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MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 1889. - Voted, to proceed to the election of an Associate Professor of Chemistry; whereupon, ballots being given in, it appeared that WILLIAM BARKER HILLS, M.D., was elected. Voted, to appoint JOHN GRAHAM BROOKS, D.B., Instructor in Political Economy for 1889-90. MEETING OF OCTOBER 28, 1889. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $800, received through Professor PICKerING October 17, 1889, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University, on account of the Draper Memorial.

Notice was received from Professor TROWBRIDGE of the gift to the Physical Laboratory from the Thomson-Houston Electric Company of a valuable electric motor, with its attachments; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows therefor be sent to the Company for its liberal and welcome gift.

Notice was received from Mr. WINSOR of the gift to the College Library from Mr. GEORGE G. KENNEDY of a portrait of Clarke Gayton Pickman, a generous benefactor of the Library, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from the Trustee under the Will of JOHN L. RUSSELL of Salem evidences of real and personal property worth probably about $20,000, of which $2000 is to be specially devoted to the Botanic Garden and to the Herbarium; and said property was gratefully accepted as the residuary legacy of JOHN L. RUSSELL to the College.

Voted, that the Bursar be authorized to collect with the term-bills the sums due for board from members of the Foxcroft Club, upon such conditions as he may think reasonable and such as will prevent loss to the College in any event.

Voted, to open the Normal School Scholarships in the Lawrence Scientific School to the graduates of reputable normal schools throughout the United States.

Thanks were received from the Old Cambridge Baptist Church for the free use of Appleton Chapel since the fire which drove the Society from its own house.

Voted, to appoint FRANCIS BOWEN, LL.D., Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity, Emeritus, in consideration of his many valuable services to the College during the past forty years.

Voted, to proceed to the election of an Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity; whereupon, ballots being given in, it appeared that GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, A.M., was elected.

Voted, to establish a Professorship of Psychology.

The resignations of DANIEL W. SHEA, A.M., as Assistant in Physics, and WILLIAM F. GANONG, A.M., as Assistant in Botany, were received and accepted.

Voted, to appoint WILLIAM FRANCIS GANONG, A.M., Instructor in Botany for 1889-90.

Voted, to appoint the following Assistants for 1889-90: WILLIAM FORREST PILLSBURY, A.B., in History; LOUIS LEVERETT HOOPER, A.B., in Physics; COLLIER COBB, A.B., in Geology; EZRA RIPLEY THAYER, A.B., in English.

MEETING OF NOVEMBER 11, 1889. The Treasurer presented a letter from Mr. NATHANIEL C. NASH of the Class of 1884, by which he offers to give the amount needed to complete the botanical sections of the University Museum. Voted, that this generous offer be gratefully accepted, that Mr. NASH's letter be entered in full upon the donation book of the College, and that, in accordance with his wish, the botanical lecture-room in the Museum shall be known as his gift in memory of his father, the late NATHANIEL C. NASH of Boston.

The Treasurer reported a gift from Mrs. ASA GRAY of $55.65 for special use at the Herbarium, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the additional gift of $200 from EDWARD Russell, Esq., be gratefully accepted and that it be credited to the Edward Russell Scholarship Fund.

The Treasurer reported that he had received $5000 as the final instalment of Mr. FRANCIS BARTLETT'S gift of $20,000 for Professor COOKE's addition to the University Museum, and the same was gratefully accepted.

The resignation of Dr. GUSTAVUS HAY as a member of the Boylston Medical Prize Committee was received and accepted.

Voted, to appoint JOHN CUMMINGS MUNRO, M.D., Assistant in Anatomy for 1889-90, without salary. Voted, to proceed to the election of a Professor of Psychology; whereupon, ballots being given in, it appeared that WILLIAM JAMES, M.D., was elected.

MEETING OF NOVEMBER 25, 1889. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $800, received through Professor PICKERING November 22, 1889, towards the expenses at the Observatary of Harvard University, on account of the Draper Memorial.

The resignation of Oris K. NEWELL, M.D., as Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy was received and accepted as of date December 1, 1889.

Voted, to appoint the following Assistants for 1889-90: WALTER LOUIS JENNINGS, A.B., in Organic Chemistry; ROBERT ELKIN NEIL DODGE, A.B., in English.

