Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Oppenheim, Samuel. The early congressional debates and reporters. A paper read at the 14th annual meeting of the New York state stenographers' association, held at Alexandria Bay, N. Y., Aug. 20 and 21, 1889. [New York? 1889.] 8°. pp. 53. 6394.17

Pahde, Adolf. Der Afrika-forscher, Eduard Vogel, geboren 1829 in Krefeld, ermordet 1856 in Wadai. Ein vortrag. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 36. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 82.) VIII. 175a (IV) Paulitschke, Philipp. Harar; forschungsreise nach den Somâl- und Galla-ländern Ost-Afrikas, ausgeführt von Dr. Kammel von Hardegger und Dr. Paulitschke. Nebst beiträgen von Dr. Günther ritter von Beck, L. Ganglbauer, und Heinrich Wichmann. Leipzig. 1888. 8. Maps and other illustr. I. 2456

Peabody education fund. Tributes to Judge Manning and Chief-Justice Waite, at the annua! meeting of the trustees, New York, 3 Oct. 1888. Cambridge. 1888. 8°. pp. 11. 9344.37

"Reprinted from the Proceedings [of the trustees of the Peabody education fund]. 100 copies."

Pejepscot historical society, Brunswick, Me. Collections. Vol. i. pt. 1. Brunswick, Me. 1889. 10313.25


To be continued.

Percival, William Spencer. The land of the dragon; my boating and shooting excursions to the gorges of the upper Yangtze. London. 1889. Front., vign., and map.

8. I. 2464

Perry, William Stevens, bp. of Iowa. A sermon delivered in New York, before the order of the Cincinnati, April 28, 1889, on occasion of the centennial celebration of the inauguration of George Washington as president of the United States. [New York? 1889.] 8°. pp. 10. 6337.9

With this are bound other pamphlets relating to the anniversary, as follows: Bishop Perry's Address to the De Molay commandery, May 30, 1889. Pastoral to the clergy and laity of the church of Iowa. - A form of prayer, etc. set forth by the bishop of New York. - Order of service for the centennial anniversary, compiled by the dean of Davenport, and authorized in various dioceses (15 different editions). National anthems and hymns for use in Davenport cathedral on occasion of the anniversary. Circular to the members of the society of the Cincinnati. - Order of exercises in Burte's opera house, Davenport, Iowa.

A photograph of Bishop Perry is inserted.

Phelps, Edward John. International relations. Address before the Phi Beta Kappa society of Harvard university, June 29, 1889. Burlington. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 31. Pier 3.375

Philebert, Charles. La conquête pacifique de l'intérieur africain; nègres, musulmans, et chrétiens. Paris. 1889. 8°. Illustr. I. 2471

Phillips, Henry, jr. An account of the Congo independent state. Read before the American philosophical society, Nov. 2, 1888, and Feb. 1, 1889. [Philadelphia. 1889.] 8°. pp. (18). Map and wdcts. I. 2395

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Pierce, Edward Lillie. A diplomatic episode: the rejected treaty for St. Thomas. Boston. 1889. 8. pp. (2), 18. 9373.6 Reply to an article by Olive R. Seward in Scribner's magazine.

Pius II. [Enea Silvio (Lat. Eneas Sylvius) PICCOLOMINI], Pope. Die geschichte kaiser Friedrichs III. von Aeneas Silvius. Uebersetzt von Th. Ilgen. ie hälfte. Leipzig. 1889. sm. 8°. (GESCHICHTSCHREIBER der deutschen vorzeit, xv. jahrh. 2. i.) 13576.38

Polo, Marco. Le livre de Marco Polo, rédigé en français sous sa dictée en 1298 par Rusticien de Pise. Publié pour la première fois, d'après trois manuscrits inédits de la bibliothèque impériale de Paris, présentant la rédaction primitive du Livre, revue par Marc Pol lui-même et donnée par lui, en 1307, à Thiébault de Cépoy; accompagnée des variantes, et de commentaires géographiques et historiques, tirés des écrivains orientaux; par G. Pauthier. 2 pt. (paged contin.). Paris. 1865. 1. 8°. pp. (4), clvi., 831+. Front. and map. I. 2458 Prenzel, Adelbert. Geschichte der kriegsverfassung unter den Karolingern von der mitte des achten bis zum ende des neunten jahrhunderts. ier teil. Leipzig. 1887. 8o. 13517.26

