Allin, Thomas. Universalism asserted as the hope of the Gospel, on the authority of reason, the fathers, and Holy Scripture. 4th ed., enlarged and revised. With a preface by Edna Lyall, and a letter from Canon Wilberforce. London. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6476 Augustinus, Aurelius, Saint, bp. of Hippo. De utilitate credendi. - De duabus animabus. Contra Fortunatum. - Contra Adimantum. Contra epistulam fundamenti. - Contra Faustum. Recensuit Josephus Zycha. Vindobonae, etc. 1891. 8. pp. (3), 797. (CORPUS scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, 25.) 1224.117 Bahlow, Ferdinand. Luthers stellung zur philosophie. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Berlin. 1891. 8. pp. (4), 60. III. 6461 Baldwin, James Mark. Handbook of psychology; feeling and will. New York. 1891. 8. Wdcts. III. 6521, also Philos. Barton, George Aaron. Tiamat. N. P. [1890.] 8°. pp. 27. Sem. 863 Journal of the American oriental society, 1890; xv. 1-27. "Tiamat is in Assyrian the name both of the personified sea and of a female mythical sea-monster." Bellermann, Gustav. Beweis aus der neueren raumtheorie für die realität von zeit und raum, und für das dasein Gottes. Berlin. 1889. 4. pp. 30. Plate. III. 6395 "Wissensch. beilage zum progr. d. königstädt. realgym. 1889, nr. 95." Bender, Hedwig. Märtyrer des freien denkens aus alter und neuerer zeit; [Mani, Hypatia, Arnaldo da Brescia, and Petrus Ramus]. Hamburg. 1891. 8°. pp. 40. (SAMML. gemeinv. wiss. vorträge; neue folge, vi. 132.) VIII. 175a (vi) Bernhard, Johannes. Die versuchung unseres Herrn Jesu Christi; eine biblisch-theologische untersuchung. Lübeck. 1890. 8°. pp. vii., 60. (In his Biblisch-theologische untersuchungen, 1.) DS. Bible. Old Test. Heb. (1709.) Biblia hebraica cum optimis impressis & manuscriptis codicibus in & extra Germaniam per plurimos annos labore & diligentiâ collata, & juxta Masoram, Or thora, Schaar hanneginoth, aliaque hebræorum principia critica examinata, emendata, & recensita, notis instructa, studiô & operâ Henrici Opitii. Kiloni. 1709. 4. ff. (15), 738, (2). Engr. titlepage. DS. Bible. Pentateuch. Samaritan. (1872-91.) Pentateuchus samaritanus; ad fidem librorum manuscriptorum apud nablusianos repertorum edidit et varias lectiones adscripsit H. Petermann. 5 fasc. in 1 vol. (paged contin.). Berolini. 18728. Sem. 213 Contents:-i. Genesis. 1872.-ii. Exodus. 1882.-iii. Leviticus, quem curavit C. Vollers. 1883. iv. Numeri, ex recensione Caroli Vollers. 1885. v. Deuteronomium, ex recensione Caroli Vollers. 1891. 91. Bible. Psalms. Eng. (1891.) The earliest complete English prose Psalter, with eleven canticles, and a translation of the Athanasian creed; edited from the only two MSS. in the libraries of the British museum and of Trinity college, Dublin, with preface, introduction, notes, and glossary, by K. D. Bülbring. Pt. i. London. 1891. 8. (EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ.] 97.) Contents:-i. Preface and text. Eng. Lit. 1618 Bible. Pseudep. Baruch, or Paralipomena Jeremiae. The rest of the words of Baruch; a Christian apocalypse of the year 136 A.D. The text revised, with an introduction, by J. R. Harris. Gr. London. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 64. III. 6421 Bixby, James Thompson. The crisis in morals; an examination of rational ethics in the light of modern science. Boston. 1891. sm. 8o. III. 6451 Bliss, Edwin Munsell, editor. The encyclopædia of missions, descriptive, historical, biographical, statistical. With a complete bibliography, and lists of Bible versions, missionary societies [and] mission stations. 2 vol. New York, etc. 1891. 