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No. 49; OR VOL. VI. No. 5.



Librarian of the University,


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MEETING OF JANUARY 26, 1891.- Voted, that the additional gift of $200 from EDWARD RUSSELL, Esq., be gratefully accepted and that it be credited to the Edward Russell Scholarship Fund.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $800 received January 19, 1891, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial.

Voted, that the offer of Mr. JACOB H. SCHIFF to give $1000 for the purchase of books for a reference library for the Semitic Department be gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to SAMUEL II. RUSSELL, Esq., for his gift to the College Library of a set of reproductions of three water-color views of Boston taken in 1764, with a report of the Bostonian Society relating thereto.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Miss LUCY ELLIS for her additional gift of $1000 for the Physiological Department of the Harvard Medical School.

Voted, to grant the request of Professor DAVID W. CHEEVER, M.D., for leave of absence for the academic year 1891-92 in accordance with the rules established by this Board, May 31, 1880.

Voted, to grant the request of Professor FREDERIC D. ALLEN, Ph.D., for leave of absence for the academic year 1891-92 in accordance with the rules established by this Board, May 31, 1880. Voted, to reappoint HENRY C. BADGER Curator of Maps for the year 1891.

Voted, that notice be given to the Foxcroft Club that the payment of its fees from the Price Greenleaf Aid will be discontinued after the current academic year.

MEETING OF FEBRUARY 9, 1891. — Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $800 received February 7, 1891, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial.

The Treasurer reported that he had received an additional gift of $50 from the Dante Society, for the purchase of books for the Dante Collection, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. HENRY VILLARD the sum of $5000 as the last instalment of his subscription of $25,000 towards the Law School Book Fund, and it was

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. VILLARD for his generous gift. The Treasurer reported a gift of $50 from Mr. JOHN SIMPKINS to be added to the fund for equipping

a library for the use of the Historical department, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $200 for the purchase of books for the department of Music, said sum having come from the sale of an old piano by Professor PAINE, who had received a new piano from an unknown giver.

The Treasurer reported that he had received sums amounting to $6343.34, to be used for a library for the Classical department and to be spent under the direction of the Classical Instructors. Of this amount $2700 was contributed through Mr. HENRY W. HAYNES for the Greek department; and $3600 through Mr. GARDINER M. LANE for the Latin department, from which $500 was to be used towards fitting up the lecture-room in Harvard Hall. The interest earned on these sums before transfer to the College amounted to $43.34. It is stated that additional gifts for this purpose may be expected. Whereupon it was

Voted, that all these gifts be gratefully accepted to be spent as directed by the Classical Instructors, and that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. HENRY W. HAYNES and Mr. GARDINER M. LANE for their kind offices in the matter.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to each subscriber towards the Classical Library Fund, and that the name of each subscriber be entered upon the Donation Book of the College. Thanks for the free use of the College Library were received from the Society for the Collegiate Instruction of Women, the Episcopal Theological School, and the New Church Theological School.

A letter was received from Professor CLEMENT L. SMITH asking that his resignation as Dean of Harvard College and member of the College Administrative Board be accepted to take effect on next Commencement Day. It was thereupon

Voted, that this resignation be accepted as requested by Professor SMITH, and that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to him for his long, faithful, and valuable services while holding the office of Dean.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences having called the attention of the Corporation to the inconvenient size of the Shattuck Scholarships now used for graduate scholars, it was

Voted, to establish seven Shattuck Scholarships of $300 each in place of the existing thirteen smaller ones, with the understanding that the change is to be made in such manner as not to affect injuriously the rights of any existing holder of a Shattuck Scholarship, nor to reduce the Fund below the sum of $46,000.

Voted, to appoint WILLIAM ORISON UNDERWOOD, A.B., Lecturer upon Warranty and Evidence (at the School of Veterinary Medicine) for the year 1891–92.

Voted, to appoint FREDERICK HUNTINGTON OSGOOD, B.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., Instructor in Cattle Practice for the year 1891–92.

MEETING OF MARCH 9, 1891. — The Treasurer reported that he had received from JOHN O. SARGENT, Esq., the sum of $100 for the Sargent Prize for 1890-91, the same to be added to the permanent fund for this purpose if not awarded, and the gift was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported a gift of $150 from Mr. JOHN T. MORSE, Jr., for apparatus to illustrate Asst. Professor CHANNING's lectures in History 1, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $6.81 as an additional payment from the Morgan estate for the Henry T. Morgan Fund.

The Treasurer reported that he had received the additional sum of $100 for the purchase of books for the department of Music, being the balance due from the sale of an old piano by Professor PAINE. The Treasurer reported a gift of $70 from Dr. W. S. BIGELOw for special use at the Medical School, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. WILLIAM M. PRICHARD the sum of $408.33 as an addition to the Henry Warren Torrey Fund, and the same was gratefully accepted. The special investment having been sold out with Mr. PRICHARD'S approval and the interest thereon added to the principal, the fund now amounts to $10,000 which will share in the general investments from March 1, 1891.

