Slike stranica
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Harlow, William Burt. Songs of Syracuse, and other poems. Syracuse, N. Y. 1890. 16o. pp. 71+. Port.

[blocks in formation]

Ibsen, Henrik. Emperor and Galilean; a worldhistoric drama. Authorised English edition; edited by William Archer. London. 1890. sm. 8°. Wdct. (In his Prose dramas, 4.) IV. 3521 Contents:- - Cæsar's apostasy. - The emperor Julian. Ibsen, Henrik. Ghosts. - An enemy of the people. The wild duck. Authorised English edition; edited by William Archer. London. 1890. sm. 8°. (In his Prose dramas, 2.) IV. 3519

Ibsen, Henrik. Lady Inger of Östråt. The vikings at Helgeland. The pretenders. Authorised English edition; edited by William Archer. London. 1890. sm. 8°. Port. (In his Prose dramas, 3.)

IV. 3520 Ibsen, Henrik. The league of youth. The pillars of society. A doll's house. Authorised English edition; edited by William Archer. London. 1890. sm. 8°. Port. (In his Prose dramas, 1.) IV. 3518

"Biographical introduction," i. v.-xii.

Jacquinet, Paul, editor. Lettres choisies du dix-septième siècle; avec une introduction, des notices, et des notes historiques et littéraires. Paris. 1890. 18o. 7572.25

Jefferies, (John) Richard. Bevis; the story of AL 1722.7.15 a boy. London. 1891 [1890]. Front. sm. 8°. 20446.1.3 Hart, Julius (b. 1859). Homo sum! Ein neues and plates. gedichtbuch. Nebst einer einleitung: Die lyrik Judith; an old English epic fragment. Edited, der zukunft. Grossenhain, etc. 1890. 8°. 20551.5 with introduction, translation, complete glossary, Harte, (Francis) Bret. 2d ed., revised and A Sappho of Green and indexes, by A. S. Cook. Springs, and other stories. Boston, etc. 1891. enlarged. [Also, a version in the dialect of the 1889. Northumbrian gospels.] Boston. AL 1726.77

sm. 8°.

Other stories: - The chatelaine of Burnt Ridge. - Through the Santa Clara wheat.-A Mæcenas of the Pacific slope. Hauff, (Karl Georg Friedrich) Gustav. Shakespeares Hamlet, prinz von Dänemark. Hamburg. 1891. 8°. pp. 55. (SAMML. gemeinv. wiss. vorträge; neue folge, v. 117.) VIII. 175a (v)

Hazlitt, William Carew. Studies in jocular literature; a popular subject more closely considered. London. 1890. 16. (The BOOK-LOVER'S library.)

IV. 3483
Hegelund, Peder (Jensson).
Susanna og
Calumnia; udgivne af S. B. Smith. ie, iiet hefte.
2 heft. Kjøbenhavn. [1888-89.] 8°. Wdct. (COPEN-
Universitets-jubilæets danske samfund.
[Skrifter,] 45, 47.)
IV. 3486


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sm. 4°. 12493.31

Hans Sachs und die

"Bibliography," pp. 71-73. Kawerau, Waldemar. reformation. Halle. 1889. 8. Port. of Sachs. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 26.) III. 3119 (26)

Kipling, Rudyard. The phantom 'rickshaw, and other tales. Allahabad, etc. [1891.] 8°. 22495.3

Other tales: - My own true ghost story. .-The strange ride of Morrowbie Jukes. The man who would be king. Kipling, Rudyard. Under the deodars. [2d ed.] Allahabad, etc. [1891.] 8°. pp. 96. 22495.3 Contents: The education of Otis Yeere. At the pit's mouth. A wayside comedy. The hill of illusion. - A second-rate woman. Only a subaltern.

Kipling, Rudyard. Wee Willie Winkie, and other stories. [5th ed.] Allahabad, etc. [1891.] 8. pp. 96. 22495.3

Other stories: - Baa, baa, black sheep. His Majesty the king. The drums of the Fore and aft.

Kitchin, William C. Paoli the last of the missionaries. A picture of the overthrow of the Christians in Japan in the seventeenth century. New York. 1890. sm. 8°. Illustr. AL 2264.5.20

Kitton, Frederic G. Charles Dickens, by pen and pencil; including anecdotes and reminiscences collected from his friends and contemporaries. 2 vol. (paged contin.). London. 1890 ['89-90]. 4. Portrs., fac-sims., and other illustr. *21451.5 "Catalogue of the portraits of Charles Dickens," i. i.-xvi. Supplement. London. 1890 ['89-90]. 4° Portrs., fac-sims., and other illustr. *21451.5

[blocks in formation]

Contents: -i. Fables. 1875. ii. Fables. Poëmes. 1875. -iii. Contes. 1875.-iv. Contes. Psyché. Lettres. 1877.v. Théâtre. 1879. vi. Théâtre. Poésies diverses. 1884. vii. Notice sur la vie et les ouvrages. Essai bibliographique. Notes et variantes. Lexique. 1891.

