HARVARD UNIVERSITY BULLETIN. No. 46; OR VOL. VI. No. 2. EDITED BY JUSTIN WINSOR, Librarian of the University, WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF MEMBERS OF THE VARIOUS FACULTIES. OFFICIAL. FROM THE RECORDS OF THE CORPORATION. MEETING OF FEBRUARY 24, 1890.- Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York, for her additional gift of $800, received February 20, 1890, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial. The Treasurer reported that he had received from the Rev. Dr. ANDREW P. PEABODY the sum of $200,"for prizes to be given to students in the Semitic languages for the academic year 1890-91," under the direction of Professors Toy and LYON; and it was Voted, that this gift be gratefully accepted. The Treasurer submitted a statement received from Mr. AGASSIZ in relation to the cost of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with its lands, collections, and library; and it was Voted, that this interesting and important information be placed on file and carefully preserved. Letters from Sir DANIEL WILSON, in relation to the losses by fire of the Toronto University, were referred to the President, with the hope that he might be able to supply some of the pressing needs of the Toronto University by the gift of duplicates from the collections of Harvard College. The President reported that the Massachusetts Society for Promoting Agriculture had given to the College, for the Veterinary School, its "manikin horse"; and it was Voted, that this useful gift be gratefully accepted. Voted, that a copy of a portrait of Galileo, to be placed in some building connected with the Observatory, be gratefully accepted, the same having been bequeathed to the College by WILLIAM T. Carleton. MEETING OF MARCH 10, 1890.- The Treasurer reported that he had received from Asst. Professor HART the sum of $25.02, to be added to the fund for a working library of books on American History and Politics. The Treasurer reported that he had received through Professor GOODALE the sum of $3000 as a gift from Mrs. SAMUEL D. WARREN to the Botanical Department; and it was Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. WARREN for her generous gift. The Treasurer reported that he had received from Mr. NATHANIEL C. NASH the sum of $5000 as the first instalment of his gift for the botanical lecture-room; and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer submitted a copy of the Will of the late WILLIAM B. SPOONER, containing a provision for the payment of $500 a year to the Divinity School from December 27, 1889, until such time as the principal sum of $10,000 shall become payable to the School under the terms of the Will; and it was Voted, that this unrestricted bequest for the Harvard Divinity School be gratefully accepted. The Treasurer submitted a written statement from Mr. AGASSIZ giving, on five pages, additional information in detail as to the cost of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, with its lands, collections, and library; and it was Voted, that this important statement be carefully preserved with that which was submitted at the last meeting of this Board in relation to the same subject. Voted, that Professor KEENER's resignation be accepted in accordance with his request. Voted, that the gift of $6000 from Mr. WALDO HIGGINSON, to found the "George B. Sohier Prize," be gratefully accepted upon the terms named in his letters to the Corporation of January 22, 1890, and March 7, 1890, both of which letters shall be entered in full upon the Donation Book of the College. Voted, to establish the " George B. Sohier Prize" of $250 a year, for the best thesis presented by a successful candidate for Honors in English or in Modern Literature. MEETING OF MARCH 17, 1890. - The Treasurer reported a gift of $3 from Asst. Professor A. B. HART to be added to the fund for a working library of books on American History and Politics; and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $250 from Mr. WALDO HIGGINSON to be used as income for the George B. Sohier Prize for the current academic year; and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $50 from Mr. JOHN W. CARTER for the purchase of books on Political Economy; and the same was gratefully accepted, to be spent under the direction of Asst. Professor TAUSSIG. The resignation of P. W. MORIARTY, D.M.D., as Assistant Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry, was received and accepted. Voted, to grant the request of Professor ADAMS S. HILL for leave of absence for the academic year 1890-91, in accordance with the rules established by the Board May 31, 1880. MEETING OF MARCH 31, 1890. — Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York, for her additional gift of $800, received March 25, 1890, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial. The Treasurer reported a gift of $500 from Mr. NATHANIEL C. NASH, to be used under the direction of Professor JOHN WILLIAMS WHITE to fit up his lecture-rooms with such means of illustration as will best advance the interests of Greek studies in the University; and the same was gratefully accepted. