Pennell, Joseph. Pen drawing and pen draughtsmen, their work and their methods; a study of the art to-day, with technical suggestions. London, etc. 1889. 4°. Illustr. *27 Case. 324 With chapters on architectural pen drawing, pen drawing for book decoration, reproduction of pen drawings, etc. Rodt, Eduard VON. Kunstgeschichtliche denkmäler der Schweiz. 4 serien in 1 vol. Bern. 1885, '84-87. fo. pp. 8. 100 plates. 27 Case. 234 le serie is "2er abdruck." Rubens, Petrus Paulus. Pierre Paul Rubens; sa vie et ses œuvres. [By various writers.] Paris. [1889.] fo. Illustr. 27 Case. 567 Ruprich-Robert, Victor (Marie Charles). L'architecture normande aux xre et XIIe siècles en Normandie et en Angleterre. 2 tom. Paris. [1884-89.] fo Wdets., plans, and 175 plates. 27 Case. 321 "Bibliographie de l'histoire de l'architecture en Angleterre depuis la conquête normande jusqu'à Henri VIII.", i. 253 279. Ruskin, John. "Modern painters." General index, bibliography, and notes. [By George Allen.] Orpington, Kent. 1888. 1. 8°. Seilhamer, George Overcash. American theatre. [Vol. i., ii.] delphia. 1888-89. I. 8°. Edition limited to 500 copies. 28.34 History of the 2 vol. PhilaAL 268.88 Contents: [i.] Before the revolution. [1749-1774.] 1888. -[ii.] During the revolution and after. [1774-1792.] 1889. Stradella, Alessandro. Serenata. Herausgegeben von Friedrich Chrysander. Leipzig. 1888. 1. 8°. pp. (4), 56. (DEUTSCHE HÄNDELGESELLSCHAFT. Supplemente, enthaltend quellen zu Händel's werken, 3.) 122.122 Zahn, Wilhelm. Neu entdeckte wandgemälde in Pompeji gezeichnet. München, etc. [1828.] fo. 40 [39] plates. 27 Case. 571 "From the Proceedings of the American association for the advancement of science, vol. xxxvii." Auricoste de Lazarque, E. Saint-Éloi et le pélerinage des chevaux, de Flastroff en Lorraine. Strasbourg, etc. 1888. 8. pp. 19+. Wdct. 25234.66 "Extrait de la Revue nouvelle d'Alsace-Lorraine et du Rhin, nov. 1888." Aymon, Four sons of. Histoire des quatre fils Aymon, très nobles et très vaillans chevaliers. Illustrée de compositions en couleurs par Eugène Grasset; gravure et impression par Charles Gillot; introduction et notes par Charles Marcilly. Paris. 1883. 4. Illustr. 27277.15b "Tirage de luxe. 200 exemplaires." Berlin, Germ. — Königliches museum für völkerkunde. Veröffentlichungen aus dem königlichen museum für völkerkunde. i. bd. 1. heft. Berlin. 1889. fo. Plates. MZ. Coelho, Francisco Adolpho, compiler. Tales of old Lusitania, from the folk-lore of Portugal. Translated by Henriqueta Monteiro. London. 1888. sm. 8°. Front. and plates. (Fairy library of all nations.) 26255.35b Copenhagen, Denmark - Universitet - Zoologiske museum. E museo Lundii. En samling af afhandlinger om de i det indre Brasiliens kalkstenshuler af P. V. Lund udgravede og i den Lundske palæontologiske afdeling af Kjøbenhavns universitets zoologiske museum opbevarede dyre-og menneskeknogler. Efter anbefaling af det kongelige danske videnskabernes selskab udgivet af C. F. Lütken. ie bd. Kjøbenhavn. 1888. 4o. Wdets. and plates. MZ. Cotteau, Gustave (Honoré). Le préhistorique en Europe; congrès, musées, excursions. Paris. 1889. 16o. Wdcts. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE Scientifique contemporaine.) V. 3648, also MZ. Cunningham, Robert Hays, editor. Amusing prose chap-books, chiefly of last century. London, etc. 1889. 8°. 25276.24 Dalman, Gustaf Herman, editor. Jüdischdeutsche volkslieder aus Galizien und Russland. Leipzig. 1888. 8. pp. viii., 73+. (LEIPZIG, Germ. - Institutum judaicum. Schriften, 20, 21.) 26271.20 Daymard, Joseph, compiler. Vieux chants populaires recueillis en Quercy, profanes et religieux, en français et en patois; avec traduction, notes, et références. Cahors. 