Slike stranica

Agamemnon; a tragedy taken from Æschylus. - Rubaiyát of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English verse. Salamán and Absál; translated from the Persian of Jámí. Bredfield Hall. - Chronomoros. - Virgil's garden. - Translation from Petrarch. - Preface to Polonius. - Introduction to readings in Crabbe.

Fliegende blätter. xci. bd. nro. 2293. 7. juli, 1889. w. München. 1889. 4°. Illustr. Germ. To be continued.

France, (Jacques) Anatole. Balthasar [and other sketches]. Paris. 1889. 18° 12536.62.2 Other sketches: - Le réséda du curé. - M. Pigeonneau.La fille de Lilith. - Læta Acilia. - L'œuf rouge. - Abeille. Freiligrath, Gisberte. Beiträge zur biographie Ferdinand Freiligraths. Minden i.W. 1889. 16°. 20566.54

Froitzheim, Joh. Goethe und Heinrich Leopold Wagner; ein wort der kritik an unsere Goetheforscher. Strassburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 68. (BEITRÄGE zur landes- und volkeskunde von ElsassLothringen, 10.) 13557.18

Fuller, Mabel Louise. The aspen shade; a romance. Boston. 1889. sm. 8°. AL 1595.1.95

Gegenwart (Die); wochenschrift für literatur, kunst, und öffentliches leben. Herausgeber: Theophil Zolling. Bd. xxxvi. no. 40. 5. oct. 1889. Berlin. 1889. 4°

To be continued.


[blocks in formation]

[Gilman, Daniel Coit, editor.] The forty-sixth birthday of Sidney Lanier, Feb. 3, 1888. [Poems, letters, and papers, read at the memorial meeting at Johns Hopkins university.) Baltimore. 1888. 24°. pp. 56. AL 2327.09

"Lanier's published works" and "Notices of his life and writings," pp. 53-56.

Giusti, Giuseppe. Poesie; illustrate con note storiche e filologiche da Giovanni Fioretto. 3a ed., corretta ed aumentata. Verona. 1888. 8°.

IV. 3097

[blocks in formation]

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (b. 1809). The autocrat of the breakfast-table. 2 vol. (paged contin.). [Boston, etc.] 1890 [1889]. 12° AL 1773.328

Holmes, Oliver Wendell (b. 1809). The autocrat of the breakfast-table. London, etc. [1889.] 16°. (The CAMELOT series, 44.) AL 1773.329 [Howard, Edward Greville George.] Rattlin, the reefer. Edited by Capt. Marryat. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.43

Hunt, (James Henry) Leigh. Leigh Hunt as poet and essayist; being the choicest passages from his works, selected and edited, with a biographical introduction, by Charles Kent. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Port. (The Cavendish library.) 20493.40

"Biographical introduction," pp. ix.-xlviii. "Bibliography," pp. 527-528.

Ipotis. Zu dem mittelenglischen dialog "Ipotis." i. Zwei bisher ungedruckte texte. ii. Untersuchung über das handschriftenverhältnis. Inaugural-dissertation von Hugo Gruber. Berlin. 1887. 8°. pp. 35+.

"Vita," after p. 35.


[blocks in formation]

Lamb, Charles, and Mary (Ann). Poetry for children. To which are added, Prince Dorus and some uncollected poems by Charles Lamb. Edited, prefaced, and annotated by R. H. Shepherd. New York. 1889. 16°. Goethes 20497.29

Glouvet, Jules De, pseudon. See Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Jules.

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. selbstzeugnisse über seine stellung zur religion und zu religiös-kirchlichen fragen; in zeitlicher folge zusammengestellt von Th. Vogel. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. 17594.55

Graves, Charles L. The green above the red; more Blarney ballads. London. 1889. sq. 8°. Front. and plate. 23448.59

Satirical poems directed against Gladstone and the Irish party.

Larcom, Lucy. A New England girlhood, outlined from memory. Boston, etc. 1889. 16°. (The RIVERSIDE library for young people, 6.)


AL 2332.001 Lindau, (Heinrich Gustav) Paul. Spitzen; 4a aufl. 2 bde. in 1 (paged contin.). Berlin, etc. [1888.] 8°. (In his Berlin; romane, 3.) 20594.59 Lindau, Rudolph. Der lange holländer [and sm. 8°. 20594.61

other stories]. Berlin. 1889. The allegory as

Greene, Herbert Eveleth. employed by Spenser, Bunyan, and Swift. A dissertation presented to the academic council of Harvard university for the degree of doctor of philosophy. (Baltimore? 1889.] 8°. pp. 55.

