Slike stranica
[blocks in formation]

Delta Upsilon fraternity. The Delta Upsilon quinquennial catalogue. [Edited by W. L. Fairbanks. Boston.] 1891. 8. pp. lviii., 672. Front. and portrs. Pier 1.480.16

"The fraternity bibliography," pp. xxxvi.-xlvii.

De Vinne, Theodore Low. The invention of printing; a collection of facts and opinions descriptive of early prints and playing cards, the block-books of the fifteenth century, the legend of Lourens Janszoon Coster of Haarlem, and the work of John Gutenberg and his associates. 2d ed. New-York, etc. 1878 [cop. 1876]. portrs., wdcts., fac-sims., etc.


8°. Front., IV. 3735

"Authorities consulted," pp. 543-545. [Engineering news.] A general index to Engineering news and American railway journal. From April, 1874, to Dec. 27, 1890, inclusive. New York. 1891. 8°. SS. Ferrazzi, Giuseppe Jacopo, l'abate. Torquato Tasso; studi biografici-critici-bibliografici. Bas1880. 8o. IV. 3713 Florence, Italy - Biblioteca nazionale centrale. Elenco delle pubblicazioni periodiche italiane ricevute dalla biblioteca nel 1891. Firenze. 1891. 1. 8°. pp. 99. D 25.19 Ford, Paul Leicester, compiler. Some materials for a bibliography of the official publications of the continental congress, 1774-1789. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1888. 1. 8°. 1326.19 pp. (2), 57. "Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Boston public library." Freytag, Georg. Verlags- katalog von F. Tempsky, Wien, Prag; und G. Freytag in Leipzig. [Wien, etc.] 1890. 8. IV. 3748

Greenwood, Thomas, F. R. G.S. Public libraries; a history of the movement, and a manual for the organization and management of rate-supported libraries. 4th ed., revised; 12th thousand. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. xxxii., 604. Front., portrs., and wdcts. IV. 3738 Griswold, William McCrillis. A descriptive list of British novels. Cambridge. 1891. 8°. DR. 3.527

Pt. v. of "Descriptive lists of American, international, romantic and British novels"; with an index to authors of works noticed in the five parts.

Growoll, Adolph. A bookseller's library and how to use it. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. (8), 72. IV. 3728 Gubernatis, Angelo DE. Dictionnaire international des écrivains du jour. 3 sect. (paged contin.). Florence. 1891 ['88-91]. 1. 8°. pp. 2088. B 65.4 Harper, Francis Perego. Catalogue of current and out-of-print books relating to the rebellion and slavery; including regimental histories, states in the war, prison narratives, confederate publications, military biographies, naval history, confederate newspapers, poetry of the war, slavery, etc. New York. [1892.] 8°. pp. 46.


Henkels, Stanislaus Vincent. An extraordinary collection of Washington's letters, Washington relics, revolutionary documents, and the rarest works on American history; also scarce American

portraits, maps and views. To be sold Dec. 15 and 16, 1891, [by] Thomas Birch's sons. Philadelphia. [1891.] I. 8° Fac-sims., plates, and portrs. 6337.15.4

The text of many of the letters and documents is given. Heuser, Emil. Beiträge zur geschichte der universitätsbibliothek, Giessen. Leipzig. 1891.

8. pp. (2), 74. (CENTRALBLATT für bibliothekswesen. Beihefte, 6.) IV. 2736.2

Hochegger, Rudolf. Ueber die entstehung und bedeutung der blockbücher, mit besonderer rücksicht auf den Liber regum seu Historia Davidis; eine bibliographisch-kunstgeschichtliche studie, zugleich ein beitrag zur geschichte des unterrichtswesens. Leipzig. 1891. 8. pp. viii., 67+. Front., wdcts., and fac-sim. (CENTRALBLATT für bibliothekswesen. Beihefte, 7.) IV. 2736.2

Italy - Istituto geografico militare. Catalogo di carte, stampe, plastici e libri vendibili presso l'istituto. [Firenze. 1889.] f. pp. 86. Maps and 3 plates. IV. 3727

An appendix of 4 pp., 1890, is inserted.