Purcell, Theobald Andrew. A suburb of Yedo. [Sketches of the life and customs.] London. 1889. sm. 8°. Wdcts. I. 2402

Quinet, Mme. (née AssAKI). Edgar Quinet depuis l'exil. Paris. 1889. 18°. Port. of Quinet. 12595.41

Reiche, Friedrich. Chronologie der letzten 6 bücher des Ammianus Marcellinus. Inauguraldissertation, Jena. Liegnitz. 1889. 8o pp. 76.

La 27.90

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Rouen, France. Inventaire-sommaire des archives communales antérieures à 1790, rédigé par Ch. de Robillard de Beaurepaire. Publié en vertu d'une délibération du conseil municipal du 27 avril 1877. Ville de Rouen. Tom. i. Rouen. 1887. 4o. 6511.18

Contents:i. Délibérations. Round, John Horace, editor. Ancient charters, royal and private, prior to A.D. 1200. Pt. i. Printed from the originals in the custody of the master of the rolls. London. 1888. 8°. (PIPE ROLL SOCIETY. Publ. 10.) Brit. Hist. 1352

"Only 350 copies printed." Russell, Sir Charles. The Parnell commission. The opening speech for the defence. Revised. London, etc. 1889. 8. pp. xii., 615.


[blocks in formation]

"500 copies. No. 47." Chapter iv. treats of the history of the church and is illustrated with cuts of many architectural details.

Sala, Giuseppe Antonio. Diario romano degli anni 1798-99. [Edited by Giuseppe Cugnoni.] 3 pt. in 1 vol. Roma. 1882-86. 8. (ROME-Società romana di storia patria. Miscellanea, 1-3.) I. 2393 Salmon, C. S. The Caribbean confederation. A plan for the union of the fifteen British West Indian colonies, preceded by an account of the past and present condition of the Europeans and the African races inhabiting them, with a true explanation of the Haytian mystery; in which is embodied a refutation of the chief statements made by Mr. Froude in his work, "The English in the West Indies." London, etc. [1888.] 16°. Map. (COBDEN CLUB. [Publ.]) 3375.4

"The point aimed at in this book is to show the fitness of the black British subjects in the West Indies for admission into the communities of the British Empire, by allowing them, together with the white races in these colonies, to share in the privileges of British subjects everywhere-by having a full share in their local self-government."-Preface.

Salmon, C. S. The crown colonies of Great Britain; an inquiry into their social condition and methods of administration. With a chapter on The black and the brown landholder of Jamaica," by R. G. Haliburton. London, etc. [1889.] 16°. (COBDEN CLUB. [Publ.]) 2447.24

[ocr errors]

Schenck, David. North Carolina, 1780-81. Being a history of the invasion of the Carolinas by the British army under Lord Cornwallis in 1780–81, with the particular design of showing the part borne by North Carolina in that struggle for liberty and independence, and to correct some of the errors of history in regard to that state and its people. Raleigh, N. C. 1889. 8. Portrs., 12352.45 maps, and plate. Scotland Convention of royal burghs. Records of the convention, [1295-1738]. With extracts from other records relating to the affairs of the burghs of Scotland, 1295-[1614. Edited by J. D. Marwick. Vol. i.-v.] 5 vol. Edinburgh. 186685. 4o. 9442.29

Vol. iii.-v. have the title, "Extracts from the records of the convention."

Sharpe, Reginald Robinson, editor. Calendar of wills proved and enrolled in the court of husting, London, A.D. 1258-A.D. 1688. Preserved among the archives of the corporation of the city of London, at the Guildhall. Pt. i. London. 1889. 1. 8°. 10481.22 Contents: -i. 1258-1358.

