LS. [Chandler, Alfred Dupont.] Municipal control of commercial lighting. Nationalism" analyzed. Massachusetts legislature, session of 1889. Boston. 1889. 8°. pp. 51. VI. 4101 An answer to Edward Bellamy's book, "Looking backward." Charity organisation review (The). Vol. i.-iv. 1885-88. m. 4 vol. London. 1885-88. 1. 8°. SQ. Cincinnati, Ohio. Chamber of commerce. Dedicatory exercises at the opening of the new building of the Cincinnati chamber of commerce and merchants' exchange, Jan. 29 and 30, 1889. Front. [Cincinnati. 1889.] 8°. VI. 5292 Clarke, Samuel Belcher. Current objections to the exaction of economic rent by taxation considered. A paper read (in part) in the department of jurisprudence of the American social science association, at Saratoga, Sept. 6, 1888. New York. 1889. 8°. pp. 45. VI. 5253 Clode, Charles Mathew. The early history of the guild of merchant_taylors of the fraternity of St. John the Baptist, London; with notices of the lives of some of its eminent members. 2 pt. London. 1888. 1. 8°. Fac-sims., table, and wdct. 9412.14 Contents:i. The history. ii. The lives. "Printed for private circulation." Clunet, Édouard. Questions de droit relatives à l'incident franco-allemand de Pagny (affaire Schnæbelé). Violation de territoire; effet extraterritorial de la loi pénale; espionnage; condition faite aux fonctionnaires publics étrangers dans les rapports internationaux, etc. Paris. 1887. 8. pp. (4), 56+. VI. 5318 Convers, Duncan. Marriage and divorce in the United States; as they are and as they ought to be. Philadelphia. 1889. 12° or 16o. Charts and table. SQ. Cooley, Thomas McIntyre, and others. Constitutional history of the United States as seen in the development of American law. A course of lectures before the political science association of the university of Michigan. New York, etc. 1889. 8o. 6395.76, also AH. Contents: - ROGERS, H. W. Introduction. - COOLEY, T. M. The federal supreme court; its place in the American constitutional system.-HITCHCOCK, Henry. Constitutional development in the United States as influenced by ChiefJustice Marshall. - BIDDLE, G. W. Constitutional development in the United States as influenced by Chief-Justice Taney. KENT, C. A. Constitutional development in the United States as influenced by the decisions of the supreme court since 1864.-CHAMBERLAIN, D. H. The state judiciary; its place in the American constitutional system. Crooker, Joseph Henry. Problems in American society; some social studies. Boston. 1889. 16. VI. 5355, also DS.; SQ. Contents: - The student in American life. -Scientific charity. The root of the temperance problem. The political conscience. Moral and religious instruction in our public schools. The religious destitution of villages. With list of references at the beginning of each chapter. Curtis, William Eleroy. Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. Washington. 1889. 8. VI. 5283 The site of the Worcester, Pier 3.262 LS. has also the 2d edition, 1877. Davis, Andrew McFarland. first college building at Cambridge. Mass. 1889. Plans. 8. pp. 20. "From Proceedings of the American antiquarian society, Oct. 22, 1888." Devlin, Robert T. A treatise on the law of deeds, their form, requisites, execution, acknowledgment, registration, construction, and effect; covering the alienation of title to real property by voluntary transfer; with chapters on tax deeds and sheriff's deeds. 2 vol. San Francisco. 1887. 8°. LS. Combinations; Dodd, Samuel Calvin Tait. their uses and abuses, with a history of the standard oil trust. An argument relative to bills pending before the New York legislature, based upon testimony given before the senate committee on 1888. general laws. New York. 8. pp. 46. VI. 5238 Dolge, Alfred. The just distribution of earnings, so-called "profit sharing." Being an account of the labors of Alfred Dolge, in the town of Dolgeville [N. Y.]. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. 93. Port., plate, and wdcts. VI. 5225 "Printed and published for the section participation du personel dans les benefices,' Paris exposition, 1889." Dunn, Jacob Piatt, jr. A manual of the election law of Indiana. [With appendices.] Indianapolis. 1889. 8. pp. 95. VI. 5388 Edwards, Charles Johnston. The law of execution upon judgments and orders of the chancery and queen's bench divisions of the high court of justice. London. 1888. 8o. LS. Ely, Richard Theodore. An introduction to political economy. New York. 1889. 12o. VI. 5424, also SQ. 'Bibliography," pp. 344-348. Ely, Richard Theodore. Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays. New York. [1889.] sm. 8°. VI. 5291; also SQ.; DS. Other essays:- The church and the world.- Philanthropy. - Ethics and economics. Fernandez, Ramon. La France actuelle; quelques études d'économie politique et de statistique. je éd., avec une lettre-préface de Jules Simon. Paris. 1888. 8°. pp. xx., 748+. Plates. VI. 5255 Festgabe für Rudolf von Gneist zum doctorjubiläum am 20. nov. 1888 gewidmet von Heinrich Brunner, Ernst Eck, Levin Goldschmidt, etc. Berlin. 1888. 1. 8°. VI. 5347 Contents: BRUNNER, Heinrich. Das constitutum Constantini. - ZEUMER, Karl. Der älteste text des constitutum Constantini. - GOLDSCHMIDT, Levin. Studien zum besitzrecht.PERNICE, (L. A.) Alfred. Formelle gesetze im römischen rechte. - JACOBI, Leonard. Ueber die ersatzpflicht des gläubigers aus unrechtmässiger mobiliar-zwangsvollstreckung. - KOHLER, Josef. Ueber das collationsrecht in den französischen coutumes. - HÜBLER, Bernhard. Die religiöse erziehung der kinder aus gemischten ehen im gebiet des preussischen allgemeinen landrechts. - Еск, Ernst. Das gesetzliche pfand- und vorzugsrecht des vermiethers in seiner anwendbarkeit auf die unpfändbaren sachen. GRADENWITZ, Otto. Zwangsvollstreckung und urtheilssicherung. France Ministère du commerce et de l'industrie. Statistique générale de la France. Résultats statistiques du dénombrement de 1886. je pt. Paris, etc. 1888. 1. 8°. Maps and diagrs. VI. 5260 Contents:i. France. Freeman, Abraham Clark. A treatise on the law of executions in civil cases, and of proceedings in aid and restraint thereof. 2d ed. 2 vol. (paged contin.). San Francisco. 1888. 8°. pp. xix., 1751. LS. LS. has also the 1st edition, 1876. French, John H. Form study and drawing in the common schools. With an introductory letter by A. S. Draper. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. (50). Wdcts. (EDUCATIONAL monographs, ii. 5.) VI. 4816.2 pp. Frieze, Henry Simmons. The relations of the state university to religion. An address delivered before the graduating classes [of the university of Michigan], June 26, 1887, at the semi-centennial of the university. Ann Arbor. 1888. 8°. pp. (2), 38. VI. 5252 Gear, H. L. A treatise on the law of landlord and tenant, with special reference to the American law. San Francisco. 1888. 24. pp. xiv., 819. LS. Gilman, Daniel Coit. Charity and knowledge. An address delivered at the opening of the Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore, May 7, 1889. Baltimore. 1889. 8. pp. 27. VI. 5323 Gould, John Melville, and Tucker, George Fox. Notes on the Revised statutes of the United States and the subsequent legislation of congress. Boston. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. xvi., 1062. 5383.15; also AH.; LS. Goury du Roslan, J. Essai sur l'histoire économique de l'Espagne. Paris. [1888.] 8°. VI. 5262 Green, Sanford Moon. Crime; its nature, causes, treatment, and prevention. Philadelphia. 1889. 8. Port. VI. 5387 Privileged Hageman, John Frelinghuysen. communications as a branch of legal evidence. Somerville, N. J. 1889. 8. LS. Hall, Edward Winslow. The teacher and the library. A paper read before the Maine pedagogical society, at Auburn, Me., Dec. 28, 1888. N. P. [1889.] 