1889. 8o 26246.25 "250 exemplaires." Desrousseaux, Alexandre. Mœurs populaires de la Flandre française. 2 tom. Lille. 1889. 16o. Plate. 25282.2 Dubois, Pierre. Collection archéologique du prince Pierre Soltykoff. Horlogerie; description et iconographie des instruments horaires du xvie siècle, précédée d'un abrégé historique de l'horlogerie au moyen âge et pendant la renaissance. [With an appendix, containing "l'horlogerie au XVIIe siècle,' "au XVIe siècle," etc.] Suivie de la bibliographie complète de l'art de mesurer le temps depuis l'antiquité jusqu'à nos jours. Paris. 1858. 4o 20 plates. II. 2617 Dumoutier, Gustave. Le Grand-Bouddha de Hanoi; étude historique, archéologique, et épigraphique sur la pagode de Tran-vu. [With Chinese text and French translation of original documents.] Hanoi. 1888. 1. 8o. Plates and wdcts. II. 2635 Flores and Blanchefleur. Il cantare di Fiorio e Biancifiore. Edito ed illustrato da Vincenzo Crescini. Vol. i. Bologna. 1889. sm. 8°. (SCELTA di curiosità letterarie, etc. 233.) "Edizione di soli 202 esemplari. N. 91." 35.63 Floriant and Florete. Floriant & Florete; a metrical romance of the fourteenth century. Edited from a unique manuscript at Newbattle abbey by Fr. Francisque-Michel. Edinburgh. 1873. 4o Fac-sim. and plate. (ROXBURGHE CLUB. [Publ. 97.]) 27261.30 Grimm, Wilhelm (Karl). Die deutsche heldensage. 3 aufl., von Reinhold Steig. Gütersloh. 1889. 8°. 28284.4.2 Grünfeld, Leopold, translator. Anatolische volkslieder aus der "kaba dili." Leipzig. 1888. 16o. 27253.18 Der Guillén Robles, F., editor. Leyendas de José, hijo de Jacob, y de Alejandro Magno; sacadas de dos manuscritos moriscos de la biblioteca nacional de Madrid. Zaragoza. 1888. 8°. 25234.37 Handelmann, (Gottfried) Heinrich. Krinkberg bei Schenefeld und die holsteinischen silberfunde. Herausgegeben von dem schleswigholsteinischen museum vaterländischer alterthümer. Kiel. 1890 [1889]. 8°. pp. 29. Wdcts. PM. Harris, Joel Chandler. Daddy Jake the runaway, and short stories told after dark. By "Uncle Remus." New-York. [1889.] 4°. Illustr. 27256.35 Heims, Paul Gerhard. Seespuk; aberglauben, märchen, und schnurren in seemannskreisen, gesammelt und bearbeitet. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. Front. and plates. 26297.19 Henneman, John Bell. Untersuchungen über das mittelenglische gedicht "Wars of Alexander." Inaugural-dissertation. Berlin. 1889. 8°. pp. 87+. 27282.3 "Vita," after p. 87. Henry the minstrel. The actis and deidis of the illustere and vailzeand campioun, Schir William Wallace, knicht of Ellerslie. Edited by James Moir. Edinburgh, etc. 1889 ['85-89]. 8°. pp. liv., (2), 567. Fac-sims. (SCOTTISH TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ.] 6, 7, 17.) Eng. Lit. 2110 Hörmann, Kosta, compiler. Narodne pjesne muhamedovaca u Bosni i Hercegovini. 2 knjige. Sarajevo. 1888-89. 1. 8°. IV. 3036 Keary, Charles Francis. The dawn of history; an introduction to pre-historic study. New ed. [enlarged]. New York. 1889. 8°. I. 1975.2 "Notes and authorities," pp. 331-357. Contents: The earliest traces of man. - The second stone age.— The growth of language. - Families of language. -The nations of the Old World.-Early social life [by H. M. Keary]. The village community [by H. M. Keary].- Religion [by A. Keary].-Aryan religions. The other world. Mythologies and folk-tales. Picture-writing [by A. Keary]. Phonetic writing [by A. Keary]. Krohn, Kaarle. Bär (wolf) und fuchs, eine nordische tiermärchenkette; vergleichende studie. Aus dem finnischen übersetzt von Oscar Hackman. Helsingfors. 1888. 8°. 