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1840. Morton, Marcus, LL.D., b. 8 April, 1819, at Taunton; d. at Andover, 10 February, 1891, aged 71. 1846. Cantwell, Edward Payne Chrysostom, b. 22 December, 1825, at Charleston, S. C.; d. at St. Simon's Island, Ga., 11 April, 1891, aged 65.

1847. Joy, Charles Arad, b. 8 October, 1823, at Ludlowville, N. Y.; d. at Stockbridge, 28 May, 1891, aged 67.

1849. Merrill, Charles Benjamin, b. 14 April, 1827, at Portland, Me.; d. at Portland, Me., 5 April, 1891, aged 63.

1854. Wells, William Palmer, b. 15 February, 1831, at St. Albans, Vt.; d. at Detroit, Mich., 4 March, 1891, aged 60.

1856. Hull, Robert Bowne, b.-January, 1823, at New York, N. Y.; d. at New York, N. Y., 16 February, 1891, aged 64.

1862 Lawrence, Thomas Townsend, b. 20 July, 1836, at New York, N. Y.; d. at New York, N. Y., 27 January, 1891, aged 54.

1862. Young, Alexander, b. 19 May, 1836, at Boston; d. at Boston, 19 March, 1891, aged 54.

1865. Thoms, Matthew Hueston, b. 5 November, 1836, at Cincinnati, O.; d. at Cincinnati, O., 5 December, 1890, aged 54.

1872. Mather, Louis Kossuth, b. 29 Septry, 1851, at Boston; d. at Boston, 27 October, 1890, aged 39. 1884. McIntire, Fred, b. 12 September, 1857, at York, Me.; d. at York, Me., 6 March, 1891, aged 33. 1884. Oettinger, Henry Charles, b. 13 December, 1862, at Sandusky, O.; d. at Cincinnati, O., 25 November, 1890, aged 27.


1828. Watson, Henry, b. 24 September, 1810, at East Windsor Hill, Conn.; d. at Northampton, 10 February, 1891, aged 80.

1859. Crosby, Howard, Rev., b. 27 February, 1826, at New York, N. Y.; d. at New York, N. Y., 29 March,

1891, aged 65.

1859. Pike, Albert, b. 29 December, 1809, at Boston; d. at Washington, D. C., 2 April, 1891, aged 81.

1886. Leidy, Joseph, b. 9 September, 1823, at Philadelphia, Pa.; d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 30 April, 1891, aged 67.

CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 1839. Morison, Nathaniel Holmes, b. 14 December, 1815. (Bulletin, January, 1891.)

1851. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, d. 6 December, 1889. (Bulletin, January, 1890.)

1855. Gibbens, Edward Augustus, d. 26 March, 1890. (Bulletin, May, 1890.)

1875. Gaff, James Wade, d. 9 August, 1889. (Bulletin, May, 1890.)

1882. Manning, William Hobbs, d. at Canajoharie, N. Y., 28 September, 1889. (Bulletin, October, 1889.)

m. 1843. Hall, Edward, b. 28 February, 1821, at Keene, N. H.; d. at Messina, Sicily, 28 April, 1870, aged

49. (Bulletin, May, 1890.)

m. 1883. Otis, Henry Sharwood, b. 1 July, 1855, at Exeter, N. H. (Bulletin, October, 1889.)

1. 1867. Chandler, George Henry, d. at Canterbury, N. H. (Bulletin, October, 1883.)

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MEETING OF JUNE 1, 1891.- Voted, to appoint the Rev. BROOKE HERFORD Lecturer on pastoral care and the conduct of worship for the year 1891–92.

Voted, to appoint Professor WILLIAM JEWETT TUCKER, D.D., Lecturer on pastoral care and the conduct of worship for the year 1891-92.

Voted, to appoint EDWARD Campbell Beckett, M.D.V., Instructor in Operative Veterinary Surgery and Superintendent of the Veterinary Hospital for three years from September 1, 1891.

