ACCESSIONS TO THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. JANUARY 31ST, 1890. This list of accessions includes (1) nearly all the recently published books and pamphlets that are received (except annual reports, periodical publications, continued works, etc. received regularly from time to time), and (2) the more extensive and important works of earlier date. Accessions to the several department libraries are indicated by heavy-faced letters after the titles as follows: I. - General. (Including Bibliography.) Archiv (Das); bibliographische wochenschrift. Herausgegeben von Julius Steinschneider. Jahrg. 1888. Berlin. 1888. 1.8°. IV. 3039 To be continued. No. 1-13 were edited by Philipp Stein; 14-38 by Philipp Stein and Julius Steinschneider; 39-51 by Julius Steinschneider. Athos, Mount - Monastery. Κατάλογος τῶν ἐν ταῖς βιβλιοθήκαις τοῦ ̔Αγίου Ὄρους ἑλληνικῶν κωδίκων, ὑπὸ Σ. Π. Λάμπρου. Τόμ. Α ́. μέρος α ́. Ἐν ̓Αθήναις. 1888. 8°. IV. 3046 [Atlantic monthly.] The Atlantic index: a list of articles, with names of authors appended, published in the "Atlantic monthly," 1857-1888. Including also a list of the authors represented, with their contributions arranged in chronological order. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. DR. 3.66 Printed on one side of the leaf only. Aungervyle society. Reprints. 4th series. No. 1. Edinburgh. 1886. 8°. Eng. Lit. 1875 "Limited to 150 copies. Privately printed." Contents:-1. [FORD, Simon.] Londoni quod reliquum, or London's remains. (1667.) Lat. and Eng. [Pt. i.] 1886. No more published. The society has discontinued its publications. Barado, Francisco. Literatura militar española en el siglo XIX.; bosquejo histórico-bibliográfico. Madrid. 1889. IV. 3112 24°. Bernheim, Ernst. Lehrbuch der historischen methode. Mit nachweis der wichtigsten quellen und hülfsmittel zum studium der geschichte. Leipzig. 1889. 8° DR. 3.461 Biadego, Giuseppe. Saggio bibliografico degli scritti a stampa di Giacomo Zanella. Lucca. 1888. 8°. pp. 42. IV. 3102 "Estratto dal vol. xxv. degli Atti della r. accademia lucchese di scienze, lettere ed arti." Birch's (Thomas) sons. An extraordinary collection of Washington portraits, American portraits and views, early American almanacs, and rare American imprints. To be sold Oct. 31, 1889. [Philadelphia. 1889.] 8°. pp. 52. 6337.27.2 British museum. Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the museum in the years 18821887. [London.] 1889. 1. 8°. pp. xx., 1140. Pier 3.123 British museum. List of the books of reference in the reading room of the museum. 3d ed., revised. [London.] 1889. 8°. Plan and facВ 12.29 sim. Dziatzko, Karl. Beiträge zur Gutenbergfrage. Berlin. 1889. 8°. pp. (8), 89. Fac-sim. (In his Sammlung bibliothekswissenschaftlicher arbeiten, 2.) IV. 3040.2 Einsle, Anton. Die incunabel-bibliographie: anleitung zu einer richtigen und einheitlichen beschreibung der wiegendrucke. Wien. 1888. 8°. pp. 36. IV. 3109 Gladstone, William Ewart. A Gladstone bibliography: some of the more recent of Mr. Gladstone's writings. Philadelphia. 1889. 8°. pp. (3). 6466.4 Gore, James Howard. A bibliography of geodesy. Washington. 1889. 4°. (United States coast and geodetic survey.) 15323.15 Report of the survey for 1887. Appendix no. 16. Grand, Ernest Daniel. Explication du système de catalogue du British museum. [Paris. 