Bratke, Eduard. Wegweiser zur quellen- und litteraturkunde der kirchengeschichte: eine anleitung zur planmässigen auffindung der litterarischen und monumentalen quellen der kirchengeschichte und ihrer bearbeitungen. Gotha. 1890. 8. DR. 3.381, also DS. Brewer, Ebenezer Cobham. The historic notebook; with an appendix of battles. Philadelphia. 1891. 8. pp. x., 997. Wdcts. DR. 3.172.2 "A dictionary of historic terms and phrases, jottings of odds and ends of history, which historians only incidentally mention in the course of their narratives."— Preface. Büeler, Gustav. Verzeichnis der programmbeilagen der schweizerischen mittelschulen; mit einem anhang, umfassend die programm-beilagen der académie de Neuchâtel und der eidgenössischen polytechnischen schule in Zürich. Frauenfeld. 1890. 4. pp. vi., 68. A 92.42 Canada-Français (Le); revue publiée sous la direction d'un comité de professeurs de l'université Laval. Religion, philosophie, histoire, beaux-arts, sciences, et lettres. Vol. i.-iv. 1888-91. 9. and bi-m. 4 vol. Québec. 1888-91. 1. 8°. IX. 22 No more published. Canadian institute, Toronto, Canada. Transactions of the institute. Vol. i. pt. 1. Oct. 1890. Toronto. 1890. 1. 8°. 23.25; also AO.; PM.; MZ. Český katalog bibliograficky za rok 1889; sestavili L. K. Žižka a Bohuslav Foit. 1890. 8°. Chambers' Edinburgh journal. V Praze. D 67.13 Conducted by William Chambers and Robert Chambers. Vol. i.-xii. Feb. 4, [1832]-Dec. 30, 1843. 12 vol. London. 1833-44. f. Vol. i. no. 1-8, 10, 12 are later editions. w. VIII. 202 The same. New series. Vol. i.-xx. 18441853; CHAMBERS's journal of popular literature, science, and arts. [Vol. xxi.-lxvi.] 1854-1889. 66 vol. in 46. Edinburgh, etc. 1844-89. 8. VIII. 203 w. To be continued. 1854-63 [vol. xxi.-xl.] are "3d ser. vol. i.-xx."; 1864-83 [xli.-lx.] are 4th ser. í.-xx."; 1884-89 [lxi.-lxvi.] are "5th ser. i.-vi." The nos. adopted are used in Poole's Index. Vol. i.-[lx.] were edited by William and Robert Chambers; [lxi.-lxvi.] by R. Chambers (secundus). Destailleur, Hippolyte (Alexandre Gabriel Walter). Catalogue de livres rares et précieux composant la bibliothèque de Hippolyte Destailleur. [To be sold in April, 1891.] Paris. 1891. 1. 8°. Plate, vign., and wdct. IV. 3531 Dewey, Melvil. Decimal classification and relativ index for libraries, clippings, notes, etc. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. 8. Boston, etc. 1891. A. Table, also DS. Royal observatory. library of the observaIV. 3512, also AO. Diccionario biográfico Edinburgh, Scotland Catalogue of the Crawford tory. Edinburgh. 1890. 4o. Figueroa, Pedro Pablo. general de Chile, 1550-1887. 2a ed., corregida y aumentada. Santiago. 1888. 1.8. pp. 669. "Fuentes biográficas," pp. 23-28. B 68.15 Ver Fock, Gustav. Bibliotheca historica. zeichnis von 9307 werken und abhandlungen aus dem gesamtgebiete der geschichte und deren hilfswissenschaften, in systematischer und chronologischer anordnung. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. DR. 3.299 Foster, Joseph. Alumni oxonienses: the members of the university of Oxford, 1500-1714; their parentage, birthplace, and year of birth, with a record of their degrees. Being the matriculation register of the university, alphabetically arranged, Vol. i. [Abba-Dyve.] revised, and annotated. Oxford, etc. 1891 [1890]. 1. 8°. Pier 1. 560.10 Fumagalli, Giuseppe. Della collocazione dei libri nelle pubbliche biblioteche; memoria. Firenze. 1890. 