Voted, to reappoint WILBERT SOULE, M.D.V., Resident Surgeon at the Veterinary Hospital for the year 1891-92.

MEETING OF JUNE 8, 1891.- The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. ROGER WOLCOTT the sum of $20,000, in accordance with his offer, which was accepted by vote of this Board on June 1, 1891, and it was thereupon

Voted, to establish the J. Huntington Wolcott Fund with a capital of $10,000, on the terms named in said offer.

Voted, to establish the Huntington Frothingham Wolcott Fund with a capital of $10,000, on the terms named in said offer.

Voted, to proceed to the election of an Associate Professor of German, and Regent, whereupon ballots being given in it appeared that GEORGE Alonzo BarTLETT was elected.

Voted, to communicate this election to the Board of Overseers that they may consent thereto if they see fit.

Voted, to proceed to the election of a Professor of Ophthalmology, - whereupon ballots being given in it appeared that OLIVER FAIRFIELD WADSWORTH, M.D., was elected.

Voted, to communicate this election to the Board of Overseers that they may consent thereto if they see fit.

Voted, to reappoint as Preachers to the University for 1891-92, Brooke Herford, Lyman AbbOTT, D.D., HENRY Van Dyke, D.D., Voted, to appoint as Preachers to the University for 1891-92, CHARLES CARROLL EVERETT, D.D., and LEIGHTON PARKS, D.D.

Voted, to appoint CHARLES SPRAGUE SMITH Lecturer on the Icelandic Saga for 1891-92.
Voted, to appoint OLIVER JAY FAIRFIELD, A.B., Proctor in Divinity Hall for 1891-92.

Voted, to reappoint the following Assistants for 1891-92: JAY BACKUS WOODWORTH, in Geology; FRANCIS JOHN VIETS DAKIN, in Fine Arts; HENRY NEWELL HERMAN, A.B., in Chemistry; JOSEPH TORREY, Jr., A.M., in Chemistry; GEORGE JAMES PEIRCE, S.B., in Botany; Robert Decourcy Ward, A.B., in Physical Geography and Meteorology.

Voted, to appoint the following Assistants for 1891-92: RICHARD ELWOOD DODGE, A.B., in Geology; LEWIS GARDNER WESTGATE, A.B., in Geology; HENRY BARNARD KUMMEL, A.B., in Geology; HERBERT NICHOLS, in Psychology; WINFIELD SCOTT NICKERSON, S.B., in Zoology 2; HERBERT MAULE RICHARDS, in Botany 2 and 4; DAVID Ellsworth SPENCER, B.L., in History 1; WILLIAM LYON PHELPS, A.B., in English.

Voted, to establish four more University Scholarships of $150 a year each in the Lawrence Scientific School.

MEETING OF JUNE 23, 1891. - The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. HENRY L. HIGGINSON the sum of $8,877.53 to pay for grading and other expenses relating to the Soldier's Field, and it was

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. HIGGINSON for his generous action in this matter.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. WILLIAM MEYER LEWIN the sum of $142 given in recognition of benefits conferred upon him while a student at Cambridge.

This sum has been credited to the account of Scholarship and Beneficiary money returned.

The Treasurer reported an additional gift of $105 from the Class of 1879, to be used under the direction of Dr. TAUSSIG, for the Political Economy reading room.

The following letter was read:

"BOSTON, June 19, 1891.


GENTLEMEN, — It gives me great pleasure to present to the University the Gate just completed at the entrance between Holworthy and Thayer. My hope is that it may prove an additional incentive in the future for some graduate to mark the remaining entrance to the College Yard, and possibly in time to connect the same by a wall.

Respectfully yours,


GEORGE VON L. MEYER." And it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. MEYER for his generous action in adding to the beauty of the College Yard by employing Messrs. McKIM, MEAD & WHITE to build the second gateway.

The President nominated the following persons to be members of Administrative Boards for 1891-92, and it was voted to appoint them :

For Harvard College. Professors BRIGGS (Dean); NORTON; C. J. WHITE; DAvis; Byerly; EMERTON; LANMAN; MACVANE; WRIGHT; B. O. PEIRCE; and Assistant Professors BARTLETT; KITTREDGE; MARSH; Doctors SNOW; HUNTINGTON; and MORGAN.

