"Vita," after p. 66. Brandt, Paul. Parodorvm epicorvm graecorvm et Archestrati reliqviae; recognovit et enarravit. Lipsiae. 1888. 16°. (CORPVSCVLVM poesis epicae graecae lvdibundae, 1.) G 235 Brinton, Daniel Garrison. Aims and traits of a world-language. An address delivered before the nineteenth century club, New York, Dec. 12, 1888. New York. 1889. 12° pp. 23. 1231.10 "Reprinted from Werner's voice magazine.” Brück, Ferdinand. Die consonantendoppelung in den mittelenglischen comparativen und superInaugural-dissertation. Bonn. 1886. lativen. 8°. pp. 52+. "Lebenslauf," after p. 52. 9284.65 Buchtenkirch, Eduard. Der syntaktische gebrauch des infinitiv in Occleve's De regimine principum. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Braunschweig. 1889. 8°. pp. (2), 43. 9287.55 [Caesar, Caius Julius]? Bellum alexandrinum; erklärt von Rudolf Schneider. Berlin. 1888. 8°. pp. viii., 65. Lc 7.240 Cicero. De natura deorum libri tres. With introduction and commentary by J. B. Mayor, together with a new collation of several of the English Mss. by J. H. Swainson. 3 vol. Cambridge [Eng.], etc. 1880-85. 8°. Le 38.725 Conradi, (Karl Paul) Bruno. Darstellung der syntax in Cynewulf's gedicht "Juliana." Inaugural-dissertation, Leipzig. Halle a. S. 1886. 8°. pp. 69+. "Vita," after p. 69. 9286.46 Cozza-Luzi, Giuseppe, l'abate. Della geografia di Strabone frammenti scoperti in membrane palimseste. 3 pt. in 1 vol. Roma. 1884-88. 8°. Fac-sim. Gs 53.200 60 Curtius, Ernst. Griechische geschichte. verbesserte aufl. 3 bde. Berlin. 1887-89. 8°. Maps. 10276.8 Contents:-i. Bis zum beginne der perserkriege. 1887. - ii. Bis zum ende des peloponnesischen kriegs. 1888. iii. Bis zum ende der selbständigkeit Griechenlands; nebst register und zeittafel. 1889. Darmesteter, Arsène. La vie des mots étudiée dans leurs significations. 2e éd. Paris. 1887. 6233.13 18°. Deecke. Wilhelm. Die falisker; eine geschichtlich-sprachliche untersuchung. Strassburg. 1888. 8°. Map and plates. 11256.19 Dittenberger, Wilhelm. Commentatio de inscriptione orchomenia. Halis. [1888.] 4°. pp. x. (Index schol. aest.) 12246.53 Du Prel, Karl (Ludwig August Friedrich Maximilian Alfred), freiherr vON. Die mystik der alten griechen. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. 14284.24 Contents: Tempelschlaf. - Orakel. - Mysterien. - Dämon des Sokrates. Elmer, Herbert Charles. The copulative conjunctions que, et, atque, in the inscriptions of the Republic, in Terence, and in Cato. A dissertation presented for the degree of doctor of philosophy, [Johns Hopkins university]. Baltimore. 1887. 5272.23 8°. pp. 39. "Reprinted from the American journal of philology, vol. viii. no. 3." Euripides. Three dramas of Euripides. By W. C. Lawton. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. Ge 36.664.3 Translations of the Alkestis, Medea, and Hippolytos, supplemented by explanatory paragraphs, and preceded by an essay "On the origin and spirit of Attic tragedy." Fleischer, Heinrich Leberecht. Kleinere schriften. Gesammelt, durchgesehen, und vermehrt. 3 bde. Leipzig. 1885-88. 8°. Plates. Sem. 412 Gülde, Otto (Richard Julius). Die kriegsverfassung des ersten attischen bundes. Neuhaldensleben. 1888. 4°. pp. 1-22. (Progr. d. gymnas. "1888, nr. 229.") 10255.24 "Lebens-nachrichten," p. 36 of the Jahresbericht. Günther, G. Ueber den wortaccent bei Spenser. Inaugural-dissertation. Jena. 1889. 8°. pp. 36. 