1889.] IV. 3055 8°. pp. 6. "Extrait de la Bibliothèque de l'école des chartes, tome 50, 1889." [Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard.] A dictionary of misprints, found in printed books of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Compiled for the use of verbal critics, and especially for those who are engaged in editing the works of Shakespeare and our other early dramatists. Brighton. 1887. sm. 4. pp. 94+. "For private circulation only." 12426.27 Supplements. London. 1889. 8°. В 11.19 Hübner, (Ernst Willibald) Emil. La arqueología de España. Barcelona. 1888. 1. 8°. II. 2648 Hübner, (Ernst Willibald) Emil. Bibliographie der klassischen alterthumswissenschaft. Grundriss zu vorlesungen über die geschichte und encyklopädie der klassischen philologie. 2a vermehrte aufl. Berlin. 1889. 8°. DR. 3.509 Kahl, Achatius. Index librorum, quos reliquit Achatius Kahl. Förteckning öfver framl. prosten Ach. Kahls efterlemnade boksamling. 1. Swedenborgianism och mystik. Försäljes å Lunds bokauktionskammare, 28 sept. 1889. [Lund. 1889.] 8°. pp. (4), 43. (Lunds bokauktions-kammares kataloger, 1889, no. 4.) IV. 3047 Knuttel, Willem Pieter Cornelius. Nederlandsche bibliographie van kerkgeschiedenis. Amsterdam. 1889. 1.8°. (BIJDRAGEN tot eene nederlandsche bibliographie, 3.) IV. 3052 Marucelli, Francesco, l'abate. Indice del Mare magnum. Pubblicato a cura del prof. dott. Guido Biagi. Roma. 1888. 8°. Port. and fac-sim. (ITALY - Ministero della istruzione pubblica. Indici e cataloghi, 9.) IV. 3014 "Di Francesco Marucelli e del suo 'Mare magnum," with "note e documenti," pp. v.-lvi. Omont, Henri. Manuscrits relatifs à l'histoire de Paris et de l'Île-de-France, conservés à Cheltenham dans la bibliothèque de Sir Thomas Phillipps. Notices. Paris. 1889. 8°. pp. 15. 1522.15 "Extrait du Bulletin de la société de l'histoire de Paris et de l'Île-de-France, t. xvi., 1889, p. 43-53." Omont, Henri. Spécimens de caractères hébreux, grecs, latins, et de musique, gravés à Venise et à Paris par Guillaume Le Bé (1545-1592). Paris. 1889. 8°. pp. 15. Fac-sims. IV. 3030 "Extrait des Mémoires de la société de l'histoire de Paris et de l'Île-de-France, t. xv., 1888." Oxford, Eng. - University-Bodleian library. Catalogue of the Persian, Turkish, Hindûstânî, and Pushtû manuscripts in the library. Begun by Ed. Sachau; continued, completed, and edited by Hermann Ethé. Pt. i. Oxford. 1889. 4° (Catalogi codd. Mss. bibliothecae bodleianae pars xiii.) Sem. 1268 Contents:-i. The Persian manuscripts. Petherick, Edward Augustus. Catalogue of the York Gate library, formed by S. W. Silver: an index to the literature of geography, maritime and inland discovery, commerce and colonisation. 2d ed. London. 1886. 1.8°. Maps, fac-sims., and plates. DR. 3.38 This catalogue of a library of nearly 5000 volumes gives in order of their date under the countries to which they relate, the full titles of geographical books, including the contents of geographical periodicals and society transactions, and of miscellaneous collections, such as those of Hakluyt, Purchas, and others. Richter, Paul Emil. Litteratur der landesund volkskunde des königreichs Sachsen. Dresden. 1889. 8°. 13553.4 "Zur jubelfeier der achthundertjährigen herrschaft des hauses Wettin, herausgegeben vom verein für erdkunde zu Dresden." 1889. sm. 8°. DS. Abulfaraj (Lat. ABULPHARAGIUS), Gregorius, called BAR-HEBRÆUS. Die syrische Massora nach Bar-Hebraeus. Der Pentateuch. Inaugural-dissertation eingereicht von Lasser Weingarten. Halle. 1887. 