1. 8. Maps. DS. Boissier, (Marie Louis Antoine) Gaston. La fin du paganisme; étude sur les dernières luttes religieuses en Occident au quatrième siècle. 2 tom. Paris. 1891. 8. III. 6456 Brom, Gisbert, editor. Bullarium trajectense. Romanorum pontificum diplomata quotquot olim usque ad Urbanum papam VI. (an. 1378) in veterem episcopatum trajectensem destinata reperiuntur; collegit et auspiciis societatis historicae rheno-trajectinae edidit. Vol. i. [fasc. 1]. HagaComitis. 1891. fo III. 6438 Brütt, Maximilian. Der positivismus, nach seiner ursprünglichen fassung dargestellt und beurteilt. [Hamburg. 1889.] 4°. pp. (2), 61. III. 6404 "1889, nr. 690." Briefe, abhand Progr. d. realgym. d. Johanneums. Caspari, Karl Paul, editor. lungen, und predigten aus den zwei letzten jahrhunderten des kirchlichen alterthums und dem anfang des mittelalters; theils zum ersten, theils zum zweiten male herausgegeben, und mit anmerkungen und abhandlungen begleitet. Lat. Christiania. 1890. 8. III. 6434 "Universitätsprogramm.' Published as a continuation of his "Kirchenhistorische anecdota." Clair, Charles. La vie de saint Ignace de Loyola; d'après Pierre Ribadeneira, son premier historien. Paris. 1891. 1. 8°. Front., plates, wdcts., etc. III. 6457 "Historiens de saint Ignace," pp. 447-449. Clarke, James Freeman. Deacon Herbert's Bible-class. Boston. 1890. 24. DS. "First written as a series of papers, and printed in the Christian inquirer." Clark, Thomas March, bp. of Rhode Island. A memorial sermon on the life and character of Benjamin Henry Paddock, late bishop of Massachusetts, preached in Boston, on the 29th of April, 1891. Boston. 1891. 1. 8°. pp. 31. 17371.3 Clemen, Karl. Die religionsphilosophische bedeutung des stoisch-christlichen eudämonismus in Justins Apologie. Studien und vorarbeiten. Leipzig. 1890. 8. III. 6468 Compain, Luc. Étude sur Geoffroi de Vendôme. Paris. 1891. 1. 8°. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE de l'école des hautes études, 86.) III. 6379 Biographical notice by G. Monod, pp. vii.-x. - "Notice bibliographique," pp. xi.-xvi. Cone, Orello. Gospel-criticism and historical Christianity; a study of the gospels and of the history of the gospel-canon during the second century, with a consideration of the results of modern criticism. New York, etc. 1891. 8° DS. Cust, Robert Needham. Africa rediviva; or, The occupation of Africa by Christian missionaries of Europe and North America. London. 1891. sm. 4°. Front. and maps. III. 6487 "Books of reference," pp. 115-118. Cust, Robert Needham. L'occupation de l'Afrique par les missionnaires chrétiens de l'Europe et de l'Amérique du Nord. Genève. 1891. 8. pp. 52. III. 6463 Cuthbert, Saint, bp. of Landisfarne and Durham. The life of St. Cuthbert in English verse, c. A.D. 1450. From the original мs. in the library at castle Howard [edited by J. T. Fowler]. Durham, etc. 1891. 8°. Front. (SURTEES SOCIETY. Publ. 87.) Eng. Lit. 985 Cuvier, Louis. Catéchisme évangélique, ou Instruction chrétienne, à l'usage des familles et des écoles de religion. Paris, etc. 1890. sm. 8°. III. 6454 Daniell, George William. Bishop Wilberforce. Boston, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. Port. of Wilberforce. VII. 2673 Denver, Col. — First unitarian society. Twentieth anniversary of the society, May 31, 1891. Denver, Colo. 1891. 8. pp. 34. DS. Dewey, John. Outlines of a critical theory of ethics. Ann Arbor, Mich. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6485 Dillingham, John Hoag. The society of friends in Barnstable county, Mass. New York. 1891. 1. 