25228.36.2 "Bücherverzeichnis," pp. 125-129. Lescure, Mathurin François Adolphe DE, editor. Le monde enchanté; choix de douze contes de fées. Précédé d'une histoire des fées et de la littérature féerique en France. Paris. 1883. 8o. Front., plates, and vigns. 25221.16 Contents: Charles Perrault: La belle au bois dormant; Cendrillon; Le Petit-Poucet. - Mlle. Lhéritier: L'adroite princesse.- Mme. d'Aulnoy: L'oiseau bleu; La biche au bois; La chatte blanche. - Hamilton: Fleur d'épine. - Mlle. de la Force: La bonne femme. Le comte de Caylus: Cadichon.- Mme. Leprince de Beaumont: La belle et la bête; La fée aux nèfles. Lloyd, Lucy C. A short account of further Bushman material collected. 3d report concerning Bushman researches, presented to both houses of the parliament of the Cape of Good Hope. London. 27254.49 1889. fo. pp. (4), 28. For earlier reports, see BLEEK, W. H. I. Report concern. ing his researches into the Bushman language and customs; -A brief account of Bushman folk-lore and other texts. Leseth, Eilert. Tristranromanens gammelfranske prosahaandskrifter i Pariser - nationalbibliotheket. Kristiania. 1888. 8°. pp. (4), 78+. 27273.69.2 Louis I., the Pious, Roman emp. Le couronnement de Louis; chanson de geste. Publiée, d'après tous les manuscrits connus, par E. Langlois. Paris. 1888. 8. (SOCIÉTÉ DES ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇAIS. [Publ.]) 27277.42 Mallery, Garrick. Israelite and Indian; a parallel in planes of culture. Address [before] the American association for the advancement of science, delivered at the Toronto meeting, Aug., 1889. Salem. 1889. 8°. pp. 47. PM. Marignan, Albert. La médecine dans l'église au sixième siècle; mémoire pour servir à l'histoire de la civilisation en France. Paris. 1887. 8°. V. 2998 pp. xviii., 20. Moiset, C. Les usages, croyances, traditions, superstitions, etc., ayant existé autrefois ou existant encore dans les divers pays du département de l'Yonne. [Auxerre. 1888.] 8°. 26246.31 Bulletin de la société des sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne, année 1888, pp. 5-157. Morley, Henry, editor. Early prose romances. London, etc. 1889. 8. (The CARISBROOKE library, 4.) 27263.31 Contents: Eleven of the Hundred merry_tales. - The history of Reynard the Fox. Robert the Deuyll. - Virgilius.-The history of Hamlet. The famous historie of Fryer Bacon. The history of Guy, earl of Warwick. - The history of Friar Rush. More of the Hundred merry tales. Müllenhoff, Karl (Victor). Beovulf; untersuchungen über das angelsächsische epos und die älteste geschichte der germanischen seevölker. Berlin. 1889. 8o. 28286.59 Nadaillac, Jean François Albert Du Pouget, marquis DE. Les découvertes préhistoriques et les croyances chrétiennes. Présentée au congrès scientifique international des catholiques tenu à Paris en 1888. Paris. 1889. 8°. pp. 15. PM. In the striking similarity of certain prehistoric antiquities found in every part of the world, and in the wide extension of certain primitive customs, the author finds an argument for the common origin of mankind. Nadaillac, Jean François Albert DU POUGET, marquis DE. Les premières populations de l'Europe. Paris. 1889. 8°. pp. 71. PM. "Extrait du Correspondant." Paris, Gaston, editor. Chansons du xve siècle, publiées d'après le manuscrit de la bibliothèque nationale de Paris; et accompagnées de la musique transcrite en notation moderne par Auguste Gevaert. Paris. 1875. 8°. Fac-sims. (SOCIÉTÉ DES ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇAIS. [Publ.]) 8594.50 Prien, Friedrich. Ueber die hochdeutsche Reinke-uebersetzung vom jahre 1544. Neumünster. 1887. 4°. pp. 1-22. (Progr. d. progymnas. und realprogymnas. "1887, nr. 266.") 