8. pp. 11. VI. 5251 "From the Annual report of the state superintendent of schools, 1888." Hannak, Emanuel (Franz Adam). The training of teachers in Austria. [Translated from the German, with an introduction, by E. D. Shimer.] New York, etc. 1889. 8°. pp. 26. (EDUCATIONAL monographs, ii. 3.) VI. 4816.2 Hobbes, Thomas. The elements of law, natural and politic; edited, with a preface and critical notes, by Ferdinand Tönnies. To which are subjoined selected extracts from unprinted мss. of Thomas Hobbes. London. 1889. 8. Diagrs. LS. Hodges, Sir William. A treatise on the law of railways, railway companies, and railway investments. 7th ed., by J. M. Lely. 2 vol. London, etc. 1888-89. 1. 8°. LS. [Horton, Samuel Dana.] The parity of moneys as regarded by Adam Smith, Ricardo, and Mill. An open letter, answering a question of a member of the royal commission on gold and silver. By Amicus Curiae. London. 1888. 8. pp. 31. VI. 5390 Japan. [The constitution of Japan; with the laws appertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the imperial palace, Feb. 11th, 1889. Official translation.] 9 pt. in 1 vol. [Tokio? 1889.] fo *I. 2348 Only 200 copies printed. Contents: [i.] Imperial oath at the sanctuary of the imperial palace.[ii.] Imperial speech on the promulgation of the constitution. - [iii.] The constitution of the empire of Japan. [iv.] Imperial ordinance concerning the house of peers.[v.] Law of the houses. - [vi.] Law of election for the members of the house of representatives. [vii.] Appendix of the Law of election. [viii.] The law of finance. [ix.] The imperial house law. The same. 7 pt. in 1 vol. [New York, etc. 1889.] 8°. I. 2498 The " Imperial oath" and "Imperial house law" are wanting in this copy. Japan. The constitution of Japan; with the laws appertaining thereto, and the imperial oath and speech. Promulgated at the imperial palace, Feb. 11th, 1889. Official translation. Yokohama, I. 2499 etc. [1889.] 8. pp. (2), 44. This does not contain the "Imperial house law." Japan. The constitution of the empire of Japan; with the speeches addressed to students of political science in the Johns Hopkins university, Baltimore, April 17, 1889. [Baltimore. 1889.] 8. pp. 47. (2 cop.) I. 2500; I. 2501 Jenks, Jeremiah Whipple. Road legislation for the American state. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8°. pp. 83. Tables. (AMER. ECON. ASSOC. Publ. iv. 3.) 2 cop. VI. 2654.4; VI. 4075; also SQ. Jones, Charles Edgeworth. Education in Georgia. Washington. 1889. 8. Plates. (UNITED STATES Bureau of education. Circular of information, 1888, no. 4.) 3 cop. 1.2796; VI. 5241; 12342.18 "Contributions to American educational history, edited by H. B. Adams, no. 5." Jones, Leonard Augustus. A treatise on the law of mortgages on personal property. 3d ed., revised and enlarged. Boston, etc. 1888. 8°. pp. xvi., 804. LS. Jones, Leonard Augustus. A treatise on the law of mortgages of real property. 4th ed. 2 vol. Boston, etc. 1889. 8. LS. Keener, William Albert. A selection of cases on the law of quasi-contracts. 2 vol. Cambridge. 1888-89. 1. 8°. LS. Keferstein, Horst. Die ueberfüllung der höheren berufsarten. Wie erklärt sich dieselbe und wie lässt sich ihr steuern? Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 40. (DEUTSCHE Zeit- und streit-fragen; neue folge, iv. 53.) VIII. 7a (IV) Klemm, Louis Richard. European schools, or What I saw in the schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. Wdcts. (INTERNAT. education series, 12.) VI. 5244 Köbner, Otto. Die methode der letzten französischen bodenbewertung; ein beitrag zum katasterproblem. Jena. 1889. 8. pp. (8), 77+. (STAATSWISSENSCHAFTLICHE studien, iii. 2.) VI. 5112 Kupka, P. F. Die eisenbahnen ÖsterreichUngarns, 1822-1867. Leipzig. 1888. 8o. VI. 5346 "Privately printed. 160 copies. No. 150." Macnamara, Walter Henry. A digest of the law of carriers of goods and passengers by land and internal navigation. London. 1888. 1. 