8°. pp. 44+. Sem. 374 Selections from the scholia on the Old and New Testament contained in the "Horreum mysteriorum" of Bar-Hebræus. The author is supposed to have drawn his materials from ancient Syrian Masoretic sources; the editor says of the selections here printed, "Die grammatischen bemerkungen oder vielmehr die bemerkungen über traditionelle Bibelaussprache habe ich ohne ausnahme ausgezogen, weil sie uns nicht bloss ein bild einer sehr alten Massora, sondern auch einen wesentlichen beitrag zur grammatik liefern." Adams, Myron. The continuous creation: an application of the evolutionary philosophy to the Christian religion. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. Allen, Charles Adams. siasm. Boston. 1888. 8°. III. 5559 The Christian enthupp. 24. III. 5502, also DS. "Reprinted from the Unitarian review, for April, 1888." Amarcius, Sextus. Sermonum libri iv.; e codice dresdensi A. 167a nunc primum edidit Maximilianus Manitius. Lipsiae. 1888. 16°. IV. 3132 American society of church history. Papers of the society. Vol. i. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. Fac-sim. III. 5475 Contents:-i. Report and papers of the first annual meeting, held in Washington, Dec. 28, 1888. Edited by S. M. Jackson. Arnold, C. Franklin. Die neronische christenverfolgung; eine kritische untersuchung zur geschichte der ältesten kirche. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. Fac-sim. III. 5487, also DS. Barchudarian, Johannes. Inwiefern ist Leibniz in der psychologie ein vorgänger Herbarts; ein beitrag zur geschichte der psychologie. Inaugural-dissertation. Jena. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 53. III. 5508 "Vita," pp. 52-53. Beard, Charles. The universal Christ, and other sermons; preached in Liverpool. [Edited by Mary E. Beard.] London, etc. 1888. sm. 8°. DS. Bellangé, Charles. Le judaïsme et l'histoirə du peuple juif. Paris. 1889. 12°. Sem. 313 Bible. Job. Eng. (1889.) The book of Job; with notes, introduction, and appendix by A. B. Davidson. Edited for the syndics of the university press. Cambridge [Eng.]. 1889. sm. 8°. (The CAMBRIDGE Bible for schools and colleges.) III. 2394.4 Bible. Apocrypha-1 and 2 Maccabees. Fr. (Old). (1888.) Die beiden bücher der Makkabäer; eine altfranzösische übersetzung aus dem 13. jahrhundert. Mit einleitung, anmerkungen, und glossar, zum ersten male herausgegeben von Ewald Goerlich. Halle a. S. 1888. 8°. (ROMANISCHE bibliothek, 2.) 6294.10 Bougaud, Émile, évêque de Laval. Histoire de saint Vincent de Paul, fondateur de la congrégation des prêtres de la mission et des filles de la charité. 2 tom. Paris. 1889. 12°. Portrs. The author's object is to show the true nature of the Westminster standards, and to expose the errors that have crept into the teaching of the presbyterian church in so far as it has drifted away from those standards. Brown, Francis, prof. at Union theol. sem., N. Y. Assyriology; its use and abuse in Old Testament study. New York. 1885. 16°. Sem. 872 "Literature," pp. 88-96. Butler, Andrew Oliver. What Moses saw and heard; or, The idea of God in the Old Testament. Chicago. 1889. 8°. III. 5497 Caird, Edward. The critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant. 2 vol. Glasgow. 1889. 8°. III. 5593 Campbell, George Douglas (GLASSELL), 8th GLASSELL), duke of of Argyll. What is truth? [An address to the students' representative council of the university of Edinburgh, delivered 22d Feb. 1889.] Edinburgh. 1889. 