For the Lawrence Scientific School. Professors CHAPLIN (Dean); SHALER; H. B. HILL; Assistant Professors HALL; VON JAGEMANN; HANUS; Doctor Wolff.

For the Graduate School. Professors J. M. PEIRCE (Dean); GOODWIN; GOODALE; TROWBRIDGE; JACKSON; MARK; LYON; and Assistant Professors SHELDON; CHANNING; TAUSSIG. Voted, to appoint FRANCIS ALBERT CHRISTIE Lecturer on the New Testament for 1891-92.

Voted, to appoint NATHANIEL THAYER KIDDER, B.A.S., Instructor in Botany.

Voted, to appoint the following Instructors for 1891-92: SAMUEL S. CURRY in Elocution; ROBERT WHEELER WILLSON, Ph.D., in Astronomy.



Voted, to reappoint for 1891-92: THEODORE WILLIS FISHER, M.D., Lecturer on Mental Diseases; SAMUEL HOLMES DURGIN, M.D., Lecturer on Hygiene.

Voted, to appoint EDWARD HICKLING BRADFORD, M.D., Instructor in Surgery and Orthopedics. Voted, to appoint the following Instructors for 1891-92: WILLIAM WHITWORTH GANNETT, M.D., in Clinical Medicine; HERBERT Leslie BurrELL, M.D., in Clinical Surgery.

Voted, to reappoint the following Instructors for 1891-92: HENRY PARKER QUINCY, M.D., in Histology; JAMES JACKSON PUTNAM, M.D., in Diseases of the Nervous System; ELbridge Gerry CUTLER, M.D., in the Theory and Practice of Physic; FRANCIS HENRY DAVENPORT, M.D., in Gynaecology; EDWARD MARSHALL BUCKINGHAM, M.D., in Diseases of Children; GEORGE MINOT GARLAND, M.D., in Clinical Medicine; CHARLES MONTRAVILLE GREEN, M.D., in Obstetrics; FRANKLIN HENRY HOOPER, M.D., in Laryngology; HAROLD CLARENCE ERNST, M.D., in Bacteriology; HERMAN FRANK VICKERY, M.D., in Clinical Medicine.

Voted, to reappoint the following Clinical Instructors for 1891-92: JOHN HOMANS, M.D., in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Ovarian Tumors; EDWARD COWLES, M.D., in Mental Diseases; FRANCIS BOOTT GREENOUGH, M.D., in Syphilis; GEORGE WASHINGTON GAY, M.D., in Surgery; ABNER POST, M.D., in Syphilis; ARTHUR TRACY CABOT, M.D., in Genito-Urinary Surgery; JOHN BAKER SWIFT, M.D., in Diseases of Women; GEORGE LINCOLN WALTON, M.D., in Diseases of the Nervous System; FRANCIS SEDGWICK WATSON, M.D., in Genito-Urinary Surgery; PHILIP COOMBS KNAPP, M.D., in Diseases of the Nervous System.

Voted, to reappoint for 1891-92: FRANCIS AUGUSTINE HARRIS, M.D., Demonstrator of MedicoLegal Examinations; WILLIAM MERRILL CONANT, M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy.

Voted, to reappoint the following Assistants for 1891-92: JOHN WHEELOCK ELLIOT, M.D., in Clinical Surgery; CHARLES FRANCIS WITHINGTON, M.D., in Clinical Medicine; WILLIAM CARROLL EMERSON, M.D., in Chemistry; GEORGE HOWARD MONKS, M.D., in Clinical and Operative Surgery; FRANCIS SEDGWICK WATSON, M.D., in Clinical Surgery; CHARLES PRATT STRONG, M.D., in Gynaecology; FRANK BISHOP HARRINGTON, M.D., in Clinical Surgery; THOMAS FOSTER SHERMAN, M.D., in Diseases of Children; HENRY JACKSON, M.D., in Bacteriology; JOHN CUMMINGS MUNRO, M.D., in