VII. 2339

"List of works consulted," pp. 54-55. Reprinted from the Publications of the modern language association of America, for 1889.

Harrison, Gabriel. John Howard Payne, dramatist, poet, actor, and author of Home, sweet home! His life and writings. Revised ed. Philadelphia, etc. 1885. 8°. Port. of Payne, fac-sims., and wdets. VII. 2296

"List of Payne's dramatic works," pp. 395-396. Selections from his writings, viz., Lispings of the muse, Poems of later days, Our neglected poets, Edmund Kean as Shylock, Talma as a man and an actor, Hamlet.

Other stories: - Die geschichte des negerfürsten Mioko Koango; aus einem amerikanischen roman von G. W. Cable. -Treu bis in den tod. - Der abend.

Lowell, Robert (Traill Spence). The new priest in Conception Bay. [Revised ed.] Boston. 1889. sm. 8°. AL 2395.5.56 MacDonald, George. A double story. Boston. [1888.] sm. 8°. Front. and plates. 22475.14 MacDonald, George. St. George and St. Michael; a novel. Boston. [1886.] 12°. Front. and plates. 22475.1 Sir Gibbie. Boston. 22475.3

MacDonald, George. [1886.] 8°. Front.

MacDonald, George. an autobiographical story.

[blocks in formation]

Manuelo, pseudon. California three hundred and fifty years ago. Manuelo's narrative translated from the Portuguese by a pioneer. San Francisco, etc. 1888. 8°. Front. AL 4323.32

"The above book purports to be a translation of a recently discovered Portuguese Ms., giving a sailor's narrative of a sojourn in California and life among the Indians 300 years ago." - Trade list annual, 1888.

Marryat, Frederick. The children of the New Forest. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. and plates. 22478.46

Marryat, Frederick. The dog fiend, or Snarleyyow. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.25 Marryat, Frederick. Frank Mildmay, or The naval officer. With a memoir by Florence Marryat. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.26

"Memoir," pp. iii.-ix.

Marryat, Frederick. Japhet in search of a father. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.27 Marryat, Frederick. The king's own. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.28

Marryat, Frederick. The little savage. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. and plates. 22478.47 Marryat, Frederick. Masterman Ready, or The wreck of the Pacific. Written for young people. London, etc. [1888?] 8°. Front. and 22478.29


Marryat, Frederick. The mission, or Scenes in Africa. Written for young people. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. 22478.30

Marryat, Frederick. Mr. Midshipman Easy. London, etc. [1889.] 8% Front. 22478.32 Marryat, Frederick. Newton Forster, or The merchant service. London, etc. [1889.] 8. 22478.33


Marryat, Frederick. Olla podrida. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.34

Contents:-Diary on the Continent. - S. W. and by W. W. Ill-will. The sky-blue domino. Modern town houses. The way to be happy. - How to write a fashionable novel. How to write a book of travels. How to write a romance. The legend of the bell rock. - Moonshine.

Marryat, Frederick. The pacha of many tales. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.35 Marryat, Frederick. Percival Keene. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front.


Marryat, Frederick. Peter Simple. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front.


Marryat, Frederick. The phantom ship. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front.


Marryat, Frederick. The pirate, and The three cutters. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.39 "Memoir of the author," pp. 1-13.

Marryat, Frederick. The poacher. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front.


Marryat, Frederick. Poor Jack. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. and wdcts.


Marryat, Frederick. The privateersman; adventures by sea and land, in civil and savage life, 100 years ago. London, etc. [1888.] 8° 22478.42 The same. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Port. 22478.48

Marryat, Frederick. Settlers in Canada. London, etc. [1889.] 8°.


Marryat, Frederick. The travels and adventures of Monsieur Violet in California, Sonora, and western Texas. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.31

Marryat, Frederick. Valerie; an autobiography. London, etc. [1889.] 8°. Front. 22478.45

[blocks in formation]

Milton, John. English prose writings. Edited by Henry Morley. London, etc. 1889. 8° (The CARISBROOKE library, 5.) 14414.11

Contents:-Of reformation touching church discipline in England. The reason of church government urged against prelacy. The doctrine and discipline of divorce. Of education. Areopagitica. - The tenure of kings and magistrates. A treatise of civil power in ecclesiastical causes. The ready and easy way to establish a free commonwealth.