The Treasurer reported a bequest to the College of a manuscript from the Rev. J. B. GROSS of Wilkesbarre, Pa., and the same was gratefully accepted.

MEETING OF MARCH 23, 1891. — Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER Of New York for her additional gift of $800 received March 17, 1891, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from the Rev. Dr. ANDREW P. PEABODY the additional sum of $200 for prizes to be given to students in the Semitic Languages for the academic year 1891-92 under the direction of Professors Toy and LYON," and it was

Voted, that this gift be gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer having stated that the family of the late JOHN GORHAM PALFREY wish to place in Memorial Hall a marble bas-relief of him, by William W. Story, instead of a bronze bas-relief, as heretofore proposed, it was

Voted, to assign for the purpose the middle one of the eleven spaces at the west end of the Hall, with the understanding that whenever a statue suitable for that position shall be offered to the College the bas-relief will be transferred to some other one of said spaces.

Mr. BRIMMER and the Treasurer having reported upon the matters referred to them on January 26,

it was

Voted, to notify the Faculty of Arts and Sciences that the Matthews Scholarships cannot be used for any persons who are not undergraduates; also that the Corporation does not think it advisable at present to diminish the privileges of undergraduates as to College dormitories by enlarging the existing rights of other persons to engage College rooms.

Voted, to grant the request of Professor FRANCIS G. PEABODY, D.D., for leave of absence for the academic year 1891-92 in accordance with the rules established by this Board, May 31, 1880.

The resignations of Proctors WILLIAM B. BENTLEY and GEORGE B. WARDNER were accepted. Voted, to appoint as Proctors for 1890-91, JONATHAN BRACE CHITTENDEN, A.M., and CHARLES ROCHESTER EASTMAN, A.B.

Voted, to proceed to the election of a Dean of Harvard College, to serve from next Commencement Day, whereupon ballots being given in it appeared that LE BARON RUSSELL BRIGGS, A.M., was elected.

Voted, to communicate this election to the Board of Overseers that they may consent thereto if they see fit.

Voted, to appoint PAUL HENRY HANUS, B.S., Assistant Professor of the History and the Art of Teaching for five years from September 1, 1891.

The President reported a gift to the College from WINSLOW WArren Sever, D.D., of two portraits, one of NICHOLAS SEVER, Tutor and Fellow, who was born in 1680 and died in 1764, and the other of SARAH WARREN his wife, who was born in 1692 and died in 1756. It was

Voted, that these portraits be gratefully accepted to be hung in Sever Hall.

MEETING OF APRIL 13, 1891. - The President presented a communication from the Board of Overseers enclosing their votes upon the Proposals of the College Faculty.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from the American Book Co. $620.35 on account of the Gray Botanical copyrights.

The Treasurer reported the receipt of the annual gift of $500 from an anonymous friend to increase the salary of the Professor of Entomology and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported the receipt of $400 from Judge LoWELL and Mrs. LOWELL, being the sixth annual payment for the George Emerson Lowell Scholarships, and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported the receipt of $600 from Mrs. C. M. BARNARD, being her eighth annual payment for the Warren H. Cudworth Scholarships, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Miss ANNA C. LOWELL for her additional gift of $1000 to the Lowell Fund for a Botanic Garden.

The Treasurer presented a copy of the will of EDWIN CONANT of Worcester, a graduate of the College, of the Class of 1829, together with a copy of the inventory of his estate, from which it appears that his legacies to the College will exceed $100,000.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. FOOTE for her generous gift to the Library of the Divinity School of 520 volumes and 73 pamphlets selected from the library of the late Rev. HENRY W. FOOTE.

Notice was received from the executors of the late GEORGE BANCROFT of the following provision of his will: :

"I give and bequeath to the President and Fellows of Harvard College my portrait, painted by GusTAVUS RICHTER, and I direct my executors to make free delivery of it to them, at Cambridge, Mass., and it was

Voted, that this bequest be gratefully accepted, and that the executors be requested to send the portrait to Memorial Hall, Cambridge, to the care of Mr. L. B. FISK, Auditor.

Voted, to grant the request of the Directors of the Foxcroft Club that for the years 1890-91 and 189192, the Club shall have the free use of the lower story of the Foxcroft House and of rooms numbered 3 and 4; also that the sum of $275 per annum be contributed by the College towards the salary of the janitor of the Club in consideration of his taking entire care of the students' rooms in the house except the Summer cleaning.

Notice was received from the Faculty of the Law School as to votes passed by them on March 23, 1891, as follows:

"Voted, that at the beginning of the academic year 1893-94, and thereafter, persons who are not graduates of Colleges shall, whether candidates for a degree or not, be admitted to the School only upon passing the admission examinations."