Anatomy; EDWARD REYNOLDS, M.D., in Obstetrics; CHARLES WENDELL TOWNSEND, M.D., in Obstetrics; CHARLES LOCKE SCUDDER, M.D., in Clinical Surgery; CHARLES POMEROY WORCESTER, M.D., in Chemistry; WILLIAM SOHIER BRYANT, M.D., in Anatomy; FRANK Burr Mallory, M.D., in Histology; EDWARD STANLEY ABBOT, A.B., in Histology.

Voted, to reappoint CHARLES POMEROY WORCESTER, M.D., Secretary of the Medical Faculty for 1891-92.

Voted, to reappoint the following Instructors for 1891-92: FOREST GREENWOOD EDDY, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; VIRGIL CLARENCE POND, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; GEORGE HOWARD MONKS, M.D., in Surgical Pathology; GEORGE LINCOLN WALTON, M.D., in Neurology; FREDERICK EUGENE BANFIELD, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; EDWARD EARL HOPKINS, D.M.D., in Crown and Bridge Work; CHARLES HUTCHINS TAFT, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; CHARLES POMEROY WORCESTER, M.D., in Dental Chemistry.

Voted, to appoint the following Instructors for 1891-92: HENRY Webster Gillett, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; WALDO ELIAS BOARDMAN, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; HENRY LAURISTON UPHAM, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; ARTHUR HENRY STODDARD, D.M.D., in Mechanical Dentistry.

Voted, to reappoint the following Clinical Lecturers for 1891-92: WILLIAM PARKER COOke, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; DWIGHT MOSES CLAPP, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry; WILLIAM HENRY POTTER, D.M.D., in Operative Dentistry.

Voted, to reappoint for 1891-92: HENRY MICHAEL CLIFFORD, D.M.D., Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry; PATRICK WILLIAM MORIARTY, D.M.D., Demonstrator of Mechanical Dentistry; WILLIAM FREDERICK GAY, D.M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry; CHARLES ERNEST PERKINS, D.M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry.

Voted, to appoint GEORGES ANTOINE BROUILLET Assistant Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry for 1891-92.

The resignation of Professor W. S. CHAPLIN as Chairman of the Parietal Committee was received and accepted.

The resignation of Dr. HAROLD WHITING as Instructor in Physics was received and accepted. The resignation of Rev. CHARLES P. FAGNANI as Lecturer on the New Testament for 1891-92, was received and accepted.

MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 29, 1891. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gifts amounting to $3566.66 received since June 23, 1891, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to GEORGE W. WALES, Esq., for his annual gift of $200 for the College Library.

The Treasurer reported the receipt from Professor WILLIAM G. FARLOW of his annual gift of $450 towards Dr. SEYMOUR's salary for 1890-91, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported a gift of $10 from Assistant Professor ADOLPHE COHN for the purchase of books for the French Department, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the additional gift of $200 from EDWARD RUSSELL, Esq., be gratefully accepted, and that it be credited to the Edward Russell Scholarship Fund.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from the Society for Promoting Theological Education the sum of $1500 for the benefit of the Library of the Divinity School, to be used "toward the expense of preparing the new catalogue as asked by the Faculty of the Harvard Divinity School," and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that Mr. HENRY R. A. CAREY had paid the sum of $800.70 towards the running expenses of the Carey Athletic Building for the year 1890–91, and it was

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to him for his liberal action.

The Treasurer reported that he had received through Mr. LOUIS D. BRANDEIS the sum of $1000 to provide for the course on the Peculiarities of Massachusetts Law in the Harvard Law School for the year 1891-92, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported an additional gift of $500 from Mr. NATHANIEL C. NASH to be expended for the Greek department at the discretion of Professor JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received through Dr. BECKETT the sum of $10 as grateful children to the Veterinary Hospital,” and the same was gratefully accepted.

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