Shaw-Lefevre, George (John). Incidents of coercion; a journal of visits to Ireland in 1882 and 1888. 3d ed. London. 1889. 16o. 9486.32

Sheffield, William Paine. John Clarke, physician, philanthropist, preacher, and patriot. An oration delivered before the American medical association, June 25, 1889. Chicago. 1889. 16o. pp. 16. 11352.32

"Reprinted from the Journal of the American medical association, Aug. 24, 1889."

Silvestre, J. L'empire d'Annam et le peuple annamite; aperçu sur la géographie, les productions, l'industrie, les mœurs, et les coutumes de l'Annam. Publié sous les auspices de l'administration des colonies. Paris. 1889. 18°. Map. I. 2470

Simony, Friedrich. Das Dachsteingebiet ; ein geographisches charakterbild aus den österreichischen Nordalpen. ie lief. Wien, etc. 1889. 4. Plates and wdcts. 14511.23

Société de l'histoire de Belgique. Collection de mémoires relatifs à l'histoire de Belgique. No. 1-45. 45 nos. in 40 vol. Bruxelles. 1858-74. 8°. Namely:

1. GUYON, Fery DE. Mémoires; avec un commentaire historique par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. 1858. I. 2403 2. AYTTA VAN ZUICHEM, Viglius VAN. Mémoires de Viglius et d'Hopperus sur le commencement des troubles des Pays-Bas; avec notices et annotations par Alph. Wauters. 1858. I. 2404

3, 7, 12, 20, 24. MÉMOIRES anonymes sur les troubles des Pays-Bas, 1565-1580; avec notice et annotations par J. B. Blaes. Tom. i.-iii.;- Avec préface et annotations par Alex. Henne. Tom. iv., v. 5 tom. 1859-66. I. 2405

4, 21. BARRE, Pasquier DE LE. Mémoires de Pasquier de le Barre et de Nicolas Soldoyer pour servir à l'histoire de Tournai, 1565-1570; avec notice et annotations par Alex. Pinchart. 2 tom. 1859-65. I. 2406

5. WESENBEECK, Jacob VAN. Mémoires; avec une introduction et des notes par C. Rahlenbeck. 1859.

I. 2407

6. CHAMPAGNEY, Frédéric PERRENOT, sieur DE. Mémoires, 1573-1590; avec notice et annotations par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. 1860. İ. 2408

7. See 3.

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13, 16. ENZINAS, Francisco DE. Mémoires; texte latin inédit, avec la traduction française du XVIe siècle en regard. 1543-1545. Publiés, avec notice et annotations, par C. A. Campan. 2 tom. I. 2412


14, 18. ANNEESSENS, Franciscus. Procès de François Anneessens, doyen du corps des métiers de Bruxelles; publié, avec notice et annotations, par L. Galesloot. Dutch and Fr. 2 tom. 1862-63. I. 2413

15. LALAING, Emanuel DE, baron DE MONTIGNY, marquis DE RENTY. Mémoires sur Emmanuel de Lalaing; avec notice et annotations par feu J. B. Blaes. 1862. I. 2410 16. See 13.-17. See 8.-18. See 14. 19. LE BOUCq, P. J. Histoire des troubles advenues à Valenciennes à cause des hérésies, 1562-1579, tirée de plusieurs écrits, en 1699. Publiée, avec notice et annotation, par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. 1864. I. 2410

20. Sec 3.-21. See 4.

[blocks in formation]

25. [RYCKE, Lambertus DE, and others.] Bergues sur le Soom assiégée le 18 de juillet 1622, & désassiégée le 3 d'octobre ensuivant, selon la description faite par les trois pasteurs de l'église d'icelle [Lambertus de Rycke, Nathan Vay, and Job du Rieu]. Avec une introduction et des notes par C. A. Campan. 1867. I. 2415

26. ABRÉGÉ historique du règne d'Albert & Isabelle, 1592-1602; avec une introduction et des notes par Adrien Campan. 1867. I. 2416