Kansas - Library association. American library association. Kansas library association. Greeting and welcome; Oct. 31, 1891. Topeka. 1891. 8. pp. (8). Front. and wdct. IV. 3701 King, P. S., & son. Catalogue of parliamentary reports, papers, &c., relating to labour, employers and workmen, and industrial questions. London. [1891.] 8. pp. 13. (Special catalogues, 9.)

DR. 3.580 King, P. S., & son. Catalogue of reports, papers, &c., printed by the imperial parliament relating to the colonies. London. [1891.] 8°. pp. 25. 1446.18 (Special catalogues, 10.)

Lawrence, Samuel Crocker. Catalogue of [his] masonic library, masonic medals, Washingtoniana, ancient and honorable artillery company's sermons, regimental histories and other literature relating to the late civil war, etc. Boston. 1891. 8. DR. 3.438

Macray, William Dunn. Annals of the Bodleian library, Oxford; with a notice of the earlier library of the university. 2d ed., enlarged and continued from 1868 to 1880. Oxford. 1890. 8. Portrs. and plate. IV. 3747 [Moreno, Gabriel René.] Biblioteca boliviana. Catalogo de la seccion de libros i folletos. Santiago de Chile. 1879. 1. 8°. pp. viii., 880.

1321.30 Arranged alphabetically by first word of title, with author index.

Nodal, John Howard. The bibliography, biographical and topographical, of Ackworth school [Yorkshire]. Manchester. 1889. 8°. pp. viii..



IV. 3737 "Publications about Ackworth and the school," pp. 41-49.

Paris - Bibliothèque nationale. Inventaire des manuscrits de la collection Moreau, par H. Omont. [With an appendix.] Paris. 1891. 8°. 1522.25

"La collection Moreau... est formée presque exclusivement de documents relatifs à l'histoire et à la littérature anciennes de la France, recueillis, pendant la seconde moitie du XVIIIe siècle, dans les différentes archives de la France, des Pays-Bas, en Allemagne, en Suisse, en Angleterre, en Italie."- Préface.

Pollard, Alfred William. Last words on the history of the title-page, with notes on some colophons. London. 1891. 4°. pp. (10), 39+. Vign. and 27 fac-sims. IV. 3740

"Only 260 copies printed. No. 44."

Razzolini, Luigi, l'abate, and Bacchi della Lega, Alberto. Bibliografia dei testi di lingua a stampa citati dagli accademici della Crusca. 4a ed., con appendice. Bologna. 1890. 8. IV. 3721 Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Index to the known fossil insects of the world, including myriapods and arachnids. Washington. 1891. 89. pp. 744. (UNITED STATES GEOL. SURVEY. Bulletin, 71.)


1891. 40.

Sinker, Robert. The library of Trinity college, Cambridge. Cambridge [Eng.], etc. Front., plates, fac-sims., and wdets. IV. 3744 Slater, John Herbert. Round and about the book-stalls; a guide for the book-hunter. London. 1891. sm. 8°. IV. 3739 Summary (The); a weekly newspaper published at the New York state reformatory. ix.-xiii. July 7, 1889-Dec. 27, 1891. Elmira, N. Y. 1889-91. fo Wdcts. IX. 176

Continued by gift.


5 vol. in 3.

[blocks in formation]

Altenrath, Siegmund. Zur beurtheilung und würdigung Martin Luthers. Frankfurt a. M., etc. 1890. 8. pp. 24. III. 6490

Contents: - Luthers selbstbekenntnisse über sich und sein werk. Protestantische zeugnisse über Luthers ansehen in Deutschland im ersten halbjahrhundert nach seinem tode.