16°. III. 5561 Campbell, William, presbyterian missionary, editor. An account of missionary success in the island of Formosa; published in London in 1650 and now reprinted with copious appendices. 2 vol. (paged contin.). London. 1889. 16°. pp. (4), 670. Portrs., plan, and map. DS. With a reprint of the original title-page, which reads "Of the conversion of five thousand nine hundred East Indians in Formosa, by meanes of Ro: Junius. Related by C. Sibellius." The account of "recent work in Formosa" by the editor occupies pp. 215-330 of vol. i. and the whole of vol. ii. Carus, Paul. Fundamental problems; the method of philosophy as a systematic arrangement of knowledge. Chicago. 1889. sm. 8°. III. 5501 Chaney, George Leonard. Belief. Boston. 1889. 16°. III. 5535 A series of papers on the conservative purpose and influence of radical Christianity. Chantepie de la Saussaye, P. D. Lehrbuch der religionsgeschichte. 2 bde. Freiburg i. B. 1887-89. 8° (SAMMLUNG theologischer lehrbücher.) III. 4280, also DS. Christianity and agnosticism; a controversy. Consisting of papers by Henry Wace, Thomas H. Huxley, the bishop of Peterborough [W. C. Magee], W. H. Mallock, Mrs. Humphry Ward. New York. 1889. 12°. III. 5536, also DS. These papers, with two exceptions, were printed in the Nineteenth century, Feb.-June, 1889. Dalton, (Friedrich) Hermann. Beiträge zur geschichte der evangelischen kirche in Russland. 2 vol. in 1. Gotha. 1887-89. 8°. III. 5493 Contents: i. Verfassungsgeschichte der evangelischlutherischen kirche in Russland. 1887. ii. Urkundenbuch der evangelisch-reformirten kirche in Russland. 1889. Dauriac, Lionel. Croyance et réalité. Paris. 1889. 16°. III. 5588 L'axiome et la croyance. Contents: Dogmatisme, scepticisme, probabilisme. - Dogmatisme et déterminisme.De la réalité. - Genèse des métaphysiques. - Art et piliosophie. Les deux morales. Dean, Benjamin Angier. Annals of the Brentwood, N. H., congregational church and parish. Boston. 1889. 8°. pp. 43. III. 5542 Defensor. Liber scintillarum; with an interlinear Anglo-Saxon version made early in the eleventh century. Edited, with introduction and glossary, from the royal ms. 7 Civ. in the British museum, by E. W. Rhodes. London. 1889. 8°. (EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY. [Publ.] 93.) Eng. Lit. 1667 Dugas, G., l'abbé. Monseigneur Provencher et les missions de la Rivière-Rouge. Montréal. 1889. 16°. 4363.22 Durham (Eng.), Diocese of. Churchwardens' accounts of Pittington and other parishes in the diocese of Durham, from 1580 to 1700. [Edited by James Barmby.] Durham, etc. 1888. 8°. (SURTEES SOCIETY. Publ. 84.) Eng. Lit. 996.5 Ethelwold, bp. of Winchester. Fragment of Ælfric's translation of Æthelwold's De consuetudine monachorum, and its relation to other mss.; critically edited from the Ms. Cotton. Tib. A. III. in the British museum. Dissertation by Edward Breck. Lat. and Anglo-Sax. Leipsic. 1887. 8°. pp. 38+. 12493.16 Evans, William L. Memory training; a complete and practical system for developing and confirming the memory. New York. 1889. sm. 8°. III. 5594 Everling, Otto. Die paulinische angelologie und dämonologie; ein biblisch-theologischer versuch. Göttingen. 1888. 8°. III. 5469 Ferguson, Richard Saul. Carlisle. London, etc. 1889. 16°. Map and wdcts. (DIOCESAN hisIII. 1008n tories.) Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. The science of knowledge. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger; with a preface by W. T. Harris. London. 1889. 