27284.26 Prym, (Heinrich) Eugen, and Śocin, Albert, compilers. Kurdische sammlungen. ie abt. 1 abt. in 2 pt. St.-Pétersbourg, etc. 1887. 8. 27253.5 Contents:i. Erzählungen, und lieder im dialekte des Tur 'abdîn. a. Die texte.-b. Übersetzung. Roland. La chanson de Roland; poëme de Theroulde. Texte critique, accompagné d'une traduction, d'une introduction, et de notes par F. Génin. Paris. 1850. 8°. pp. (4), clxxvi., 560. Fac-sim. 27276.23 M. Gautier and others think there is but slight evidence to support the authorship of Theroulde. Roland. La chanson de Roland; poème français du moyen âge. Traduit en vers modernes par Alfred Lehugeur. [With the text of the original.] 4e éd. Paris. 1888. 27276.22 16o. [Sæmund Sigfusson.] Die Edda. Deutsch von Wilhelm Jordan. Frankfurt a. M., etc. 1889. 8°. IV. 3042 Santa-Anna Nery, Frederico José De. Folklore brésilien. Poésie populaire; contes et légendes; fables et mythes; poésie, musique, danses, et croyances des indiens; accompagné de douze morceaux de musique. Préface du prince Roland Bonaparte. Paris. 1889 [1888]. 16° Alger, John G. Englishmen in the French revolution. London. 1889. sm. 8°. 4577.22 American historical association. Papers. Vol. iii. New York, etc. 1889 ['88-89]. 8°. 15393.13 iii. 1. Report of the proceedings at the 4th annual meeting, Boston and Cambridge, May 21-24, 1887. 1888. 2. Report of the proceedings at the 5th annual meeting, Washington, D. C., Dec. 26–28, 1888. 1889. Appeal (An) to Pharaoh: the negro problem, and its radical solution. New York. 1889. 8. 14392.18 Asbóth, Johann von. Bosnien und die Herzegowina; reisebilder und studien. Wien. 1888. 4o. Maps and other illustr. I. 2385 "Literatur," pp. 481-488. Baker, Geoffrey, of Swinbrook. Chronicon [and Chroniculum] Galfridi le Baker de Swynebroke.. Edited, with notes, by E. M. Thompson. Lat. Oxford. 1889. sm. 4°. Fac-sim. and maps. 3445.4 Ballou, Maturin Murray. The new Eldorado: 1889. a summer journey to Alaska. Boston, etc. 8. 13357.21 Bancroft, George. Martin Van Buren, to the end of his public career. New York. 1889. 8°. 7393.20b Battey, Thomas C. The life and adventures of a quaker among the Indians. Boston, etc. 1889 16°. [cop. 1875]. 27256.27 Portrs. (GREAT and good series.) SQ. Baxter, James Phinney. America. A paper read before the Rhode Island historical society [March 6, 1888]. Providence. 1889. 8°. pp. 49. Wdcts. and map. 11353.25 Sellers, Charles, compiler. Tales from the lands of nuts and grapes: Spanish and Portuguese folklore. London. 1888. 26255.18.2 sm. 8°. Simiginowicz, Ludwig Adolf, translator. Kleinrussische volkslieder. Metrisch übersetzt von L. A. Staufe-Simiginowicz. Leipzig. 1888. 8%. 27233.20 Staufe-Simiginowicz, Ludwig Adolf, pseudon. See Simiginowicz, Ludwig Adolf. Stübel, Alphons, and others. Kultur und industrie südamerikanischer völker, nach den im besitze des museums für völkerkunde zu Leipzig befindlichen sammlungen von A. Stübel, W. Reiss, und B. Koppel. Text und beschreibung der tafeln von Max Uhle. jer bd. Berlin. 1889. fo 28 plates. 27 Case. 323 Contents: i. Alte zeit. schaft. Mittheilungen der gesellschaft. To be continued. V. 2974 VII. History and Geography. (Including Politics and General Biography.) Adams, Sir Francis Ottiwell, and Cunningham, C. D. The Swiss Confederation. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Map. 15573.25 Adams, Henry. History of the United States during the first administration of Thomas Jefferson. [1801-1805.] 2 vol. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. Maps. (2 cop.) 7362.68; 7362.69; also AH. Alberti, Tommaso. Viaggio a Costantinopoli (1609-1621). Pubblicato da Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna. 1889. sm. 8°. (SCELTA di curiosità letterarie, etc. 231.) "Edizione di soli 202 esemplari. N. 85." 