Pomairols, Charles DE. Lamartine; étude de morale et d'esthétique. Paris. 1889. sm. 8°. 11578.43 Ponsard, François. L'honneur et l'argent; comédie en cinq actes et en vers. With grammatical and explanatory notes by F. C. Sumichrast. New York, etc. 1890. 12o (THÉÂTRE contemporain, 19.) 12561.30 Racine, Jean (Baptiste). Dramatic works. A metrical English version by R. B. Boswell. Vol. i. London. 1889. sm. 8°. Port. (Bohn's standard library.) 8523.12 "Biographical notice," i. v.-XV. Contents: i. The Thebaïd; or, The brothers at war.— Alexander the Great.- Andromache. The litigants. - Britannicus. Berenice. Seidel, Heinrich. Vorstadtgeschichten. 4e aufl. Leipzig. 1888. 24°. (In his Gesammelte schriften, 2.) 20585.27 Contents:- Das alte haus.. Daniel Siebenstern. - Das atelier. Der rosenkönig. Der gartendieb. - Der gute alte onkel. Die nebeldroschke.-Professor Muckensturm's ,, lebensretter." Sercambi, Giovanni. Novelle inedite; tratte dal codice Trivulziano cxc, per cura di Rodolfo Renier. Torino, etc. 1889. 8. (BIBLIOTECA di testi inediti o rari, 4.) IV. 3226 [Shakespeare, William.] The first part of the Contention. [Second part of Henry the Sixth.] The first quarto, 1594, from the unique copy in the Bodleian library, Oxford. With forewords, embodying R. Grant White's argument on Shakspere's right to the whole of 2 & 3 Henry VI., by F. J. Furnivall. London. 1889. sm. 4o xxviii., 63. (FURNIVALL, F. J., editor. Shak13481.9 spere quarto facsimiles, 37.) pp. Spengler, Franz. Der verlorene sohn im drama des XVI. jahrhunderts; zur geschichte des dramas. Innsbruck. 1888. 8. IV. 3332 Spenser, Edmund. The shepheardes calender. The original edition of 1579 in photographic facsimile, with an introduction by H. O. Sommer. London. 1890 [1889]. sm. 4°. G. L. Wdcts. (SPENSER SOCIETY. [Publ., extra no.]) Eng. Lit. 1182 "520 copies only. No. 201." Story, William Wetmore. studio. 2 vol. (paged contin.). 16o. Conversations in a Boston, etc. 1890. AL 3526.8.60 Life of Harriet her letters and Portrs., plates, AL 3527.090 A study of Ben 14487.30 Stowe, Charles Edward. Beecher Stowe, compiled from journals. Boston, etc. 1889. 8°. and fac-sims. Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Jonson. London. 1889. 8°. Tasso, Torquato. Jerusalem delivered, a poem ; translated by Edward Fairfax. Edited by Henry Morley. London, etc. 1890. 8. (The CARISBROOKE library, 7.) IV. 3207 Life of Fairfax, pp. 21-26. With a reprint of the original title-page, "Godfrey of Bulloigne, or The recoverie of Ierusalem," 1600. Tennyson, Alfred, 1st baron. Demeter, and other poems. London, etc. 1889. sm. 8°. 23487.8 Vierteljahrschrift für litteraturgeschichte. Unter mitwirkung von Erich Schmidt und Bernhard Suphan, herausgegeben von Bernhard Seuffert. iier bd. 1es heft. Weimar. 1889. 8°. Germ. To be continued. Voltaire, François Marie AROUET DE. Zaïre; tragédie. Edition critique, préparée sous la direction de M. Fontaine, par MM. Léger, Fréjafon, Couyba. [With an appendix containing "Les enfants trouvés, ou Le sultan poli par l'amour; parodie de Zaïre." By MM. Dominique, Romagnesi, and Riccoboni.] Paris. 1889. 8°. (BIBLIOTHÈQUE de la faculté des lettres de Lyon, 8.) 9545.67 Walpole, Horatio or Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Letters; selected and edited by C. D. Yonge. 2 vol. London, etc. 1890. 8°. Portrs., plates, and fac-sim. 5463.5 Washburn, William Tucker. Spring and summer, or Blushing hours. [Poems.] New York, AL 4127.5.35 etc. 1890. 16o. Bernardi, Jacopo, l'abate. La canzone di Guido Cavalcanti, Donna mi prega; reintegrata nel testo e commentata massimamente con Dante da Francesco Pasqualigo. [Venezia. 1887.] 8°. Hess. Dn. 126.17.2 pp. 7+. "Estr. dagli Atti del r. istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, tom. v. ser. 6." Bridel, (Jean) Louis. Lettre à Cario de Nizas, sur la manière de traduire Dante. Suivie de la traduction en vers françois du cinquième chant de l'Enfer par Mr. Bridel, et de celle de Mr. Carion de Nizas, avec des notes. Basle. 