27. UDEN, Rumoldus VAN. Troubles de Bruxelles de 1619. Justification apologétique pour l'advocat Rombaut van Uden. Publiée, avec une introduction et des notes, par L. Galesloot. 1868. I. 2417

28, 29. HAYNIN, Louis DE, seigneur DU CORNET. Histoire générale des guerres de Savoie, de Bohême, du Palatinat, & des Pays-Bas, 1616-1627; avec une introduction et des notes par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. 2 tom. 1868. I. 2418 30. VINCART, J. A. Relations des campagnes de 1644 & 1646. Texte espagnol tiré des archives du royaume, avec la traduction en regard, introductions, & notes par Paul Henrard. 1869.

I. 2419

31, 35, 38. DEL RIO, M. A. Mémoires sur les troubles des Pays-Bas, 1576-1578. Texte latin inédit, avec traduction française, notice, & annotations par Ad. Delvigne. 3 tom. I. 2420

in 2. 1869-71.

32 CONSIDÉRATIONS d'estat sur le traicté de la paix avec les sérénissimes archiducz d'Austriche. Manuscrit de 1607. Avec une introduction & des notes par Charles Rahlenbeck. 1869. I. 2421 33. HENRARD, Paul (J. J.), editor. Henri IV. et la princesse de Condé, 1609-1610. Précis historique, suivi de la correspondance diplomatique de Pecquius et d'autres documents inédits. 1870. I. 2422 34. BRUSLE DE MONTPLEINCHAMP, Jean (C.). Histoire de l'archiduc Albert, gouverneur général, puis prince souverain de la Belgique; annotée par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. 1870. I. 2423

35. See 31.

36. STEVART, Armand, editor. Procès de Martin Étienne van Velden, professeur à l'université de Louvain; publié avec une introduction & des notes. 1871. I. 2424 37, 39. CHRONIQUE des événements les plus remarquables arrivés à Bruxelles de 1780-1827; publiée par L. Galesloot. Flemish and Fr. 2 tom. in 1. 1870-72.

38. See 31.-39. See 37.

I. 2425

40, 41, 44. CONSIDÉRATIONS sur le gouvernement des PaysBas; publiées par A. L. P. de Robaulx de Soumoy. Tom. i.-iii. 1872-73. I. 2426 42. VAREMBON, Marc DE RYE, marquis DE. Mémoires sur le marquis de Varembon; avec notice & annotations par feu Jules Borgnet. 1873. I. 2427 43, 45. PAILLARD, Charles. Histoire des troubles religieux de Valenciennes, 1560-1567; publié d'après des documents inédits. Tom. i., ii. 1874. I. 2428 44. See 40.45. See 43. Solms-Rödelheim und Assenheim, Otto, graf zu. Friedrich, graf zu Solms-Laubach, erster regierender graf zu Rödelheim, 1574-1635. Ein zeit- und lebensbild aus der periode der deutschen religionskämpfe. ier bd. Berlin. 1888. 8°. Portrs. and plate. 14596.15

Stein, Heinrich Konrad. Handbuch der geschichte für die oberen klassen der gymnasien und realschulen. 3 bde. in 1. Paderborn, etc. 1889, '86. 8o. I. 2473 Contents: i. Das altertum. 4 aufl. 1889. ii. Das mittelalter. 3 aufl. 1886. iii. Die neuere zeit. 3e aufl. 1886.

[Stevenson, W. Henry, editor.] Records of the borough of Nottingham; a series of extracts from the archives of the corporation. Published under the authority of the corporation. Lat. and Eng. 4 vol. London, etc. 1882-89. 1. 8°. Fac-sims. and plates. 9425.58

Contents:i. King Henry II. to Richard II. 1155-1399. 1882. ii. Henry IV. to Richard III. 1399-1485. 1883. iii. Henry VII. to Henry VIII. 1485-1547. 1885. iv. Edward VI. to James I. 1547-1625. 1889.

Stone, Frederick Dawson. The ordinance of 1787. Philadelphia. 1889. 8°. pp. 34. 13313.14 "Reprinted from the Pennsylvania magazine of history and biography."