Mitchell, Donald Grant. English lands, letters, and kings, from Celt to Tudor. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. 10434.18

The author's object is "to familiarize the average reader with the salient characteristics" of English writers to the end of the Elizabethan age. - Preface.

Moulton, Richard Green. Shakespeare as a dramatic artist; a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism. 2d ed., revised and enlarged. Oxford. 1888. sm. 8°. 12443.33 Netoliczka, Oskar. Schäferdichtung und poetik im 18. jahrhundert. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Weimar. [1889.] 8% pp. (4), 61. 16573.34 "Sonderabdruck aus der Vierteljahrschrift für litteraturgeschichte, ii. bd., s. 1-61."

Nicholson, (John) Aldwell. A reply answered. The Hon. Ignatius Donnelly's reply answered. Stratford-on-Avon, etc. 1889. 4°. pp. 7.

12454.20.2 Nienkirchen, Friedrich. Alfred de Musset's gedicht, Sur la paresse, als zeitgenössische satire, mit ihren beziehungen zu Mathurin Regnier; ein biographisch-literargeschichtlicher commentar. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Berlin. 1889. 8°. 11596.3 pp. (2), 69.

Nithart or NEIDHART von Reuenthal. Lieder; auf grund von M. Haupts herstellung, zeitlich gruppirt, mit erklärungen und einer einleitung, von Friedrich Keinz. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. Front. 16524.11

Panin, Ivan (Nikolaevitch). Lectures on Russian literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoy. New York, etc. 1889. 16°. IV. 3041

Patmore, Coventry (Kearsey Dighton). Principle in art, etc. (Essays.] London. 1889. 16°. 23467.42

Contents:-Principle in art. - Real apprehension. - Seers, thinkers, and talkers. - Possibilities and performances. Cheerfulness in life and art. The point of rest in art. Imagination. Pathos. Poetical integrity. The poetry of negation. - The limitations of genius. - Love and poetry. Keats. What Shelley was. Blake. Rossetti as a poet. Mr. Swinburne's selections. - Arthur Hugh Clough. - Emerson. - Crabbe and Shelley. - Shall Smith have a statue? - Ideal and material greatness in architecture. "Old English" architecture, ancient and modern. Architectural styles. - Thoughts on knowledge, opinion, and inequality.

Pfeiffer, Emil Charles. Practice papers. [Poems and sketches.) Boston. [1889.] sm. 8°. pp. 75. AL 2947.6.15

Philippe de Navarre. Les quatre âges de l'homme; traité moral. Publié pour la première fois, d'après les manuscrits de Paris, de Londres, et de Metz, par Marcel de Fréville. Paris. 1888. (SOCIÉTÉ DES ANCIENS TEXTES FRANÇAIS. [Publ.]) 7593.61 Philips, Karl. Lokalfärbung in Shakespeares dramen. 2 teile in 1 vol. [Köln. 1887]-88. 4° 12431.27


Progr. d. höheren bürgerschule. Teil ii. is "1888, nr. 460," Teil i. has no title-page.

[blocks in formation]

Contents:-Marlowe's "Jew of Malta." - Shakespeare's "Merchant of Venice."-Cumberland's "The Jew."-Scott's "Ivanhoe." - Dickens's "Oliver Twist" and "Our mutual friend." - Disraeli's "Coningsby and Tancred." - George Eliot's "Daniel Deronda."

Pope, Alexander. Works. New ed., including several hundred unpublished letters and other new materials. Collected in part by the late J. W. Croker. With introductions and notes by Whitwell Elwin [and W. J. Courthope]. 10 vol. London. 1871-89. 8°. Portrs., fronts., and fac-sims. 15445.7 Contents:-i.-iv. Poetry. 4 vol. 1871-82. - v. Life and index, by W.J. Courthope. 1889. vi.-ix. Correspondence. Vol. L-iv. 1871-86. x. Correspondence. Vol. v. Prose works. 1886.