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. EMILY A. BURLEIGH for her gift of an interesting and valuable Syriac manuscript to the Semitic Museum. The Treasurer reported an anonymous gift of $20 for special use in connection with the Johnston Gateway. Voted, to reduce the rent of room No. 1, Foxcroft House, to $150 a year, for reasons stated by the Bursar. Voted, that the President be authorized to execute in the name and behalf of the Corporation, and to affix the seal of the Corporation to an agreement with the Trustees of the Museum of Fine Arts in relation to the Gray Collection of Engravings, which agreement is to be written on the back of the former written agreement between the same parties, and is in the words and figures following, to wit: Whereas the within written agreement will expire on the tenth day of May, 1890, by the limitation prescribed in the memorandum annexed thereto, now this memorandum witnesseth that the said agreement shall continue in force up to the tenth day of May, 1897. Voted, to proceed to the election of a Story Professor of Law, to serve from September 1, 1890; whereupon, ballots being given in, it appeared that JEREMIAH SMITH, A.M., LL.D., was elected. Voted, to reappoint HEMAN WHITE CHAPLIN, A. M., Lecturer on Criminal Law for the year 1890-91. MEETING OF APRIL 7, 1890. — The President reported the receipt, through Professor GooDALE, of $100 each from Messrs. GEORGE W. HAMMOND and FISKE WARREN, being gifts for present use at the Botanic Garden, to be used in the purchase of specimens; and the same were gratefully accepted. Voted, to appoint HENRY FRANCIS SEARS, M.D., Assistant in Pathology for the summer course in 1890. MEETING OF APRIL 14, 1890. - Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Miss ANNA C. LOWELL for her additional gift of $1000 to the Lowell Fund for a Botanic Garden. Voted, to grant the request of Librarian WINSOR for leave of absence for the academic year 1890–91, in accordance with the rules established by this Board May 31, 1880. MEETING OF APRIL 28, 1890. The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $1000 in full payment of the unrestricted legacy to the Divinity School from the late JOHN L. RUSSELL of Salem; and the same was gratefully accepted. The Treasurer reported that he had received through Mr. SAMUEL S. SHAW, Secretary of the Class of 1×53, the sum of $600, to be added to the Fund of the Class of 1853. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Mrs. HENRY DRAPER of New York, for her additional gift of $800, received April 28, 1890, towards the expenses at the Observatory of Harvard University on account of the Draper Memorial. The Treasurer reported that he had received the sum of $500 from STEPHEN SALISBURY, Esq., to be used "towards expenses to be incurred in the procurement of the Schiff Semitic Museum"; and the same was gratefully accepted. Voted, that the thanks of the President and Fellows be sent to Messrs. RADTKE, LAUCKNER & Co., of New York, for their generous gift to the College of six valuable proofs of modern etchings to be added to its Gray Collection of Engravings." A committee of the Class of 1846 having asked the Corporation to accept a portrait of Senator GEORGE FRISBIE HOAR, "to be hung in the dining-room in Memorial Hall," it was Voted, that this offer be gratefully accepted upon the usual conditions, namely, that no portrait is to be placed in Memorial Hall during the life of the person represented, and that, at the discretion of the President and Fellows, any portrait may be placed elsewhere when the space shall have become insufficient for the portraits most appropriate to the Hall. Voted, that until further order of this Board the George and Martha Derby, the James Savage, the Gorham Thomas, and the Toppan Scholarships may be used for Graduate scholars. Voted, to appoint JOSEPH HENRY BEALE, LL.B., A.M., Lecturer on the Law of Damages for 1890–91. Voted, to appoint SAMUEL WILLISTON, LL.B., A.M., Assistant Professor of Law for five years from September 1, 1890. For the Records of the Overseers see p. 94. HARVARD NECROLOGY. Compiled by WILLIAM HOPKINS TILLINGHAST, Assistant Librarian, Editor of the Quinquennial Catalogue. Graduates and Class Secretaries are requested to send to the writer class reports, both new and old, and all newspapers which contain obituaries and other notices of Harvard alumni. It is important to have the places of birth and death, and, in addition to the year, to have the month and day of the month. When the place of birth or death is unknown, the place of residence at the time of entering College or of decease, if known, is given within brackets. The figures denoting age indicate the last completed year of life. Graduates. 1824. Relf, Daniel Clark, b. 21 July, 1803, at New Orleans, La.; d. at Louisville, Ky., 2 April, 1876, aged 72. 