8. Wdcts. IV. 3549 Part iv. of the author's projected work "Trattato generale di biblioteconomia." Gomme, George Laurence, editor. The gentleman's magazine library; being a classified collection of the chief contents of the Gentleman's magazine from 1731 to 1868. Architectural antiquities. 2 pt. London. 1890-91. 8. DR. 379.10 Gottlieb, Theodor. Ueber mittelalterliche bibliotheken. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. IV. 3498.2 Hamilton, Canada - Public library. Catalogue of books in the circulating department of the library; arranged alphabetically by authors. 1890. Hamilton. [1890.] 8°. IV. 3516 Hazell's annual cyclopædia, 1886-1888. Edited by E. D. Price. [1st]-3d year of issue; HAZELL'S annual for 1889-1891: a cyclopædic record of men and topics of the day. Edited by E. D. Price. 4th- 6th year of issue. 6 vol. London. 1886-91. sm. 8°. DR. 334.12 To be continued. Jahres-verzeichniss der an den deutschen schulanstalten erschienenen abhandlungen. [Published by the "königliche bibliothek, Berlin."] i. 1889. Berlin. 1890. 8o. A 92.43 Linderfelt, Klas August. Eclectic card cataBased on log rules; author and title entries. Dziatzko's "Instruction," compared with the rules of the British museum, Cutter, Dewey, Perkins, and other authorities. With appendix, containing a list of oriental titles of honor and occupations. Boston. 1890. 8o. (3 cop.) B 34.36; C 34.36; D 25.36; also DS. Another copy, interleaved. A 56.29b Linderfelt, Klas August, and Meinecke, Adolph. Reports on the proposed library and museum building for the city of Milwaukee, Dec. 1890. Milwaukee. 1890. 8. pp. 67+. Plans. IV. 3484 "Index to illustrations of library and museum buildings in the Milwaukee public library," pp. 53-67. Löher, Franz VON. Archivlehre; grundzüge der geschichte, aufgaben, und einrichtung unserer archive. Paderborn, etc. 1890. 8. 13511.5 London, Eng. — Lincoln's inn. Catalogue of the printed books in the library. Supplementary volume, containing the additions from 1859-1890. By John Nicholson. London. 1890. 1. 8°. C 26.7.2 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. List of books in the national art library, on anatomy, human and comparative. London. 1886. 8. pp. 24. DR. 3.306.4 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, illustrating architecture of the renaissance and later periods, to the close of the 18th century. London. 1888. 8. pp. 65. DR. 3.306.2 London, Eng. South Kensington museum. A list of books and photographs in the national art library, illustrating armour and weapons. London. 1883. 8. pp. 68. DR. 3.306 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, containing biographies of artists and of others connected with the history of art. London. 1887. 8°. DR. 3.306.2 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, on drawing, geometry, and perspective. London. 1888. 8. pp. 92. DR. 3.306.2 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books in the national art library, illustrating furniture. 2d ed. London. 1885. 8o pp. vi., 64. DR. 3.306 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, illustrating gems. London. 1886. 8. pp. (4), 27. DR. 3.306.3 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, illustrating glass. London. 1887. 8o pp. vi., 47. DR. 3.306 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library, illustrating gold and silversmiths' work and jewellery. 2d ed. London. 1887. 8°. pp. 91. DR. 3.306 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of works on heraldry, or containing heraldic illustrations, in the national art library. 2d ed. London. 1884. 8°. pp. 75. DR. 3.306.3 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books, photographs, &c., in the national art library, illustrating metal work. London. 