14467.20 Haberlandt, Michael. Der altindische geist. In aufsätzen und skizzen. Leipzig. 1887. 16°. III. 5491 Hagen, Hermann. Ueber wesen und bedeutung der Homerfrage. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 40. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 81.) VIII. 1758(IV) Jehuda ha-Levi ben Samuel (Arab. ABU'L HASSAN), of Castile. Das buch al-Chazari des Abu-l-Hasan Jehuda Hallewi; im arabischen urtext, sowie in der hebräischen übersetzung des Jehuda Ibn Tibbon, herausgegeben von Hartwig Hirschfeld. Leipzig. 1887. 8°. Sem. 278 Joël, Karl. Zur erkenntnis der geistigen entwicklung und der schriftstellerischen motive Platos in besonderer rücksicht auf Phaed. 96 A-100 B und Phaedr. 274 B-278 В. augural-dissertation. Leipzig. 1887. 8°. (4), 90+. "Lebenslauf," after p. 90. InPP. Gp 83.464 La Motte Fouqué, Friedrich (Heinrich Karl), baron DE. Undine; eine erzählung. Edited, with an introduction, notes, and vocabulary, by H. C. G. von Jagemann. New York, etc. [1889.] sm. 8°. 8277.60 Landgraf, Gustav. Untersuchungen zu Caesar und seinen fortsetzern, insbesondere über autorschaft und komposition des Bellum alexandrinum und africanum. Erlangen. 1888. 8°. Le 7.520 Lanman, Charles Rockwell. A Sanskrit reader; with vocabulary and notes. 3 pt. in 2 vol. (paged contin.). Boston. 1884-89[88]. 1. 8°. 3243.44 Contents:-i., ii. Text and vocabulary. 1884. - iii. Notes. 1889 [1888]. Another copy of pt. i. and ii. 3243.45 Lucianus. Dialogues. Translated, with notes and a preliminary memoir, by Howard Williams. London. 1888. sm. 8°. (Bohn's classical library.) G1 23.264 Contents:-Dialogues of the gods. - Dialogues of the seagods. - Dialogues of the dead. - Zeus the tragedian. The convicted Zeus. The convention of the gods. The ferryboat; or, The tyrant. - Menippus; or, The oracle of the dead. Maps - Mycenae. (1884.) Karten von Mykenai. Auf veranlassung des kaiserlich deutschen archäologischen instituts aufgenommen und mit erläuterndem text herausgegeben von Steffen. Berlin. 1884. 2 maps, each 25 × 234 in. Μ. 2137.5, 6 Erläuternder text. Nebst einem anhange über die Kontoporeia und das mykenisch-korinthische bergland, von H. Lolling. Berlin. 1884. 4°. pp. 48. Map and wdcts. Μ. 2137.5 Margoliouth, Daniel (Samuel), editor. Analecta orientalia ad Poeticam aristoteleam. Londini. 1887. 8°. Ga 113.331 Contents: Poetica Aristotelis, arabice, interprete Abu Bashar vel Bishr Matthaco Dair-Qonnaensi. - Definitio tragoediae, syriace. - Poetica Avicennae, ex Libro sanationis, arabice. Excerptum ex Commentario Fakhru-ddini in Fontes sapientiae Avicennae, arabice. Poetica Barhebraei, ex Butyro sapientiae, syriace. Historiae analectorum adumbratio. - Symbolae orientales ad emendationem Poetices. Specimen versionis latinae Poetices Avicennae. Annotatio in excerpta. Marucchi, Orazio. Il grande papiro egizio della biblioteca vaticana, contenente il "Sat per em heru (Libro di uscire dalla vita)," descritto ed illustrato. Roma. 1888. 4°. 4 fac-sims. III. 5557 Matzat, Heinrich. Römische zeitrechnung für die jahre 219 bis 1 v. Chr. Berlin. 1889. 4°. 11255.31 Menge, Rudolf, and Preuss, Siegmund. Lexicon caesarianum. Fasc. i.-viii. [A-Proclinot.] 8 fasc. Lipsiae. 1885-89. 1. 8°. Lc 7.435 Mentz, Ferdinand. De Lucio Aelio Stilone. Dissertatio philologica, [Jena]. Lipsiae. 1888. 