Andrews, Samuel James. The life of our Lord upon the earth considered in its historical, chronological, and geographical relations. New and revised ed. New York. 1891. 1. 12. pp. (4), xxviii., (2), 651. Maps, plan, and diagrs. DS. "List of authors referred to," pp. xiii.-xix.

Andrian-Werburg, Ferdinand, freiherr von. Der höhencultus asiatischer und europäischer völker; eine ethnologische studie. Wien. 1891. III. 6642


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

The genesis of

Bacon, Benjamin Wisner. Genesis; a study of the documentary sources of the first book of Moses, in accordance with the results of critical science, illustrating the presence of Bibles within the Bible. With an introduction by G. F. Moore. Hartford. 1892. 8°. DS.

Baker, Mrs. Harriette Newell Woods. Reminiscences and records of Rev. Leonard Woods, of Andover. By his daughter. Boston. 1887. sm. 4°. Port. of Dr. Woods. 17395.19

"List of publications," pp. 145-148.

Barrett, Benjamin Fisk. A brief review of "Succession in the ministry" [by Frank Sewall], showing also what and where is the church signified by the apocalyptic New Jerusalem. Philadelphia, etc. 1892 [1891]. sm. 8°. pp. 62. DS. Barrett, Benjamin Fisk. A cloud of independent witnesses to the truth, value, need, and spiritual helpfulness of Swedenborg's teachings. Philadelphia. [1891.] sm. 8o. DS. [Bedjan, editor.] Acta martyrum et sanctorum. Syriac. Tom. i., ii. 2 tom. Parisiis. 1890-91. Sem. 861


[blocks in formation]

"Exemplar n. 30."

For the "Commentatio critica," see CERIANI, Antonio (M.), l'abate. De codice marchaliano commentatio.

Bible. Isaiah. Eng. (1890.) The prophecies of Isaiah. A new translation with commentary and appendices by T. K. Cheyne. 5th ed., revised. 2 vol. in 1. 1890. New York. 8. SL. Bible. Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi. Eng., C. V. (1879.) The post-exilian prophets, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi; with introductions and notes by Marcus Dods. Edinburgh. [1879.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)


Bible. Mark. Eng., C. V. (1883.) The gospel according to St. Mark; with introduction [and] notes by T. M. Lindsay. Edinburgh. [1883.] sm. 8°. Maps. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS.

Bible. Luke. Eng., C. V. (1887.) The gospel according to St. Luke; with introduction [and] notes by T. M. Lindsay. 2 vol. (paged contin.). Edinburgh. [1887.] sm. 8°. Maps. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)


Bible. Acts. Eng., C. V. (1884-85.) The acts of the apostles; with introduction and notes by T. M. Lindsay. 2 vol. Edinburgh. [1884-85.] sm. 8°. Maps. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)

DS. Bible. Romans. Eng., C. V. (1883.) The epistle to the Romans; with introduction and notes, by David Brown. Edinburgh. [1883.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Bible. Galatians. Eng., C. V. (1879.) The epistle of Paul to the churches of Galatia; with introduction and notes by James Macgregor. 8th thousand. Edinburgh. [1879?] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Bible. Hebrews. Eng., C. V. (1882.) The epistle to the Hebrews; with introduction and notes by A. B. Davidson. Edinburgh. [1882.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Binnie, William. The church. Edinburgh. [1882.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Bonwetsch, Gottlieb Nathanael. Cyrill und Methodius, die lehrer der slaven. Festvortrag zur gedächtnisfeier des tausendjährigen todestages des Methodius am 6. (18.) april 1885 gehalten. Erlangen. 1885. 8o DS. pp. 22. Burlington, Vt. · First congregational (unitarian) society. Pages from the church records. Compiled by H. L. Wheeler. Burlington. 1892. sm. 8°. pp. (2), 11. III. 6627, also DS. Butler, Joseph, successively bp. of Bristol and Durham. Sermons i., ii., iii. upon human nature, or man considered as a moral agent; introduction and notes by T. B. Kilpatrick. Edinburgh. [1888.] (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private sm. 8°. students.) DS. Candlish, James S. The Christian doctrine of God. Edinburgh. [1888.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)


Candlish, James S. The Christian sacraments. 7th thousand. Edinburgh. [1880?] sm.8%. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)


Candlish, James S. The work of the Holy Spirit. Edinburgh. [1886.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Carter, Franklin. Mark Hopkins. Boston, etc. 1892. 16. (AMERICAN religious leaders.)

