hutton. London. 1890. 8°. Bibliographical list of works affecting the bayonet, pp. Bayonne et ses environs, Bibliographie de. Par H. Poydenot. (Bulletin monumental, 1888, liv. 199-203.) Beaumont and Fletcher, A bibliography of. By A. C. Potter. (Harvard univ. bulletin, May, Oct. 1890, vi. 95, 151.) Also, separately, as Bibliographical contribution, no. 39. Bees. Bibliographie de l'abeille ordinaire. (Girard, M. Les abeilles, Paris, 1890, pp. 315-318.) Behem, Franz, printer of Mainz. Eine mainzer presse der reformationszeit. Von S. Widmann. Paderborn. 1889. 8° Verzeichniss der Behemschen drucke von 1540 an, pp. 72 105. Belgian military writers. Bibliographie militaire belge. Année 1887. Par F. van Ortroy. (Centralb. f. bibliotheksw. 1889, vi. 241, 298, 347, 393.) Belgian theatre. Répertoire du théâtre français des jésuites en Belgique de 1540 à 1640. Par Ch. Rahlenbeck. (Revue de Belgique, 1888, iii. 82-95.) Belgium. See also BOTANY of Belgium. Bells, church, List of works on. By H. G. Aldis. (Notes and queries, Sept. 8, 1888, vi. 181182.) Beowulf, Bibliography of. (Morley, H. English writers, London, 1887, i. 355-358.) collection in Johns Hopkins univ. library. (Johns Hopkins univ. circulars, July, 1888, vii. 90.) Berber folklore. See FOLKLORE, Berber. Bewick, Thomas and John. Bibliography of the Quadrupeds and Birds. (Booklore, 1886-87, iv. 89-93, v. 129-130.) Repr. in Bookmart, Nov. 1890, viii. 257. Bible. Alte testament, Einleitung in das. Von H. L. Strack. Nördlingen. 1888. 8° Abundant references to the literature of the subjects treated. Biblical antiquities, Literature of. (Bissell, E. C. Biblical antiquities; a hand-book, Phila., 1888, p. viii.) Bibliography. Select list of the more recent English and American bibliographical publications, including current periodicals and special bibliographies. By E. A. Petherick. (The torch and colonial book circular, March 30, 1889, ii. 93–100.) Les travaux bibliographiques de 1878 à 1888. Par Henri Stein. (Congrès bibliog. internat. 1888, pp. 695-790.) A catalogue of the bibliographies of special subjects in the Boston public library. By J. L. Whitney. (Bulletin of the library, April, 1890, ix. 135-203.) Also published separately as No. 5 of the Bibliographies of special subjects, 1890; likewise included in the Handbook for readers, 9th ed. 1890. American. See AMERICAN BIBLIOGRAPHY. Les revues Bibliographical periodicals. critiques de bibliographie. Par Ch. Dejace. (Congrès bibliog. internat. 1888, pp. 802-826.) Bicycling. Literature of the wheel. ([Bagg, L. H.] Ten thousand miles on a bicycle, by Karl Kron, pseudon., New York, 1887, pp. 653700.) Biology. See also CELL-LIFE; REPRODUCTION. Birds. See ORNITHOLOGY. Bismarck. Fürst Bismarck-gedenkbuch. Von H. Kohl. Chemnitz. 1888. 16°. Bismarck-litteratur, pp. 79-88. Blake, Admiral. By David Hannay. London. 1886. 16°. (English worthies.) Bibliographical note, pp. v.-vi. Blow-fly, The anatomy, physiology, morphology and development of. By B. T. Lowne. London. 1890-91. 8°. Bibliography at the beginning of each chapter. Boccaccio. Contributo alla bibliografia boccaccesca. Per F. Ferrari. (Rivista delle biblioteche, 1888, i. 85-95.) Bologna. Bologneser festschriften über Bologna. Besprochen von E. Lundsberg. (Zeitsch. d. Savigny-stiftung, 1888, ix. 405-432.) Bookbinding, Bibliography of works on. By S. T. Prideaux. (The bookbinder, March, 1888.) Reprinted in the Bookmart, May, 1889, vi. 653-659. Borneo. Entdeckungsreisen und untersuchungen. Von Th. Posewitz. Berlin. 1889. 1. 8°. Literaturverzeichniss, pp. ix.-xxi. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bosnien und die Herzegowina. Von J. von Asbóth. Wien. 1888. 4°. Literatur, pp. 481-488. Boston-Old South Church, History of. By H. A. Hill. 2 vol. Boston. 1890. 