Voted, to reappoint DUDLEY ALLEN SARGENT, M.D., Director of the Hemenway Gymnasium. Voted, to reappoint Hon. DAVID A. WELLS Lecturer on the "Principles of Taxation" for the current academic year.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. FITZ EDWARD HALL for his valuable and interesting gift of Sanscrit manuscripts to the College Library.

MEETING OF DECEMBER 30, 1889. The Treasurer reported that he had received $30,000 additional from the Trustees under the Will of WALTER HASTINGS, on account of the building fund for Walter Hastings Hall.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from the Executors of the late J. INGERSOLL BOWDITCH the sum of $8500, in full payment of Mr. BOWDITCH's legacies to the University: $6000 "to form a fund the income of which shall be expended under the direction of the Professor of Physiology for the promotion of original investigations in the Physiological Laboratory of the Harvard Medical School"; and $2500 for the use of the Observatory"; — and said legacies were gratefully accepted.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from WILLIAM S. DEXTER, as agent for an unknown friend of the University, the sum of $50,000 as the first instalment of a gift of $200,000 for the Retiring Allowance Fund; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent through Mr. DEXTER to the unknown giver for his generous and timely gift.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $600, received December 16, 1889, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University, on account of the Draper Memorial.

The Treasurer reported the annual gift of $500 from an anonymous friend to increase the salary of the Professor of Entomology.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York for the gift of a photograph of a portrait of Alexander Hamilton.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Dr. GEORGE E. ELLIS for an ancient watch deposited by him in the College Library, and formerly belonging to Mrs. ELLEN MARett Gifford of New Haven.

Voted, that the President and Fellows gratefully accept the offer of Mr. JACOB H. SCHIFF of New York, to give $10,000 to the University for a collection of Semitic manuscripts, casts, etc.; and the conditions named in his letter of December 9, to Professors LYON and Tor are hereby agreed to, namely, that the University will provide suitable room in the Peabody Museum or elsewhere for the collection, and will properly care for it hereafter.

Voted, to proceed to the election of three Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts, to serve for one year from January 1, 1890; whereupon, ballots being given in, it appeared that WILLIAM GRAY, HENRY J. BIGELOW, and HENRY LEE were elected.

Voted, to appoint the following Assistants for 1889-90: JOHN WHEELOCK ELLIOT, M.D., in Clinical Surgery; FRANCIS BISHOP HARRINGTON, M.D., in Clinical Surgery.

Voted, to reappoint HENRY C. BADGER Curator of Maps for the year 1890.

MEETING OF JANUARY 17, 1890. - The Treasurer reported that he had received from JACOB H. SCHIFF the sum of $10,000, to be spent for a Semitic collection concerning which the Board passed a vote on December 30, 1889; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. SCHIFF for his generous and welcome gift.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from WILLIAM S. DEXTER, as agent for an unknown friend of the University, the sum of $150,000, to complete the gift of $200,000 for the Retiring Allow

ance Fund; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent through Mr. DEXTER to the unknown giver for his munificent gift.

The Treasurer reported that he had received from Miss LUCY ELLIS the sum of $1000 for the Harvard Medical School for the Physiological department; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Miss ELLIS for her constant interest in, and liberality to, the School.

The Treasurer reported that he had received the fourth instalment of $5000 on account of Mr. HENRY VILLARD's subscription towards the Law School Book Fund, and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported a gift of $25 from Mr. I. N. PHELPS STOKES for purchases for the Semitic collection, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York for her additional gift of $1800, received January 16, 1890, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University, on account of the Draper Memorial

The Treasurer reported a gift of $3 from Mr, CARLETON HUNNEMAN, to be used for the German class-room library, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the tuition fees of Special Scientific students be governed by the same rules which determine the fees of Special students in the College, from and after September 1, 1889.

Voted, to appoint WILLIAM MERRITT CONANT, A.B., M.D., Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy for the remainder of the academic year, in place of Dr. NEWELL, resigned.

Voted, to appoint JOHN CUMMINGS MUNRO, A.B., M.D., Assistant in Anatomy for the remainder of the academic year, in place of Dr. CONANT, promoted.