Storey, Moorfield. Politics as a duty and as a career. New York, etc. 1889. 12. pp. 33. (QUESTIONS of the day, 58.) VI. 5298 Swift, John Lindsay. Oration delivered before the city council and citizens of Boston, on the 113th anniversary of the declaration of independence, July 4, 1889. Boston. 1889. 8. pp. 64. 5367.17 Contains a list of Boston fourth of July orations, from 1783 to 1889, inclusive.

Talleyrand-Périgord, Charles Maurice DE, prince de Bénévent. Lettres inédites de Talleyrand à Napoléon, 1800-1809. Publiées d'après les originaux conservés aux archives des affaires étrangères, avec une introduction et des notes, par Pierre Bertrand. 2e éd. Paris. 1889. 8°. Port. and fac-sim. 5547.17

Taylor, Hannis. The origin and growth of the English constitution; an historical treatise in which is drawn out, by the light of the most recent researches, the gradual development of the English constitutional system, and the growth out of that system of the federal republic of the United States. Pt. i. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. (2 cop.)

1436.29; 1436.30; also AH. Contents:i. The making of the constitution.

Taylor, W. F., editor. England under Charles II., from the restoration to the treaty of Nimeguen, 1660-1678. Extracts from contemporary records. London. [1889.] 16°. Portrs. (ENGLISH history by contemporary writers.) 4444.8

Thayer, Eli. A history of the Kansas crusade; its friends and its foes. Introduction by Edward Everett Hale. New York. 1889. 12° 7376.12.2 [Thomas, Alfred Addison.] To my boy, Thomas Head Thomas. [Genealogical notes on the author's immediate family, and biography of his father, Thomas E. Thomas.] Dayton, O. 1885 [1888]. 8°. pp. 39+. 16336.26

Thoreau, Henry David. A week on the Concord and Merrimac rivers. With a prefatory note by W. H. Dircks. London, etc. [1889.] 16°. (The CAMELOT series, 42.) AL 3639.84

Tiffany, John Kerr. History of the postage stamps of the United States. St. Louis, Mo. 1887. 8. Port. VII. 2314 Tobie, Edward Parsons. Personal recollections of General Sheridan. Providence. 1889. sm. 4°. pp. 40. (RHODE ISLAND SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Personal narratives of events in the war of the rebellion, 4th series, 5.)

"Edition limited to 250 copies."


Traill, Henry Duff. Lord Strafford. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. of Lord Strafford. (ENGLISH men of action.) 4464.18

Turchin, John Basil. Chickamauga. Chicago. 1888. 1. 8°. Port. and maps. (Noted battles for the Union during the civil war in the United States, 1861-5.) 8326.11b

Tuttle, Charles Wesley. Capt. Francis Champernowne, The Dutch conquest of Acadie, and other historical papers. Edited by A. H. Hoyt, with historical notes. With a memoir of the author by J. W. Dean. Boston. 1889. 4o. Portrs., plates, map, and fac-sim. 6375.8

"300 copies. No. 28." "Memoir," pp. 1-54. Other papers: -The report of an Indian massacre at Fox Point, Newington, N. H. Establishment of the royal provincial government of New Hampshire. - New Hampshire without provincial government.- Hope-Hood. - Christopher Kilby. Hugh Percy. Court of vice-admiralty over America. Edward Randolph. Appendix.

[ocr errors]

United States - Department of state. (1889.) Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States and other powers since July 4, 1776. Containing notes, with references to negotiations preceding the several treaties, to the executive, legislative, or judicial construction of them, and to the causes of the abrogation of some of them; a chronological list of treaties; and an analytical index. Washington. 1889. 8. pp. xiv., 1434. (2 cop.)

5394.22; 5394.23 "Senate executive document no. 47, 48th congress, 2d session."

United States - Lady Franklin Bay expedition. (1881-84.) International polar expedition. Report on the proceedings of the United States expedition to Lady Franklin Bay, Grinnell Land, by A. W. Greely. 2 vol. Washington. 1888. 4o. Front., plates, maps, etc. (UNITED STATES Signal service. Arctic series of publications, 4.)