8°. pp. (2), 39. Plates, portrs., and III. 6472 wdct. Reprinted from Deyo's History of Barnstable county, Mass. Döllinger, (Johann Joseph) Ignaz voN. Briefe und erklärungen über die vaticanischen decrete, 1869-1887. [Edited by F. H. Reusch.] München. 1890. sm. 8°. III. 6510 Dorchester, Mass. - First church. Records of the first church at Dorchester in New England, 1636-1734. Boston, Mass. 1891. 8. 10334.1 Dotterer, Henry S. Rev. John Philip Bohm. Prepared for the sesqui-centennial anniversary of Boehm's reformed church, in Whitpain township, Montgomery county, Penn., held Sept. 11, 1890. Philadelphia. 1890. 8°. pp. (2), 27. III. 6413 Driver, Samuel Rolles. An introduction to the literature of the Old Testament. New York. 1891. 8. (INTERNATIONAL theological library, 1.) III. 6547, also DS., SL. Dunbar, Newell. Phillips Brooks, bishop of Massachusetts. Boston. [1891.] sm. 8°. Front., port. of Bishop Brooks, plates, and wdcts. 17336.58.2 Science and Eddy, Mrs. Mary Baker GLOVER. health, with key to the Scriptures. 61st ed., revised. Boston. 1891. 8. pp. xii., 651. III. 6484 Emerson, Ellen Russell. Masks, heads, and faces; with some considerations respecting the rise and development of art. Boston, etc. 1891. 8. Wdets. II. 3037 England, Church of. The Leofric missal as used in the cathedral of Exeter during the episcopate of its first bishop A.D. 1050-1072; with some account of the Red book of Derby, the Missal of Robert of Jumièges, and a few other early manuscript service books of the English church. Edited, with introduction and notes, by F. E. Warren. Lat. Oxford. 1883. 4o. Front. and fac-sims. III. 6482 Erbes, Karl. Die Offenbarung Johannis kritisch untersucht. Gotha. 1891. 8°. DS. Erhardt, Franz. Der satz vom grunde als prinzip des schliessens. [Habilitationsschrift], Jena. Halle a. S. 1891. 8°. pp. 56. III. 6459 "Separatabdruck aus der Zeitschrift für philosophie und philosophische kritik." Expository times (The); edited by J. Hastings. Vol. i.. ii. Oct. 1889-Sept. 1891. m. 2 vol. 1. 12o. Edinburgh. 1889-91. DS. To be continued. Faustus, Saint, bp. of Riez. Fausti Reiensis praeter sermones pseudo-eusebianos opera; accedunt Ruricii Epistulae. Recensuit, commentario critico instruxit, prolegomena et indices adjecit Augustus Engelbrecht. 1891. Vindobonae, etc. 8. (CORPUS Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum, 21.) 1224.117 Fiske, John (b. 1842). Darwinism, and other essays. New [6th] ed., revised and enlarged. Boston, etc. 1890 [cop. 1885]. 8°. VII. 848.2 Contents:- Darwinism verified. - Mr. Mivart on Darwinism.-Dr. Bateman on Darwinism. - Dr. Büchner on Darwinism. A crumb from the "Modern symposium.". Chauncey Wright. What is inspiration? - Modern witchcraft.-Comte's Positive philosophy.-Mr. Buckle's fallacies. Postscript on Mr. Buckle. The races of the Danube. Liberal education.-University reform.-A librarian's work. Flournoy, Théodore. Métaphysique et psychologie. Genève. 1890. 8. III. 6448 Fraser, Alexander Campbell. Locke. Edinburgh, etc. 1890. 16°. Port. of Locke. (KNIGHT, William, editor. Philosophical classics for English readers, 15.) III. 6437 The same. Philadelphia, etc. 1890. 16o. Port. of Locke. (Ditto.) DS. Führer, Joseph. Ein beitrag zur lösung der Felicitas-frage. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. III. 6330 Gedeon, Manouel I. Πατριαρχικοί πίνακες. Εἰδήσεις ἱστορικαὶ βιογραφικαὶ περὶ τῶν πατριαρχῶν Κωνσταντινουπόλεως ἀπὸ ̓Ανδρέου τοῦ πρωτοκλήτου μέχρις Ἰωακεὶμ Γ' τοῦ ἀπὸ Θεσσαλονίκης. 36-1884. Ἐν Κωνσταντινουπόλει. [1890?] 8°. pp. 720. Portrs. DS. Gilman, Nicholas Paine. Conduct as a fine art. The laws of daily conduct; by N. P. Gilman. Character building; by E. P. Jackson. Boston, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6452 Giraldus Cambrensis, properly Giraldus DE BARRI, called Silvester. Opera. Vol. i.