1829. Hancock, Charles Lowell, b. 6 March, 1810, at Boston; d. at Boston, 22 April, 1890, aged 80. 1830. Austin, Nathaniel, b. 23 February, 1810, at Charlestown; d. at Worcester, 4 February, 1890, aged 79. 1836. Richardson, Daniel Samuel, LL.B., b. 1 December, 1816, at Tyngsboro'; d. at Lowell, 21 March, 1890, aged 73. 1838. Atkinson, William Parsons, b. 12 August, 1820, at Boston; d. at Jamaica Plain, 10 March, 1890, aged 69. 1839. Furniss, William, LL.B., b. 23 June, 1821, at St. Thomas, W. I.; d. at New York, 14 April, 1882, aged 60. 1840. Blood, Benjamin Franklin, b. 8 December, 1816, at Dracut; d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 18 December, 1889, aged 73. 1852. Collins, Josiah, LL.B., b. 19 July, 1830, in Washington Co., N. C.; d. at Hillsboro', N. C., 14 Febru ary, 1890, aged 59. 1852. Waring, William Henry, b. 7 February, 1831, at Brooklyn, N. Y.; d. at Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 February, 1890, aged 59. 1855. Gibbens, Edwin Augustus, b. 20 March, 1834, at Boston; d. at New York, N. Y., 25 March, 1890, aged 56. 1857. Bullard, William Reed, M.D., b. 7 September, 1837, at Boston; d. at Helena, Mon., 17 February, 1890, aged 52. 1866. Pratt, George Greenleaf, b. 6 May, 1842, at Brewster; d. at Waverly, 4 May, 1890, aged 47. 1868. Whitman, Channing Wood, b. 24 August, 1846, at Lancaster, O.; d. at Huddersfield, England, 15 February, 1890, aged 43. 1872. Gambrill, Richard Augustine, LL.B., b. 5 December, 1849, at Baltimore, Md.; d. at New York, N. Y., 4 January, 1890, aged 40. 1872. Severance, Pierre Clarke, b. 16 September, 1849, at Cleveland, O.; d. at Forest Hills, 20 April, 1890, aged 40. 1873. Martin, Austin Agnew, b. 3 November, 1851, at Rox bury; d. at Roxbury, 1 April, 1890, aged 38. 1874. Savage, Charles Wesley, b. 14 June, 1852, at Holliston; d. at Lowell, 28 February, 1890, aged 37. 1875. Gaff, James Wade, b. 12 September, 1852, at Aurora, Ind.; d. at Glenwood Springs, Col., 9 August, 1890, aged 37. 1875. Post, Morgan Gibbes, b. 20 February, 1854, at New York, N. Y.; d. at New York, N. Y., 9 December, 1888, aged 34. 1876. Bradford, George Hillard, b. 16 February, 1854, at Roxbury; d. at Boston, 17 February, 1890, aged 36. 1882. Flagg, Joshua Gardner, b. 8 July, 1859, at Boston; d. at Huntsville, Ala., 7 March, 1890, aged 30. 1882. McKone, William Thomas, b. 23 March, 1856, at North Andover; d. at North Andover, 25 November, 1888. Medical. 1830. Seabury, Benjamin Franklin, b. 17 April, 1808, at Orleans; d. at Orleans, 26 February, 1890, aged 81. 1837. Tebbets, Hiram Bradbury, b. 2 February, 1812, at Northfield, N. H.; d. at Concord, N. H., 8 April, 1890, aged 78. 1870. 1843. Hall, Edward, b. Sicily, 1846. Houlton, Hiram, b. at Houlton, Me.; d. at Truro, 21 February, 1847, aged 26. 1846. Norcross, Josiah, b. 13 July, 1817, at Rindge, N. H.; d. at South Reading, 15 January, 1866, aged 48. 1848. Rodman, Thomas Scott, b. 26 November, 1822, at Stonington, Conn.; d. at Cleveland, O., 21 April, 1864, aged 41. 1862. Hemenway, Horace Pierce, b. 17 December, 1829, at Rochester, Vt.; d. at East Somerville, 6 March, 1890, aged 60. 1865. Weston, Edward Henry, b. at Somerville; d. at Boston, 28 March, 1890, aged 70. 1869. Burden, Frederick Lysander, b. 20 April, 1847, at East Douglas; d. at North Attleboro', 23 February, 1890, aged 42. 1869. Fellows, Willis Mott, b. 20 March, 1847, at Penacook, N. H.; d. at Haverhill, 20 April, 1890, aged 45. 1871. Jones, William Pelby, b. 17 September, 1836, at Boston; d. at East Somerville, 16 February, 1890, aged 53. 1877. Read, George Mumford, b. 16 April, 1856, at Providence, R. I.; d. at Dorchester, 16 March, 1890, aged 33. Law. 1843. Reade, Robert, b. 23 January, 1823, at New York, N. Y.; d. at Dinard, France, 29 November, 1883, aged 60. 1844. McCredy, Thomas, b. 19 October, 1825, at Philadelphia, Pa.; d. at Philadelphia, Pa., 29 May, 1856, aged 30. 1844. Minor, John Smith, b. 25 May, 1826, at Nashville, Tenn.; d. at Ascension Parish, La., April, 1863, aged 36. ; d. in at ; d. at ; d. at 1846. Gaillard, Thomas Benjamin, b. — at Harris Co., Texas, 3 November, 1889. 1851. Nuckolls, Thomas Jeremiah, b. ————— at Columbus, Ga., 27 June, 1889. 1853. Stewart, William James, b. Richmond, Va., - May, 1864. 1857. Eaton, Lucien, b. 24 September, 1831, at Denmark, N. Y.; d. at Boerne, Texas, 7 March, 1890, aged 58. 1857. Jones, Charles Scott Dodge, b., at — ; d. at Independence, La., 28 January, 1890. -- 1861. Ware, George Washington, b. 3 October, 1837, at Boston; d. at Boston, 12 February, 1890, aged 52. 1866. Waters, James von Staats, b., at —; d. at St. Louis, Mo., 28 February, 1869. 1867. Lovett, Charles Walley, b. 24 September, 1837, at Boston; d. at Marshfield, 8 February, 1890, aged 52. 1871. Ball, Eugene Johnston, b. 5 April, 1844, at La Fayette, Ind.; d. at Vienna, Austria, 12 January, 1879, aged 34. 1871. Mastick, Joseph Wood, b. 3 July, 1889. at ; d. at 1877. Bowman, Franklin Blanchard, b. 8 December, 1854, at Knob Noster, Mo.; d. at St. Louis, Mo., 1889. |