17355.33.2, also DS. "List of Mark Hopkins's published writings," pp. 367-370. Ceriani, Antonio (Maria), l'abate. De codice marchaliano seu vaticano graeco 2125 Prophetarum phototypica arte repraesentato commentatio. Romae. 1890. f. 3 fac-sims.

Delabarre, Edmund Burke. Über bewegungsempfindungen. Inaugural-dissertation. Freiburg in Baden. 1891. 8. Plate and tables. III. 6517 Douglas, George Cuningham Monteath. The book of Joshua. Edinburgh. [1882.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS.

Douglas, George Cuningham Monteath. The book of Judges. Edinburgh. [1881.] sm. 8°. pp. 96. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS.

Ellis, Arthur Blake. Memoir of Rufus Ellis, including selections from his journal and letters. Boston. 1891. 8. Port. of Rufus Ellis.

17346.36 Fabre, Paul. Le Polyptyque du chanoine Benoit; étude sur un manuscrit de la bibliothèque de Cambrai. Lille. 1889 [1890].


pp. (4), 36. Fac-sim. (LILLE, France-Université. Travaux & mémoires, 3.) 1221.70

The editor gives a review of the "Liber politicus" of Benedetto, extracting from it the "Curiosum urbis," a description of each of the fourteen regions of Rome, and his account of popular festivals at Rome.

Ficker, Johannes. Die konfutation des augsburgischen bekenntnisses; ihre erste gestalt und ihre geschichte. [With the text of the "Catholica et quasi extemporalis responsio super nonnullis articulis in dieta augustensi oblatis" in its earliest form as laid before the emperor.] Leipzig. 1891. DS.


Foote, Henry Wilder. Thy kingdom come; ten sermons on the Lord's prayer preached in King's Boston. Chapel, Boston. 1891. sm. 8°. DS. Fuller, Thomas (1608-1661). Collected sermons, 1631-1659. Edited by the late J. E. Bailey; completed by W. E. A. Axon. 2 vol. London. 1891. 8. Portrs. III. 6603

"400 copies. Number 96."
"Life and wit of Thomas Fuller," i. xv.-xxxii. -"Biblio-
theca fulleriana," ii. 576-584.

List of the works of J. E. Bailey, ii. viii.-xiv.
With reprints of the original title-pages.

Gebhart, Émile. L'Italie mystique; histoire
de la renaissance religieuse au moyen âge. Paris.
sm. 8°.
III. 6631
[Goodyear, Anna Forbes.] References to com-
mands and indications of the divine will contained
in the Holy Scriptures. [Boston. 1891.] 24°
III. 6612

Gore, Charles. The incarnation of the Son of God; being the Bampton lectures for 1891. London. 1891. 8o. 22.80 Grimaldi, Félix. Les congrégations romaines ; guide historique et pratique. Sienne. 1890. 8. 2 plates. III. 6576 Hale, Charles Reuben. The American church 8. III. 6565

and methodism. [Cambridge, Mass.] 1891. 27 Case. 354

Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Manual of the science of religion; translated from the German by Beatrice S. Colyer-Fergusson. [Vol. i.] London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. DS.

Chase, Frederic Henry. The Lord's prayer in the early church. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1891. 8° (ROBINSON, J. A., editor. Texts and studies, i. 3.) DS. Clarke, James Freeman. The Lord's prayer; being the last eight discourses of J. F. Clarke. Boston. 1891. 16. pp. 95.