-iv. Edited by J. S. Brewer; - Vol. v.-vii. By J. F. Dimock; - Vol. viii. By G. F. Warner. 8 vol. London. 1861-91. 1. 8. (CHRONICLES and memorials of Gr. Brit. and Ireland during the middle ages, 21.) Brit. Hist. 720 Contents:-i. De rebus a se gestis, libri iii. - Invectionum libellus. Symbolum electorum. 1861. ii. Gemma ecclesiastica. 1862. iii. De invectionibus, lib. iv. - De menevensi ecclesia dialogus. Vita S. David. 1863. iv. Speculum ecclesiæ. De vita Galfridi archiepiscopi eboracensis: sive Certamina Galfridi eboracensis archiepiscopi. 1873. v. Topographia hibernica, et Expugnatio hibernica. 1867. vi. Itinerarium Kambria, et Descriptio Kambriæ. 1868. vii. Vita S. Remigii, et Vita S. Hugonis. [With appendices containing Schalby's Lives of bishops of Lincoln, and other articles.] 1877. viii. De principis instructione liber.-Index to vols. i.-iv. and viii. 1891. Graf, Karl Heinrich. Der prophet Jeremia erklärt. Leipzig. 1862. 8°. pp. lvii., 632. DS. Grimm, (Karl Ludwig) Wilibald. Kurzgefasste geschichte der lutherischen Bibelübersetzung bis zur gegenwart, mit berücksichtigung der vorlutherischen deutschen Bibel und der in der reformirten Schweiz gebrauchten deutschen Bibeln. Eine denk- und dankschrift zur vierhundertjährigen jubelfeier der geburt Luthers. Jena. 1884. 8. pp. viii., 86. DS. Grünwald, Moritz. Ueber den einfluss der Psalmen auf die entstehung der katholischen liturgie, mit steter rücksichtnahme auf die talmudischmidraschische literatur. i.-iii. heft. 3 hefte. Frankfurt a. Main. 1890-91. 8°. III. 6382.2 Hartford seminary record (The); issued under the auspices of the faculty of Hartford theological seminary. Vol. i. Oct. 1890, to Aug. 1891. bi-m. Hartford, Conn. 1891 ['90-91]. 8". To be continued. IX. 163, also DS. Hedge, Frederic Henry. Sermons. Boston. 1891. 8o. "Städtisches evangelisches gym. zu St. Elisabet. Wissensch. beilage zum osterprogr. 1889, no. 164." Löhr, Die Offenbarung Johannis; ein beitrag zu ihrer kritik und erklärung. Leipzig. 1890. 8. pp. (2), 85. DS. Lyon, Roger Henry. Memorial address at the laying of the corner stone of the first baptist church in the city of New York, September 25th, 1891. [New York? 1891.] 8°. pp. 37. III. 6431 Mähly, Jakob (Achilles). Die sonnenhelden der mythologie. — Sophokleïsches. [Basel. 1889.] 4. pp. 44. III. 6496 Einladungs-schr. z. feier d. 300 jähr. bestandes d. gym. Basel, 26-27 sept., 1889, pp. 1-44. Sophokleïsches" [notes on the Antigone and Electra], pp. 22-44. DS. 8. Das Hippolytus, bp. of Portus Romanus. neu entdeckte vierte buch des Daniel-kommentars. Nach dem originaltext des entdeckers B. Georgiades zum ersten male vollständig herausgegeben von Eduard Bratke. Gr. Bonn. 1891. 8°. pp. x., 50. DS. Horder, William Garrett. The hymn lover; an account of the rise and growth of English hymnody. London. [1889.] DS. sm. 8 Hyvernat, Henri, editor. Les actes des martyrs de l'Égypte, tirés des manuscrits coptes de la bibliothèque vaticane et du musée Borgia. Texte copte et traduction française, avec introduction et commentaires. Vol. i. Paris, etc. 1886-87. fo III. 6460 Ireland, Church of. Church hymnal; set to appropriate tunes under the musical editorship of Sir R. P. Stewart. 5th ed. Dublin. 1889. 4o. Justinus Martyr. Apologieen; herausgegeben von G. Krüger. Gr. Freiburg i. B. 1891. 8%. pp. (2), x., 84. (KRÜGER, Gustav, editor. Sammlung ausgewählter kirchen- und dogmengeschichtlicher quellenschriften, 1.) DS. Keil, (Johann) Karl Friedrich. Commentar über die briefe des Petrus und Judas. Leipzig. 1883. 