8°. pp. 37+. Ls 41.15 Molee, Elias. Germanik English. A scheme for uniting the English and German languages on a Saxon and English basis, in such a way as to obtain a language understood by the whole Germanic race, etc. Bristol [Dak. 1889?]. 8°. pp. 64. 9282.29 Nonius Marcellus. Compendiosa doctrina; emendavit et adnotavit Lvcianvs Mveller. 2 pt. in 1 vol. Lipsiae. 1888. 8°. Ln 9.28 Opitz, Richard. Schauspiel und theaterwesen der griechen und römer. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. Plates and wdcts. (KULTURBILDER aus dem klassischen altertume, 5.) 10285.32 Pappageorgios, Petros N., editor. Scholia in Sophoclis tragoedias vetera; e codice laurentiano denuo collato edidit, commentario critico instruxit. Gr. Lipsiae. 1888. 16°. Gs 32.532 Paris, Gaston. Les plus anciens monuments de la langue française (Ixe, xe siècle), publiés avec un commentaire philologique. Album. Paris. 1875. f 10 fac-sims. (SOCIÉTÉ DES ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇAIS. [Publ.]) 6592.2 Paul, Hermann, editor. Grundriss der germanischen philologie. i. bd. 1., 2. lief.; ii. bd. i. abt. 1. lief.; ii. abt. 1. lief. 4 lief. Strassburg. 1889. 1. 8°. Plate. DR. 3.503 Paulson, Johannes. Studia hesiodea. i. Commentatio academica. Lundae. 1887. 4°. Gh 46.359 Contents:-i. De re metrica. From Lunds univ. Årsskr., tom. xxiii. Plummer, Charles, editor. Two of the Saxon chronicles parallel (787-1001 A.D.), with supplementary extracts from the others. A revised text, edited, with introduction, critical notes, and glossary, on the basis of an edition by John Earle. Oxford. 1889. 8°. 3435.35 Rand, Silas Tertius. Dictionary of the language of the Micmac Indians, who reside in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Cape Breton, and Newfoundland. Halifax, N. S. 1888. 4°. 1271.47 Siebeck, Hermann. Untersuchungen zur philosophie der griechen. 2o, neu bearbeitete und vermehrte aufl. Freiburg i. B. 1888. 8°. 14284.31 Sohrauer, Max. Kleine beiträge zur altenglischen grammatik. Inaugural-dissertation. Berlin. 1886. 8°. pp. 53+. 9286.27 "Litteratur," pp. 52-53. "Vita," after p. 53. Soltau, Friederich. Zur erklärung der in punischer sprache gehaltenen reden des karthaginensers Hanno im 5. akt der komödie Poenulus von Plautus. Ein beitrag zur scythisch-phönizischpunischen sprachkunde. Berlin. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 27. (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, x. 3.) Philol. 200(x) Struever, Karl. Die mittelenglische uebersetzung des Palladius; ihr verhaeltnis zur quelle und ihre sprache. Inaugural-dissertation, Goettingen. Halle a. S. 1887. 8°. pp. 82+. Lp 4.27 "Lebenslauf," after p. 82. Sybel, Ludwig von. Platon's Symposion, ein programm der akademie. Gratulationsschrift. Marburg. 1888. 8°. Gp 83.786 Tacitus. Ab excessu divi Augusti libri qui supersunt. Edidit Ignatius Prammer. 2 pt. Vindobonae. 1888. 16°. Lt 1.268 Tacitus. De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae liber. Ad fidem codicum edidit A. E. Schoene. Berolini. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 47. (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, x. 1.) Philol. 200(x) Tanger, Gustav. Englisches namen-lexikon; mit aussprachebezeichnung. Berlin. 1888. sm. 8°. 1251.14 Teichmann, Eduard. Die verbalflexion in William Langleys buch von Peter dem Pflüger. [Aachen. 1887.] 4°. pp. (2), lv. (Progr. d. realschule mit fachklassen. "1887, nr. 435.") Valerius Maximus. Factorvm et dictorvm memorabilivm libri novem. Cvm Ivlii Paridis et Ianvarii Nepotiani Epitomis, iterum recensvit Carolvs Kempf. Lipsiae. 