Buchheister, J. Ueber das bergsteigen. Vortrag. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 40. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 78.) VIII. 175 (IV) Buchholz, Gustav. Ekkehard von Aura. Untersuchungen zur deutschen reichsgeschichte unter Heinrich IV. und Heinrich V. jer teil. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. 13593.36 Butler, Benjamin Franklin (b. 1818). Should there be a union of the English-speaking peoples of the earth? A dissertation, delivered before the alumni of Colby university, July 2, 1889. Boston. 4366.25 pp. 15. 1889. 8°. Butler, William Allen. The revision of the statutes of the state of New York and the revisers [John Duer, Benjamin F. Butler, and John C. Spencer]. An address delivered before the association of the bar of the city of New York, Jan. 22, 1889. New York, etc. 1889. 8. Portrs. VI. 4099 Canel, Alfred. A history of the states-general of Normandy. Edinburgh. 1889. 16o. pp. 39. (COLLECTANEA adamantæa, 27a.) Eng. Lit. 1999 Carette, Mme. (née BOUVET). Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. Translated from the French by Elizabeth P. Train. New York. 1889. 16o. 5582.15 Cavour, Camillo (Giulio Paolo) BENZO, conte DI. Diario inedito, con note autobiografiche. Pubblicato per cura e con introduzione di Domenico Berti. Roma. 1888. 1.8°. I. 2461 Chapin, Frederick Hastings. Mountaineering in Colorado; the peaks about Estes Park. Boston. 1889. 8°. Front., wdcts., and 10 plates. MZ. Chaudordy, Jean Baptiste Alexandre Damaze, comte DE. La France en 1889. 2e éd. Paris. [1889.] 18° 6575.46 Child, Theodore. Summer holidays: travelling notes in Europe. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. I. 2384 Contents:-Down the Danube to Constantinople. - Constantinople. Impressions of Holland.-A trip to Naples. Art notes in Milan. - Verona. Venice. - Bologna and Ravenna. Florence. - Frankfort. - Cassel. - Brunswick.Munich. Limoges.- Reims. Aix-les-Bains. A visit to the Grande Chartreuse. - A holiday on French rivers. Chuquet, Arthur. La retraite de Brunswick. Paris. 1887. 16o. (In his Guerres de la révolution, iii.) 4537.19 Cochran, Thomas Baumgardner, editor. Smull's legislative hand book, and manual of the state of Pennsylvania. 1888. Harrisburg. [1888.] 8°. pp. (2), lxxiv., 729. Front., coat-of-arms, maps, and plans. Reg. 300 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Redeeming the Republic: the third period of the war of the rebellion in the year 1864. New York. 1890 [1889]. sq. 8° Illustr. 8325.13.2 Collier, Thomas Stephen, compiler. A history of the statue erected to commemorate the heroic achievement of Maj. John Mason and his comrades, with an account of the unveiling ceremonies: [New London, Conn.] 1889. 8°. pp. 62. Front. 5324.31 The Colombo (Lat. COLUMBUS), Cristoforo. letter in Spanish written on his return from his first voyage, and addressed to Luis de Sant Angel, 15 Feb.-14 March, 1493, announcing the discovery of the New World. Reproduced in facsimile from a unique copy in the possession of the publishers [Ellis & Elvey]; with introductory & critical remarks [by Julia E. S. Rae], accompanied by a revised Spanish version, and a literal translation into English. London. 1889. 4. pp. 47+ (8). Port. *1373.67 A contemporary manuscript copy of this first Spanish letter was found by Navarrete at Simancas and is printed by him in his Coleccion, though Harrisse questions if it represents the text as Columbus wrote it. Another early copy, substantially the same, though addressed to Sanchez, was later found in the Colegio Mayor de Cuenca, and was printed by Varnhagen in 1858. The earliest discovered printed copy came to light in 1852, when it was added to the Biblioteca Ambrosiana at Milan. It was printed in 1493, apparently in Spain or Portugal. No other copy of this edition has ever been found, and it was reprinted at Milan in 1863, and in facsimile in 1866. This was for a long time the only resource for scholars who sought to use the original Spanish