35.63 Early voyages to Chiefly concerning the voyages of the Northmen. Bekker, Ernst (Immanuel). Beiträge zur englischen geschichte im zeitalter Elisabeths [155860]. Giessen. 1887. 8°. (GIESSENER studien auf 3483.7 dem gebiet der geschichte, 4.) Belgium - Institut cartographique militaire. Notice sur les cartes, documents, & objets exposés au grand concours international de Bruxelles en 1888. [By É. Hennequin.] Bruxelles. 1888. 8°. pp. 32. Plate. (Ministère de la guerre. 5e direction.) V. 3681 Bennett, Edgar B. First Connecticut heavy artillery; historical sketch and present addresses of members. 1889.1 [Hartford, Conn. sm. 8°. pp. 53. 8343.31.2 Bigelow, John. France and the Confederate navy, 1862-1868; an international episode. London. 1888. 12. 9365.17 Port. Bill, Ledyard. The history of Paxton, Mass. Worcester, Mass. 1889. 16. Port. 10322.53 Billon, Frederic Louis. Annals of St. Louis in its territorial days, 1804-1821. A portrayal of life in St. Louis as a frontier town, with sketches of adjacent villages then existing; incidents in the lives of the early voyageurs and explorers, the Indians, and early settlers, with biographical sketches of the early families; being a continuation of the Annals under the French and Spanish dominations. St. Louis. 1889. 1. 8°. Port, and plates. 12321.65 "Of this edition only 15 copies were printed." Bliss, William Root. Colonial times on Buzzard's Bay. [2d ed., enlarged.] Boston, etc. 1889. 12. Map, plates, and wdcts. 10397.59.2 Bryant, William Clement. Captain Brant and the Old King [Sayenqueraghta]: the tragedy of. Wyoming [Pa.]. A paper read before the Buffalo historical society, April 1, 1889. Buffalo. 1889. 8°. pp. 25. 11366.25 Buchheister, J. Ueber das bergsteigen. Vortrag. Hamburg. 1889. 8. pp. 40. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 78.) VIII. 175 (IV) Buchholz, Gustav. Ekkehard von Aura. Untersuchungen zur deutschen reichsgeschichte unter Heinrich IV. und Heinrich V. jer teil. Leipzig. 1888. 89. 13593.36 Butler, Benjamin Franklin (b. 1818). Should there be a union of the English-speaking peoples of the earth? A dissertation, delivered before the alumni of Colby university, July 2, 1889. Boston. 1889. 8. pp. 15. 4366.25 Butler, William Allen. The revision of the statutes of the state of New York and the revisers [John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler, and John C. Spencer]. An address delivered before the association of the bar of the city of New York, Jan. 22, 1889. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. Portrs. VI. 4099 Canel, Alfred. A history of the states-general of Normandy. Edinburgh. 1889. 16. pp. 39. (COLLECTANEA adamantæa, 27.) Eng. Lit. 1999 Carette, Mme. (née BOUVET). Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. Translated from the French by Elizabeth P. Train. New York. 1889. 5582.15 16%. Cavour, Camillo (Giulio Paolo) BENZO, conte DI. Diario inedito, con note autobiografiche. Pubblicato per cura e con introduzione di Domenico Berti. Roma. 1888. 1. 8°. I. 2461 Chapin, Frederick Hastings. Mountaineering in Colorado; the peaks about Estes Park. Boston. 1889. 8. Front., wdcts., and 10 plates. MZ. Chaudordy, Jean Baptiste Alexandre Damaze, La France en 1889. comte DE. 2e éd. Paris. [1889.] 18%. 6575.46 Child, Theodore. Summer holidays: travelling notes in Europe. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. I. 2384 Contents: -Down the Danube to Constantinople. - Constantinople. Impressions of Holland. - A trip to Naples. -Art notes in Milan. - Verona. - Venice. — Bologna and Ravenna.