1888. 16°. pp. xxxiv., 672. Lv 7.52 Völker, Erich (Otto). Rhinthonis fragmenta. Leipzig. 1887. 8°. pp. (4), 49+. Gr 3.1 "Vita," after p. 49. Winckler, Hugo, editor. Die keilschrifttexte Sargons; nach den papierabklatschen und originalen neu herausgegeben. 2 bde. Leipzig. 1889. 8° and 4°. 3221.28 Alberti, Conrad. Der moderne realismus in der deutschen litteratur und die grenzen seiner berechtigung. Vortrag, gehalten im deutschen litteraturverein zu Leipzig. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 36. (DEUTSCHE Zeit- und streit-fragen; neue folge, iv. 52.) VIII. 7a (IV) Alcott, Louisa May. Life, letters, and journals; edited by Ednah D. Cheney. Boston. 1889. 16°. Portrs., plate, and fac-sims. AL 731.01 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Wyndham Towers. [A poem.] Boston, etc. 1890 [1889]. sm. 8°. pp. 80. AL 732.35 [Alf laila.] Alaeddin and the enchanted lamp. Zein ul Asnam and the king of the Jinn. Two stories done into English from the recently discovered Arabic text, by John Payne. London. 1889. 8°. (VILLON SOCIETY. [Publ.]) 27246.9 750 copies. "No.203." Ames, Lucia True. Memoirs of a millionaire. Boston, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. AL 743.2.15 Under the form of the biography of a woman with an immense fortune who devotes herself to the carrying out of charitable schemes, the author discusses many of the leading religious, social, and political questions of the day, and expresses her own views on the responsibility of wealth. Arblay, Mme. Frances (BURNEY) D'. Fanny Burney and her friends; select passages from her diary and other writings. Edited by L. B. Seeley. New York. 1890 [1889]. 8°. Portrs. 18437.32 Armstrong, Archibald. A banquet of jests and merry tales, by Archie Armstrong, court jester to King James I. and King Charles I., 1611-1637. In the original quaint spelling. London, etc. 1889. 11445.54 8° buch; in zahmen xenien von 1820 bis ende 1886. 2e aufl. Berlin. 1887. sm. 8°. 20563.7 Baumbach, Rudolf. Kaiser Max und seine jäger; dichtung. 2es tausend. Leipzig. 1888. 16°. 20563.8 Bernard de Menthon, Saint. Le mystère de S. Bernard de Menthon. Publié pour la première fois, d'après le manuscrit unique appartenant à M. le comte de Menthon, par A. Lecoy de la Marche. Paris. 1888. 8°. (SOCIÉTÉ DES ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇAIS. [Publ.]) 8594.49 Biedermann, (Gustav) Woldemar, freiherr VON, editor. Goethes gespräche. i., ii. bd. 2 bde. in 1. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. 17578.5 Also with the title, "Anhang an Goethes werke. Abtheilung für gespräche." A collection of anecdotes drawn from a great variety of sources relating to sayings or conversations of Goethe. Black, William. and two other tales. The penance of John Logan, Other tales: - Romeo and Juliet; a tale of two young fools. A snow idyll. Brink, Jan TEN. Geschiedenis der noord-nederlandsche letteren in de xixe eeuw; in biographieën en bibliographieën. 1830-1880. i, iie deel. 2 deelen in 1 vol. Amsterdam. 1888. 8°. IV. 3048 Contents:-i. Inleiding. - Isaac da Costa. - Jacob van Lennep.-Jan Frederik Öltmans.- Cornelis Eliza van Koetsveld. Johannes Petrus Hasebroek. Nicolaas Beets. Anna Louisa Geertruida Toussaint. ii. Jan Jacob Lodewijk ten Kate.- Bernard ter Haar. Everhard Johannes Potgieter:- Josephus Albertus Alberdingk Thijm.