1805. 8°. pp. 64. Dn. 176.2 Brunelli, V. Vicende di uno scritto di N. Tommaseo [Amore di Dante]. (In [SABALICH, G., editor]. Pro-patria, [1888], 4°, pp. 15-16.) Dn. 136.4.5 Carpenter, George Rice. The episode of the Donna Pietosa; being an attempt to reconcile the statements in the Vita nuova and the Convito concerning Dante's life in the years after the death of Beatrice and before the beginning of the Divina commedia. Dante prize essay, 1888. [Cambridge. 1889.] 8°. pp. (59). Dn. 427.2 8th annual report of the Dante society, pp. 21-79. Carré, Michel, and others. Couplets tirés de "Vive la Bologne messieurs!" Revue de 18881889 par MM. Michel Carré, Colias et H. Bourrelier, représentée sur le théâtre du Paradis-Latin. le mardi 12 fév. 1889. Paris. [1889.] 8°. pp. 37. Dn. 532.2 1773. 66 'Couplets du Dante," pp. 35-37. Chabanon, Michel Paul Gui DE. Vie du Dante, avec une notice détaillée de ses ouvrages. Amsterdam, etc. Dn. 452.2 sm. 8°. Dante Alighieri. Opere con svoi comenti: recorrecti et con ogne diligentia novamente in littera cvrsiva impresse. [At end:-] Fine del comento di Christoforo Landino sopra la Comedia di Danthe, reuista & emendata diligétemente per el maestro Pietro da Figino. Impressa in Venetia per Miser Bernardino Stagnino da Trino. Wdcts. [1520.] 4° ff. (12), 441. *Dn. 25.20 M.CCCCC.XX. Contents:i. Fr. Preller sen. 1872. Inf. i. 31 sqq.ii. Th. Grosse. 1867. Inf. ii. 52-114.-iii. B. von Neher. 1842. Inf. v. 25-78. — iv. L. Hoffmann-Zeitz. 1876. Inf. v. 25-78. v. Jul. Schnorr von Carolsfeld. 1835. Inf. ix. 64-90. vi. Karl Begas. 1836. Inf. xxiii. 34-66. vii. H. 1838. 1850. Purg. ii. 13-51. — viii. Alf. Rethel. Purg. iii. 127-129.-ix. K. F. Lessing. 1852. Purg. iv. 100136. x. Jos. ritter von Führich. 1865. Purg. viii. xi. B. Genelli. Purg. ix. 19-30.xii. Jos. ritter von Führich. 1871. Purg. x., xi.-xiii. Ed. Bendemann. 1836. Purg. x.-xii. xiv. H. Mücke. 1862. Purg. xix. 31. — xv. Franz Ittenbach. 1863. Par. xi. 19 sqq.-xvi. Ed. Steinle. 1845. Par. xviii.-xvii. Karl Andreae. 1864. Par. xxiii. 19-21.xviii. Karl Müller. 1860. Par. xxiv. 1-42. xix. Moritz von Schwind. 1849. Par. xxiv. 148-154. xx. Peter von Cornelius. 1816. Paradiso. Portraits:-i. By Giotto in the Bargello, Florence. From Kirkup's drawing before its restoration. ii. The same. From the fresco as restored by Marini.-iii. The bronze bust in the national museum, Naples. -iv. Portrait in the Riccardi codex 1040, also ascribed to Giotto. Locella, G., Barone. Zur deutschen Dantelitteratur, mit besonderer berücksichtigung der übersetzungen von Dantes Göttlicher komödie. Mit mehreren bibliographischen und statistischen beilagen. Leipzig. 1889. Charts. sm. 8°. Dn. 570.9 "Beschreibung und inhaltsangabe der Dante-albums der kgl. öffentlichen bibliothek zu Dresden," pp. 88-106. Lubin, Antonio. Zur antwort auf die besprechung meiner schrift: "Allegoria morale, ecclesiastica, politica nelle due prime cantiche della Divina commedia di Dante Allighieri, Graz, 1864," in nr. 48, jahrg. 1866, der blätter für "Literarische unterhaltung" von Theodor Paur. [Wien. 1867.] 8°. pp. 23. Dn. 136.4 "Aus der Allgemeinen literatur-zeitung von Dr. Wiedemann in Wien nr. 12 besonders abgedruckt." Lubin, Antonio. "Un greve tuono [Inf. iv. 2]. (In [SABALICH, G., editor]. Pro-patria, [1888], 4o, pp. 6-7.) Dn. 136.4.5 Lubin, Antonio. [Review of] Egloghe di Giovanni del Virgilio e di Dante Alighieri annotate da anonimo contemporaneo, recate a miglior lezione, nuovamente volgarizzate in versi sciolti e commentate da Francesco Pasqualigo, con illustrazioni di altri, Lonigo, 1887. N. P. [1888.] 