- Florence. Frankfort. - Cassel. - Brunswick. — Munch.-Limoges. - Reims. Aix-les-Bains. A visit to the Grande Chartreuse.— A holiday on French rivers. Chuquet, Arthur. La retraite de Brunswick. Paris. 1887. 16o. (In his Guerres de la révolution, iii.) 4537.19 Clemens, Mrs. Eliza Jane McCartney. La Plata countries of South America. Philadelphia. 1886. 12. Maps. 3344.8 Clifford, Edward. Father Damien; a journey from Cashmere to his home in Hawaii. [With an account of the volcano of Kilauea.] London, etc. 1889. 16. Port. of Father Damien and fac-sim. VII. 2304 A part of this work was originally published in the Nineteenth century. Cochran, Thomas Baumgardner, editor. Smull's legislative hand book, and manual of the state of Pennsylvania. 1888. Harrisburg. [1888.] 8. pp. (2), Ixxiv., 729. Front., coat-of-arms, maps, and plans. Reg. 300 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Redeeming the Republic: the third period of the war of the rebellion in the year 1864. New York. 1890 [1889]. sq. 8°. Mustr. 8325.13.2 Collier, Thomas Stephen, compiler. A history of the statue erected to commemorate the heroic achievement of Maj. John Mason and his comrades, with an account of the unveiling ceremonies. [New London. Conn.] 1889. 8°. pp. 62. Front. 5324.31 The Colombo (Lat. COLUMBUS), Cristoforo. letter in Spanish written on his return from his first voyage, and addressed to Luis de Sant Angel, 15 Feb.-14 March, 1493, announcing the discovery of the New World. Reproduced in facsimile from a unique copy in the possession of the publishers [Ellis & Elvey]; with introductory & critical remarks [by Julia E. S. Rae], accompanied by a revised Spanish version, and a literal translation into English. London. 1889. 4. pp. 47+ (8). *1373.67 Port. A contemporary manuscript copy of this first Spanish letter was found by Navarrete at Simancas and is printed by him in his Coleccion, though Harrisse questions if it represents the text as Columbus wrote it. Another early copy, substantially the same, though addressed to Sanchez, was later found in the Colegio Mayor de Cuenca, and was printed by Varnhagen in 1858. The earliest discovered printed copy came to light in 1852, when it was added to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana at Milan. It was printed in 1493, apparently in Spain or Portugal. No other copy of this edition has ever been found, and it was reprinted at Milan in 1863, and in facsimile in 1866. This was for a long time the only resource for scholars who sought to use the original Spanish text, presumably as Columbus wrote it; but within a year two other contemporary editions have been discovered in a single copy each. One of them, in four quarto leaves, is mentioned above. Experts in early Spanish typography have supposed it to have been printed at Burgos, or possibly at Salamanca. This and the Ambrosian edition seem to have been set up, one from the other, or possibly from some anterior edition. The other newly-found Spanish edition was discovered in Spain, and is printed in folio on two leaves. The Paris dealer who possesses it has offered it at 65,000 francs, and has issued a facsimile of it. A few years ago Bergenroth found another text at Simancas, substantially the same, but purporting to be addressed to a friend of Columbus. Bergenroth gave a full abstract of it in the Calendar of state papers relating to England and Spain. If we add to these several texts, that which is contained in Andrès Bernaldez's Historia de los reyes católicos (not printed till 1856 at Granada, and at Seville in 1870), we have all the