8o. LS. pp. xxxii., 580. Marchant, W. T., compiler. In praise of ale; or, Songs, ballads, epigrams, & anecdotes relating to beer, malt, and hops, with some curious particulars concerning ale-wives and brewers, drinkingclubs and customs. London. 1888. 8°. pp. viii., 632. 25254.22 Massachusetts Insurance commissioner. (1889.) The Massachusetts law concerning the investigation of fires, with something of its history and operations. [By G. S. Merrill.] Published by the insurance department. Boston. 1889. pp. 45. 8. VI. 5389 Mayne, John Dawson. A treatise on Hindu law and usage. 4th ed., revised and enlarged. Madras, etc. 1888. 8. pp. lviii., 782. LS. Meriwether, Colyer. History of higher education in South Carolina, with a sketch of the free school system. Washington. 1889. 8°. Plates. (UNITED STATES - Bureau of education. Circular of information, 1888, no. 3.) 3 cop. 1.2796; VI. 5240; 12354.26 "Contributions to American educational history, edited by H. B. Adams, no. 4." 66 Bibliography," pp. 193-198. LS. has the 2d edition of Hall's Essay, of which this is the 3d. Moses, Bernard. The federal government of Switzerland; an essay on the constitution. Oakland, Cal., etc. 1889. 8. 15573.26 Moynier, Gustave. Les causes du succès de la Croix-Rouge. Paris. 1888. 8°. pp. 22. VI. 5242 "Extrait du Compte rendu des séances et travaux de l'académie des sciences morales et politiques." Munro, Joseph Edwin Crawford. The constitution of Canada. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1889. 8°. 4374.11.2 Nelson, Horace (Bertram). Selected cases, statutes, and orders, illustrative of the principles of private international law as administered in England; with a commentary. London. 1889. Neville, Ralph, and others. A collection of the cases decided under the 2d sect. of the railway and canal traffic act, 1854, and reports of cases decided under the regulation of railways act, 1873. By R. Neville and W. H. Macnamara. Vol. i.; - Reports of cases under the regulation of railways act, 1873, and the board of trade arbitrations act, 1874. Vol. ii., iii.;- Reports of cases decided by the railway commissioners, with a digest of cases on railway traffic. By J. H. B. Browne and W. H. Macnamara. Vol. iv., V.;. With the railway & canal traffic acts, 1873 & 1888. Vol. vi. 6 vol. London. 1874-89. 8. LS. - 8o. Nisbet, J. F. Marriage and heredity; a view of psychological evolution. London. 1889. sm. III. 5575 Noël, Octave. Les chemins de fer en France et à l'étranger; étude financière et statistique. Paris, etc. 1887. 16o. Table. VI. 5272 "Ouvrages consultés," pp. xii.-xiv. Oldham, Arthur, and Foster, Arthur LaTrobe. The law of distress, with an appendix of forms, London. table of statutes, &c. 2d ed. 1889. 8° LS. Ontario (Province of) - Legislature. The revised statutes, 1887; being a consolidation of the Revised statutes, 1877, with the subsequent public general acts of the legislature. 2 vol. (paged contin.). Toronto. 1887. 8. pp. lx. + xvi., 2784, cxvii. LS. Palmer, Alonzo Benjamin. The temperance teachings of science; intended for the general public and especially for young people. Introduction by Mary A. Livermore. Boston. [1886.] 16o. SQ. Parsons, James, prof. of law at the univ. of Penn. An exposition of the principles of partnership. Boston. 1889. 8°. pp. lxxxviii., 709. LS. Patten, Simon Nelson. Malthus and Ricardo. [With] The study of statistics, by D. R. Dewey, [and] Analysis in political economy, by W. W. Folwell. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8°. pp. 69. (AMER. ECON. ASSOC. Publ. iv. 5.) VI. 2654.4 Pfizer, -, landgerichtsrath in Ulm. Was erwartet Deutschland von dem bürgerlichen gesetzbuch? Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 46. (DEUTSCHE zeit- und streit-fragen; neue folge, iv. 55.) VIII. 7a (IV) Pigeonneau, Henri. Histoire du commerce de la France. Tom. i., ii. 2 tom. Paris. 1887-89. 