8% pp. 11. Dn. 290.4 "Estratto dalla Cultura di R. Bonghi. Anno vii. V. ix. n. 2, 3." Mestica, Giovanni. Antenòra o Tolomea? Dn. 137.19 Newsp. cutting from Fanfulla della domenica, 4 sett. 1887. Discusses the question whether Dante places Ugolino and Ruggieri in Antenora or Tolomea. Miagostovich, Vincenzo. Da uno studio sul Covito [sic] di Dante; framenti. (In [SABALICH, G., editor]. Pro-patria, [1888], 4o, pp. 24-26.) Dn. 136.4.5 Puccianti, Giuseppe. Il "greve tuono" dantesco [Inf. iv. 2]. Lettera aperta al prof. Alfredo della Pura. Dn. 140.23 Newsp. cutting from Fanfulla della domenica, 6 feb. 1887. Pura, Alfredo DELLA. Ancora del 66 'greve tuono" dantesco [Inf. iv. 2]. Al prof. G. Puccianti. Dn. 140.23 Newsp. cutting from Fanfulla della domenica, 20 feb. 1887. Rezzi, Luigi Maria. Lettera a Giovanni Rosini, sopra i manoscritti Barberiniani commenti alla Divina commedia di Dante Alighieri. Roma. 1826. 8°. pp. 46+. Dn. 142.11 [Ridolfi, Luca Antonio.] Ragionamento havvto in Lione da Clavdio de Herberè gentil'hvomo lionese, et da Alessandro degli Vberti gentil'hvomo fiorentino sopra la dichiaratione d'alcuni luoghi di Dante, del Petrarca, e del Boccaccio: non stati Sichere und Scartazzini, Giovanni Andrea. unsichere ergebnisse der neueren historischen Dante-forschung. Dn. 493.1.4 Newsp. cutting from Allgemeine zeitung, beilage, 14. juni, 1888. Schaff, Philip. Dante and the Divina commedia. New York. 1890. 8. Plates. Dn. 168.6 "From 'Literature and poetry,' New York, 1890," pp. 279429. "Dante literature," pp.[328-337. Scolari, Filippo. Sopra lo stato presente della letteratura dantesca. Lettera critica al prof. David Farabulini. [With] Elenco di alquante pubblicazioni dantesche o contemporanee o posteriori al centenario celebrato in Firenze nel settembre del Dn. 571.6 1865. Roma. 1870. 8o. pp. 40. Reviews, at some length, L. C. Ferrucci's Scala di vita. Thoma, Albrecht. Dante und Johannes. [Berlin. 1886.] 4°. col. (6). Dn. 219.1 Protestantische kirchenzeitung für das evangelische Deutschland, 14. april, 1886; nr. 15, col. 329-334. FROM THE RECORDS OF THE OVERSEERS. SPECIAL MEETING OF FEBRUARY 26, 1890. The Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN, President, in the chair. The reports of Committees on the Bussey Institution and on the Chemical Laboratory were presented, and the Rules and By-Laws of the Board were amended. Petitions from the Faculty and certain alumni of the Divinity School, in regard to voting for Overseers, were presented and referred to a special committee consisting of Messrs. SHATTUCK, Wetmore, and WALCOTT. SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 2, 1890. The Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN, President, in the chair. The report of the Committee on the Revision of the Rules and By-Laws was presented and laid over under the rules. Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in reappointing H. W. CHAPLIN, A.M., Lecturer on Criminal Law for the year 1890–91. Reports of the Committee on the petitions in regard to voting for Overseers by graduates of the professional schools were presented. The Committee to visit the Museum of Comparative Zoology for 1888-89 presented a report, which was laid over under the rules of the Board. W. S. DEXTER was appointed a member of the Committee to visit the Spanish department in place of C. O. FOSTER, declined. The report of the Committee on the Chemical Laboratory was referred to the Committee on Reports and Resolutions. A resolution in favor of printing the Commencement Programmes and Diplomas in English was considered and rejected. MEETING OF APRIL 9, 1890. - The Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN, President, in the chair. Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in electing JEREMIAH SMITH, A.M., LL.D., Story Professor of Law, to serve from September 1, 1890. The Committee on Reports and Resolutions returned the report of the Committee on the Chemical Laboratory with a recommendation that the historical account of the Laboratory be printed for the use of the Board. The report of the Committee on the Museum of Comparative Zoology was returned, with a recommendation that it be printed. The report of the majority of the Committee upon extending the right of voting for Overseers was adopted: "that there is not at present any sufficient reason for making an appeal to the Legislature for an extension of the suffrage." SPECIAL MEETING OF APRIL 16, 1890. The consideration of questions regarding changes in the Statutes of the University on the requirement for the degree of A.B. was referred to Messrs. HODGes, PUTNAM, and WALCOTT. The report of the Committee to visit the Veterinary School was presented and laid over under the rules. ADJOURNED MEETING OF APRIL 29, 1890.- - The Hon. CHARLES R. CODMAN, President, in the chair. Voted, to concur with the President and Fellows in appointing JOSEPH HENRY BEALE, LL.B., A.M., Lecturer on the Law of Damages for 1890–91. A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF BEAUMONT AND FLETCHER. BY ALFRED CLAGHORN POTTER. The source from which the titles in the following list are taken is, in most cases, indicated by letters following the title. Books contained in either the Harvard College Library or the Boston Public Library, I have examined personally and quote the titles from the books themselves. The arrangement of the bibliography follows: I. Complete works; II. Selections; III. Separate plays (arranged alphabetically); IV. Poems; V. Works on Beaumont and Fletcher. Comedies and tragedies written by Francis Beavmont and Iohn Fletcher, Gentlemen. Never printed before, and now published by the authours originall copies. Si quid habent veri Vatum præsagia, vivam. London, printed for Humphrey Robinson, at the Three Pidgeons, and for Humphrey Moseley at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls church-yard. 1647. fo HC, BPL. Collation:- A-Ffffff 2. For a full collation see the Huth catalogue. Contents: - Portrait of Fletcher, Dedication to Philip, earle of Pembroke and Montgomery, etc., f. 1; To the reader (by Shirley), f. 1; The stationer to the readers, f. 1; Poems, ff. 21 and 1 p.; A catalogue of all the comedies and tragedies contained in this booke, 1-p.; The mad lover, pp. 1-23; The Spanish curat, pp. 25-50; The little French lawyer, pp. 51-75; The custome of the countrey, pp. 1-25; The noble gentleman, pp. 27-46; The captaine, pp. 47-73; Beggars bvsh, pp. 75-96; The coxcombe, pp. 97-119; The false one, pp. 121-143; The chances, pp. 1-21; The loyal svbiect, pp. 23-50; The lawes of Candy, pp. 51-69; The lovers progress, pp. 71-94; The island princesse, pp. 95-119; The humorous lieutenant, pp. 121-147: The nice valovr; or, The passionate madman, pp. 149-165; M. Francis Beaumont's letter to Ben Johnson, f. 1; The maid in the mill, pp. 1-23; The prophetesse, pp. 25-46; The tragedie of Bonduca, pp. 47-71; The sea-voyage, pp. 1-19; The double marriage, pp. 21-46; The pilgrim, pp. 47-69; The knight of Malta, pp. 71-95; The womans prize; or, The tamer tamed, pp. 97-123; Love's cure; or, The martial maid, pp. 125-143 [147]; The honest mans fortune, pp. 149-172; The queene of Corinth, pp. 1-23; Women pleas'd, pp. 25–46; A wife for a moneth, pp. 47-68; Wit at severall weapons, pp. 69-92; The tragedie of Valentinian, pp. 1-28; The faire maide of the inne, pp. 29-50 [52]; Loves pilgrimage, pp. 1-26; The maske of the gentlemen of Grayes-inne, and the Innertemple, p. 27-28; Fovr playes, or morall representations, in one, p. 25 [29]-48. The portrait is by Wm. Marshall, and is repeated in the second folio. This first folio is not rare, generally selling for from $5 to $15. Fifty comedies and tragedies. Written by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher, Gentlemen. All in one volume. Published by the authors original copies, the songs to each play being added. Si |