With reprints of original title-pages.

Lamb, Charles. The essays of Elia; with introduction by Ernest Rhys. London, etc. [1890.] 16o. (The CAMELOT series, [57].) 20497.14

Lamb, Charles, and Mary (Ann). Tales from Shakespeare's comedies. Edited, with notes, by

W. J. Rolfe. New York. 1891. 16°. Portrs. and wdcts. (ENGLISH classics for school reading.) 20495.30

Contents:-The tempest.- A midsummer-night's dream. -Much ado about nothing. As you like it. The two gentlemen of Verona. - The merchant of Venice. - The comedy of errors. - Twelfth night. - The taming of the shrew. The winter's tale.

[blocks in formation]

Lang, Andrew. Essays in little. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. Port. 20447.16

Contents: Alexandre Dumas. - Mr. Stevenson's works. -Thomas Haynes Bayly. -Théodore de Banville. - Homer and the study of Greek. The last fashionable novel.— Thackeray. Dickens. - Adventures of buccaneers. - The sagas.-Charles Kingsley. - Charles Lever; his books, adventures, and misfortunes. -The poems of Sir Walter Scott. -John Bunyan.-Letter to a young journalist.— Mr. Kipling's stories.

Lintilhac, Eugène. Précis historique et critique de la littérature française depuis les origines jusqu'à nos jours; avec un catalogue d'ouvrages à consulter. i. Paris. 1890. 18. 7544.7

Contents:i. Des origines au XVIIe siècle. Litzmann, Berthold. Friedrich Ludwig Schröder; ein beitrag zur deutschen litteratur- und theatergeschichte. ier teil. Hamburg, etc. 1890.

Boston, etc. 1891

8. 18541.17 [Riverside [1890]. 8°.

Lowell, James Russell. Writings.

edition.] 10 vol.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Printed on one side of the leaf only. Mahrenholtz, Richard. Jean-Jacques Rousseau; leben, geistesentwickelung, und hauptwerke. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. Port. of Rousseau. 9555.12 Marsi, Antonio. I drammi pastorali di Antonio Marsi, detto l' Epicuro napolitano; a cura e studio di Italo Palmarini. 2 vol. Bologna. 1887-88. sm. 8°. ([SCELTA di curiosità letterarie, etc. 221, 225.]) 35.63

"Edizione di soli 202 esemplari. N. 81; N. 93." Contents:i. La Mirzia: favola boschereccia inedita e sconosciuta; con le notizie biografiche dell' autore e alenne sue rime. 1887.ii. La ristampa della Cecaria, con osservazioni critiche e la bibliografia delle edizioni. 1888. Martin, Benjamin Ellis. In the footprints of Charles Lamb. With a bibliography by E. D. North. New York. 1890. 8. Portrs., dets.. plates, and fac-sim. 20497.40 Maylin, Anne Walter. Here a little and there a little; essays, sketches, and detached thoughts. AL 2445.7.15 Philadelphia. 1890. sm. 8°.

Biographical sketch, pp. 5-10. Mehring, Sigmar. Der reim in seiner entwicklung und fortbildung. 2. aufl. Berlin. 1891. sm. 8°. VII. 2544

Merivale, Herman (Charles), and Marzials, Frank T. Life of W. M. Thackeray. London. 1891. 8o. (ROBERTSON, E. S., editor. Great writers, [36].) 22438.30

"Bibliography, by J. P. Anderson," pp. i.-xxiii. Meusy, Victor. Chansons d'hier & d'aujourd'hui. Préface de Coquelin cadet. Paris. 1889. 8. Wdcts. 12555.59 Mielke, Hellmuth. Der deutsche roman des 19. jahrhunderts. Braunschweig. 1890. 89.