8. Map and wdcts. VI. 5243 Contents:i. Depuis les origines jusqu'à la fin du xve siècle. 2e éd. 1887. ii. Le XVIe siècle. Henri IV. Richelieu. 1889. Pollock, Frederick. The land laws. 2d ed. London, etc. 1887. 8°. (The ENGLISH citizen, 10.) 1443.37 Pollock, Frederick, and Wright, Robert Samuel. An essay on possession in the common law. Pts. i. and ii. by Frederick Pollock, pt. iii. by R. S. Wright. Oxford. 1888. 8. LS. Potts, Thomas Radford. Principles of the law of succession to deceased persons. London. 1888. 8. LS. Quincy, Josiah Phillips. Double taxation in Massachusetts; its injustice as between towns and as between citizens; its abolition the first step towards an equitable assessment of wealth. Boston, etc. 1889. 12o. pp. 24. VI. 5319, also PE. Read, David Breakenridge. The lives of the judges of Upper Canada and Ontario, from 1791 to the present time. Toronto. 1888. Port. of William Osgoode. LS. 8. Red Cross alliance. Mémorial des vingt-cinq premières années de la Croix-Rouge, 1863-1888. Publié par le comité international à Genève. [Genève. 1888.] 1. 8°. VII. 2294 Richards, Mrs. Ellen Henrietta (SWALLOW). Domestic economy as a factor in public education. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. pp. 30. (EDUCATIONAL monographs, ii. 4.) VI. 4816.2 Ryan, Daniel J. Arbitration between capital and labor; a history and an argument. Columbús, O. 1885. 8o SQ. Saredo, Giuseppe, compiler. Codice del diritto pubblico ecclesiastico del regno d'Italia. Raccolta di tutte le leggi, decreti, rescritti, istruzioni ministeriali, ed altre disposizioni degli antichi stati, riflettenti la legislazione vigente in Italia sull'amministrazione dell' asse ecclesiastico, case monastiche, enti morali ecclesiastici, ecc. Pt. i.-iii. 3 pt. Torino, etc. 1887-88. 16. (COLLEZIONE dei codici tascabili, 16-18.) III. 5573 Scaife, Walter Bell. Law and history. [Baltimore. 1889.] 8°. pp. 18. (JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Notes supplementary to the Studies in historical and political science, 8.) 15395.32 Scottish law review (The), and Sheriff court reports. Vol. i.-iv. 1885-1888. m. 4 vol. Glasgow. 1885-88. 1. 8°. To be continued. LS. Seijas, Rafael Fernando. El derecho internacional hispano-americano, público y privado. Obra publicada bajo los auspicios del general Joaquín Crespo, presidente constitucional de los estados unidos de Venezuela. Tom. i.-vi. 6 tom. Caracas. 1884-85. 8°. VI. 5311 Shiras, Oliver P. Equity practice in the United States circuit courts; a compilation of the provisions governing the same, as found in the statutes of the United States, rules in equity, and decisions of the supreme court. Chicago. 1889. sm. 8°. LS. Sluys, Alexis. Manual training in elementary schools for boys. [Translated from the French.] 2 pt. in 1 vol. (paged contin.). New York. 1889. 8. pp. 86. (MONOGRAPHS of the industrial education association, ii. 1, 2.) VI. 4816.2 VI. 5271 Another copy of pt. ii. Smith, Henry Arthur (b. 1848). A practical exposition of the principles of equity, illustrated by the leading decisions thereon. 2d ed. London. 1888. 8. pp. lvi., 832. LS. List of [Smith, Jeremiah, of Dover, N. H.] cases selected from the New Hampshire reports for the use of law students. Concord. 1889. 8°. pp. 45. LS. Snyder, William Lamartine. The geography of marriage; or, Legal perplexities of wedlock in the United States. New York, etc. 1889. 8o. SQ. Steinitz, William. The modern chess instructor. Pt. i. New York, etc. 1889. 1. 8°. Wdets. VII. 2300 A digest of Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames. the law of evidence as established in the United States. Adapted from [his] English work, with references to decisions of the federal and state courts, by William Reynolds. 2d ed., revised from the 5th ed. of Stephen. Chicago, Ill. 1888. sm. 8°. LS. The Anglo-Indian codes. 2 vol. Oxford. 1887-88. 8. LS. Contents:i. Substantive law. Stokes, Whitley. 1888. 