- Willem Jacobsz. Hofdijk. Mark Prager Lindo. Lodewijk Mulder. - Hendrik Jan Schimmel. Carel Vosmaer. Conrad Busken Huet. Jacobus Jan Cremer. Bullen, Arthur Henry, editor. dramatists of the Elizabethan age. 8°. "520 copies. No. 461." Lyrics from the London. 1889. 14476.27 Buss, Paul (Friedrich Heinrich). Sind die von Horstmann herausgegebenen schottischen legenden ein werk Barbere's? Inaugural-dissertation, Göttingen. Halle a. S. 1886. 8°. pp. 45+. 12474.16 "Vita," after p. 45. Contents:-La Dora; memorie di Giuseppe Regaldi. Dopo una rappresentazione della commedia "La vida es sueño" di Pietro Calderon. - Goffredo Mameli. - Il secondo centenario di L. A. Muratori. Di alcuni giudizi su A. Manzoni. Tibulliana. - Dieci anni a dietro. [On recent Italian poetry.] - Emilio Littré. -Augusto Barbier.- Don Quixote. Maria Teresa Gozzadini.- Giovanni Prati.-Arte e poesia. Augusto Barbier in Italia. Carducci, Giosuè. Discorsi letterari e storici. sm. 8°. (In his Opere, i.) Bologna. 1889. IV. 3103 Contents:-Lo studio di Bologna. - Dello svolgimento della letteratura nazionale. - Per la inaugurazione d'un monumento a Virgilio in Pietole. L'opera di Dante. - Presso la tomba di Francesco Petrarca. - Ai parentali di Giovanni Boccacci. Del rinnovamento letterario in Italia. - Per la morte di Giuseppe Garibaldi. - Relazioni di storia patria per le province di Romagna, 1865-75. Carducci, Giosuè. Primi saggi. Bologna. 1889. sm. 8°. (In his Opere, ii.) IV. 3103.2 Contents:- Per il classicismo e il rinascimento.- Lorenzo de' Medici. - Fra' Girolamo Savonarola e santa Caterina de' Ricci. - Alessandro Tassoni. - Salvator Rosa. - Alessandro Marchetti. Di alcune opere minori di Vittorio Alfieri. Giuseppe Giusti. - Gabriele Rossetti. - Il buco nel muro di F. D. Guerrazzi. - Louisa Grace Bartolini. - Di alcune condizioni della presente letteratura. Carleton, Will. City legends. [Poems.] New York. 1890 [1889]. sq. 8°. Illustr. AL 1019.5.20 Carleton, William. Stories. With an introduction by W. B. Yeats. London, etc. [1889.] 16°. (The CAMELOT series, 43.) 21427.19 Biographical sketch, pp. ix.-xvii. Contents:-The poor scholar. - Tubber Derg; or, The red well.- Wildgoose lodge. - Shane Fadh's wedding. The hedge school. Catherwood, Mrs. Mary Hartwell. The romance of Dollard. New-York. [1889.] 12°. Front. and plates. AL 1028.3.15 Chaucer, Geoffrey. Canterbury tales, annotated and accented, with Illustrations of English life in Chaucer's time; by John Saunders. New and revised ed. With illustrations from the Ellesmere Ms. London. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. and plates. 12486.46 The "Illustrations of English life" were originally published separately, with the title "Cabinet pictures of English life," 1845. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, The monkes tale, The clerkes tale, The squieres tale; from the Canterbury tales. Edited [with introduction and notes] by W. W. Skeat. 4th ed., revised. Oxford. 1888. 16°. (Clarendon press series.) 12486.17 "List of Chaucer's works," pp. lxxix.-lxxxi. Chaucer, Geoffrey. The tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale, The second nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale; from the Canterbury tales. Edited [with introduction and notes] by W. W. Skeat. New ed., revised. Oxford. 1889. 16°. (Clarendon press series.) 12486.18 Cherbuliez, Victor. Profils étrangers. 