16574.26 Miller, Chester Gore. Chihuahua; a new and original social drama in four acts. Chicago. 1891. 16. pp. 95+. AL 2461.4.15

Monaci, Ernesto, editor. Testi antichi provenzali; raccolti per un corso accademico nella r. università di Roma, premessi alcuni appunti bibliografici sui principali fonti per la storia della letteratura provenzale nel medio evo. Roma. 1889. 1. 8%. pp. iv., col. v.-xx., 120. 7591.13

Musset, (Louis Charles) Alfred DE. Comedies; translated and edited, with an introduction, by S. L. Gwynn. London, etc. [1890.] 16% (The CAMELOT series, [59].) 11596.18.2 Barberine.-Fantasio.-No trifling with love. - A door must be either open or shut.


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Pidal, Pedro José, marqués DE. literarios. 2 tom. Madrid. 1890. 16o. Port. (COLECCIÓN de escritores castellanos.) IV. 3482 Life, i. vii.-xxxv.- List of works, i. xxxvii.-xxxix. Contents: — i. La lengua castellana en los códigos. — La poesia y la historia. Poema, crónica y romancero del Cid. -Un poema inédito [Disputación del alma con el cuerpo]. Vida del rey Apolonio y de santa María Egipciaca. La poesía castellana en los siglos XIV y XV. El teatro español y la critica.

ii. Vida del trovador Juan Rodríguez del Padrón.- Alonso de Cartagena.- El Centón epistolario."-Juan de Valdés y el "Diálogo de la lengua."-Fr. Pedro Malon de Chaide. -Tomé de Burguillos y Lope de Vega, son una misma persona? -Observaciones sobre la poesía dramática. Viaje por Galicia en 1836. — Recuerdos de un viaje á Toledo en 1842.- Descubrimientos en América.- Poesías. Die deutsche lindenpoesie. Plaumann, Emil. Danzig. 1890. 4o. pp. 47+. 16565.18 "Wissensch. beilage zum progr. d. königl. gym. 1890,

no. 29."

Pröhle, Heinrich (Christoph Ferdinand). Abhandlungen über Goethe, Schiller, Bürger, und einige ihrer freunde. Mit Knesebeck's briefen an Gleim als seitenstück zu Goethe's Campagne in Frankreich. Potsdam. 1889. 8°. 17595.14

Reed, Edwin. Brief for plaintiff. Bacon vs. Shakespeare. [2d ed.] Chicago. 1890. sm. 8°. Pp. 27. Fac-sims. (POPULAR topics, 1.) 2 cop.

12454.30; 12454.30.2 Riegel, Julius. Die quellen von William Morris' dichtung "The earthly Paradise." Erlangen, etc. 1890. 8o pp. (3), 74+. (ERLANGER beiträge zur englischen philologie, 9.) 2 cop.

Philol. 667.2; 23461.23 Rigal, Eugène. Alexandre Hardy et le théâtre français à la fin du xvre et au commencement du XVIIe siècle. Paris. 1889. 8. pp. xxiv., 715. Front. 8527.28

"Bibliographie," pp. ix.-xxiv. Robert, Pierre. La poétique de Racine; étude sur le système dramatique de Racine et la constitution de la tragédie française. Paris. 1890. 8.


Roche, James Jeffrey. Life of John Boyle O'Reilly. With his complete poems and speeches, edited by Mrs. J. B. O'Reilly. Introduction by Cardinal Gibbons. New York. [1891.] 8°. pp. xix., (3), 790. Port. of O'Reilly, plates, and facsims. AL 2783.5.05 Rosenhagen, Gustav (Georg Hans). Untersuchungen über Daniel vom Blühenden Tal vom Stricker. Inaugural-dissertation. Kiel. 1890. 8°. "Vita," after p. 124. 16526.25

Rossel, Virgile. Histoire littéraire de la Suisse romande, des origines à nos jours. 2 tom. Genève, etc. 1889-91 [90]. 8°. 7548.13

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"Printed privately. 100 copies. No. 72." Sanders, Lloyd Charles. Life of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. London, etc. [1890.] 8° (ROBERTSON, E. S., editor. Great writers, [35].) "Bibliography, by J. P. Anderson," pp. i.-xi. 17474.32 Schelling, Felix Emanuel. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth. Philadelphia. 1891. 8. pp. 97. (PENNSYLVANIA — University. Publications. Series in philology, literature, and archæology, i. 1.)