Clark, Solomon. Historical catalogue of the Northampton first church, 1661-1891. Northampton, Mass. 1891. sm. 8°. Portrs. and plates. 17314.19

pp. 29.

"Privately printed."

"Reprinted from the Church review of Jan. 1891." Hamilton, Thomas, D.D. History of the Irish presbyterian church. 2d ed. Edinburgh. [1887.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Harris, James Rendel. Codex Bezae; a study of the so-called western text of the New Testament. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1891. 8°. (ROBINSON, J. A., editor. Texts and studies, ii. 1.) DS.

Harris, James Rendel. A study of codex Bezae. (In Haverford college studies, [1891), 8°, no. 8.) VI. 5287 "Republished from the Cambridge series of Texts and studies, contributions to biblical and patristic literature.""

Harris, Thomas Lake. God's breath in man and in humane society. Santa Rosa, Cal. 1891. 8. Port. III. 6528 Harrison, Alexander James. Problems of Christianity and scepticism; lessons from twenty years' experience in the field of Christian evidence. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°.

DS. Henderson, Archibald. Palestine; its historical geography, with topographical index. Edinburgh. [1885.] sm. 8°. Maps. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)


Heracleon. Fragments; newly edited from the мss., with an introduction and notes, by A. E. Brooke. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1891. 8. (ROBINSON, J. A., editor. Texts and studies, i. 4.)


Herbart, Johann Friedrich. A text-book in psychology; an attempt to found the science of psychology on experience, metaphysics, and mathematics. Translated from the original German by Margaret K. Smith. New York. 1891. sm. 8°. (INTERNAT. education series, 18.)

III. 6753, also Philos. Herrmanowski, Paul. Die deutsche götterlehre und ihre verwertung in kunst und dichtung. 2 bde. in 1. Berlin. 1891. 8. III. 6493

Contents:i. Deutsche götterlehre. - ii. Germanische götter und helden in kunst und dichtung.

Hodgkin, Thomas (b. 1831). Old Testament criticism. [London. 1890.] 8°. DS. pp. 26. "From the Friends' quarterly examiner," July, 1890. Ierson, Henry. Report of a visit to Hungary; presented to the council [of the British and foreign unitarian association], at the meeting of Jan. 28th, 1891. London. [1891?] sm. 8°. pp. 28. III. 6601

Innes, Alexander Taylor. Church and state; a historical handbook. Edinburgh. [1890.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.)

DS. James, William (b. 1842). Psychology. New York. 1892. sm. 8°. Wdets. (AMERICAN science series, briefer course.) III. 6559, also Philos.

Jerusalem; jahrbuch zur beförderung einer wissenschaftlich genauen kenntniss des jetzigen und des alten Palästinas. Herausgegeben unter mitwirkung von fachmännern im Heiligen Lande und ausserhalb desselben von A. M. Luncz. [Hebrew-German ed.] i.-iii. jahrg. 1881-1889. 3 jahrg. in 2 vol. Wien; Jerusalem. 1882-89. Table, port. of Sir Moses Montefiore, and Sem. 1198 Theodore Par

sm. 8°.


Johnson, Samuel (1822-1882).


A lecture edited by J. H. Clifford and H. L. Traubel. Chicago. 1890. 8o. pp. 78.

DS. Julian, John. A dictionary of hymnology; setting forth the origin and history of Christian hymns of all ages and nations, with special reference to those contained in the hymn books of English-speaking countries, and now in common use; with biographical and critical notices of their authors and translators and historical articles on national and denominational hymnody, breviaries, missals, &c. London. 1892. 8. pp. xii., 1616. DR. 149.9 Ladd, George Trumbull. What is the Bible? An inquiry into the origin and nature of the Old and New Testaments in the light of modern biblical study. 4th ed. New York. 1890 [cop. 1888]. sm. 8°. III. 6550 Lalot, J. A. Essai historique sur la conférence tenue à Fontainebleau entre Duplessis-Mornay et Duperron, le 4 mai, 1600. Paris. 1889. 89 Bibliography, pp. iii.-xi. III. 6524

Lauer, Paul Erasmus.