text, presumably as Columbus wrote it; but within a year two other contemporary editions have been discovered in a single copy each. One of them, in four quarto leaves, is mentioned above. Experts in early Spanish typography have supposed it to have been printed at Burgos, or possibly at Salamanca. This and the Ambrosian edition seem to have been set up, one from the other, or possibly from some anterior edition. The other newly-found Spanish edition was discovered in Spain, and is printed in folio on two leaves. The Paris dealer who possesses it has offered it at 65,000 francs, and has issued a facsimile of it. A few years ago Bergenroth found another text at Simancas, substantially the same, but purporting to be addressed to a friend of Columbus. Bergenroth gave a full abstract of it in the Calendar of state papers relating to England and Spain. If we add to these several texts, that which is contained in Andrès Bernaldez's Historia de los reyes católicos (not printed till 1856 at Granada, and at Seville in 1870), we have all the varieties of the first account of his voyage, which Columbus wrote in different letters, which are essentially alike. Bernaldez is known to have had papers put in his hands by Columbus, and is thought to have placed bodily in his text a draft of the letter which he may have received from the Admiral himself. Attempts have been made by Varnhagen and others to collate all these texts, except the two last discovered, to discover if possible by critical comparison what may be considered the true text. The attempts have not agreed with each other. Scholars have usually used, however, the Latin text, and it was inferred, prior to 1852, from the absence of any Spanish edition - for up to that date none had been discovered either that there had been some prohibition of printing the Spanish original, or that there had been less popular interest in the discovery in Spain than there was in Italy and Central Europe, where there were four editions of this Latin text in Rome, three in Paris, and one in Antwerp, all issued in 149394. There was no German edition till 1497, and then it was given in the German tongue. There are copies of these Latin editions in several American libraries, and one sold in New York in the Barlow library in Feb. 1890 passed into the Boston Public Library. Conder, Claude Reignier. The survey of eastern Palestine. Memoirs of the topography, orography, hydrography, archæology, etc. Vol. i. London. 1889. 4°. Map and other illustr. (PALESTINE EXPLORATION FUND. [Publ.]) I. 1876 "Special edition. No. 82." Contents:i. The 'Adwân country. Connecticut historical society. Birthday of the state of Connecticut. Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state, by the Connecticut historical society and the towns of Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield, Jan. 24th, 1889. Hartford, Conn. 1889. 8°. pp. 98. 11343.15 Cooke, Mrs. Harriet Ruth (WATERS). The Driver family: a genealogical memoir of the descendants of Robert and Phebe Driver, of Lynn, Mass. With an appendix, containing twenty-three allied families. 1592-1887. New York. 1889. 1. 8o. 16376.11 Corbett, Julian. Monk. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. of Monk. (ENGLISH men of action.) 3496.29 [Crew, Harvey W., editor.] History of Dayton, Ohio; with biographical sketches of some of its pioneer and prominent citizens. [By R. W. Steele and other writers.] Dayton, Ohio. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. (6), 727+. Portrs., map, and plate. 13311.29 An ac Crowninshield, Benjamin William. count of the yacht "Cleopatra's barge " built at Salem in 1816. [With a sketch of the life of the owner, Capt. George Crowninshield.] Salem, Mass. 1889. 8°. pp. (2), 38. Front., port. of Capt. Crowninshield, and fac-sim. VII. 2313 "From the Historical collections of the Essex institute." Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe. Causes of the power and prosperity of the United States. An address delivered at the annual commencement of the university of Michigan, June 27, 1889. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1889. 8. pp. 30. 6395.19.2 Curtis, George Ticknor. Constitutional history of the United States, from their declaration of independence to the close of their civil war. Vol. i. New York. 1889. 8°. (2 cop.) 6392.23.2; 6392.23.3; also AH, Curtis, George Ticknor. A letter to the secretary of state concerning the Weil and La Abra awards against Mexico. Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. 28. 9387.58 Dabney, Richard Heath. The causes of the French revolution. New York. 1888. sm. 8°. 4567.31 Dahn, Felix. Die landnot der germanen. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. pp. (2), 51. 13583.1 "Aus der Festschrift zum doktor-jubiläum des prof. B. Windscheid." On the causes of the early migrations of the Germanic tribes. Davidsohn, Robert. Philipp II. August von Frankreich und Ingeborg. Stuttgart. 1888. 8°. 2524.16 Dearborn, Jeremiah Wadleigh. Sketch of the life and character of Hon. Amos Tuck. Read before the Maine historical society, Dec. 1888. [Portland, Me. 1889.] sm. 4°. pp. 31+. Port. of Amos Tuck and fac-sim. 10313.17 Deeside guide (The); descriptive and traditionary. Aberdeen, etc. 1889. 16. Front., plates, and map. 9464.40 How we are De Fonblanque, Albany, jr. governed a handbook of the constitution, government, laws, and power of the British Empire. 16th ed., revised and re-edited by W. J. Gordon. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. Front. 1435.10.2, also AH. Deland, Mrs. Margaret (Wade CAMPBELL). Florida days. Illustrated by L. K. Harlow. Boston. 1889. 8. Front., vign., plates, and wdcts. 12355.36 De Peyster, John Watts (b. 1821). Wallenstein, the most extraordinary individuality of the XVII. century, whose rise and fall were the turningpoints of the thirty years' war. [With Notes, vouchers, and authorities"; also "Religious aspects, etc. of the thirty years' war, 1618-1648," and "The peace of Westphalia."] New York. 1889. 8. pp. 6, 24, 26, 4. 14585.13.2 "Reprinted from the College student, Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster, Pa." Deutsche zeitschrift für geschichtswissenschaft; herausgegeben von L. Quidde. Jahrg. 1889. ier bd. Freiburg i. B. 1889. 8°. IX. 42 To be continued. At the end of each heft is a "Bibliographie zur deutschen geschichte." Dionne, Narcisse Eutrope. Jacques Cartier. Geneal. table. 4387.5.2 Québec. 1889. 12° Dixon, Benjamin Homer. The border or riding clans; followed by a history of the clan Dickson, and a brief account of the family of the author. 1889. Albany, N.Y. 10472.23 sm. 4o. "Printed originally for presentation only and now enlarged." [Dragomanof, Mikhail Petrovitch.] The Russian peasantry; their agrarian condition, social life, and religion. By Stepniak [pseudon.]. 2 vol. (paged contin.). London. 1888. 8. pp. x., (2), 651. VI. 5230 Du Chaillu, Paul Belloni. The Viking age; the early history, manners, and customs of the ancestors of the English-speaking nations, illustrated from the antiquities discovered in mounds, cairns, and bogs, as well as from the ancient sagas and eddas. 2 vol. New York. 1889. 8°. Illustr. I. 2400 Duru, Louis Maximilien, editor. Bibliothèque historique de l'Yonne, ou Collection de légendes, chroniques, et documents divers pour servir à l'histoire des différentes contrées qui forment aujourd'hui ce département; publiée par la société des sciences historiques et naturelles de l'Yonne. 1850-63. 4o. Auxerre, etc. Plates and fac-sims. 6531.32 "Liste des ouvrages cités ou consultés," i. pp. ix.-xix., ii. pp. v.-xv. 2 tom. Duruy, (Jean) Victor. A history of France. Abridged and translated from the 17th French edition by Mrs. M. Carey; with an introductory notice and a continuation to the year 1889 by J. F. Jameson. New York. [1889.] 8. pp. xxvi., 706. Maps. 2545.21 Emerson, William Andrew. Leominster, Mass., historical and picturesque. Gardner, Mass. 1888. 8. Portrs., plates, and wdcts. 