Voted, to grant the request of Professor JAMES B. GREENOUGH for leave of absence for the academic year 1890-91, in accordance with the rules established by this Board May 31, 1880.

Voted, to transmit to the Board of Overseers all the petitions recently received by the President and Fellows in relation to voting for overseers.

MEETING OF JANUARY 27, 1890. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. GEORGE VON L. MEYER for her very generous action in providing at her own cost all the beautiful wrought-iron work required to carry out the design of Messrs. McKIM, MEAD & WHITE for the new gates at the entrance to the College Yard.

Voted, to grant the request of Professor GEORGE LINCOLN GOODALE for leave of absence for the academic year 1890-91, in accordance with the rules established by this Board May 31, 1880.

Voted, to appoint CARL FRIEDRICH RICHARD HOCHDÖRFER, Ph.D., Instructor in German for 1889-90. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 10, 1890. - The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. THEODORE LYMAN the sum of $1266.03, "to make good the amount expended by the College for the completion of the Johnston Gateway"; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. LYMAN for his generous action, by which the purpose of his friend and class-mate, SAMUEL JOHNSTON, has been fully accomplished without cost to the College.

The Treasurer reported a gift of $100 from Professor FRANCIS G. PEABODY to be added to the fund for a class-room library in the "Ethics of the Social Questions," and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported that he had received $500 from the Harvard Law School Association to complete its gift of $1000 to the Harvard Law School for the purpose of increasing the instruction in Constitutional Law for the academic year 1889-90, and the same was gratefully accepted.

Voted, on recommendation of the Medical Faculty, that the offer contained in the following letter from Dr. HENRY J. BIGELOw be gratefully accepted on the conditions named:


"JANUARY 11, 1890.

"GENTLEMEN,- I should like to give to the Harvard Medical School the diagrams used by me to illustrate my lectures, with the following conditions, which will tend to secure their more lasting preservation, viz. :

"1. That they be kept in charge of Dr. FITZ, Professor of Pathological Anatomy, to be used in the School building only, and as he may direct.

"2. That Dr. FITZ shall appoint his successor, who shall fulfil these conditions, and so on, while the diagrams have any value. "If this should be agreeable to the Faculty, it will give me great pleasure to arrange the matter with Dr. FITZ at once.

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Respectfully yours,

HENRY J. BIGELOW." "BOSTON, January 18, 1890.

"DEAR SIR, -I enclose a slight sketch of the life of Mr. E. PRICE GREENLEAF, collected from various quarters, but principally from the late Mr. RICHARD C. GREENLEAF, his nearest relative, and confirmed by me after an intercourse with him of many years.

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"As his life was quite an uneventful one, the enclosed is probably all that will be required by curious enquirers in the future. Accompanying this is a genealogical record of the Greenleaf family, which I hope will be acceptable. "Yours truly,

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And it was voted, that the sketch of Mr. GREENLEAF's life and the genealogical record of his family be deposited in the College Library, and that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. WILLIAMS for his interesting and welcome gift.

The Treasurer reported that he had received through Mr. SAMUEL S. SHAW, Class Secretary of the Class of 1853, the sum of $100, to be added to the Fund of the Class of 1853.

The President read a letter from Louis D. BRANDEIS, Esq., offering on behalf of an anonymous friend of the Law School the sum of $1000 a year for the next five years, for the purpose of providing a course on Massachusetts law at the Harvard Law School, and it was Voted, that this offer be gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the gift from Mr. GEORGE B. DORR of two engravings of the Coliseum by Piranesi for the library of the Physical Laboratory be gratefully accepted.

Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to JOHN CORBETT, Member of Parliament for Mid Worcestershire, for his interesting and valuable gift of a miniature of George Washington. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Miss ANNIE WAKEMAN for her kindness in transmitting to the College the miniature of George Washington, sent as a gift by JOHN CORBETT, M.P.

A letter was received from the Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN in relation to the religious instruction of the Mashpee Indians, and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mr. CODMAN for his kindly interest and valuable advice in the matter.


SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6, 1889. In the absence of the President, the Hon. LEVERETT SALTONSTALL presided.

Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in establishing a Professorship of Psychology; in electing W. B. HILLS, M.D., Associate Professor of Chemistry; and in making other appointments.