Church and state in

New England. Baltimore. 1892. 8°. (JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY. Studies in historical and political science, x. 2, 3.) 15395.30(x), also SQ. Linde, Sven. Indogermanernas högste gud. Lund. [1889.] 8°. III. 6553 Lindsay, Thomas M. The reformation. [2d ed.] 7th thousand. Edinburgh. [1883.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Lombroso, Cesare. The man of genius. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. Map and wdcts. (CONTEMPORARY Science series.) London, Eng. -South Place institute. gious systems of the world; a contribution to the study of comparative religion. A collection of addresses delivered at South Place institute, revised and in some cases rewritten. 2d ed., with several new articles. 1892. 8. London, etc. pp. viii., 824. III. 6629, also DS. McConnell, Samuel D. American episcopacy. New York. pp. 37. III. 6516

1889. sm. 8°.

III. 6532


Macmillan, Michael. The promotion of general happiness; a utilitarian essay. London. 1890. sm. 8°.

Macpherson, Rev. John. Edinburgh. [1883.] sm. 8°. Bible classes and private students.)

III. 6574

Presbyterianism. (HANDBOOKS for DS.

[blocks in formation]

Monier-Williams, Sir Monier. Brahmanism and Hinduism; or, Religious thought and life in India, as based on the Veda and other sacred books of the Hindus. 4th ed., enlarged and improved. New York. 1891. 8. pp. xxviii., 603. Port. of Gauri-Sankar Uday-Sankar. III. 6525

The first edition was published under the title "Religious thought and life in India."

Moule, Arthur Evans. Reasons for the hope that is in us; brief essays on Christian evidences. London. 1891. sm. 8.

DS. Murphy, James Gracey. The books of Chronicles. Edinburgh. [1880.] sm. 8°. (HANDBOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Neill, Edward Duffield. A memorial of the brothers Pond, the first resident missionaries among the Dakotahs. Portrs. (In MACALESTER COLLEGE, St. Paul, Minn. Contributions, [1891], 8°, ii. 159-198.) VI. 5392 (11) Newman, John Henry, Cardinal. Sayings of Cardinal Newman. London, etc. [1890.] 8o. pp. (4), 76. Port. III. 6520

sm. 8°

Nisbet, John Ferguson. The insanity of genius and the general inequality of human faculty physiologically considered. New ed. London. 1891. III. 6531 Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (WILSON). Jerusalem; its history and hope, [from the days of David to the time of Christ]. London, etc. 1891. 8. Front. and wdets. III. 6626

Palmer, George Herbert. The glory of the imperfect; an address given at the woman's college of Western Reserve university, Cleveland,

Ohio, 1891. Boston. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. (2), 29.

III. 6617

Patterson, Gaylord Hawkins. The Septuagint text of Hosea compared with the Massoretic text. Part of a dissertation [for the degree of Ph.D.], Yale university. New Haven. 1891. 8°. pp. 34+. "Reprint from Hebraica." III. 6575, also DS. Perpetua, Saint. The passion of S. Perpetua, newly edited from the мss. with an introduction and notes; with an appendix containing the original Latin text of the Scillitan martyrdom, by J. A. Robinson. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1891. 8. (ROBINSON, J. A., editor. Texts and studies, i. 2.)


Pfleiderer, Otto. Die Ritschl'sche theologie kritisch beleuchtet. Braunschweig. 1891. 8°. DS. "Separatabdruck aus den Jahrbüchern für protestantische theologie."