[Quesnay de Beaurepaire, Jules.] Histoires du vieux temps; par Jules de Glouvet (pseudon.]. Paris. 1889. 18°.


[blocks in formation]

Bibliography of Balzac's writings, pp. 165-199. Schweitzer, Philipp. Geschichte der skandinavischen litteratur. 3 theile in 1 vol. Leipzig. [1886-89.] 8°. (GESCHICHTE der weltlitteratur in einzeldarstellungen, 8.) IV. 3107

Note on authorities, i. viii.-xvi.

Sidney, Sir Philip. Astrophel and Stella, und Defence of poesie; nach den ältesten ausgaben, mit einer einleitung über Sidney's leben und werke, herausgegeben von Ewald Flügel. Halle a. S. 1889. 8°. 14457.20

Smith, George A., B.A. A compendium and concordance of the complete works of Shakespeare; also an index of every character in the dramas and where they appear. Philadelphia. 1889. 16°. Port. of Shakespeare and plates.

DR. 3.182 Sparvel-Bayly, John Anthony. New studies in old subjects. London. 1889. sm. 8°. Wdcts. 20424.48

Contents:- Implements of war. - Good Queen Bertha. The Venerable Bede. - Saint Hilderferth.- Becket the archbishop. - The pilgrim and the shrine. Mary Stuart.. Fotheringhay castle. The story of the Armada, 1588. The brewer and his beer. Old pipes and smokers. Some early church dedications. - Pews of the past. - Monumental brasses. Church bells. - The religious guilds. Dartford priory, Kent. The Norman castles.

Spenser, Edmund. The faery queene. Book i., ii. Edited (with notes] by G. W. Kitchin. 2 vol. Oxford. 1888. 16°. (Clarendon press series.) 14466.21

Book i. is "new ed."; ii. is "7th ed."

Stapfer, Paul. Rabelais; sa personne, son génie, son œuvre. 2e éd. Paris. 1889. 18°.


Stricker, Johannes. De düdesche Schlömer; ein niederdeutsches drama. (1584.) Herausgegeben von Johannes Bolte. Norden, etc. 1889. 16°. Wdct. (DRUCKE des vereins für niederdeutsche sprachforschung, 3.) 17516.30

With fac-similes of the original title-page and colophon.
Biographical sketch, pp. *1-*11.

Tatler (The). Selected essays [by Sir Richard Steele and Joseph Addison]. With an introduction and notes by A. C. Ewald. London, etc. 1888.

sm. 8°. (The CHANDOS Classics.) 16464.9 Tennyson, Alfred, 1st baron. The two voices, and A dream of fair women. With an introduction and notes by Hiram Corson. New York. [1889.] 16°. pp. 44. (ENGLISH classic series, 36.)


[blocks in formation]

Tompson, Benjamin. The grammarians funeral; or, An elegy composed upon the death of Mr. John Woodmancy, formerly a school-master in Boston; but now published upon the death of Mr. Ezekiel Chevers, late school-master of Boston. [Fac-simile; with "Remarks" by Dr. S. A. Green, at a meeting of the Massachusetts historical society, Oct. 10, 1889. Boston. 1889.] 8°. pp. 2, 1 fac-sim. page. 17395.14

Tucker, Stephen, editor. The assignment of arms to Shakespere and Arden, 1596-1599. With introductory note. London. 1884. 4°. pp. 12. Fac-sims. 12451.12

Vischer, Friedrich Theodor. Altes und neues. 3 hefte in 1 vol. Stuttgart. 1882 ['81-82]. . 8°. 20575.11

Contents:-i. Aus einer griechischen reise. - Satyrische zeichnung: Gavarni und Töpffer. Ein malerischer stoff. Nachruf an Eduard Mörike's grab, 6. juni, 1875. Rede bei der einweihung seines denkmals, 4. juni, 1880. - Der traum; eine studie zu der schrift: Die traumphantasie von Johann Volkelt. 1881.

ii. Zur vertheidigung meiner schrift: Goethe's Faust; nene beiträge zur kritik des gedichts. - Gottfried Keller. Ein italienisches bad [Recoaro]. - Noch ein wort über thiermisshandlung in Italien. 1881.

iii. Alfred Rethel. - Ludwig Weisser. - Ein internationaler gruss (Benelli). - Voltaire; sechs vorträge von Fr. Strauss. Oberschwäbische zeitbilder (K. Planck und H. (Günthert). - Publizistisches. - K. G. Reuschle, Philosophie und naturwissenschaft; zur erinnerung an Fr. Strauss. Mein lebensgang. 1882.