1883. 8. DR. 3.306 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of works on ornament, in the national art library. 2d ed. London. 1883. 8. DR. 3.306.2 London, Eng. - South Kensington museum. A list of books and pamphlets in the national art library. Part 1 illustrating textile fabrics; part 2, lace and needlework. London. 1888. 8 pp. 85. DR. 3.306 Martinez Añíbarro y Rives, Manuel. Intento de un diccionario biográfico y bibliográfico de autores de la provincia de Burgos. Madrid. 1889 ['89-90]. 1. 8°. B 62.16 Nation (Die); wochenschrift für politik, volkswirthschaft, und litteratur. Herausgegeben von Th. Barth. 8. jahrg. nr. 1. 4. okt. 1890. Berlin. Germ. 1890. 4o. To be continued. New York (State) — State library. Bulletin : legislation. No. 1. Feb. 1891. Comparative summary and index of state legislation in 1890. Albany. 1891. 8. (University of the state of New York.) DR. 3.519 Oesterreichischer catalog. Verzeichniss aller ,vom jänner 1883 bis december 1888 in Oesterreich erschienenen bücher, zeitschriften, kunstsachen, landkarten, und musikalien. 12 pt. in 6 vol. Wien. 1883-89. sm. 8°. A 92.68 No more published. Pellini, Silvio. studente di lettere. Manuale bibliografico per lo Padova, etc. 1890. 16o. - Public library. IV. 3558 Portland, Me. Catalogue of books; with by-laws, regulations, names of officers and trustees, and list of periodicals. 1890. Portland. [1890.] 1.8°. IV. 3489 Revue encyclopédique. [Recueil documentaire universel et illustré.] No. 1. 15 déc. 1890. bim. Paris. 1890. 4o. Illustr. DR. XX. San Fernando, Spain - Instituto y observatorio de marina. Catálogo de la biblioteca del instituto y observatorio de marina, en 31 de diciembre de 1888. San Fernando. 1889. 1. 8°. AO. Stengel, Edmund. Chronologisches verzeichnis französischer grammatiken vom ende des 14. bis zum ausgange des 18. jahrhunderts, nebst angabe der bisher ermittelten fundorte derselben. Voraufgeschickt ist ein auf dem dritten neuphilologentage gehaltener vortrag: Zur abfassung einer geschichte der französischen grammatik besonders in Deutschland. Oppeln. 1890. 8. 6251.2 Tavagnutti, Mario. Katholisch-theologische bücherkunde der letzten 50 jahre. i. Wien. [1891.] 8°. DR. 3.605 Contents:-i. Hagiographia. Verzeichniss der über Jesus Christus, die jungfrau Maria, heilige, selige, päpste, etc. von 1830 bis 1890 erschienenen lebensbeschreibungen, predigten, andachtsbücher, und legenden-sammlungen. 2o aufl. 1891. Thierry-Poux, 0). Premiers monuments de l'imprimerie en France au xve siècle. Paris. 1890. 1. 4. pp. (4), iv., 24, (8). 40 plates. (Ministère de l'instruction publique.) 27 Case. 596 To-day. [Vol. i.] March 27-Nov. 13, 1890. IX. 103 [Boston.] 1890. To be continued. Villa Pernice, Angelo. Norme per l'ordinamento delle biblioteche, e catalogo della libreria Villa Pernice. Milano. 1890. 1. 8°. IV. 3555 The "norme" are confined to fourteen introductory pages of general remarks, the rest of the volume being a systematic catalogue of the author's library. Whitmore, William Henry. A bibliographical sketch of the laws of the Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1686; in which are included The body of liberties of 1641 [in fac-simile, with a line-for-line printed version], and the Records of the court of assistants, 1641-1644; arranged to accompany the reprints of the laws of 1660 and of 1672. Published by order of the city council of Boston. Boston. 1890. 1. 8°. 