10336.38 Evans, Lawton Bryan. The student's history of Georgia, from the earliest discoveries and settlements to the end of the year 1883. Macon, Ga. 1889 [cop. 1884]. 12° Illustr. 12342.20 Farnam, Charles Henry. History of the descendants of John Whitman, of Weymouth, Mass. New Haven. 1889. 1. 8. pp. xvi., 1246. Coatof-arms. 16323.51 Ferris, George T., editor. Great leaders: historic portraits from the great historians, with notes and biographical sketches. New York. 1889. 12°. Portrs. VII. 2295 Fiennes, Celia. Through England on a side saddle, in the time of William and Mary; being the diary of Celia Fiennes. With an introduction by Mrs. Griffiths. London, etc. 1888. 8. 8451.2 Flers, -, marquis DE. Le comte de Paris. Translated by Constance Majendie. London. 1889. 8. Portrs. and fac-sim. 6576.23 Forbes, Harriette Merrifield. The hundredth town. Glimpses of life in Westborough, 17171817. Boston. 1889. sq. 8°. Front. and wdcts. 10326.17 [Gardiner, John.] The landfall of Columbus. [Denver, Col. 1889.] 8°. pp. (8). 1372.73 The commonwealth, Sept. 1889, pp. 39-46. [Garrison, Wendell Phillips, and Francis Jackson.] William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879. The story of his life told by his children. 4 vol. NewYork. 1885-89. 8°. Portrs., fac-sims., etc. 8377.29, also AH. Gilman, Arthur (b. 1837). The story of Boston; a study of independency. New York, etc. 1889. Illustr. (GREAT cities of the Republic, 3.) 10343.6 Gindely, Anton. Lehrbuch der allgemeinen geschichte für die oberen classen der mittelschulen. 8e verbesserte aufl. i. bd. Wien, etc. 1888. Maps and wdcts. 12o. Contents: -i. Das alterthum. 8o. 1. 2472 Gluck, James Fraser. David Gray; some reflections on his work and life. Address before the Buffalo historical society, Feb. 4th, 1889. [Buffalo. 1889.] 8°. pp. 32. 11366.25 Gneist, Rudolf (Friedrich Hermann Heinrich). Das englische verwaltungsrecht der gegenwart in vergleichung mit den deutschen verwaltungssystemen. 3e nach deutscher systematik umgestaltete aufl. 2 bde. (paged contin.). Berlin. 188384. 8°. pp. viii.+xvi., 1144. 1434.19 Contents:i. Allgemeiner theil. 1883. ii. Besonderer theil. 1884. Gopčević, Spiridion. Makedonien und AltSerbien. Wien. 1889. 1. 8°. Illustr. I. 2485 Gordon, Sir Robert, bart. A genealogical history of the earldom of Sutherland, from its origin to 1630; with a continuation to 1651 [by Gilbert Gordon]. Published from the original manuscript [by Henry Weber]. Edinburgh, etc. 1813. fo pp. xvi., 576, xi+. Port. of John, earl of Sutherland, vigns., coat-of-arms, and fac-sim. *10471.28 Goss, William Henry. The life and death of Llewellynn Jewitt, with fragmentary memoirs of some of his famous literary and artistic friends, especially of Samuel Carter Hall. London, etc. 1889. 8°. pp. (2), viii., 638+. Portrs. 6467.24 Goumy, (Jean) Édouard. La France du centenaire. 2e éd. Paris. 1889. 16. 3592.12 Grand, Ernest Daniel, and La Pijardière, Louis DE LA COUR DE, editors. Lettres de Cambon et autres envoyés de la ville de Montpellier (Allut, Coulomb, Albisson, Estorc), de 1789 à 1792. Publiées avec une introduction [et] des notes, et sous les auspices de la municipalité. Montpellier. 1889. 8°. Fac-sim. "Publication pour le centenaire de 1789." 4545.12 Green, Samuel Abbott. Hubbard's map of New England [in his "Narrative of the troubles with the Indians"], engraved probably by John Foster, the first printer of Boston. Remarks made before the Massachusetts historical society, Nov. 8, 1888. Cambridge. 1888. 8°. pp. 10. Fac-sim. of map. 5324.22.3 [The same. Boston. 1888.] 8°. pp. (8). 5324.22.2 Proceedings of the Massachusetts historical society, Nov. 1888; 2d series, iv. 199-206. Hale, Robert Safford. Genealogy of descendants of Thomas Hale, of Watton, England, and of Newbury, Mass. With additions by other members of the family. Edited by G. R. Howell. Albany, N. Y. 1889. 8. Port., plates, and facsims. 16366.2 Halévy, Ludovic. 1872. Paris. 1889. 