8° DS. Kessler, Ronald. Praktische philosophie. Leipzig. [1891.] 89. III. 6471 Knight, William. The philosophy of the beautiful; being outlines of the history of æsthetics. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. (UNIVERSITY extension manuals.) II. 3039 Krauss, Alfred (Eduard). Lehrbuch der praktischen theologie. jer bd. Freiburg i. B. 1890. 8. (SAMMLUNG theologischer lehrbücher.) DS. Contents:i. Allgemeine einleitung. - Liturgik. — Homi letik. Le Couteulx, Charles. Annales ordinis cartusiensis ab anno 1084 ad annum 1429; nunc primum a monachis ejusdem ordinis in lucem editi. 8 vol. Monstrolii. 1887-91. 4°. III. 4632 pp. (56). "List of authorities," p. (5). These glossaries appeared in an abridged form, one in the "Teacher's Bible," the other in the "Teacher's Prayer-book." Meyer, Louis. Lettres, fragments de sermons, Paris. [1890.] et notes sur divers sujets. 4o éd. 18. III. 6458 Momerie, Alfred Williams. The corruption of the church; an oration delivered at the Prince's hall on May 25th and July 4th, 1891. [3d ed.] London. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. x., 50. Port. III. 6512 A criticism of the fundamental doctrines of orthodoxy. Biography of Momerie," pp. iii.-vi. Munger, Theodore Thornton. On the threshold; [lectures to young men]. Revised and enlarged ed. Boston, etc. 1892 [181]. sm. 8°. III. 6497 Contents: - Purpose. — Friends and companions. - Manners. Thrift. Self-reliance and courage. Health. Reading. Amusements. - Purity. - Faith. 1891. - Murphy, Robert Wilson. A key to the secret vault; a solution of man's origin, the philosophy of his present condition, and his future destiny. San Francisco. 1890. sm. 8°. Port. III. 6511 Murray, John Clark. An introduction to ethics. Paisley, etc. sm. 8°. III. 6483 [Mussard, Pierre.] Roma antiqua et recens; or, The conformity of ancient and modern ceremonies, showing from indisputable testimonies that the ceremonies of the church of Rome are borrowed from the pagans. French by James Du Pré.] edition of 1732. London. Neesima, Joseph Hardy. A. S. Hardy. and fac-sim. [Translated from the Reprinted from the 1889. 8. III. 6422 Life and letters; by 8. Portrs. VII. 2649 Geschichte der neujer bd. München. DS. 1891. Boston, etc. Nösgen, Karl Friedrich. testamentlichen offenbarung. 1891. 8. Contents:i. Geschichte Jesu Christi. Oxford, Arnold Whitaker. A short introduction to the history of ancient Israel. London. 1887. sm. 89. III. 6480 Panin, Ivan (Nikolaevitch). The structure of the Bible; a proof of the verbal inspiration of Scripture. Grafton, Mass. 1891. 8°. III. 6489 Paret, Friedrich. Priscillianus, ein reformator des vierten jahrhunderts; eine kirchengeschichtliche studie zugleich ein kommentar zu den erhaltenen schriften Priscillians. Würzburg. 1891. 8. DS. Peabody, Andrew Preston. Internal tokens of authorship in the fourth Gospel. [New York. 1891.] 8 pp. (21). III. 6425 From "The fourth Gospel; evidences external and internal of its Johannean authorship. Essays by Ezra Abbot, A. P. Peabody, and Bishop Lightfoot," pp. 109–127. Pfleiderer, Otto. Die entwicklung der protestantischen theologie in Deutschland seit Kant, und in Grossbritannien seit 1825. Freiburg i. B. 1891. 8o. III. 6486 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart (b. 1844). Austin Phelps; a memoir. New York. 1891. 8. Portrs. and plates. 17374.4 Philippi, Friedrich Adolf. Erklärung des Briefes Pauli an die galater. Aus dem handschriftlichen nachlass der akademischen vorlesungen, herausgegeben von Ferdinand Philippi. Gütersloh. 1884 8 DS. Pisani, P., l'abbé. La maison des carmes, 16101891. 1875. Paris. 