1887. ii. Adjective law. Studd, Edward Fairfax. The law of tithes and tithe rent-charge; being a treatise on the law of tithe rent-charge, with a sketch of the history and law of tithes prior to the commutation acts. London. 1889. 12°. LS. Suffolk county, Mass. Bar. (1889.) Meeting of the Suffolk bar, held at Boston, June 7, 1889, in memory of Peleg Whitman Chandler. [Boston. 1889.] 8°. pp. 30. 17342.15, also LS. Taché, Louis H. A legal hand-book and lawlist for the Dominion of Canada, and a book of parliamentary and general information. Toronto. 1888. 8. LS. Tyssen, Amherst Daniel. The law of charitable bequests; with an account of the mortmain and charitable uses act, 1888. London. 1888. 8°. pp. xxvi., 622. LS. Underhill, Arthur. A supplement to Underhill's Practical and concise manual of the law relating to private trusts and trustees; containing the trustee act, 1888, with explanatory notes. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. pp. 43+. LS. United States Bureau of statistics. (1889.) Tables showing arrivals of alien passengers and immigrants in the United States from 1820 to 1888. Washington. 1889. 8. Chart. VI. 5257 United States-Commissioner of labor. (1889.) A report on marriage and divorce in the United States, 1867 to 1886; including an appendix relating to marriage and divorce in certain countries in Europe. By C. D. Wright. Washington. 1889. 8°. pp. 1074. VI. 5350, also SQ. United States Congress, 50th, 1st sess. (1887-88.) House. Testimony taken by the select committee of the house to inquire into the alleged violation of the laws prohibiting the importation of contract laborers, paupers, convicts, and other classes. Washington. 1888. 8°. pp. 799. Tables. (Mis. doc. no. 572.) VI. 5303 United States-Congress, 50th, 2d sess. (188889.) House. Trusts. Report [of the committee on manufactures, submitting testimony in relation to the whiskey trust and the combination affecting the article of cotton bagging; submitted by Mr. Bacon. With the views of the minority, submitted by Mr. Buchanan. March 2, 1889.] 2 pt. in 1 vol. [Washington. 1889.] 8°. (Report no. 4165.) VI. 5302 United States - Department of state. (1888.) Reports of diplomatic and consular officers concerning emigration from Europe to the United States, made in response to certain inquiries propounded to them through the department of state by the select committee of the house to inquire into the immigration of paupers, convicts, contract laborers, and other classes. Washington. 1889. (50th cong., 1st sess. House. Mis. doc. 572, VI. 5303 8. pt. 2.) United States-Treasury department. (1889.) Letter [dated Jan. 18, 1889] transmitting information relative to the sugar frauds [being the special report of frauds in sugar at New York and Philadelphia, by special employé T. A. Byrne. Washington. 1889.] 8°. (50th cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 77.) VI. 5304 United States-Treasury department. (1889.) Letter [dated Feb. 28, 1889] relative to undervaluations and frauds in the collection of the revenues [in the cases of sugar, woolen and worsted goods, and Sumatra tobacco. Washington. 1889.] 8. Fac-sims. (50th cong., 2d sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 142.) VI. 5301 Vanderkindere, Léon. L'université de Bruxelles. [1834-1884.] Notice historique faite à la demande du conseil d'administration. Bruxelles. 1884. 1. 8°. B 42.19 Verein für socialpolitik. Die deutsche hausindustrie. 3 bde. in 1. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. (In its Schriften, 39-41.) VI. 5148 Contents:i. Litteratur, heutige zustände und entstehung der deutschen hausindustrie; von Wilhelm Stieda. - ii. Die hausindustrie im nördlichen Thüringen; berichte von II. Lehmann, Gau, und Neubert.iii. Berichte aus der hausindustrie im südwestlichen Deutschland; von Graf von Armansperg, Dr. Neuburg, Muth, Hubbuch, Schott, Möser, und Schlossmacher. Vincent, René, and Pénaud, Édouard. Dictionnaire de droit international privé; législation, doctrine, jurisprudence françaises. Paris. 