VII. 2561

Schelling, Felix Emanuel. Two essays on Robert Browning. 1. Robert Browning and the poetry of the future; an address before the Browning society of Philadelphia. 2. Robert Browning and the arabesque in art; a lecture delivered to the senior class in arts of the university of Pennsylvania. [Philadelphia?] 1890. 89. pp. 22. 23444.21 Schlossar, Anton, editor. Deutsche volksschauspiele, in Steiermark gesammelt; mit anmerkungen und erläuterungen herausgegeben. 2 bde. in 1. Halle. 1891. sm. 8°. 16551.6 Contents:i. Das paradeisspiel. Das schäferspiel. Das krippelspiel. Die geburt Christi. - Das leiden Christi. - Das St. Nikolausspiel. -Genovefa.

ii. Judith und Holofernes. Hirlanda. - St. Barbara.Susanna. Der bairische Hiesel. Der gefoppte geizhals. -Ein nachspiel. - Anhang:- Das leiden Christi; passionsspiel aus dem Gurkthale in Kärnten. Die schäferei; ein zwischenspiel. Die auferstehung; ein nachspiel. Schopenhauer, Arthur. The art of literature; a series of essays. Selected and translated, with a preface, by T. B. Saunders. London. 1891. sm. 8°. VII. 2567

Contents: On authorship. - On style. On the study of Latin. On men of learning. - On thinking for oneself. On some forms of literature. - On criticism. - On reputation. -On genius.

"The contents have been drawn from Schopenhauer's 'Parerga'." - - Preface. ·

Schultheiss, Albert. Pietro Aretino als stammvater des modernen litteratenthums; eine charakterstudie aus der italienischen renaissance. Hamburg. 1890. 8°. pp. 48. (SAMML. gemeinv. wiss. vorträge; neue folge, v. 114.) VIII. 175a (v)

Sharp, William, of London, editor. Great odes, English and American; selected and edited, with an introductory note. London. [1890.] 24°. (The CANTERBURY poets.) 11426.22

Sharp, Mrs. Willian, editor. Women poets of the Victorian era; edited, with an introduction and notes. London, etc. [1891.] 24. (The CANTERBURY poets.) 11422.32 Smith, Mary Stuart. Lang syne, or The wards of Mount Vernon; a tale of the revolutionary [To which is appended "The women of the revolution."] New York. 1890. sm. 8°.


AL 3455.7.40 Splendid spur (The): being memoirs of the adventures of Mr. John Marvel, a servant of King Charles I., in the years 1642-3; written by himself. Edited in modern English by Q. 5th thousand. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. 22416.48

Stanhope, Philip Dormer, 4th earl of Chesterfield. Letters to his godson and successor; edited from the originals, with a memoir of Lord Chesterfield, by the earl of Carnarvon. 2d ed., with appendix of additional correspondence. Oxford. 1890. 8 Portrs., fac-sim., geneal. table, and plates. 17411.8

"Memoir," pp. xiii.-lxxix. Symonds, John Addington. Essays, speculative and suggestive. 2 vol. London. 1890. sm. 8°. 20425.52

Contents:i. The philosophy of evolution. On the application of evolutionary principles to art and literature. On some principles of criticism.-The provinces of the several arts. On the relation of art to science and morality. Realism and idealism. The model. - Beauty, composition, expression, characterisation. - Caricature, the fantastic, the grotesque.-Notes on style. Pt. 1, 2.

ii. Notes on style. Pt. 3, 4.- Democratic art; with special reference to Walt Whitman. - Landscape. - Nature myths and allegories.-Is poetry at bottom a criticism of life? A review of Matthew Arnold's selection from Wordsworth.Is music the type or measure of all art?- The pathos of the rose in poetry. - A comparison of Elizabethan with Victorian poetry. - Appendix.

Thomas, Chauncey. The crystal button; or, Adventures of Paul Prognosis in the forty-ninth century. Edited by George Houghton. Boston, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. AL 3636.2.15

Ulrich, Jacob, editor. Ältere novellen. Herausgegeben, mit einleitung und anmerkungen versehen. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. (ITALIENISCHE bibliothek, 1.) IV. 3547

Uz, Johann Peter. Sämtliche poetische werke; herausgegeben von A. Sauer. Stuttgart. 1890. 16. (DEUTSCHE litteraturdenkmale des 18. und 19. jahrhunderts, 33-38.) 17558.23, also Germ. [Viaud, Julien.] Le roman d'un enfant. Par Pierre Loti [pseudon.]. 33e éd. Paris. 1890.