10373.10 II. Theology and Philosophy. Aiken, Catharine. Methods for mind training, or Concentrated attention. New-York. 1889. sm. 4. pp. 21. III. 6230 Aksakof, Aleksandr Nikolaevitch. Animismus und spiritismus; versuch einer kritischen prüfung der mediumistischen phänomene, mit besonderer berücksichtigung der hypothesen der hallucination und des unbewussten. Als entgegnung auf Dr. Ed. v. Hartmann's werk: "Der spiritismus." [Aus dem französischen original-manuscripte übersetzt von G. C. Wittig.] Leipzig. 1890. 8o. pp. xlvi., (2), 768. 10 plates. III. 6147 Albertus Magnus, bp. of Ratisbon. Opus Virginis gloriose [in evangelium: Missus est Gabriel angelus. Argent., Henricus Mentelin. cir. 1474.] fo ff. (66). G. L. *ARA 1.19 See Hain, no. 461. [Albertus Magnus, bp. of Ratisbon.] Opvscvlvm de lav dibvs beate Marie Virgins [sic] . . . | [Argent., Henricus Mentelin. cir. 1474.] fo ff. (213). G. L. See Hain, no. 467. *ARA 1.19 Wie Wertheim evange Baumgarten, Fritz. lisch wurde. Halle a/S. 1890. sm. 8°. pp. 66. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften für das deutsche volk, 8.) III. 6101(8) Baur, August. Zwinglis theologie; ibr werden und ihr system. 2 bde. Halle. 1885-89. 8o. III. 6186 Beecher, Henry Ward. The life of Jesus the Christ. Completed ed. [the final chapters being compiled from his sermons by Samuel Scoville and W. C. Beecher. With an appendix containing a description of the engravings, by A. L. Rawson.] 2 vol. New York, etc. 1891. 8. Illustr. DS. Vol. i. was first published in 1871. Beet, Joseph Agar. A commentary on St. Paul's epistles to the Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and to Philemon. New York. 1891. 8. DS. Bellesheim, Alphons. History of the catholic church of Scotland, from the introduction of Christianity to the present day. Translated, with notes and additions, by O. H. Blair. 4 vol. Edinburgh, etc. 1887-90. 8°. Maps. III. 4388 List of authorities, i. xxi.-xxxiv. Contents:i. From the dawn of Christianity to the death of King Alexander III., A.D. 400-1286. 1887.-ii. From the death of Alexander III. to the suppression of the catholic religion, A.D. 1286-1560. 1887.iii. From the revolution of 1560 to the death of James the Sixth, A.D. 1560-1625. 1889. iv. From the accession of Charles the First to the restoration of the Scottish hierarchy, A.D. 1625-1878. 1890. [Bennett, Mrs. Margaret L.] Early lessons about the Saviour. 36th ed. Boston. 1890 [cop. 1868]. 16. pp. 55. DS. Edited by Bible. (Selections.) Gr. and Syriac. (1890.) Biblical fragments from Mount Sinai. J. R. Harris. London. 1890. 4o. pp. xvi., 68. III. 6130 Bible. Psalms. Eng. (1891.) The Psalms; a new translation with introductory essay and notes, by John DeWitt. New York. 1891. 8. DS. Bible. Song of Solomon. Germ. (1890.) Das Hohelied; aus dem hebräischen originaltext in's deutsche übertragen, wie auch sprachlich und sachlich erläutert, und mit einer umfassenden einleitung versehen, von S. I. Kaempf. 4e vermehrte 8. DS. ausg. Prag. 1890. DS. Confucius, the 1890. sm. 8°. Alexander, George Gardiner. great teacher; a study. London. "List of authorities," pp. xix., xx. Allen, Joseph Henry. Positive religion; essays, fragments, and hints. Boston. 1891. sm. 8°. DS. Atzberger, Leonhard. Die christliche eschatologie in den stadien ihrer offenbarung im Alten und Neuen Testamente. Mit besonderer berücksichtigung der jüdischen eschatologie im zeitalter Christi. Freiburg im Breisgau, etc. 1890. 8°. DS. Augusta, Maine-South congregational church. Dedicatory exercises of the chapel and church home of the congregational church and society, Augusta, Maine, Dec. 17, 1890. Augusta. 1891. 