16. pp. xii., 78+. Plan. III. 6450 Originally published in the Bulletin de l'institut catholique, 1890, 1891. Contents: The continuity of the schemes of nature and revelation. The analogy of intellectual progress to religious growth. The testimony of science to the continuity of the divine forethought for man. - Modern science and natural religion. Aspects of nature in relation to miracles and Providence.Scepticism and faith considered in their relations to the progress of the knowledge of nature. The slowness of the creative progress. Difliculties of belief.- The miracle in Joshua at the battle of Beth-horon. - The star of the Magi. The creation proem of Genesis. Quaresmius, Franciscus. et moralis Terræ Sanctæ elucidatio; in qua pleraque ad veterem et præsentem ejusdem terræ statum spectantia explicantur, varii errores refelluntur veritas discutitur et comprobatur. Opus a P. Cypriano recognitum et adnotatum. 2 vol. Venetiis. 1880-81. fo. Plates, plans, wdcts., and maps. Robert, Ulysse. Histoire du pape Calixte II. Paris, etc. 1891. 1. 8. Fac-sim. III. 6383 Ruskin, John. The ethics of the dust; ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization. With an introduction by C. E. Norton. Brantwood ed. New York, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. 21412.43 Ruskin, John. The queen of the air; being a study of the Greek myths of cloud and storm. With an introduction by C. E. Norton. Brantwood ed. New York, etc. [1891.] sm. 8°. 21412.48 Saalfeld, Günther Alexander (Ernst Adolf). De Bibliorum Sacrorum vulgatae editionis graecitate. Quedlinburgi. 1891. 8°. III. 6430 Sachs, Michael, translator. Festgebete der israeliten mit vollständigem, sorgfältig durchgesehenem texte. Neu übersetzt und erläutert. 12e aufl. Heb. and Germ. 9 theile. Breslau. 1889. 8. SL. Contents:i., ii. Rosch-ha-schanah. 2 theile.iii., iv. Jom kippur. 2 theile. -v. Sukkoth.-vi. Schemini azereth und simchath thorah. - -vii., viii. Pessachfest. 2 theile. ix. Schabuoth. Savage, Minot Judson. Beliefs about the Bible. [Sermons.] Boston. 1891 [cop. 1883]. 8. DS. Savage, Minot Judson. Beliefs about man. [Sermons.] Boston. 1890 [cop. 1882]. Savage, Minot Judson. Life. Boston. 1890. 8. 8°. DS. [Sermons.] DS. or, Hints of comfort for hours of sorrow. 5th ed. Boston. 1890 [cop. 1876]. 16o. DS. DS. Savage, Minot Judson. My creed. [Sermons.] Boston. 1890 [cop. 1887]. 8°. Savage, Minot Judson. The religious life. [Sermons.] Boston. 1890 [cop. 1885]. 8. DS. Sayce, Archibald Henry. The races of the Old Testament. Historica theologica [London.] 1891. sm. 8°. Front. and wdcts. (BY-PATHS of Bible knowledge, 16.) III. 4240 Schmidt, Paul (Wilhelm). Anmerkungen über die komposition der Offenbarung Johannis. Frei1891. 8. burg i. B. DS. pp. 54. Schmitt, Gregor. Die apologie der drei ersten jahrhunderte in historisch-systematischer darstellung. Von der theologischen fakultät in Würzburg gekrönte preisschrift. Mainz. 1890. 8°. DS. Schürer, Emil. A history of the Jewish people in the time of Jesus Christ; being a 2d and revised ed. of a Manual of the history of New Testament times." 2 divisions in 5 vol. Edinburgh. 1890, '85-86. 8° (CLARK, T. & T., publishers. Foreign theological library. New series [1880, etc.] 23, 25, 41, 43.) DS. Reifferscheid, (Heinrich Max) Alexander, editor. Briefe G. M. Lingelsheims, M. Berneggers, und ihrer freunde; nach handschriften herausgegeben und erläutert. Lat. Heilbronn. 1889. 8. pp. xviii., (2), 1048. (QUELLEN zur geschichte des geistigen lebens in Deutschland, 1.) 15545.40 "Nachweis der benutzten briefsammlungen," pp. xv.-xvii. Reuss, Eduard (Wilhelm Eugen). Die geschichte der heiligen schriften Alten Testaments. 