8°. (ENGLISH and foreign philosophical library, 33.) III. 5591 Fichte, Johann Gottlieb. The science of rights. Translated from the German by A. E. Kroeger; with a preface by W. T. Harris. London. 1889. 8°. (ENGLISH and foreign philosophical library, 34.) III. 5590 Fischer, (Ernst) Kuno (Berthold). Ueber die menschliche freiheit. Prorectoratsrede. 2o aufl. Heidelberg. [1888.] sm. 8°. pp. (4), 47. (In his Kleine schriften, 1.) III. 5479 Fisher, George Park. The validity of nonepiscopal ordination. The Dudleian lecture delivered in the chapel of Harvard university on Oct. 28th, 1888. New York. 1888. 8°. pp. 31. DS. Fiske, Moses. A sermon delivered before the ancient and honorable artillery company of Massachusetts, June 4, 1694. The duty of the Christian soldier to stand in the warfare against his spiritual enemies. Transcribed from the original, in possession of the Massachusetts historical society, by W. B. Trask, and now for the first time printed. Boston. 1889. 8°. pp. 18. 10344.37 Forel, Auguste. Der hypnotismus, seine bedeutung und seine handhabung; in kurzgefasster darstellung. Stuttgart. 1889. 8°. pp. 88. MZ. Foster, Randolph Sinks. Studies in theology. Prolegomena. Philosophic basis of theology; or, Rational principles of religious faith. New York, etc. 1889. 8°. DS. Contents: Einleitung. - Pjotr Iakowlewitsch Tschaadájew. Wladimir Ssergejewitsch Ssolowjów. - W. Ikónnikow. Gabelentz, (Hans) Georg (Conon) VON DER. Confucius und seine lehre. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. pp. (6), 52. Front. III. 5480 Georgov, Ivan. Montaigne als vertreter des relativismus in der moral. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. pp. 47+. 8575.9 "Vita," after p. 47. Gibbons, James, Cardinal. Our Christian heritage. Baltimore, etc. 1889. 8°. Port. III. 5595 Gilman, Mrs. M. R. F. Saint Theresa of Avila. Boston. 1889. 16°. (FAMOUS women.) III. 5563 "List of authorities," pp. xi.-xii. Giżycki, Georg von. A students' manual of ethical philosophy. Adapted from the German by Stanton Coit. London. 1889. 8°. III. 5598 Goerres, Gottfried. Studien zur griechischen mythologie. 1o folge. Berlin. 1889. 8°. (BERLINER studien für classische philologie und archaeologie, x. 2.) Philol. 200(x) Contents: Lykaon. - Zeus Laphystios und die Athamassage. - Prometheus. - Odysseus. Haines, Charles Reginald. Islam, as a missionary religion. London, etc. 1889. 16°. Мар. (NON-CHRISTIAN religious systems.) Sem. 449 Hering, Hermann. Doktor Pomeranus, Johannes Bugenhagen; ein lebensbild aus der zeit der reformation. Halle. 1888. 8°. Port. of Bugenhagen. (VEREIN FÜR REFORMATIONSGESCHICHTE. Schriften, 22.) III. 3119(22) Höffding, Harald. Ethik; eine darstellung der ethischen prinzipien und deren anwendung auf besondere lebensverhältnisse. Aus dem dänischen übersetzt von F. Bendixen. Leipzig. 1888. 8°. III. 5488 Jackson, Abraham Willard. The immanent God, and other sermons. Boston, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. DS. Other sermons: - The unsearchable God. - The manifest God.-Law, providence, and prayer.- Satan, or the genius of trial. -Self-abnegation. - The way where the light dwelleth. - The heart's plea for immortality accepted. Janet, Pierre. L'automatisme psychologique; essai de psychologie expérimentale sur les formes inférieures de l'activité humaine. Paris. 1889. 8°. III. 5506 Ker, John (d. 1886). Lectures on the history of preaching. Edited by A. R. Macewen; introduction by W. M. Taylor. New York. 1889. 