4321.14, also MZ.

"Authorities on Arctic meteorology," ii. 455-474. United States - President. 1889. (Benjamin Harrison.) Inaugural address, delivered March 4, 1889. Washington. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 16. 9381.29

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VIGFÚSSON, Gudbrandr. Sigfred-Arminius; The details of the defeat of Varus;-The place of the Helgi lays;-The place of the Hamtheow lay; - Two Latin law words [fas and veto].-POWELL, F. Y. The ballad of Sir Ogie; -Traces of old law in the Eddic lays.

Vignoles, Olinthus John. Life of Charles Blacker Vignoles, soldier and civil engineer; a reminiscence of early railway history. London, etc. 1889. 8. Portrs. of C. B. Vignoles, maps, and wdcts. VII. 2308 Vignon, Louis. La France dans l'Afrique du nord; Algérie et Tunisie. 2e éd. Paris. 1888. 8. I. 2457

[blocks in formation]

Walker, Benjamin. Aboard and abroad: vacation notes, in ten letters, originally published in the Lowell daily courier. Lowell, Mass. 1889. sq. 16° pp. 83. I. 2387

"Printed for private distribution."

Wallon, Henri (Alexandre). Les représentants du peuple en mission et la justice révolutionnaire dans les départements en l'an II (1793-1794). Paris. 3 tom. 1889. 8. 4567.36

Contents:i. La Vendée. ii. L'ouest et le sud-ouest. iii. Le sud-est, l'est, et la région de Paris.

Washington, George. George Washington and Mount Vernon. A collection of Washington's unpublished agricultural and personal letters; edited, with historical and genealogical introduction, by M. D. Conway. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889. 8°. Portrs. and wdcts. (LONG ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs, 4.) 11382.22.4

Waters, Henry FitzGilbert. An examination of the English ancestry of George Washington, setting forth the evidence to connect him with the Washingtons of Sulgrave and Brington. Boston. 1889. 8. pp. 53. Map, geneal. table, and plate. 6337.19.2 "Reprinted from the N. E. hist. and geneal. register, for Oct. 1889."

Watson, Paul Barron. The Swedish revolution under Gustavus Vasa. Boston. 1889. 8. Wdcts. I. 2481

"Bibliography," pp. 277-291.

Wendt, (Hans) Heinrich. Der deutsche reichstag unter könig Sigmund bis zum ende der reichskriege gegen die Hussiten, 1410-1431. Breslau. 1889. 8. (GIERKE, Otto (F.), editor. Untersuchungen zur deutschen staats- und rechtsgeschichte, 30.) 13547.14

Werner, B. von.

Ein deutsches kriegsschiff

in der Südsee. 2e aufl. Leipzig. 1889. 8. pp. XX., 592. Maps and other illustr. I. 2391 Whitefield, Edwin. Homes of our forefathers in Boston, old England, and Boston, New England. From original drawings. Boston, Mass. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 84. Front. and 37 col. plates. 9421.12 Wilder, Marshall Pinckney. Memorials. Boston. 1889. 8. Port. 17394.20

Under this title are bound together the separately published proceedings and memorials of various societies and institutions, the memorial address of Rev. A. P. Peabody, and memoirs by H. A. Hill and Robert Manning; also a posthumous address by Mr. Wilder read at the annual meeting of the New-England historic genealogical society, Jan. 5, 1887, and lists of his principal published writings and of the biog. raphies of him.

Wilson, Adelaide. Historic and picturesque Savannah. Illustrated by Georgia Weymouth. Boston. 1889. 4o. Fac-sims. and wdcts.

12341.29 Wilson, George Grafton. Town and city government in Providence. Providence. 1889. 8. pp. 77. 11354.46 Wilson, Woodrow. The state: elements of historical and practical politics. A sketch of institutional history and administration. Boston. 1889. sm. 8. pp. xxxvi., 686. VI. 5299 Windt, H. DE. From Pekin to Calais by land. London. 1889. 8. Front., pp. x., (2), 656. I. 2379 map, and plates.