Philip the Magnanimous, landgrave of Hesse, and Bucer, Martin. Briefwechsel; herausgegeben und erläutert von Max Lenz. 3 theile. Leipzig. 1880-91. 8o (PRUSSIA-K. archivverwaltung. Publ. 5, 28, 47.) Germ. Hist. 54 Philo Judæus. De aeternitate mundi; edidit et prolegomenis instruxit Franciscus Cument. Gr. Berolini. 1891. 8. DS.

Philosophical review (The). Edited by J. G. Schurman. Vol. i. no. 1. Jan. 1892. bi-m. Boston, etc. 1892. 8o. IX. 174, also Philos.

To be continued.

Presbyterian church, Eng.


[blocks in formation]

Minutes of the Manchester presbyterian classis. [1646-1660.] Edited by W. A. Shaw. 3 pt. (paged contin.). [Manchester.] 1890-91. sm. 4°. (CHETHAM SOCIETY. Remains. New series, 20, 22, 24.) Eng. Lit. 75 Puech, Aimé. Un réformateur de la société chrétienne au Ive siècle: St. Jean Chrysostome et les mœurs de son temps. Paris. 1891. 8°. III. 6615

Raines, Francis Robert. The fellows of the collegiate church of Manchester. Edited by Frank Renaud. 2 pt. (paged contin.). [Manchester.] 1891. sm. 4. Port. of Rev. John Clayton. (CHETHAM SOCIETY. Remains. New series, 21, 23.) Pier 1.550.6

Robinson, John (1575-1625). Proceedings at the unveiling of the John Robinson memorial tablet in Leyden, Holland, July 24, 1891, under the auspices of the national council of congregational churches of the United States. Boston.

1891. 8. pp. (2), 36. Front. and plate. 10385.8 A photograph of the tablet is inserted. Rod, Édouard. Les idées morales du temps présent. Paris. 1891. sm. 8°. III. 6522 Schopenhauer. Émile Zola. Paul Bourget. -Jules Lemaître.- Edmond Scherer. Alexandre Dumas, fils. - Ferdinand Brunetière. - Le comte Tolstoï. - Le vicomte E. M. de Vogüé.

Contents: Ernest Renan.

Royce, Josiah. The spirit of modern philosophy; an essay in the form of lectures. Boston, etc. 1892. 8. III. 6655

Scott, William Robert. An introduction to Cudworth's Treatise concerning eternal and immutable morality; with life of Cudworth and a few critical notes. London, etc. 1891. sm. 8°. pp. xii., 67. III. 6551

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Theologisches hilfslexikon; bearbeitet unter leitung der redaktion von Perthes' Handlexikon für evangelische theologen. 1.-6. lief. 6 lief. in 5. Gotha. 1891-92. 8. DS.

Tyler, Charles Mellen. The study of the history and philosophy of religion. Inaugural address before the faculty and students of Cornell university, October, 1891. Ithaca, N. Y. 1891. 1. 8°. III. 6613 Pp. 23. Verwyst, Chrysostom. Missionary labors of Fathers Marquette, Menard, and Allouez, in the Lake Superior region [with "Some peculiarities of the Chippewa language"]. Milwaukee, etc. 1886. sm. 8°. 5317.54

Voigt, Heinrich Gisbert. Eine verschollene urkunde des antimontanistischen kampfes, die berichte des Epiphanius über die kataphryger und quintillianer untersucht. Leipzig. 1891. 8. DS.

Walker, Norman Lockhart. Scottish church

history. Edinburgh. [1882.] sm. 8°. (HAND

BOOKS for Bible classes and private students.) DS. Weizsäcker, Karl (Heinrich) voN. Das apostolische zeitalter der christlichen kirche. 2e neu bearbeitete aufl. Freiburg i. B. 1892 ['91-92]. DS. 8. pp. viii., 700.

Wesley, John. The homes, haunts, and friends of John Wesley; being the centenary number of the Methodist recorder. Revised and enlarged. London. Portrs., wdcts., plan, and fac-sims. III. 6614

1891. 8o

« PrethodnaNastavi »