8°. DS. Knoke, Karl. Praktisch-theologischer kommentar zu den pastoralbriefen des apostels Paulus. 2 teile in 1 vol. Göttingen. 1887-89. 8°. III. 5468 Contents:- i. Der zweite brief an Timotheus. 1887.ii. Der erste brief an Timotheus und der brief an Titus. 1889. Geschichte der Köstlin, Karl (Reinhold). ethik: darstellung der philosophischen moral-, staats-, und social-theorien des alterthums und der neuzeit. ier bd. Tübingen. 1887. 8°. III. 5584 Contents:-i. Die ethik des classischen alterthums. le abth. Die griechische ethik bis Plato. Langworthy, Isaac Pendleton. Memorial. Rev. Isaac P. Langworthy, D.D. 1806-1888. [Containing "Memorial sermon, preached April 22, 1888, by A. H. Plumb."] Boston. 1889. 8°. pp. 24. Port. 17362.81 Le Chatelier, A. Les confréries musulmanes du Hedjaz. Paris. 1887. 18°. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE orientale elzévirienne, 52.) Sem. 448 "Biibliographe," pp. 297-307. Le Chatelier, A. L'Islam au XIXe siècle. Paris. 1888. 18°. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE orientale elzévirienne, 59.) Sem. 447 Lesser, Friedrich. Erzbischof Poppo von Trier, 1016-1047; ein beitrag zur geschichte des deutschen episkopates vor ausbruch des investiturstreites. Leipzig. 1888. 1.8°. pp. (4), 80. III. 5473 Liebrecht, L. Schillers verhältniss zu Kants ethischer weltansicht. Hamburg. 1889. 8°. pp. 36. (SAMMLUNG gemeinverständlicher wissenschaftlicher vorträge; neue folge, iv. 79.) VIII. 175a (IV) "This treatise (a corrected reissue of a series of articles which appeared in the Church quarterly review in 1878-84) is solely occupied with the legal aspect of the claim laid by the papacy to sovereign authority over the church universal."-Preface. Lombroso, Cesare. L'homme de génie. Traduit sur la vie édition italienne par Fr. Colonna d'Istria, et précédé d'une préface de Ch. Richet. Paris. 1889. 8°. Plates, portrs., fac-sims., etc. III. 5505 Luthardt, Christoph Ernst. Die antike ethik in ihrer geschichtlichen entwicklung, als einleitung in die geschichte der christlichen moral. Leipzig. 1887. 8°. III. 5582 Marbach, Friedrich. Die psychologie des Firmianus Lactantius; ein beitrag zur geschichte der psychologie. Inaugural-dissertation, Jena. Halle a. S. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 80. III. 5503 Mead, Charles Marsh. Supernatural revelation; an essay concerning the basis of the Christian faith. [Lectures on the L. P. Stone foundation, delivered at Princeton theological seminary, in February and March, 1889.] New York. [1889.] 1. 8°. DS. Menzel, Paul. Der griechische einfluss auf Prediger und Weisheit Salomos. Halle a. S. 1889. 8°. pp. (2), 70. DS. Middleton, A. E. Memory systems, new and old. 1st American ed. from the 2d English ed., revised. Enlarged, with bibliography of mnemonics, 1325-1888, by G. S. Fellows. New York. 1888. sm. 8°. III. 5560 "Bibliography," pp. 115-139. Mishnah-Nezikin - Abodah Zarah. 'Aboda Zara, der Mischnatraktat "Götzendienst." Herausgegeben und erklärt von H. L. Strack. Berlin. 1888. 8°. pp. 36. (BERLIN, Germ.- Institutum Sem. 311 judaicum. Schriften, 5.) Mishnah - Nezikin - Aboth. Die sprüche der väter; ein ethischer Mischna-traktat. Herausgegeben und erklärt von H. L. Strack. 2e wesentlich verbesserte aufl. Berlin. 1888. 8° pp. 66. (BERLIN, Germ. - Institutum judaicum. Schriften, 6.) Sem. 318 Morgenstern, Georg. Cyprian, bischof von Carthago, als philosoph. Inaugural-dissertation. Jena. 1889. 8°. pp. (4), 49+. III. 5504 |