Reports were received from the Committees on Elections, on History and Political Science, and on Fine Arts and Music.

ADJOURNED MEETING OF NOVEMBER 20, 1889. The Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN, President, in the chair.

Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in their votes electing GEORGE HERBERT PALMER, A.M., Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity; and appointing FRANCIS BOWEN, LL.D., Alford Professor of Natural Religion, Moral Philosophy, and Civil Polity, Emeritus, in consideration of his many valuable services to the College during the past forty years. Reports of the Committees on the Botanic Garden, Herbarium, and Observatory were presented. Mr. PUTNAM presented a minority report on History and Political Science. Referred to the Committee on Reports and Resolutions.

Standing Committees of the Board for 1889-90 were appointed. [These lists are printed in the Annual Catalogue for 1889-90, pp. 375-6.]

MEETING OF JANUARY 8, 1890. Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in electing Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts.

Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in the election of WILLIAM JAMES, M.D., as Professor of Psychology; and in making other appointments.

The following Committee was appointed to revise the Rules and By-Laws: President CODMAN, President ELIOT, and Messrs. ADAMS, GREEN, and WOLCOTT.

MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 1890.- Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in the appointment of C. F. R. HOCHDÖRFER, Ph.D., as Instructor in German.

Voted, to appoint WALTER FAXON a member of the Committe on Zoölogy in place of ALPHEUS HYATT, declined; and PHILLIPS BROOKS a member of the Commitiee on Composition and Rhetoric in place of MOORFIELD STORY, declined.

Petitions in reference to the voting for Overseers by graduates of the Professional Schools were referred to Messrs. SHATTUCK, WETMORE, and WALCOTT.

A petition respecting the admission of women to the Divinity School was referred to Messrs. PUTNAM, TORREY, and SEAVER.

The Committee on the Revision of the By-Laws presented its report, which was laid over.


Compiled by WILLIAM HOPKINS TILLINGHAST, Assistant Librarian,

Editor of the Quinquennial Catalogue.

Graduates and Class Secretaries are requested to send to the writer class reports, both new and old, and all newspapers which contain obituaries and other notices of Harvard alumni. It is important to have the places of birth and death, and, in addition to the year, to have the month and day of the month.

When the place of birth or death is unknown, the place of residence at the time of entering College or of decease, if known, is given within brackets.

The figures denoting age indicate the last completed year of life.


1818. Goddard, Warren, Rev., b. 12 September, 1800, at Portsmouth, N. II.; d. at Brocton, 29 October, 1889, aged 89.

1823. Blake, Samuel Parkman, b. 30 January, 1804, at Boston; d. at Roxbury, 26 December, 1889, aged 85. 1825. Bradford, George Partridge, b. 16 February, 1807, at Boston; d. at Cambridge, 26 January, 1890, aged


1830. Stearns, Jonathan French, Rev., b. 4 September, 1808, at Bedford; d. at Newark, N. J., 11 November, 1889, aged 81.

1832. Silsbee, William, Rev., b. 17 May, 1813, at Salem; d. at Salem, 8 January, 1890, aged 76.

1833. Bowen, Francis, LL.D., b. 8 September, 1811, at Charlestown; d. at Cambridge, 21 January, 1890, aged 78.

1833. Nichols, George Henry, M.D., b. 26 August, 1814, at Portland, Me.; d. at Boston, 5 February, 1890, aged 75.

1834. Atkinson, Kinsman, Rev., b. 16 October, 1807, at Buxton, Me.; d. at Cambridge, 23 December, 1889, aged 82.

1835. White, Naaman Loud, b. 24 June, 1813, at Braintree; d. at East Braintree, 14 January, 1890, aged 76. 1838. Weld, Samuel, b. 27 April, 1818, at Roxbury; d. at Roxbury, 8 January, 1890, aged 71.

