The Life and Works of Mrs. Therese Robinson (Talvj)

Deutsch-amerikanische historische Gesellschaft von Illinois, 1913 - Broj stranica: 148

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Stranica 67 - I have at length hit upon a plan for a poem on the American Indians, which seems to me the right one and the only. It is to weave together their beautiful traditions into a whole. I have hit upon a measure, too, which I think the right and only one for such a theme.
Stranica 53 - And yet,' say those injured people, 'these white men would always be telling us of their great Book which God had given to them; they would persuade us that every man was good who believed in what the Book said, and every man was bad who did not believe in it. They told us a great many things, which, they said, were written in the good Book, and wanted us to believe it all. We would probably have done so, if we had seen them practise what they pretended to believe, and act according to the good words...
Stranica 53 - ... done so, if we had seen them practise what they pretended to believe, and act according to the good words which they told us. But no ! while they held their big Book in one hand, in the other they had murderous weapons, guns and swords, wherewith to kill us, poor Indians ! Ah ! and they did so too, they killed those who believed in their Book, as well as those who did not. They made no distinction...
Stranica 58 - The English for every Indian word or phrase stands in a straight line directly against the Indian: yet sometimes there are two words for the same thing (for their Language is exceeding copious, and they have five or six words sometimes for one thing) and then the English stands against them both; for example in the second leafe.
Stranica 67 - ... rich and the genteel. Popular poetry, — we do not mean that divine gift, the dowry of a few blessed individuals ; we mean that general productiveness, which pervades the mass of men as it pervades Nature, — popular poetry, among all the nations of Europe, is only a dying plant. Here and there a lonely relic is discovered among the rocks, preserved by the invigorating powers of the mountain air ; or a few sickly plants, half withered in their birth, grow up in some solitary valley, hidden...
Stranica 14 - To effect this great and necessary work, let one of the first acts of the new Congress be to establish within the district to be allotted for them a federal university, into which the youth of the United States shall be received after they have finished their studies and taken their degrees in the colleges of their respective states.
Stranica 53 - We would probably have done so, if we had seen them practice what they pretended to believe, and act according to the good words which they told us. But no! While they held their big Book in one hand, in the other, they had murderous weapons, guns and swords wherewith to kill us, poor Indians. Ah! and they did so, too; they killed those who believed in their Book, as well as those who did not. They made no distinction...
Stranica 87 - ... public libraries, in accessibility to the old pamphlets and original evidence of all sorts, has also helped and led to a desire for knowledge of the actual events. Lapse of time, too, is no doubt having its effect in lessening the supposed inadvisability of letting all about the Revolution be known. Within the last two years in writing a life of Daniel Webster I had occasion to examine the original evidence of our history from the War of 1812 to the Compromise of 1850; and I found that it had...
Stranica 142 - Handbuch einer Geschichte der slavischen Sprachen und Literatur nebst einer Skizze ihrer Volks-Poesie von Talvj. Mit einer Vorrede von Edward Robinson.
Stranica 74 - All that the other Slavic nations, or the Germans, the Scotch, and the Spaniards, possess of popular poetry, can at the utmost be compared with the lyrical part of the Servian songs, called by them female songs, because they are sung only by females and youths ; but the long epic extemporized compositions, by which a peasant bard, sitting in a large circle of other peasants, in unpremeditated but perfectly regular and harmonious verse, celebrates the heroic deeds of their ancestors or cotemporaries,...

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