8o. pp. 48. Front. and plates. III. 6213 Baissac, Jules. Le diable; la personne du diable, le personnel du diable. Paris. [1882.] 8°. pp. ix., (3), 611. (Histoire de la diablerie chrétienne, 1.) III. 6249 The history of the "personnel du diable" (i. e. witches, sorcerers, etc.) is brought down to the Reformation only; for the later history, see the author's "Les grands jours de la sorcellerie." Baissac, Jules. Les grands jours de la sorcellerie [end of the 15th cent. to the second half of 1890. the 18th]. Paris. 8°. pp. (4), vi., 735. III. 6248 For the earlier history of sorcery, see the author's "Le diable." Bible. Minor prophets. Eng. (1890.) The six intermediate minor prophets [Obadiah-Zephaniah], by G. C. M. Douglas. Edinburgh. [1890.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Bierbower, Austin. Socialism of Christ; or, Attitude of early Christians toward modern problems. Chicago. [1890.] sm. 8°. DS. Blumenstok, Alfred. Der päpstliche schutz im mittelalter. Innsbruck. 1890. 8°. III. 6243 Bosanquet, Bernard. Essays and addresses. London. 1889. sm. 8°. SQ. Contents: Two modern philanthropists [George Moore and Jean Leclaire]. — Individual and social reform. - Some socialistic features of ancient societies. - Artistic handwork in education. On the true conception of another world. The kingdom of God on earth. - How to read the New Testament. -The philosophical importance of a true theory of identity. - On the philosophical distinction between "knowledge" and "opinion." Bousset, Wilhelm. Die evangeliencitate Justins des Märtyrers in ihrem wert für die evangelienkritik von neuem untersucht. Göttingen. 1891. DS. 8. Lessons from the lives of Bright, William. three great fathers [St. Athanasius, St. Chrysostom, and St. Augustine]. With appendices. London, etc. 1890. sm. 8°. DS. Brückner, Wilhelm. Die chronologische reihenfolge in welcher die briefe des Neuen Testaments verfasst sind, insofern diese abzuleiten ist sowohl aus ihrer gegenseitigen uebereinstimmung und gegenseitigen verschiedenheit, als aus dem in den späteren briefen gemachten gebrauch von worten und citaten, die in den früheren vorkommen. Haarlem. 1890. 8. III. 6179 Brugsch, Heinrich (Karl F.). Religion und mythologie der alten aegypter. Nach den denkmälern bearbeitet. 2o ausg. Leipzig. 1891 [1890]. 8. pp. xxvi., 758. Plate and wdcts. III. 3079.2 Namen-register. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. pp. III. 3079.2 Catholic champion. [Arthur Ritchie, editor. Published by the guild of Saint Ignatius.] Vol. i., ii. Dec. 1888-Nov. 1890. m. 2 vol. New York. 1888-90. fo. Plate. IX. 114 (2), 759-772. To be continued. Church, Richard William. The Oxford movement; twelve years, 1833-1845. London, etc. 1891. 8. III. 6220 Clarke, James Freeman. Autobiography, diary, and correspondence. Edited by E. E. Hale. Boston, etc. 1891. 8o. Port. "Writings," pp. 416-419. 17343.15.3, also DS. Colburn, Mrs. Frances E. (DRAPER). An illustrated Sunday-school primer for primary classes. 6th ed. Boston. 1890 [cop. 1888]. pp. 48. Wdcts. sm. 8°. DS. Dale, Robert William. The living Christ and the four Gospels. 2d ed. London. 1890. 8°. DS. Delitzsch, Franz (Julius). Biblical commentary on the prophecies of Isaiah. Translated from the 4th ed. [by James Kennedy, William Hastie, and others]; with an introduction by S. R. Driver. 2 vol. Edinburgh. 1890. 8. (CLARK, T. & T., publishers. Foreign theological library. New series [1880, etc.], 42, 44.) DS. Delitzsch, Franz (Julius). Messianic prophecies in historical succession. Translated by S. I. Curtiss. Edinburgh. 