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Dante Alighieri. Göttliche komödie. Uebersetzt von Sophie Hasenclever. Düsseldorf. [1889.] sm. 8°. Dn. 92.3

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'Einleitung zur Dante-uebersetzung," pp. vii.-xxxv. Dante Alighieri. La vita nuova. Torino. 1858. 16. pp. 5-72. (Biblioteca delle famiglie.) Dn. 378.58

Filomusi-Guelfi, Lorenzo. Ancora della pietà di Dante a proposito di Geri del Bello. [Inf. xxix. 36.] Lettera al cav. F. Pasqualigo. Venezia. 1890. 1. 8°. pp. 3. Dn. 130.16.2

"Estratto dall' Alighieri, anno ii." Filomusi-Guelfi, Lorenzo. Il contesto e la grammatica nel v. 63o del c. x. dell' Inf. di Dante. Verona. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. 10. Dn. 130.16 "Estratto dalla Biblioteca delle scuole italiane, n. 9, vol.


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Gietmann, Gerhard. Beatrice: geist und kern der Dante'schen dichtungen. Freiburg im Breisgau, etc. 1889. 12o. Dn. 206.2.2 Lupetti, Antonio. Parole agli alunni dell' istituto di santa Caterina in Pisa, 25 nov. 1890. Pisa. 1890. sm. 8. pp. (2), 30. Dn. 136.2.3

"Mi son deciso di presentar soltanto Dante e come amoroso educatore del cuore, e come intelligente educator dell' intelletto de' giovanetti."

Macri-Leone, Francesco. La bucolica latina nella letteratura italiana del secolo XIV; con una introduzione sulla bucolica latina nel medioevo. Pt. i. Torino, etc. 1889. 8° Dn. 290.5

Contents:i. Introduzione. Le egloghe di Dante Ali ghieri e di Giovanni del Virgilio.

Poletto, Giacomo, l'abate. Nuove ricerche sul sistema politico-religioso di Dante Allighieri come base fondamentale al commento del sacro poema. Padova. 1889. 8°. pp. 13. Dn. 140.6.2 "Memoria letta alla r. accademia di scienze, lettere ed arti in Padova 26 maggio 1889, ed inserita nel vol vo disp. 3a degli. Atti e memorie."

Scartazzini, Giovanni Andrea. aus dem Dante-roman. [Zürich. pp. (32).

Ein kapitel 1890.] Dn. 493.1.5


[ocr errors]

Schweizerische rundschau, 1890; pp. 42-73. On the alleged refusal of Dante to return to Florence in 1316, and the spuriousness of the letter "Amico florentino from which the principal evidence for it is derived. Torre, Ruggero DELLA. Tra feltro e feltro [Inf. i. 105]; nota dantesca. Cividale. 1891. 8°. pp. xv.+. Dn. 144.11.5 [Traquair, Mrs. Phoebe Anna, and Black, John Sutherland.] Dante; illustrations [by Mrs. Traquair] and notes [by J. S. Black]. Edinburgh. 1890. 8o Front. and 20 plates. Dn. 533.3 "Privately printed."

Notes: A Dante chronology. A short bibliography.Dante's library.








This list is based upon the record of orators and poets given in the Catalogue of the Harvard chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. The revision incident upon the preparation of a new edition of this Catalogue has shown that the indication of publication given in the edition of 1885 is not trustworthy; eight or ten more names have now been marked, but it is possible that other performances, unknown to the compiler, have appeared in print.

It will be seen that, in several cases, where publication is indicated, no copy has been found in the College Library. Anyone knowing of the existence of an oration or poem not recorded here will greatly oblige the compiler by informing him of the fact, whether the publication be in the form of a pamphlet, or an article in a periodical.

A star is affixed to the names of those orators and poets whose productions have been printed or published, when no copy of the performance has been found in the College Library.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

their anniversary, in the chapel of the University,
Cambridge, July 20, 1797. By Thomas Paine, A. M.
Published according to Act of Congress. Boston.
Manning and Loring. 1797. sm. 4. pp. 32.

The author, disliking the associations of his name, subsequently dropped the "Thomas" in favor of "Robert Treat." 1798. JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND. An oration, delivered at the request of the society of BK, in the chapel of Harvard College, on the day of their anniversary, July 19, 1798. Boston. John Russell. 1798. 8°. pp. 24.

"But it may be more useful and agreeable, on this occasion, to confine our attention to those principles, manners, and institutions which are the price and pledge of all [America's] other blessings."

This copy is the one presented by President Kirkland to Professor Ebeling of Hamburg, and contains on the back of the title-page a brief Ms. note explaining the character of the society. Upon Ebeling's death his library was purchased and presented to the College.


+ WILLIAM BIGLOW. Education: a poem, spoken at Cambridge, at the request of the Phi Beta Kappa, July 18th, 1799.—Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Solomon. Salem. Joshua Cushing. 1799. 8o. pp. 17. 1800.- ABIEL ABBOT.* JAMES RICHARDSON.

« PrethodnaNastavi »