18. Notes et souvenirs, 18716574.18 Hayward, William Willis. The history of Hancock, N. H., 1764-1889. Lowell, Mass. 1889. 8. pp. xvi., 1070. Portrs., maps, plates, and plans. 11325.15.2 Heffner, Karl. Die deutschen kaiser- und königs-siegel, nebst denen der kaiserinnen, königinnen, und reichsverweser. Würzburg. 1875. f. pp. xii., 48+. 30 plates. II. 2622 Heimweh, Jean, pseudon. (?) La question d'Alsace. Paris. 1889. 8o. 13557.10 Herrlich, Karl. Die balley Brandenburg des Johanniter-ordens von ihrem entstehen bis zur gegenwart und in ihren jetzigen einrichtungen. Berlin. 1886. 1.-8°. Port. of Albrecht, prinz von Preussen, and plate. I. 2453 Hertzog, August. Rechts- und wirtschaftsverfassung des abteigebietes Maursmünster während des mittelalters. Strassburg. 1888. 8°. (BEITRÄGE zur landes- und volkeskunde von ElsassLothringen, 9.) 13557.18 " Hill, Frank Alden. The mystery solved. Facts relating to the 'Lawrence-Townley," "ChaseTownley," marriage and estate question. With genealogical information concerning the families of Townley, Chase, Lawrence, Stephens, Stevens, and other families of America. Boston. 1888. 8°. pp. 94. Geneal. charts, port. of Margaret Townley, wdcts., etc. 16381.28 Hill, Frank Harrison. George Canning. London. 1888. 16. (ENGLISH worthies.) 5476.27 Hodgkin, Thomas (b. 1831). The dynasty of Theodosius, or Eighty years' struggle with the barbarians. A series of lectures delivered to the Durham ladies' educational association. Oxford. 1889. 8°. Front., maps, and geneal. table. I. 2401 Holden, David. Journal kept by Sergeant David Holden, of Groton, Mass., during the latter part of the French and Indian war, Feb. 20-Nov. 29, 1760. With notes and introduction by S. A. Green. Cambridge. 1889. 8°. pp. 30. 4376.49 Hone, Philip. Diary, 1828-1851. Edited, with an introduction, by Bayard Tuckerman. 2 vol. New York. 1889. 8o. Port. 17355.30 Hore, Edward C. Lake Tanganyika. [London. 1889.] 1. 8. pp. (15). Map. I. 2396 Proceedings of the royal geographical society and monthly record of geography, Oct. 1889; xi. 581-595. Horsford, Eben Norton. The problem of the Northmen. A letter to Judge Daly, the president of the American geographical society, on the opinion of Justin Winsor, that " though Scandinavians may have reached the shores of Labrador, the soil of the United States has not one vestige of their presence." Cambridge. 1889. 4o. pp. 23. Front., maps, and plate. 1371.52 Hurd, Duane Hamilton, compiler. History of Norfolk county, Mass.; with biographical sketches of many of its pioneers and prominent men. Philadelphia. 1884. 1. 8°. pp. xii., 1001. Map, portrs., plates, and wdcts. 10355.22 the New York historical society, Dec. 4, 1888. New York. 1889. 8°. pp. 39. 11365.23 Contrasts the motives and political organization of the early French and New England colonists, with reference to their influence in the settlement and development of the Northwest. Jameson, John Franklin, editor. Essays in the constitutional history of the United States in the formative period, 1775-1789. By graduates and former members of the Johns Hopkins university. Boston, etc. 1889. 8. 6393.21, also AH. Contents: JAMESON, J. F. The predecessor of the supreme court. -SMITH, E. P. The movement towards a second constitutional convention in 1788. — GUGGENHEIMER, J. C. The development of the executive departments, 17751789.-TRENT, W. P. The period of constitution-making in the American churches.-BRACKETT, J. R. The status of the slave, 1775-1789. Jansen, Karl. Deutsche schlachtendenkmäler; wie sie sind und wie sie sein sollten. Voran ein brief Moltkes. Hamburg. 1889. 8. pp. 68. (DEUTSCHE Zeit- und streit-fragen; neue folge, iv. 50, 51.) VIII. 7a (IV) Jenkins, Charles W. Three lectures on the early history of the town of Falmouth, covering the time from its settlement to 1812; delivered in the year 1843. Falmouth, Mass. 1889. 12. 10334.52 Johnston, Alexander. A history of the United States, for schools; with an introductory history of the discovery and English colonization of North America. New York. 1889 [cop. 1885]. Illustr. 