1891. sm. 8°. DS. Deussen, Paul. Die elemente der metaphysik; als leitfaden zum gebrauche bei vorlesungen sowie zum selbststudium. 2e, durch einige zusätze vermehrte aufl. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. III. 6159 [Dodge, Mary Abigail.] A Washington Bibleclass. By Gail Hamilton [pseudon.]. New York. III. 6092 1891. sm. 8°. Dods, Marcus. An introduction to the New Testament. 7th thousand. London. 1891. 16o. (NICOLL, W. R., editor. The theological educator.) DS. Drysdale, A. H. Early Bible songs; with introduction on the nature and spirit of Hebrew song. [London.] 1890. sm. 8°. (BY-PATHS of Bible knowledge, 15.) III. 4239 Dunn, James B. The pope's last veto in American politics. Will the people sustain it? Being a review of the pope's last encyclical, in which Roman catholics are enjoined in politics always to serve first the interests of catholicism, to submit themselves in obedience to the will of the pontiff as to God himself, and that the civil laws are binding on them only so long as they are conformable to the Roman catholic religion. Boston. [1890.] sm. 8°. pp. 16. (COMMITTEE of one hundred series, ii. 4.) VI. 5870 Foster, Joseph. Index ecclesiasticus; or, Alphabetical lists of all ecclesiastical dignitaries in England and Wales since the reformation. Containing 150,000 hitherto unpublished entries from the bishops' certificates of institutions to livings, etc. now deposited in the public record office, and including those names which appear in Le Neve's "Fasti." [Vol. i., covering the years 1800-1840.] Oxford, etc. 1890. 1.8o. B 46.13 Edition limited to 250 copies. Fouard, Constant, l'abbé. The Christ the son of God; a life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the 5th edition, by G. F. X. Griffith, with an introduction by Cardinal Manning. 2 vol. London, etc. 1891. 8°. Maps. "Bibliographical list," i. xxi.-xxv. III. 6224 Gennrich, P. Das evangelium in Deutschösterreich und die gegenreformation (1576–1630). Halle /S. 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 38. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften für das deutsche volk, 6.) III. 6101(6) Gladden, Washington. Who wrote the Bible? A book for the people. Boston, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6247 Grill, Julius. Zur kritik der komposition des buchs Hiob. Tübingen. 1890. 4. pp. (4), 80. Progr. d. kgl. Eberhard-Karls-univ. III. 6061 Guisborough, Eng. - Priory. Cartularium prioratus de Gyseburne, Ebor. dioceseos, ordinis S. Augustini, fundati A.D. 1119. [Edited by William Brown.] Vol. i. Durham, etc. 1889. 8. Front. (SURTEES SOCIETY. Publ. 86.) Eng. Lit. 992 Harnack, Adolf. Grundriss der dogmengeschichte; die entstehung des dogmas und seine entwickelung im rahmen der morgenländischen kirche. Freiburg i. B. 1889. 8 III. 6153, also DS. Harper, Henry A. The Bible and modern discoveries. 4th ed. revised, with notes, errata, and appendix. London. 1891. 8. Map and wdcts. III. 6229 The author" has taken the sacred history as related in the Bible step by step, and has retold it with explanations and illustrations drawn from modern research and from personal observation." Harris, William Torrey. Hegel's Logic, a book on the genesis of the categories of the mind. A critical exposition. Chicago. 1890. 16°. (MORRIS, G. S., editor. German philosophical classics for English readers and students, [8].) III. 6154, also DS. MATIONSGESCHICHTE. volk, 4.) DS. Halle /S. 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 40. (VEREIN FÜR REFORSchriften für das deutsche III. 6101(4) Herford, Robert Travers. The prophecies of the captivity (Isaiah xl.