Vischer, Friedrich Theodor. Altes und neues. Neue folge. Stuttgart. 1889. 8°. 20575.12

Contents:- Zum neueren drama: Hebbel. - Rede zur hundertjährigen feier der geburt Schiller's am 10. nov. 1859 in der St. Peterskirche zu Zürich. - Die schweizerische lite. ratur des achtzehnten jahrhunderts. Durcheinander aus Oberitalien. - Ein italienischer sonettendichter [Giovanni Rizzi]. Leiden des buchstaben R auf seiner wanderung durch Deutschland. - Zum schutz der schutzrede für das R.-Nachruf an Berthold Auerbach's grab. Kleine beiträge zur charakteristik Goethe's. - Rede bei der enthüllung einer gedenktafel am geburtshause von D. F. Strauss. - Friedrich Schiller. Griechische frühlingstage. - Das symbol. - Aphorismen.

[blocks in formation]

Additions to the Dante Society's collection in Harvard College Library.

Agresti, Alberto. Dante e S. Anselmo; studii [letti alla r. accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti, 16 feb. e 13 luglio 1886]. - Cunizza da Romano; conferenza dantesca [data al circolo filologico di Napoli, il 18 aprile 1886]. - La verità sulle colpe di Cunizza; memoria dantesca [letta alla r. accademia di archeologia, lettere e belle arti, 10 maggio 1887]. Napoli. 1887. 8°. pp. Dn. 125.6.2 (4), 40, 32, 16.

Balsano, Gaetano, Barone. Sullo scopo e sull' andamento della Divina commedia; pensieri. PaDn. 149.16 lermo. 1887. 8°. pp. 78+.

"Cenni biografici del barone Gaetano Balsano," pp. 3-11. Published after the author's death by his son Emanuele Balsano.

Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo. Divagazione dantesca. [Parad. xix. 57.] Torino. 1887. 8°. Dn. 126.19 pp. 11. "Estratto dalla rivista, La sapienza, nov. e dic. 1886." Billia, Lorenzo Michelangelo. Sigieri nella Divina commedia [Parad. x. 133-138], studio di Carlo Cipolla. Torino. 1887. 8°. pp. 8.

Dn. 126.19

"Estratto dalla rivista, La sapienza, sett. e ott. 1886." A discussion of an article by Carlo Cipolla, published in the Giornale storico della letteratura italiana, vol. viii.

Blanc, Ludwig Gottfried. Vocabolario dantesco, o Dizionario critico e ragionato della Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri. Ora per la prima volta recato in italiano da G. Carbone. 2a ed. Firenze. 1877. 8°. Dn. 121.2.3

Bruni Aretino, Leonardo. Dialogus de tribus vatibus florentinis [Dante, Petrarca, Boccaccio]. Herausgegeben von Karl Wotke. Wien, etc. 1889. 8°. pp. 32. Dn. 401.4.2

Calvi, Felice. Di alcuni nuovi documenti riguardanti la Pia celebrata da Dante nel canto v. del Purgatorio. [Milano, etc. 1886.] 8°. pp. (6). Dn. 149.16

Reale istituto lombardo di scienze e lettere. Rendiconti. Ser. 2, xix. 410-415.

Carnecchia, F. G. Chiosa al verso "Si che il piè fermo sempre era il più basso." [Inf. i. 30.] Pisa. 1887. 8°. pp. 12. Dn. 149.16

Casalin, Domenico. S. Tommaso d' Aquino e Dante Allighieri. (Milano. 1885-87.] 8% Dn. 127.25

La scuola cattolica, 1885-87, xxv.-xxix., passim. [Centofanti, Silvestro.] Un preludio al corso di lezioni su Dante Alighieri. Firenze. 1838. Dn. 149.15

Contents:-Pei giovani poeti italiani. - Stanze su Dante Alighieri già scritte in occasione del monumento inalzato in S. Croce a questo grande italiano. - A Vittore Hugo, ode.