varieties of the first account of his which voyage, Columbus wrote in different letters, which are essentially alike. Bernaldez is known to have had papers put in his hands by Columbus, and is thought to have placed bodily in his text a draft of the letter which he may have received from the Admiral himself. Attempts have been made by Varnhagen and others to collate all these texts, except the two last discovered, to discover if possible by critical comparison what may be considered the true text. The attempts have not agreed with each other. Scholars have usually used, however, the Latin text, and it was inferred, prior to 1852, from the absence of any Spanish edition for up to that date none had been discovered either that there had been some prohibition of printing the Spanish original, or that there had been less popular interest in the discovery in Spain than there was in Italy and Central Europe, where there were four editions of this Latin text in Rome, three in Paris, and one in Antwerp, all issued in 149394. There was no German edition till 1497, and then it was given in the German tongue. There are copies of these Latin editions in several American libraries, and one sold in New York in the Barlow library in Feb. 1890 passed into the Boston Public Library. Conder, Claude Reignier. The survey of eastern Palestine. Memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, archæology, etc. Vol. i. London. 1889. 4. Map and other illustr. (PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. [Publ.]) I. 1876 "Special edition. No. 82." Contents:i. The 'Adwân country. Connecticut historical society. Birthday of the state of Connecticut. Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state, by the Connecticut historical society and the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, Jan. 24th, 1889. Hartford, Conn. 1889. 8°. pp. 98. 11343.15 Cooke, Mrs. Harriet Ruth (WATERS). The Driver family: a genealogical memoir of the descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass. With an appendix, containing twenty-three allied families. 1592-1887. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. 16376.11 Prien, Friedrich. Ueber die hochdeutsche Reinke-uebersetzung vom jahre 1544. Neumünster. 1887. 4°. pp. 1-22. (Progr. d. progymnas. und realprogymnas. "1887, nr. 266.") 27284.26 Prym, (Heinrich) Eugen, and Socin, Albert, compilers. Kurdische sammlungen. ie abt. 1 abt. in 2 pt. St.-Pétersbourg, etc. 1887. 8°. 27253.5 Contents:i. Erzählungen und lieder im dialekte des Tûr 'abdîn. a. Die texte.-b. Übersetzung. Roland. La chanson de Roland; poëme de Theroulde. Texte critique, accompagné d'une traduction, d'une introduction, et de notes par F. Génin. Paris. 1850. 8°. pp. (4), clxxvi., 560. Fac-sim. 27276.23 M. Gautier and others think there is but slight evidence to support the authorship of Theroulde. Roland. La chanson de Roland; poème français du moyen âge. Traduit en vers modernes par Alfred Lehugeur. [With the text of the original.] 4e éd. Paris. 1888. 16o. 27276.22 [Sæmund Sigfusson.] Die Edda. Deutsch von Wilhelm Jordan. Frankfurt a. M., etc. 1889. 8°. IV. 3042 Alger, John G. Englishmen in the French revolution. London. 1889. sm. 8°. 4577.22 American historical association. Papers. Vol. iii. New York, etc. 1889 ['88-89]. 8°. 15393.13 iii. 1. Report of the proceedings at the 4th annual meeting, Boston and Cambridge, May 21-24, 1887. 1888. 2. Report of the proceedings at the 5th annual meeting, Washington, D. C., Dec. 26-28, 1888. 1889. Appeal (An) to Pharaoh: the negro problem, and its radical solution. New York. 1889. 8°. 