8°. Bibliography [By A. P. C. Griffin), ii. 581-655. Botanical nomenclature. List of authorities for plant names. (Warburton, G. E. Names and synonyms of British plants, London, 1889, pp. ix.xxxvi.) Botany. Book-list prepared for the use of secondary teachers. By V. M. Spalding. (Academy [Syracuse], Apr. 1888, iii. 178-180.) Die natürlichen pflanzenfamilien. Von Ad. Engler und K. von Prantl. ii. teil. Leipzig. 1889. 1. 8°. References to the principal literature are given for each family. Botany of Belgium. Index bibliographique de l'hortus belgicus. Catalogue méthodique des plantes ornamentales qui ont été décrites, figurées ou introduites en Belgique de 1830 à 1880. pp. xxiv., 264. (Fédération des soc. d'horticulture de Belgique. Bulletin, 1883-85, Bruxelles, 1887.) of Germany. Litteratur als hilfsmittel zu studien in der deutschen flora. (Kirchhoff, Alf. Anleitung zur deutschen landes- und volksforschung, Stuttgart, 1889, pp. 239-252.) of North America. List of state and local floras of the United States and British America. By N. L. Britton. (Annals N. Y. acad. of sci., July, 1890, v. 237-300.) Supplementary to a list in Bull. of the Torrey botanical club, viii. et seq. of the West Indies. Botanical and zoölogical bibliography. By W. B. Hemsley and D. Sharp. (Report of the 58th meeting of the Brit. assoc. for adv. of science in 1888, pp. 438464.) Bradshaw, Henry, Published work of. (Prothero, G. W. Memoir of H. Bradshaw, London, 1888, pp. 433-437.) Brahms, Johannes. List of his published works to May, 1887. (Deiters, H. Joh. Brahms; a biographical sketch, London, 1888, pp. 155-160.) Brain and several sense-organs of the blind deaf-mute, Laura D. Bridgman, Anatomical observations on. By H. H. Donaldson. (Amer. jour. of psychology, Sept. 1890, iii. 293-341.) Bibliography, pp. 338-341. Brazil, Bibliography of. (Winsor, J. Narrative and critical history of America, Boston, 1889, viii. 349-358.) British antiquities. Index of archaeological papers published by English societies up to 1886. (Archaeological review, 1888-90, Supplement.) Completed through B. See also ROMAN REMAINS. British Columbia. British Columbia. See also GEOLOGY of Bunyan, John, Bibliography of. By J. P. Anderson. (Venables, E. Life of Bunyan, London, 1888, pp. xxxv.) Burger, Michael. [List of his works.) (Biograph. jahrb. f. alterthumskunde, 1888, xi. 5-6.) Burns, Robert, Bibliography of. By J. P. Anderson. (Blackie, J. S. Life of Burns, London, 1888, pp. xli.) Burton, Richard F. List of his works. (Hitchman, Francis. R. F. Burton, his early, private, and public life, London, 1887, ii. 442-444.) Burton, Robert. [Description of the early editions of the Anatomy of melancholy. By E. Peacock.] (Notes and queries, Dec. 8, 1888, vi. 443.) Butines and their halogen addition products, Index to the literature of. 1863-1887. By A. A. Noyes. (Technology quarterly, Dec. 1888, ii. 112-122.) Buxton, Maine, Bibliography of. (Coffin, Paul. Sermon preached Aug. 15, 1762, Cambridge, 1888, pp. 91-95.) Byron, Lord. Bibliography. By J. P. Anderson. (Noel, Roden. Life of Lord Byron, London, 1890, pp. xxxviii.) Lord Byron in Deutschland. Von Cäsar Flaischlen. [Bibliography of German translations.] (Centralblatt für bibliothekswesen, nov. 1890, vii. 455-473.) Cabbage butterfly. See PIERIS RAPAE. (Jahresb. d. philol. vereins zu Berlin, 1888, xiv. 324-348.) Calculus, Bibliography of fluxions and. Textbooks printed in the United States. [With notes.] (Cajori, F. Teaching and history of mathematics in the U. S., Wash., 1890, 395-400. - Bureau of education. Circ. of inf. no. 3, 1890.) Calderon. Bibliographische übersicht über die neuere Calderon-literatur. (Günthner, E. Calderon und seine werke, Freiburg i. B., 1888, I. xi.-xl.) California pastoral, 1769-1848. Bancroft. San Fran. 1888. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 751-792. By H. H. Cambodia. Bibliographie. (Henrique, L., editor. Les colonies françaises, Paris, [1889,] iii. 187.) Canada as a federation, Bibliog. note on. (Hart, A. B. Introd. to federal government, Boston, 1891, p. 188.) Canadian histories. By John Reade. (Canadiana, Jan. 1889, i. 3, 17, 33.) * Candles, Lists of patents relating to soap and. (Brannt, W. Manufacture of soap and candles, Phila., 1889, pp. ...) Caricature. Bibliographie et histoire des journaux à caricatures. (Grand-Carteret, John. Les mœurs et la caricature en France, Paris, [1888,] pp. 619-675.) Carlyle, Thomas, Bibliography of, 1820-1881. (The bibliographer and reference list, i. 6.) The list of Carlyle's works is taken, word for word, from Shepherd's Bibliography; the list of works on Carlyle is Shepherd's list, rearranged, with considerable additional matter. Carpenter, William Benjamin. List of his writings. (In his Nature and man, London, 1888, pp. 467-483.) Cassiodorus, Letters of, with an introduction by T. Hodgkin. London. 1886. 8°. Bibliography, pp. 115-121. Cataloguing. Bibliography of catalogue rules. By M. S. Cutler. (Dewey, M. Rules for author and classed catalogs, Boston, 1888, pp. 41-45.) Catlin, George. Bibliography of, 1838-1871. (Donaldson, Thomas. The George Catlin Indian gallery, pp. 779-793; appended to the Smithsonian report for 1885, part ii.) Caves and cave animals, Bibliography of. By A. S. Packard. (Memoirs of the nat. acad. of sciences, 1888, iv. 144-149.) Celebes, North. Bibliography. (Hickson, S. J. A naturalist in North Celebes, London, 1889, pp. 369-375.) Cell-life. Les progrès de la biologie cellulaire. Par M. L. Gedoelst. (Congrès bibliog. internat. 1888, pp. 226-247.) Central America. See also MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Ceriziers, René de. Bibliographie critique des ouvrages du père R. de C. jésuite nantais. Par O. de Gourcuff. (Revue de Bretagne, 1889, xxxiii. 314, 391.) Cervantes. Bibliography of Don Quixote. (In his Don Quixote; new ed. done into English by H. E. Watts, London, 1888, 4°, i. 268-290.) Chalcis, Iturea, and Abilene, Literature on. (Schürer, E. History of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ, Edin. 1890, Div. I. ii. 325.) Charities. Bibliographie méthodique de l'assistance publique et privée en France et à l'étranger. Par H. Derouin, A. Gory, et F. Worms. (Congrès international d'assistance, Compte rendu, Paris, 1889, ii. 407-745.) List of references on. (Crooker, J. H. Problems in American society, Boston, 1889, pp. 44-46.) See also FRIENDLY SOCIETY; POOR LAW; SOCIOLOGY. Charlemagne, Literary notes on some of the authorities for the history of. (Mombert, J. I. History of Charles the Great, New York, 1888, pp. 526-541.) Charlestown, Mass. and Bunker Hill, Bibliography of. (Hunnewell, J. F. Century of town life: a history of Charlestown, Boston, 1888, pp. 261-300.) Chaucer. Early editions. (In his Minor poems, edited by W. W. Skeat, Oxford, 1888, preface.) Das perfectum bei Chaucer. Von Ad. Gräf. Frankenhausen. 1888. 8° Chemistry, Remarks on a working library of, with book list. By A. B. Prescott. (The academy, Syracuse, June, 1888, iii. 306-309.) See also ALCHEMY; AMALGAMS; BUTINES; COLUMBIUM. Vegetable. Bibliography of the chemistry of indigenous Australian vegetable products. By J. H. Maiden. (Report of 1st meeting of Australasian assoc. adv. sci. in 1888, pp. 183-193.) Cherokees, Bibliography of the. (Foster, G. E. Literature of the Cherokees, Ithaca, N. Y., 1889, pp. 28.) * Chiabrera. Supplemento alla bibliografia chiabreresca. Da O. Varaldo. (Giornale ligustico xiv. nos. 11-12.) Chinch-bug, Bibliography of. By L. O. Howard. (Report of the [U. S.] commissioner of agriculture [for] 1887, pp. 84-88.) Chinese manuscripts in the library of the royal Asiatic society, Catalogue of. By H. F. Holt. (Journal of the royal Asiatic society, Jan. 1890, new series, xxii. 1-117.) Chivalry, Orders of, Catalogue of works on. (Lawrence-Archer, J. H. The orders of chivalry, London, 1887, 4°, pp. 349-352.) Chladni, Leben und wirken. Von Fr. Melde. 2a aufl. Marburg. 1888. 8° Chronol. verzeichniss seiner literärischen arbeiten, pp. 69-80. Chopin, as a man and musician. By F. Niecks. 2 vol. London. 1888. 8° List of his works, ii. 344-354. |