2o, vermehrte und verbesserte ausg. Braunschweig. 1890. 82. pp. xx., 780. Ritschl, Albrecht. DS. Die christliche lehre von der rechtfertigung und versöhnung. 3o aufl. 3 bde. Bonn. 1889, '88. 8. DS. Contents:i. Die geschichte der lehre. 1889.ii. Der biblische stoff der lehre. 1889. iii. Die positive entwickelung der lehre. 1888. Rituel [cathare] provençal; manuscrit 36 de la bibliothèque municipale du palais Saint-Pierre à Lyon. Proveng. Paris. 1890. 1. 8°. pp. (4), 13. Photo-lithographed. (COLLECTION de reproductions de manuscrits. Vieux provençal, 1.) 6236.19 Robert, Ulysse, editor. Bullaire du pape Calixte II., 1119-1124; essai de restitution. Lat. 2 tom. Paris. 1891. 1. 8°. Fac-sims. III. 6382 DS. Contents:-i. Political history of Palestine, from B.C. 175 to A.D. 135; translated by John Macpherson. 2 vol. 1890,ii. The internal condition of Palestine, and of the Jewish people, in the time of Jesus Christ; trauslated by Sophia Taylor and Peter Christie. 3 vol. 1885-86. Index; translated by John Macpherson. Edinburgh. 1891. 8°. DS. Seelye, Julius Hawley. Duty; a book for schools. Boston. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. 71. III. 6436 Sepp, Johannes Nepomuk. Die religion der alten deutschen und ihr fortbestand in volkssagen, aufzügen und festbräuchen bis zur gegenwart; mit durchgreifender religions-vergleichung. München. 1890. 8° III. 6495 Shoup, Francis Asbury. Mechanism and personality; an outline of philosophy in the light of the latest scientific research. Boston. 1891. sm. 8°. Diagrs. III. 6408 Silvia Aquitana, Saint. Pilgrimage to the holy places, circa 385 A.D. Translated, with introduction and notes, by J. H. Bernard. With an appendix by Sir C. W. Wilson. Eng. and Lat. London. 1891. 8°. Maps and plan. (PALESTINE PILGRIMS' TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ. 16.]) I. 1622.3 Spitta, Friedrich (Adolph Wilhelm). Christi predigt an die geister (1 Petr. 3, 19 ff.); ein beitrag zur neutestamentlichen theologie. Göttingen. 1890. 8°. pp. (4), 68. DS. Sterrett, James Macbride. Christian unity; being the appendix to "Studies in Hegel's Philosophy of religion." New York. 1890. 12o. Stone, Alfred, and others, editors. tune-book; a manual of tunes and chants. London, etc. sm. 8°. 1891. 122.56 Talmud-[Tractatus parvi] — Ebel rabbathi or Semahoth. Der talmudische tractat Ebel rabbathi oder S'machoth; nach handschriften und parallelstellen bearbeitet, übersetzt und mit erläuternden anmerkungen versehen von Moritz Klotz. Heb. and Germ. Heft i. Berlin. 1890. 8°. Sem. 117 Heft i. was originally published as an inaugural dissertation, Königsberg. Theodericus, monk of Hirschau. Description of the holy places, circa 1172 A.D. Translated by Aubrey Stewart. London. 1891. 8. pp. x., (2), 86. Map. (PALESTINE PILGRIMS' TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ. 17.]) I. 1622.3 Tomkins, Henry George. The life and times of Joseph, in the light of Egyptian lore. [London.] 1891. sm. 8. (BY-PATHS of Bible knowledge, 17.) III. 4240.2 Tottie, H. W. Haqvin Spegel såsom kateket och homilet. Upsala. 1890. 1.8°. (UPSALA Universitet. Årsskrift, 1891.) VII. 2674 Troup, Mrs. Frances Batchelder (JAMES). Biographical notes [on] Matthew Sutcliffe, dean of Exeter, 1588-1629; read at Tiverton, July, 1891. [Plymouth. 1891.] 8°. pp. 28. VII. 2694 "Works of Sutcliffe," pp. 22-26. "Reprinted from the Transactions of the Devonshire association for the advancement of science, literature, and art, 1891, xxiii. 171-196." Vigouroux, F., l'abbé. Le Nouveau Testament et les découvertes archéologiques modernes. Paris. 1890. 