Winsor, Justin, editor. Narrative and critical history of America. 8 vol. Boston, etc. 1889, ['86]-89. 1. 8°. Illustr. (2 cop.)

1341.15; 1341.16 Contents: i. Aboriginal America. 1889. ii. Spanish explorations and settlements in America from the 15th to the 17th century. [1886.]-iii. English explorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1689. [1886 (cop. 1884).] iv. French explorations and settlements in North America, and those of the Portuguese, Dutch, and Swedes, 1500-1700. [1886 (cop. 1884).]-v. The English and French in North America, 1689-1763. 1887.-vi., vii. The United States of North America. 2 pt. 1888. viii. The later history of British, Spanish, and Portuguese America. Appendix:- The manuscript sources of the history of the United States, with particular reference to the American revolution. Comprehensive printed authorities upon the general and upon some special phases of the history of the United States, 1776-1850. Chronological conspectus of American history. General index. 1889.

Woodbury, Augustus. The memory of the first battle. A discourse preached in Westminster church, Providence, R. I., on the 28th anniversary of the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1889, before the veteran associations of the first and second Rhode Island regiments and their batteries. [With an appendix, containing extracts from the reports of the secretary of the association, G. E. Allen, for 1884 and 1889.] Providence, R. I. 1889. 8°. pp. 34. Port. 8325.21.2, also DS.

Worthy, Charles. Practical heraldry; or, An epitome of English armory, showing how and by whom arms may be borne or acquired, how pedigrees may be traced, or family histories ascertained. London. 1889. 8. Front. and wdcts. DR. 3.147

Young, Arthur (1741-1820). Travels in France during the years 1787, 1788, 1789. With an introduction, biographical sketch, and notes by M. Betham-Edwards. London. 1889. 16o. Port. (Bohn's standard library.) 6555.9

Zimmern, Helen. The Hansa towns. New York, etc. 1889. 12o. Illustr. (STORY of the nations.) 13552.9

VIII. - Law and Sociology.

Benjamin, Judah Philip. Treatise on the law of sale of personal property, with references to the American decisions and to the French code and Abbott, Austin. A brief for the trial of crimcivil law. 4th ed., by A. B. Pearson-Gee and inal cases. By Austin Abbott, assisted by W. C. H. F. Boyd. London, etc. 1888. 1. 8°. pp. lxxxvi., Beecher. New York. 1013. LS. 1889. 8° LS.

Alcorta, Amancio. Cours de droit international public. Édition française, avec une introduction par Ernest Lehr. Tom. i. Paris, etc. 1887. 8°. VI. 4077 Alessio, Giulio. Saggio sul sistema tributario in Italia e sui suoi effetti economici e sociali. 2 vol. Torino, etc. 1883-87. 8. (BIBLIOTECA di scienze sociali, 1, 3.) VI. 5339 Contents:i. Le imposte dirette. 1883. ii. Le imposte indirette e le tasse. 1887.

Allen, William Francis, and Spencer, David Ellsworth. Higher education in Wisconsin. Washington. 1889. 8. Front. and plates. pp. 68. (UNITED STATES - Bureau of education. Circular of information, 1889, no. 1.) 2 cop.

1.2796; VI. 5288

"Contributions to American educational history, edited by H. B. Adams, no. 7."

Benjamin, Judah Philip. Treatise on the law of sale of personal property; with references to the American decisions and to the French code and civil law. From the latest English edition, with American notes entirely re-written by E. H. Bennett. Boston, etc. 1888. 8o. pp. xii., (2), 1010.

LS. Bentley, Alexander Jackson. Digest of the official opinions of the attorneys-general of the United States, comprising all of the published opinions contained in volumes i. to xvi. inclusive, and embracing the period from 1789 to 1881. LS. Washington. 1885. 8°.

Dr. Daude. Berlin.

American economic association. tution, by-laws, and resolutions of the association; with list of officers and members. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8°. pp. 28. VI. 2653, also SQ.