1. 8. pp. xxvi., (2), 951. "Bibliographie générale," pp. v.-xxv. 1888. VI. 5315 Revue de l'année 1888, suivie d'une table chronologique; par René Vincent. Paris. 1889. 1. 8°. VI. 5315 Wagner, Hermann, of Bielefeld, Germ. Illustriertes spielbuch für knaben: planmässig geordnete sammlung zahlreicher anregender belustigungen, spiele, und beschäftigungen, für körper und geist, im freien und im zimmer. 9e verbesserte aufl. Leipzig, etc. 1888. 8°. Front., plates, and wdcts. VII. 2328 Wait, Frederick Scott. A practical treatise on insolvent corporations, including the liquidation, re-organization, forfeiture, dissolution, and winding-up of corporations. New York. 1888. 8°. pp. xlviii., 711. LS. Wallace, John William. A century of beneficence: 1769-1869. Historical sketch of the corporation for the relief of the widows and children of clergymen in the communion of the protestant episcopal church, in Pennsylvania; and of the colonial and revolutionary corporation which preceded it. Philadelphia, 1870. Reprinted, with additions. Philadelphia. 1889. 8. VI. 5275 Walras, Léon. Éléments d'économie politique pure, ou Théorie de la richesse sociale. 2e éd., revue, corrigée, et augmentée. 1889. 8°. Plates. Lausanne, etc. VI. 5313 Ward, Cyrenus Osborne. A history of the ancient working people, from the earliest known period to the adoption of Christianity by Constantine. Washington, D.C. 1889. 8. VI. 5361 With the half-title, "The ancient lowly." "Sources of information," pp. xv.-xxii. Washington life insurance company, New York. Historical, actuarial, and medical statistics. New York. 1889. 1. 8°. Plates. VI. 5268 Webb, Sidney (James). Socialism in England. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8°. ASSOC. Publ. iv. 2.) pp. 73. (AMER. ECON. VI. 2654.4, also SQ. White, James Cathcart. Reports of cases before the high court and circuit courts of justiciary in Scotland, from 24th Dec., 1885 to 20th March, 1888. Vol. i. Edinburgh. 1888. 1. 8° LS. Whiton, James Morris. The reaction of ethics upon economics. An address in Battell chapel, Yale college, before the class of 1853, June 26, 1888, the 35th anniversary of their graduation. [New York? 1888 ?] 8°. pp. 30. VI. 5332 Wieser, Friedrich von. Der natürliche werth. Wien. 1889. 8. VI. 5352 Wigmore, John Henry. The Australian ballot system as embodied in the legislation of various countries. With an historical introduction, and an appendix of decisions since 1856 in Great Britain, Ireland, Canada, and Australia. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Boston. 1889. 8 Wdet. VI. 4098 Pasted on the fly-leaf is a "sample ballot, with explanations, prepared by the ballot act league." Wiltsie, Charles Hastings. A treatise on the law and practice of foreclosing mortgages on real property, and of remedies collateral thereto. With forms. A new work, superseding the author's original monograph. Rochester, N. Y. 1889. 8. pp. xii., 1154. LS. Wood, Horace Gay. A treatise on the law of landlord and tenant, with notes and references. 2d ed. 2 vol. (paged contin.). New York, etc. 1888. 8. pp. viii., 1611. LS. Wood, Stuart, and Clark, John Bates. Contributions to the wages question. 1. Theory of wages, by Stuart Wood. 2. Possibility of a scientific law of wages, by J. B. Clark. [Baltimore.] 1889. 8. pp. (2), 69. (AMER. ECON. ASSOC. Publ. iv. 1.) VI. 2654.4 Woodfall, William, barrister. Law of land lord and tenant; with a full collection of precedents and forms of procedure, containing also a collection of leading propositions. 14th ed., by J. M. Lely. London. 1889. 1. 8°. pp. lxxxvi., 1110. LS. Zuckerkandl, Robert. Zur theorie des preises, mit besonderer berücksichtigung der geschichtlichen entwicklung der lehre. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. VI. 5353 |