Dante Alighieri. The banquet (Il convito). Translated by Katharine Hillard. [With an appendix, containing the epistle of Dante to Can Grande, translated from the edition of Fraticelli.] London. 1889. 8°. Dn. 284.2

Dante Alighieri. La divina commedia, col comento di Pietro Fraticelli. Nuova ed., con giunte e correzioni, arricchita de' cenni storici intorno al poeta, del rimario, etc. Firenze. 1881. 8°. pp. 724, cxxx. Port. and plates. Dn. 28.81.2

The portrait is an engraving from Giotto's fresco.

Dante Alighieri. Il paradiso: dichiarato ai giovani da Angelo de Gubernatis. Firenze. 1887. 32° Dn. 28.87

The date on the cover is 1888.

Dante Alighieri. The vision; or, Hell, Purgatory, and Paradise. Translated by H. F. Cary. Corrected edition; with a life of Dante, a chronological view of his age, additional notes, and an index. [With engravings after Flaxman.] London. 1865. 8°. Port., engr. title-page, and 35 [33] plates. Dn. 37.2.5

"Life," pp. 1-12.-"Chronological view of the age of Dante," pp. 12-14. The portrait is a copy of Morghen's engraving.

Dante Alighieri. Die hölle. Metrisch übertragen von Carl Bertrand. Heidelberg. 1887. 8°. Dn. 86.6

Dante Alighieri. Epistolae quae exstant; cum notis Caroli Witte. Patavii. 1827. 8°. Dn. 318.27

Fiammazzo, Antonio. I codici friulani della Divina commedia. Illustrazioni e varianti, questione e lezioni inedite del bartoliniano. Cividale. 1887. 8°. Dn. 130.12

Giovanna, Ildebrando DELLA. Note letterarie. Per il dolce stil nuovo; Di alcune contraddizioni dantesche; Una canzone Leopardiana prima del Leopardi; La Battaglia delle vecchie colle giovani. Palermo. 1888. 8°. pp. (4), 86. Dn. 131.12.2

Landoni, Teodorico. Descrizione bibliografica e critica di due edizioni principi della Divina commedia. Edizione di Mantova del 1472 [and] edizione di Federico Veronese del 1472. 3 pt. in 1 vol. [Bologna. 1887.] 1. 8°. pp. (10).

Dn. 570.8

Il bibliofilo, gen.. feb., aprile, 1887; anno viii. 1-3, 17-20,


Lumini, Apollo. Il passo di Acheronte [Inf. iv. 1-12]. Città di Castello. 1888. 16°. pp. (4), 33. Dn. 149.15

Manara, Ernesto. "Pape Satan, pape Satan aleppe" [Inf. vii. 1. Bologna. 1888.] 8% pp. 4. Dn. 149.15

"Estratto dal Propugnatore, nuova serie, vol. i., parte ii., fasc. 4."

Martinelli, Onorato. La ruina dell' Alighieri [Inf. v. 34], novellamente interpretata per onorare il solenne sacerdotale giubileo del sommo pontefice Leone XIII. Lucca. 1887. 8°. pp.12. Dn. 149.16 Maschio, Antonio. Nuovi pensieri sull' Inferno di Dante. Venezia. 1868. 8°. pp. 56.

Dn. 149.15

Mattei, Pietro. Della sintassi e dello stile dei predecessori di Dante; studi. Trieste. 1878. 8°. pp. 59. Dn. 530.12

"Estratto dal progr. del civ. ginnasio superiore di Trieste, anno xv., 1877-78."

Mitrović, Bartolomeo. Applicazione della formola "Dante spiegato con Dante" alla idea fondamentale della Commedia. Trieste.


Piumati, Alessandro. Dante e la musica. Discorso letto il 24 nov. 1887, nella distribuzione dei premi agli alunni delle scuole d' Asti, dal dott. Alessandro Piumati; e Parole dette nella stessa occasione dal prof. Carlo Vassallo. Asti. 1887. 8°. pp. 61. Dn. 149.16

Poletto, Giacomo, l'abate. Figure e simboli nelle opere di Dante; ricerche. Venezia. 1879. 16°. pp. (12), 71. Dn. 149.15

"Faustissime nozze Brunelli-Vanzetti."