8. 5348.11.2 Johnston, Alexander. The United States; its history and constitution. New York. 1889. sm. 5348.12 8. Kennedy, James Harrison, editor. The American nation; its executive, legislative, political, financial, judicial, and industrial history; embracing sketches of the lives of its chief magistrates, its eminent statesmen, financiers, soldiers, and jurists; with monographs on subjects of peculiar historical interest. By B. J. Lossing, J. K. Upton, and other writers. 3 vol. Cleveland. [1889.] 1. 8°. Front., plates, and portrs. 5351.13 Kingsley, Charles. The Roman and the Teuton. A series of lectures delivered before the university of Cambridge. New ed., with preface, by F. Max Müller. London. 1889. 8. I. 2496 Contents: The forest children. -The dying empire. The human deluge.. The Gothic civilizer. - Dietrich's end. The Nemesis of the Goths. - Paulus Diaconus. The clergy and the heathen. - The monk a civilizer. Lombard laws. The popes and the Lombards. strategy of Providence. Appendix. Inaugural lecture:The limits of exact science as applied to history. The The Knighton, Henry. Chronicon. Edited by J. R. Lumby. Vol. i. London. 1889. 1.8°. (CHRONICLES and memorials of Gr. Brit. and Ireland during the middle ages, 92.) Brit. Hist. 173 [Knowlton, John Stocker Coffin, and Wheelock, Clarendon.] Carl's tour in Main street, [Worcester. 4th ed.] Worcester, Mass. 1889. sm. 8°. Front. 10326.60 Knox, Thomas Wallace. The boy travellers in Mexico adventures of two youths in a journey to northern and central Mexico, Campeachey [sic], and Yucatan, with a description of the republics of Central America, and of the Nicaragua canal. New York. 1890 [1889]. sq. 8°. Illustr. 2366.40 Koschitzky, Max voN. Deutsche colonialgeschichte. 2 theile in 1 vol. Leipzig. 1888. 8. Maps. 13527.41 Lascelles, Rowley. Liber munerum publicorum Hiberniæ, ab an. 1152 usque ad 1827; or, The establishments of Ireland, from the nineteenth of King Stephen to the seventh of George IV. Extracted from the records and other authorities. 2 vol. [London. 1852.] fo Tables. Brit. Hist. 58 This incomplete work, originally printed in 1824-30, was published in 1852 by order of the commissioners of public records, with a title-page and preface by F. S. Thomas. Index. N. P. [1852?] 8°. pp. (38). Brit. Hist. 58(11) "Appendix [iii.] to 9th report of the deputy keeper of the public records in Ireland," pp. 21–58. 66 Laughton, John Knox, editor. Memoirs relating to the Lord Torrington. [With an appendix, containing some extracts from the journal of the Rev. Thomas Pocock." London.] 1889. sm. 4o. (CAMDEN SOCIETY. [Publ.] New series, 46.) Eng. Lit. 421 Lauridsen, Peder. Russian explorations, 17251743. Vitus Bering, the discoverer of Bering Strait. Revised by the author, and translated from the Danish by J. E. Olson; with an introduction to the American edition by Frederick Schwatka. Chicago. 1889. sm. 8°. Maps and wdcts. 4331.9b Leroy-Beaulieu, (Henri Jean Baptiste) Anatole. L'empire des tsars et les russes. 3 tom. Paris. 1881-89. 8. I. 146 Contents:-i. Le pays et les habitants. 1881.-ii. Les institutions. 1882.-iii. La religion. 1889. Levermore, Charles Herbert, and Dewey, Davis Rich. Political history since 1815 (excluding the United States). A syllabus of lectures prepared for use in the Massachusetts institute of technology. Boston. 1889. 8. DR. 3.491 Lewis, Isaac Newton. Pleasant hours in sunny lands in a tour around the world. Boston. [1888.] 16. Front., maps, plates, and wdcts. I. 2478 Löwy, David. Tausend jahre aus dem leben des jüdischen volkes in nachbiblischer zeit. i. bd. Wien. 1888. 12o. Sem. 316 Contents:i. Das zweite jüdische staatsleben. Lumholtz, Carl. Among cannibals; an ac count of four years' travels in Australia, and of camp life with the aborigines of Queenslan 1. Translated by R. B. Anderson. New York. 1889. 