12o. Wdcts. III. 6466 Weber, Ferdinand (Wilhelm). Vom zorne Gottes; ein biblisch-theologischer versuch. Mit prolegomenen über den bisherigen entwickelungsgang der grundbegriffe der versöhnungslehre von Franz Delitzsch. Erlangen. 1862. 8. DS. Weiss, (Karl Philipp) Bernhard. Der petrinische lehrbegriff; beiträge zur biblischen theologie, sowie zur kritik und exegese des ersten Briefes Petri und der petrinischen reden. Berlin. 1855. 8. DS. Williams, Mrs. Velma Curtis (WRIGHT), editor. Hymnal. Amore Dei. [With a preface by T. C. Williams.] Boston. 1890. 8. DS. Zöckler, Otto, editor. Handbuch der theologischen wissenschaften in encyklopädischer darstellung; mit besonderer rücksicht auf die entwicklungsgeschichte der einzelnen disziplinen. In verbindung mit prof. Cremer, Grau, Harnack [and others] herausgegeben. 3o, sorgfältig durchgesehene und grossenteils neu bearbeitete aufl. 4 bde. Nördlingen, etc. 1889-90. 8. Maps, wdcts., and tables. DS. Contents:i. Grundlegung, und der schrifttheologie 1o, 2e hälfte. 1889. ii. Historische theologie. 1889.iii. Systematische theologie. 1890.- iv. Praktische theologie. 1890. MZ. pp. vi., (2), 69. Plates and maps. Bedryaga, Yakov (Vladimirovitch). Die lurchfauna Europa's. i. Moskau. 1891. 8o. MZ. Contents:i. Anura.- Froschlurche. "Extrait du Bulletin de la société impér. des naturalistes de Moscou, no. 2, 3, 1889." "Citierte und benützte literatur," pp. 14-32. Die Behrens, Wilhelm (Julius), and others. gewebe des menschlichen körpers und ihre mikroskopische untersuchung von W. Behrens, A. Kossel, und P. Schiefferdecker. ier bd.; iier. le abth. 1 bd. and 1 abth. Braunschweig. 1889-91. 8o. Wdcts. ZL. Contents:i. Das mikroskop und die methoden der mikroskopischen untersuchung. 1889. ii. Gewebelehre mit besonderer berücksichtigung des menschlichen körpers. le abth. 1891. Blair, Andrew Alexander. The chemical analysis of iron; a complete account of all the best known methods for the analysis of iron, steel, pigiron, iron ore, limestone, slag, clay, sand, coal, coke, and furnace and producer gases. 2d ed. Philadelphia. 1891. 8°. Wdets. V. 4048 Bôcher, Maxime. Ueber die reihenentwickelungen der potentialtheorie. Am 4. juni 1891 gekrönte preisschrift. Göttingen. 1891. 4. pp. iv., 66+. Diagrs. VI. 6314 "Lebenslauf," after p. 66. Bolles, Frank. Land of the lingering snow; chronicles of a stroller in New England from January to June. Boston, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. V. 4094 Bonnet, Robert. Grundriss der entwickelungsgeschichte der haussäugethiere. Berlin. 1891. 8°. Wdcts. ZL., also MZ. British museum. Catalogue of the fossil birds in the British museum (natural history). By Richard Lydekker. London. 1891. 8°. Wdcts. 47.51, also MZ. British museum. Systematic list of the F. E. Edwards collection of British oligocene and eocene mollusca in the museum (natural history); with references to the type-specimens from similar horizons contained in other collections belonging to the geological department. By R. B. Newton. London. III. 6464 1891. 8. Table. 47.51, also MZ. "Bibliography," pp. 299-325. Buchka, Karl (Heinrich) von. pyridins und seiner derivate. Unter benutzung eines manuscriptes des Dr. Arthur Calm herausgegeben. Braunschweig. 1889-91. 8°. pp. xx., 633+. V. 3840 Wilson, William Dexter. Miracles in nature and in revelation, and especially the great miracle of our Lord's resurrection from the dead. New York. 1890. sm. 8°. pp. 42. [Wood, Horatio (b. 1835).] Memoir of Horatio Wood, for twenty-four years minister-at-large in Lowell. [Read before the old residents' historical association of Lowell, Aug. 4, 1891.] By his son. Lowell, Mass. 1891. 8°. pp. 31. Port. 17395.4.2, also DS. Die chemie des |