Preda, Pietro. L'idea religiosa e civile di
Dante; studio. Milano. 1889. 8°. Dn. 140.16
Prompt, Dr. — Studio sulla malebolge di
Dante. Nice. 1889. 8°. pp. 16. Plate.
Dn. 140.13.2

Quadri, Gaetano. Dante nel mezzo di male-
bolge, e Don Abbondio alla Malanotte. Lettura
pubblica fatta il 27 giugno 1886. Mantova. 1887.
8°. pp. 24.
Dn. 149.16

"Estratto dagli Atti della reale accademia rirgiliana di Mantora, biennio 1886-87."

Savini, Ferdinando. I papi, i cardinali, i chierici, i frati, la religione, a giudizio di Dante Alighieri. Con tre appendici: Suor Beatrice Alighieri; Il sepolcro e le ossa del poeta; Il ritratto di Dante fatto dal Giotto, ed esistente in Ravenna. Ravenna. 1889. 8°. pp. viii., 81. Dn. 143.14 Scaetta, Silvio. Paradiso. Saggio d' interDn. 143.7.3

pretazione. Matelica. 1889. 8°. 1886.

Dn. 137.17

Molteni, Paolo. Le opere di Dante Allighieri,
come le vede Paolo Molteni. Libro i., ii. 2 lib.
Milano. 1889. 8°. Plates.
Dn. 137.18

Contents:-i. La Commedia.ii. Il Convito.
Molteni, Paolo. Trattato di fisica nuova;
proemio. Libro iii. Milano. 1879. 8°. Dn. 137.18
Contents:-iii. Pitagora e Dante.

Moore, Rev. Edward (b. 1835). Contributions
to the textual criticism of the Divina commedia,
including the complete collation throughout the
Inferno of all the Mss. at Oxford and Cambridge.
Cambridge [Eng.]. 1889. 8°. pp. xvi., lvi., 723.
Dn. 162.1.2

Contents:-Prolegomena. - Prefatory note on difficulties in the interpretation of MSS. and 'indeterminate' readings. Text of the Inferno, with complete collation of 17 Mss. - Collation and discussion of selected passages. - Account of the MSS. examined or collated. - List of MSS. collated or examined. - List of lines omitted, transposed, or repeated in error.- List of peculiar readings.

Appendiz:- Dante's references to classical authors as bearing upon textual criticism. The Vatican' family of Mss..and other groups. The interpolated lines in Inf. xxxiii. -On the text of Witte's Berlin edition. On the metre of the Divina commedia; by H. F. Tozer.

Petrettini, Giovanni. Orazione intorno ad
Omero e a Dante [letta nella grand' aula dell' uni-
versità di Padova, 26 nov. 1820]. Padova. 1821.
sm. f. pp. 59.
Dn. 415.6

Picone, Giuseppe. Discorso sulla terzina xxv
del primo canto nel Paradiso di Dante Alighieri.
Girgenti. 1889. 8°. pp. 54.
Dn. 140.15.2

[Scolari, Filippo.] Del doversi scrivere e stampare costantemente Dante Allighieri con doppia elle. Lettera critica all' illustre Sig. conte Francesco Maria Torricelli della Torricella. Venezia. 1861. 16°. pp. 16. Dn. 149.15

Täuber, Karl. I capostipiti dei manoscritti della Divina commedia; ricerche. Winterthur. 1889. 8°. Table. Dn. 144.14

Torre, Ruggero DELLA. Scopo del poema dantesco. Città di Castello. 1888. 8°. pp. 50+. Dn. 144.11.4 Trezza, Gaetano. Dante, Shakespeare, Göthe, nella rinascenza europea. Verona. 1888. sm. 8°. Dn. 419.3

Vernon, William Warren. Readings on the Purgatorio of Dante, chiefly based on the commentary of Benvenuto da Imola. With an introduction by the dean of St. Paul's [R. W. Church]. 2 vol. London, etc. 1889. 8°. Port. of Dante and plate. Dn. 171.2

The portrait is by Giotto, a chromolithograph "after a drawing by Baron Seymour Kirkup, made before the restoration of the fresco in 1841." The plate is a plan of the Purgatorio.

Virgilio, Giovanni Del. Egloghe di Giovanni del Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri; annotate da anonimo contemporaneo, recate a miglior lezione, nuovamente volgarizzate in versi sciolti, e commentate da Francesco Pasqualigo, con illustrazioni di altri. Lat. and Ital. Lonigo. 1887. 8°. pp. 83+. Dn. 290.3

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