Voted, that a certified copy of the above vote be sent to the Corporation."

Voted, to appoint MORRIS HICKY MORGAN, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin for five years from September 1, 1891.

Voted, to appoint JOHN GEORGE JACK Arboretum Lecturer for 1890–91.

Voted, to appoint FREDERICK PERRY FISH, LL.B., Lecturer on Patent Law for 1891-92.

MEETING OF APRIL 27, 1891. The Treasurer reported that he had received through HENRY M. SPELMAN, Treasurer, the additional sum of $1042, on account of the George William Sawin Fund, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The President read a letter from Dr. FRANCIS MINOT resigning the Hersey Professorship of the Theory and Practice of Medicine, the resignation to take effect at the end of the current year. Whereupon it was

Voted, that Professor MINOT's resignation be accepted to take effect September 1, 1891. Voted, that the Medical School is under lasting obligations to Dr. MINOT for his long and faithful services in the department of Theory and Practice, during two years (1869-71) as Instructor, three (1871-74) as Assistant Professor, and seventeen (1874-91) as Professor, and for the support which the Faculty has derived from his reputation, influence, and good judgment.

[For the continuation of these Records see p. 271.]


MAY 15TH, 1891.

This list of accessions includes (1) nearly all the recently published books and pamphlets that are received (except annual reports, periodical publications, continued works, etc. received regularly from time to time), and (2) the more extensive and important works of earlier date.

Accessions to the several department libraries are indicated by heavy-faced letters after the titles as follows:





American History Class Room.

Astronomical Observatory.
Botanic Garden.

Bussey Institution.

Bot. Lab. Botanical Laboratory.

Classical Department.
Divinity School.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]




Fine Arts Department.

Geol. Lab. Geological Laboratory.

Museum of Comparative Zoology.
Political Economy Class Room.

Ph.G.Lab. Physical Geography Laboratory.

Philosophical Class Room.

Peabody Museum of Archæology.
Social Questions Class Room.
Lawrence Scientific School.
Zoological Laboratory.

I. General.

(Including Bibliography.)

Adams, Herbert Baxter, and others. Seminary notes on recent historical literature [relating to the United States and Canada]. By H. B. Adams, J. M. Vincent, W. B. Scaife, and others. Baltimore. 1890. 8. (JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in historical and political science, viii. 11, 12.)

15395.30 (VIII); also AH.; SQ. American catalogue (The). 1884-90. Authorand-title alphabet. Pt. i. A-Hill. New York. 1891. 4°. (3 cop.) D 14.36; L.R.; DR. 3.55 Baker, John Remigius. The valuable collection of books from the library of Geo. Washington, and other [American] historical and literary rarities, collected by J. R. Baker, Sr. To be sold Feb. 11 & 12, '91. Catalogue compiled by S. V. Henkels. [Philadelphia. 1891.] 8o Fac-sims. 6337.15.2

Batiffol, Pierre, l'abbé. La Vaticane de Paul III à Paul V, d'après des documents nouveaux. Paris. 1890. 18 (PETITE bibliothèque d'art et d'archéologie.) IV. 3502

"Pièces justificatives," pp. 115-147.

Bengesco, Georges. Voltaire; bibliographie de ses œuvres. 4 tom. Paris. 1882-90. 8. Portrs. and fac-sims. 9545.20

"550 exemplaires."

Bernardini, Nicola, compiler. Guida della stampa periodica italiana, con prefazione di Ruggero Bonghi. Lecce. 1890. 8°. pp. v., (3), 744. “Bibliografia del giornalismo," pp. 1-4. D 25.18

Bertkau, Philipp. Bericht über die wissenschaftlichen leistungen im gebiete der entomologie, während des jahres 1889. Berlin. 1890. 8°. MZ. Bianchi, Aurelio. Relazione e catalogo dei manoscritti di Filippo Pacini esistenti nella r. biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Roma.

[blocks in formation]

Bibliotheca polytechnica. Directory of technical literature; a classified catalogue of all books, annuals, and journals published in America, England, France, and Germany, including their relations to legislation, hygiene, and daily life. Edited by Fritz von Szczepański. 1st annual issue, 1889. New-York, etc. 1890. sm. 8. pp. (2), 80.

DR. 3.304 Bonazzi, Giuliano. Dell' ordinamento delle biblioteche. Parma. 1889. 8°. pp. 39+. Plate. IV. 3548

Bowker, Richard Rogers, and Iles, George, editors. The reader's guide in economic, social, and political science; being a classified bibliography, American, English, French, and German, with descriptive notes, author, title, and subject index, courses of reading, college courses, etc. York. 1891. 12. (ECONOMIC tracts, 27.)


DR. 3.587

A revised and extended reissue of Economic tract, no. 2. "Political economy and political science, compiled by W. G. Sumner, etc."

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