-lxvi.) explained according to the revised version. London. 1890. 16o. (CARPENTER, J. E., editor. Biblical manuals.) DS. Hilarius Pictaviensis, Saint. Tractatus super Psalmos. Recensuit et commentario critico instruxit Antonius Zingerle. Vindobonae, etc. 1891. 8. pp. xxii., (2), 888. (CORPUS Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, 22.) 1224.117 Höffding, Harald. Outlines of psychology. Translated by Mary E. Lowndes. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. (Macmillan's manuals for students.) III. 6211, also Philos. "This translation is not from the original Danish, but from the German translation." Note. DS. The gift of Home, Mrs. Daniel Dunglas. D. D. Home [spiritualist]. London. 1890. 8. Diagrs. III. 6221 Horton, Robert Forman. The book of Proverbs. London. 1891. 8°. (NICOLL, W. R., editor. The Expositor's Bible.) DS. Hosmer, Frederick Lucian, and Gannett, William Channing. The thought of God in hymns and poems. Boston. 1890 [cop. 1885]. 16o. DS. Houtsma, Martinus Theodorus. De ontwikkelingsgang der hebreeuwsche taalstudie. Rede uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het hoogleeraarsambt aan de rijks-universiteit te Utrecht, den 14den mei 1890. Leiden. 1890. 8°. pp. 30. 2225.50 "Exegetisch-homiletische handbücher zu d. evangelien, i.” Langen, Joseph. Die Klemensromane; ihre entstehung und ihre tendenzen aufs neue untersucht. Gotha. 1890. 8. III. 6190 Latham, Henry. Pastor pastorum, or The schooling of the apostles by our Lord. Cambridge [Eng.], etc. 1890. sm. 8°. III. 6222 Visitations and [With an introsm. 4. Front. Leach, Arthur Francis, editor. memorials of Southwell minster. duction.] Lat. [London.] 1891. (CAMDEN SOCIETY. [Publ.] New series, 48.) Eng. Lit. 544 Lechler, Gotthard Victor. Johannes Hus; ein lebensbild aus der vorgeschichte der reformation. Halle. 1889. 8. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 28.) III. 3119 (28) Leibnitz, Gottfried Wilhelm, freiherr VON. Philosophical works. Comprising the Monadology, New system of nature, Principles of nature and of grace, Letters to Clarke, Refutation of Spinoza, and his other important philosophical opuscules, with the abridgment of the Theodicy, and extracts from the New essays on human understanding. Translated from the original Latin and French, with notes, by G. M. Duncan. New Haven. 1890. 8. III. 6100, also Philos. Leland, Charles Godfrey. The mastery of memorizing. [With Hints and outlines for special study, by W. R. Baird, J. H. Vincent, W. A. Dunning, and G. F. C. Smillie.] Harrisburg, etc. [1890.] sm. 8. (MEMORY library, i. 1.) III. 6225 [Leland, Charles Godfrey.] Quickness of perception. [With Mental stimulus in games, by E. W. Hassler, and Games as factors in education, by C. N. Ironside.] Harrisburg, etc. [1891.] sm. 8°. (MEMORY library, i. 2.) III. 6225 Le Monnier, Léon, l'abbé. Histoire de saint François d'Assise. 3e éd. 2 tom. Paris, etc. 1890. sm. 8°. III. 6250 Liddon, Henry Parry. Canon Liddon. A memoir; with the four sermons preached at St. Paul's cathedral in April, reprinted from the " "Family churchman," and his last sermon preached at St. Mary's, Oxford, on Whitsunday. London. 1890. sm. 8. pp. 80. Port. DS. Memoir, by J. S. B., pp. 5-12. Linder, Gottlieb. Die reformationsgeschichte einer dorfgemeinde [Riehen-Bettingen, Switzerland]. Halle /S. 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 50. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften für das deutsche volk, 3.) III. 6101(3) |