14392.18 Asbóth, Johann von. Bosnien und die Herzegowina; reisebilder und studien. Wien. 1888. 4o. Maps and other illustr. I. 2385 "Literatur," pp. 481-488. Baker, Geoffrey, of Swinbrook. Chronicon [and Chroniculum] Galfridi le Baker de Swynebroke.. Edited, with notes, by E. M. Thompson. Lat. Ox3445.4 ford. 1889. sm. 4°. Fac-sim. and maps. Ballou, Maturin Murray. The new Eldorado: 1889. a summer journey to Alaska. Boston, etc. 8. 13357.21 Bancroft, George. Martin Van Buren, to the end of his public career. New York. 1889. 8°. 7393.20b Santa-Anna Nery, Frederico José DE. Folklore brésilien. Poésie populaire; contes et légendes; fables et mythes; poésie, musique, danses, et Battey, Thomas C. The life and adventures croyances des indiens; accompagné de douze morof a quaker among the Indians. Boston, etc. 1889 ceaux de musique. Préface du prince Roland Bo16o. 1889 [1888]. 16°. [cop. 1875]. 27256.27 naparte. Paris. Portrs. (GREAT and good series.) SQ. Sellers, Charles, compiler. Tales from the Baxter, James Phinney. Early voyages to lands of nuts and grapes: Spanish and Portuguese America. folklore. London. A paper read before the Rhode Island 1888. 26255.18.2 sm. 8°. historical society [March 6, 1888]. Providence. Simiginowicz, Ludwig Adolf, translator. 1889. 8°. pp. 49. Wdcts. and map. 11353.25 Kleinrussische volkslieder. Metrisch übersetzt Chiefly concerning the voyages of the Northmen. von L. A. Staufe-Simiginowicz. Leipzig. 1888. 27233.20 8o VII. History and Geography. (Including Politics and General Biography.) Adams, Sir Francis Ottiwell, and Cunningham, C. D. The Swiss Confederation. London, etc. 1889. 8. Map. 15573.25 Adams, Henry. History of the United States during the first administration of Thomas Jefferson. [1801-1805.] 2 vol. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. Maps. (2 cop.) 7362.68; 7362.69; also AH. Alberti, Tommaso. Viaggio a Costantinopoli (1609-1621). Pubblicato da Alberto Bacchi della Lega. Bologna. 1889. sm. 8°. (SCELTA di curiosità letterarie, etc. 231.) "Edizione di soli 202 esemplari. N. 85." 35.63 Bekker, Ernst (Immanuel). Beiträge zur englischen geschichte im zeitalter Elisabeths [155860]. Giessen. 1887. 8. (GIESSENER studien auf dem gebiet der geschichte, 4.) 3483.7 Belgium - Institut cartographique militaire. Notice sur les cartes, documents, & objets exposés au grand concours international de Bruxelles en 1888. [By É. Hennequin.] Bruxelles. 1888. 8°. pp. 32. Plate. (Ministère de la guerre. 5e direction.) 1889.] V. 3681 Bennett, Edgar B. First Connecticut heavy artillery; historical sketch and present addresses of members. [Hartford, Conn. sm. 8°. 8343.31.2 pp. 53. Port. Bigelow, John. France and the Confederate navy, 1862-1868; an international episode. London. 1888. 12o 9365.17 Bill, Ledyard. The history of Paxton, Mass. Worcester, Mass. 1889. 16. Port. 10322.53 Billon, Frederic Louis. Annals of St. Louis in its territorial days, 1804-1821. A portrayal of life in St. Louis as a frontier town, with sketches of adjacent villages then existing; incidents in the lives of the early voyageurs and explorers, the Indians, and early settlers, with biographical sketches of the early families; being a continuation of the Annals under the French and Spanish dominations. St. Louis. 1889. 1. 8°. Port. and plates. 12321.65 "Of this edition only 15 copies were printed." Bliss, William Root. Colonial times on Buzzard's Bay. [2d ed., enlarged.] Boston, etc. 1889. 12. Map, plates, and wdcts. 10397.59.2 Bryant, William Clement. Captain Brant and the Old King [Sayenqueraghta]: the tragedy of. Wyoming [Pa.]. A paper read before the Buffalo historical society, April 1, 1889. Buffalo. 1889. 8. pp. 25. 11366.25 |