8. Port., wdcts., 28 plates, and 2 maps. MZ. McClellan, Carswell. Notes on the Personal memoirs of P. H. Sheridan. [Consisting largely of a vindication of the conduct of Maj. Gen. G. K. Warren, commanding the fifth army corps at the battle of Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865.] St. Paul. 1889. 8. pp. (4), 77. Maps. 8332.33.3 Malleson, George Bruce. The decisive battles of India, from 1746 to 1849 inclusive. New ed. London. 1888. sm. 8°. Port., map, and plans. I. 2452 Maps Austria. (1889.) Österreich-Ungarn. Von C. Vogel. Maassstab 1: 1,500,000 der natürlichen länge. Gotha. 1889. 32 X 26 in. Met. Lab. 4 sheets from "Stieler's Hand-atlas" mounted in one. Alphabetisches namensverzeichnis. [Gotha. 1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 78. Met. Lab. Maps - Italy. (1888.) Carta altimetrica e batometrica dell' Italia, costrutta e disegnata da Guido Cora. Pubblicata sotto gli auspici del ministero d'agricoltura, industria, e commercio. Scala 1:2,000,000. Torino. 1888. 20 X 26 in. Geol. Lab. Maps - Italy. (1889.) Italien. Von C. Vogel. Maassstab 1: 1,500,000 der natürlichen länge. Gotha. 1889. 26 X 313 in. Met. Lab. 4 sheets from "Stieler's Hand-atlas mounted in one. Alphabetisches namenverzeichnis. [Gotha. 1889.] 8°. pp. 41. Met. Lab. Marshall, John White, and others, compilers. History of the town of Rockport, as comprised in the centennial address of Lemuel Gott, extracts from the memoranda of Ebenezer Pool, and interesting items from other sources. Compiled by J. W. Marshall, Henry Dennis, Newell Burnham, [and] Levi Cleaves. Rockport, Mass. 1888. 8o. Front: 10323.48.2 Martin, J. E. A., editor. Urkundenbuch der stadt Jena und ihrer geistlichen anstalten. Namens des vereins für thüringische geschichte und altertumskunde herausgegeben. jer bd. Jena. 1888. 8. (THÜRINGISCHE geschichtsquellen, 6. i.) 13553.19 Mas-Latrie, (Jacques Marie Joseph) Louis, comte DE. Trésor de chronologie, d'histoire, et de géographie, pour l'étude et l'emploi des documents du moyen âge. Paris. 1889. f. pp. (6), vi., col. 2300, pp. (2). *DR. 1.74 Mazade, Charles DE. Un chancelier d'ancien régime le règne diplomatique de M. de Metternich. Paris. 1889. 8°. 14527.31 Mellick, Andrew D. The story of an old farm [in Bedminster, Somerset co., N. J.], or Life in New Jersey in the eighteenth century. With a genealogical appendix. Somerville, N. J. 1889. Mexico-Sociedad de geografia e estadistica. Boletin. 4a epoca. Tom. i. num. 1-4. 4 nos. Mexico. 1888. 8. Plates. 2375.7 Meyer, Hans (b. 1857). Zum schneedom des Kilimandscharo. 40 photographien aus DeutschOstafrika, mit text. Berlin. [1888.] f. pp. 24. 40 photos. and map. 27 Case. 322 Mill, John (1712-1805). The diary of Rev. John Mill, minister of the parishes of Dunrossness, Sandwick, and Cunningsburgh, in Shetland, 1740-1803; with selections from local records and original documents relating to the district. Edited, with introduction and notes, by Gilbert Goudie. Edinburgh. 1889. 8o. Plate, map, and wdcts. (SCOTTISH HISTORY SOCIETY. Publ. 5.) VIII. 538 Morley, John. Walpole. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. (TWELVE English statesmen.) 5457.19 Moses, John. Illinois, historical and statistical; comprising the essential facts of its planting and growth as a province, county, territory, and state. Vol. i. Chicago. 1889 [cop. 1887]. 1. 8°. Portrs., maps, plates, etc. 12326.30 Moynier, Gustave. La fondation de l'état indépendant du Congo au point de vue juridique. Paris. 1887. 8°. pp. 40. I. 2383 "Extrait du Compte rendu des séances et travaux de l'académie des sciences morales et politiques." Murdock, Harold. The reconstruction of Europe a sketch of the diplomatic and military history of continental Europe, from the rise to the fall of the second French empire. With an introduction by John Fiske. Boston, etc. Maps. "Bibliographical note," pp. 403-405. 1889. 8°. I. 2388 Ney, C. E. Geschichte des heiligen forstes bei Hagenau im Elsass, nach den quellen bearbeitet. jer teil. Strassburg. 1888. 8. (BEITRÄGE zur landes- und volkeskunde von Elsass-Lothringen, 8.) 13557.18 Contents:i. 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