Works, Opseg 7Longmans & Company, 1879 |
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Stranica 5
... quæ libris integris amissis servata sunt ; ut Somnium Scipionis . Secundum eorum quæ auctor ipse , vel morte præreptus vel aliis negotiis distractus , perficere non potuit , ut Platonis Atlantis . Tertium eorum quæ auctor itidem ex ...
... quæ libris integris amissis servata sunt ; ut Somnium Scipionis . Secundum eorum quæ auctor ipse , vel morte præreptus vel aliis negotiis distractus , perficere non potuit , ut Platonis Atlantis . Tertium eorum quæ auctor itidem ex ...
Stranica 11
... moram ( fateor ) fecerunt , imo etiam acquieverunt , in tribus præ- cipue viris ; tanquam maxime eminentibus , et cum illâ fortuna quæ mea aliquando fuit conjunctissimus . 4 temporis procella . * licet judicium quo proscriberetur ignominiæ.
... moram ( fateor ) fecerunt , imo etiam acquieverunt , in tribus præ- cipue viris ; tanquam maxime eminentibus , et cum illâ fortuna quæ mea aliquando fuit conjunctissimus . 4 temporis procella . * licet judicium quo proscriberetur ignominiæ.
Stranica 13
... quæ nunquam exhaurientur et usuram pro certo reddent , committerem . 4 ante annos aliquot . $ decrevi certe in cæteris ejus partibus minime defatisci . Quod etiam nunc ago . For " I think to proceed " the Cambridge MS . has " I have ...
... quæ nunquam exhaurientur et usuram pro certo reddent , committerem . 4 ante annos aliquot . $ decrevi certe in cæteris ejus partibus minime defatisci . Quod etiam nunc ago . For " I think to proceed " the Cambridge MS . has " I have ...
Stranica 15
... rursus edendum curavi . • Exceptis paucis ( the translation adds ) alicubi inspersis , quæ ad Religionem spectant . Tractatum scilicet De Bello Sacro . 1 minus animosi . 3 nobili operâ atque instituto . DEDICATORY . 15.
... rursus edendum curavi . • Exceptis paucis ( the translation adds ) alicubi inspersis , quæ ad Religionem spectant . Tractatum scilicet De Bello Sacro . 1 minus animosi . 3 nobili operâ atque instituto . DEDICATORY . 15.
Stranica 67
... contrarium malum bonum ; cujus bonum malum . Non tenet in iis rebus quarum vis in temperamento et mensura sita est . Dum vitant stulti vitia in contraria currunt . Media via nulla est quæ nec amicos parit nec inimicos. F2 67.
... contrarium malum bonum ; cujus bonum malum . Non tenet in iis rebus quarum vis in temperamento et mensura sita est . Dum vitant stulti vitia in contraria currunt . Media via nulla est quæ nec amicos parit nec inimicos. F2 67.
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Uobičajeni izrazi i fraze
act of parliament action ancient answered apophthegms argument Aristippus asked attainted Augustus Cæsar authority Bacon better Bishop Cæsar called cause cestui cestui que chancery clause collection common law conveyance Council court crown deed divers doubt edition Eliz England escheat Eupolis executed felony feoffee feoffment give grant hath heir inheritance intent judges judgment justice justices of peace King king's kingdom knight-service land lease lessee Lord Lord Chancellor lordships Majesty manor matter nature never omitted opinion Parliament party peace person plea pleaded possession procedendo quæ quam Queen question quod Rawley reason remainder rent rule saith seigniory seised seisin shew shires Sir Nicholas Bacon socage speech statute suit tail taken tenant tenure things thou tion tree unto Vespasian VIII void Wales wherein whereof Whereupon word marches writ
Popularni odlomci
Stranica 319 - I hold every man a debtor to his profession; from the which, as men of course do seek to receive countenance and profit, so ought they of duty to endeavor themselves, by way of amends, to be a help and ornament thereunto.
Stranica 809 - But little do men perceive what solitude is, and how far it extendeth. For a crowd is not company, and faces are but a gallery of pictures, and talk but a tinkling cymbal, where there is no love.
Stranica 271 - The world's a bubble and the Life of Man Less than a span In his conception wretched, from the womb So to the tomb; Curst from his cradle, and brought up to years With cares and fears. Who then to frail mortality shall trust, But limns on water, or but writes in dust. Yet...