1842. Allen, Nathaniel Glover, Rev., b. 23 January, 1816, at Chelmsford; d. at Auburndale, 30 November, 1889, aged 73.

1842. Swan, Richard Wenman, b. 17 July, 1817, at New York, N.Y.; d. at West Lafayette, Ind., 12 November, 1889, aged 72.

1849. Eldredge, James Thomas, b. 1 June, 1829, at Boston; d. at Boston, 18 December, 1889, aged 60.

1851. Allen, William Francis, b. 5 September, 1830, at Northboro'; d. at Madison, Wis., 9 December, 1889, aged 59.

1851. Palfrey, Francis Winthrop, LL.B., b. 11 April, 1831, at Boston; d. at Cannes, France, 5 December, 1889, aged 58.

1851. Rhett, Alfred Moore, b. 16 October, 1829, at Beaufort, S. C.; d. at Charleston, S. C., 12 November, 1889, aged 60.

1856. Wight, Rezin Augustus, b. 17 April, 1836, at Baltimore, Md.; d. at New York, N.Y., 6 January, 1890, aged 53.

1858. Brick, Riley Allen, b. 7 October, 1837, at New York, N. Y.; d. at New York, N. Y., 22 October, 1889, aged 52.

1863. Langdon, Francis Eustis, b. 10 November, 1842, at Portsmouth, N. H.; d. at Portsmouth, N. H., 4 February, 1890, aged 47.

1866. Longworth, Nicholas, b. 16 June, 1844, at Cincinnati, O.; d. at Cincinnati, O., 18 January, 1890, aged 45. 1870. Perkins, James Handasyd, b. 20 February, 1848, at Cincinnati, O.; d. at Cincinnati, O., 2 December, 1889, aged 41.

1872. Winn, William Adams, M.D., b. 1 December, 1848, at West Cambridge; d. at Arlington, 19 January, 1890, aged 41.

1882. Miles, Alfred Eugene, b. 30 August, 1860, at Brookline; d. at Saranac Lake, N. Y., 8 January, 1890, aged 29.

1883. Lord, William Tyler, M.D., b. 25 October, 1861, at Indianapolis, Ind.; d. at Salida, Col., 15 January, 1890, aged 28.

1884. Sawin, George William, A.M., b. 12 October, 1860, at Natick; d. at Boston, 29 December, 1889, aged 29. 1888. Hall, Edward Jewett, b. 30 September, 1863, at North Chelsea; d. at Concord, N. H., 5 November, 1889, aged 26.

1888. McCall, Francis Ellas, b. 11 July, 1866, at Bath, N. Y.; d. at Bath, N. Y., 22 November, 1889, aged 23.


1832. Dean, James Brinton, b. 6 April, 1809, at Easton; d. at Taunton, 19 January, 1888, aged 78.

1838. Blood, Thomas Samuel, b. 23 June, 1810, at Sterling; d. at Fitchburg, 6 February, 1890, aged 79. 1845. Townsend, William Prescott, b. 25 July, 1818, at Lancaster; d. at Goshen, N. Y., 25 December, 1876, aged 58.

1852. Lynde, James Porter, b. 19 March, 1828, at Gardner; d. at Athol, 21 January, 1890, aged 62.

1858. Kimball, Franklin Bryant, b. 27 March, 1829, at Bridgton, Me.; d. at Andover, 13 December, 1889, aged 60.

1869. Wood, Edward Addison, b. 8 May, 1848, at Bombay, India; d. at Hartford, Conn., 18 July, 1886, aged 38.

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1850. Dickson, William Martin, b. 19 September, 1827, in Scott Co., Ind.; d. at Cincinnati, O., 15 October, 1889, aged 62.

1851. Field, George Washington, b. 16 March, 1826, at LeRay, Jefferson Co., N. Y.; d. at Bangor, Franklin Co., N. Y., 25 June, 1889, aged 63. 1864. Shorey, Lyman Monson, b. 31 October, 1836, at Industry, Me.; d. at New York, N.Y., 29 December, 1889, aged 53.

1865. Platt, Johnson Tuttle, b. 12 January, 1845, at Newtown, Conn.; d. at New Haven, Conn., 23 January, 1890, aged 45.

1865. Willson, Samuel Stearns, b. 4 January,1822, at Charles. town; d. at Boston, 25 January, 1890, aged 68. 1873. Wildy, Samuel Houston, b. 9 September, 1851, in Jackson Co., Texas; d. at Port Townsend, Wash., 27 November, 1889, aged 38.


1856. Deane, Charles, LL.D., b. 10 November, 1813, at Biddeford, Me.; d. at Cambridge, 13 November, 1889, aged 76.

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