American economic association. Report of the proceedings of the association, with addresses by William Pepper and F. A. Walker, 3d annual meeting, Philadelphia, Dec. 26-29, 1888; by R. T. Ely. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8. pp. 95. (In its Publ. iv. 4.) VI. 2654.4, also SQ. Andrews, Elisha Benjamin. An honest dollar. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8. pp. 50. (AMER. ECON. ASSOC. Publ. iv. 6.) VI. 2654.4, also SQ. Anson, Sir William Reynell, 3d bart. Principles of the English law of contract, and of agency in its relation to contract. 5th ed. Oxford. 1888. 8. (Clarendon press series.)


Aschrott, Paul Fel. Aus dem strafen- und gefängnisswesen Nordamerikas; rückblicke auf eine studienreise. Vortrag, gehalten in der juristischen gesellschaft zu Berlin, am 9. märz, 1889. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 60. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 76.) VIII. 175a (iv) Auspitz, Rudolf, and Lieben, Richard. Untersuchungen über die theorie des preises. Leipzig. 1889. 8. Diagrs. VI. 5269

Baker, Charles Whiting. Monopolies and the people. New York, etc. 1889. 12°. (QUESTIONS of the day, 59.) VI. 5312 Barker, Henry J. Original English as written by our little ones at school. London. 1889. 16o. VI. 5218

"Reprinted from Longman's magazine, with additions not before published."

Barnard, Charles. Graphic methods in teaching. With an introduction by J. F. Woodhull. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. pp. (31). Diagrs. (EDUCATIONAL monographs, ii. 6.) VI. 4816.2

Beach, Charles Fisk, jr. A manual of the law of wills as determined by the leading courts of England and the United States. By C. F. Beach, jr., assisted by E. A. Pratt. San Francisco. 1888. sm. 12. pp. xx., 605.


Bell, George Joseph. Principles of the law of Scotland. 9th ed., revised and enlarged by William Guthrie. 2 vol. (paged contin.). Edinburgh. pp. xxx.+viii., 1592.

1889. 8o.




Berlin, Germ. Universität. Die königl. Friedrich-Wilhelms-universität zu Berlin. tematische zusammenstellung der für dieselbe bestehenden gesetzlichen, statutarischen, und reglementarischen bestimmungen. Bearbeitet von 1. 8. pp. viii., 756. VI. 5273 Bishop, Joel Prentiss. Commentaries on the non-contract law, and especially as to common affairs not of contract, or the every-day rights and torts. Chicago. 1889. 8. LS. pp. xvi., 818. Blackwell, Robert S. A practical treatise on the power to sell land for the non-payment of taxes. 5th ed., revised and enlarged by Frank 2 vol. (paged contin.).

8 pp. lvi., 1234.

LS. has all the earlier editions.

Boston. 1889. LS.

[blocks in formation]

Brackett, Jeffrey Richardson. The negro in Maryland; a study of the institution of slavery. Baltimore. 1889. 8. (JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in historical and political science. Extra vol. vi.) 8383.8; also AH.; SQ. Bradlaugh, Charles. The rules, customs, and London. procedure of the house of commons. 1889. 16o. DR. 3.123

"Reprinted, with additions, from the Universal review.” Broom, Herbert. Commentaries on the common law, designed as introductory to its study. 8th ed., by W. F. A. Archibald and H. W. Greene. London, etc. 1888. 8. pp. xcvi., 1181. LS. LS. has also the 4th and 5th editions, 1869, 1875; and the American reprint of 1873.

Buenos Ayres (City). Censo general de poblacion, edificacion, comercio, é industrias de la ciudad de Buenos Aires. Levantado en los dias 17 de agosto, 15 y 30 de setiembre de 1887, bajo la administracion del Dr. A. F. Crespo. 2 tom. Buenos Aires. 1889. 1. 8. Port. of Crespo, plates, maps, etc. VI. 5267 Buenos Ayres (City) — Universidad. Anales de la universidad. Tom. i.-iv. 4 tom. Buenos Aires. 1888-89. 1. 8. VI. 5310

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