2e éd. Paris. 1889. 16°. 12545.25 Contents:-Hegel et sa correspondance. - Le prince de Bismarck et M. Moritz Busch. - Lord Beaconsfield. Guillaume de Humboldt et Charlotte Diede. Un bourgmestre de Stralsund au XVIe siècle [Barthélemy Sastrow]. M. de Beust et ses mémoires. - Le roi Louis II. de Bavière. Charles Gordon. - Léopold Ranke. - M. Geffcken et le journal de l'empereur Frédéric. - M. Francesco Crispi et sa politique. Un missionnaire écossais [Robert Moffat]. Le poète, Don Serafin Estebanez. L'esprit chinois. - La famille Buchholz et la petite bourgeoisie berlinoise. Chrestien de Troyes. Cligés. Textausgabe, mit einleitung und glossar, herausgegeben von W. Foerster. Halle a. S. 1888. 8°. (ROMANISCHE bibliothek, 1.) 6294.10 Christy, Robert. Proverbs, maxims, and phrases of all ages, classified subjectively and arranged alphabetically. 2 vol. New York, etc. 1889 [cop. 1887]. 8°. DR. 3.151 Corson, Hiram. An introduction to the study of Shakespeare. Boston. 1889. sm. 8°. 12443.35 Cross lights. [A volume of essays.] London. 1888. sm. 8°. 20427.10 Contents:The study of classical archæology. - Масpherson's "Ossian." Wordsworth's successor [Robert Browning].- A littérateur of the eighteenth century [Hugh Blair]. - Logic and language. - Shakespeare on the stage. Cynewulf. Elene. Mit einem glossar herausgegeben von Julius Zupitza. 3o aufi. Anglo-Sax. Berlin. 1888. 8°. pp. viii., 89+. 12493.24 Day, Henry Noble. The art of discourse; a system of rhetoric adapted for use in colleges and academies and also for private study. 10th ed. New York, etc. [1889, cop. 1867.] 8°. VII. 2342 De Foe, Daniel. Earlier life and chief earlier works. Edited by Henry Morley. London, etc. 1889. 8°. (The CARISBROOKE library, 3.) 16485.28 Contents: An essay on projects. The true-born Englishman. The shortest way with the dissenters. A hymn to the pillory. The consolidator; or, Memoirs of sundry transactions in the world of the moon. - A true relation of the apparition of Mrs. Veal, the next day after her death, to Mrs. Bargrave, at Canterbury, the eighth of September 1705. With reprints of the original title-pages. Detmold, Johann Hermann. Das schwierige problem; humoreske. Neue ausg., mit einem nachwort. Illustriert von E. Klein. Stuttgart. 1887. sm. 8°. pp. (4), 78. Wdcts. 19587.1 Drayton, Michael. The poly-olbion: a chorographicall description of Great Britain. [In verse. Reprinted from the edition of 1622.] Pt. i. [Manchester.] 1889. f°. Fac-sim. title-page, port. of Henry, prince of Wales, and maps. (SPENSER SOCIETY. Publ. New series, 1.) Eng. Lit. 1181 D'Urfey, Thomas. The comical history of Don Quixote. As it was acted at the queen's theatre in Dorset Garden, by their majesties servants. i., ii.; The comical history istory of Don T Pt. Quixote. With the marriage of Mary the buxome. Pt. iii. 3 pt. in 1 vol. (paged contin.). London. 1729. [Reprinted Brooklyn, N. Y. 1889.] 8°. 15462.26 ii. Euphranor. Six dramas from Calderon, riz. The painter of his own dishonour. Keep your own secret. Gil Perez, the Gallician. Three judgments at a blow. The mayor of Zalamea. Beware of smooth water. - A bird's-eye view of Farid-uddin Attar's Bird-parliament. The two generals. iii. The mighty magician; taken from Calderon's "El mágico prodigioso." - Such stuff as dreams are made of; taken from Calderon's "La vida es sueño." - The downfall and death of King Edipus; a drama taken from Sophocles. |