Slike stranica

2258 LYSONS (D.). The ENVIRONS of LONDON: being an Historical Account of the Towns, Villages, and Hamlets, within Twelve Miles of that Capital: interspersed with Biographical Anecdotes. Second Edition. 2 vols. in 4. with maps and plates


An Historical Account of those PARISHES in the County of Middlesex, which are not described in the Environs of London. 1 vol., with plates


1800 together, 5 vols., 4to., with many fine plates of Churches, Memorial Brasses, Seals, Painted Glass, and other Antiquities; calf 1800-11 2259 the same. 5 vols., roy. 4to., LARGE PAPER, russia extra 1800-11 2260 MIDDLESEX and Hertfordshire Notes and Queries. A Quarterly Magazine, edited by W. J. Hardy. Vols. I and II, 8vo., with plates; in 8 parts, sd. (published at 14s) 2261 MILMAN (H. H.). Annals of St. Paul's Cathedral. 8vo., with portraits, plans, views, etc.; cloth 1868 2262 NELSON (John). History, Topography, and Antiquities of the Parish of St. Mary, Islington. 4to., with 13 plates; calf; scarce 1811 2263 NORDEN. SPECULUM BRITANNIE: an Historicall and Chorographicall Description of MIDDLESEX and HERTFORDSHIRE . . By JOHN NORDEN. Sm. 4to. LARGE PAPER; with beautifully engraved maps, Coats of Arms, etc.; green morocco extra, gilt edges; from the Christopher Sykes collection 1723

A reprint of a most interesting little volume printed in 1593. It should find
a place in the library of every collector of Elizabethan literature, on account of the
admirable description of London and Westminster of that time which it gives.
2264 PARISH CLERK'S COMPANY. NEW REMARKS of London: or, a Survey of the

Cities of London and Westminster, of Southwark, and part of Middle-
sex and Surrey. By the Company of Parish Clerks. 12mo., with
plate of the Arms of the Parish Clerks; old calf; scarce


"The Company of Parish-clerks was incorporated in the Year 1732 . . . and known then by the Brotherhood of St. Nicholas . . They consist of a Master, two Wardens, and seventeen Assistants, who are as Governours. They are the 54th Company of London."

2265 PENNANT (Thomas). Some Account of London. Impl. 4to. with numerous plates; calf neat 1805

The fourth edition, with additions.

2266 POST OFFICE ANNUAL DIRECTORY (The) for the Year 1805. The Sixth Edition. 12mo., sheepskin 1805 2267 PRICE (J. E.). A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNT of the GUILDHALL of the City of London its History and Associations. Folio, with a great number of facsimile charters, maps, reproductions of old engravings, and woodcut illustrations; cloth 1886 2268 REGISTER of BONDS and OBLIGATIONS entered into in LONDON between September 1607 and February 1607[-08]. Sm. folio, a curious official document of 30 pp.; bds. 1607-08 Apprenticeship-agreements, loans of money, pledges of valuable property, and other such kinds of business, with the names and addresses of all the parties, and the conditions appended; mostly transacted in the neighbourhood of Gray's Inn. To one of the specifications, the name of "Robert Francke" is attached--apparently autograph. This is in connexion with a pledge given by John Butler, depending as it seems upon a wager that he would become a father within a year and a half.-The gold chain of Sir Robert Mansell of Detford, pledged for £300, is elaborately described. 2269 ST. CLEMENT DANES. THE POOR RATE ACCOUNTS OF ST. CLEMENT DANES PARISH in 1579-80, the original signed document. The Accompte of us Nicholas Madoxe, John Morecrofte, Robert Carre and Richard Seale, collectors appointed for the poore of the p'ishe of St. Clements Danes wtin the Com. of Midd. accordinge vnto the Statute made and puided in the Quenes Maties Highe Courte of Parlymament holden at Westminster in the xiiii yeire of Her Highnes raigne . . . from the vth daie of Maie in the xxith yeire of the raigne vntill the xiiii daie of Aprill in the xxiith yeire

Sm. folio, MS. on 18 leaves of vellum, having at foot of the last leaf

[blocks in formation]

the signatures of the Dean of Westminster and the Recorder of London
(Gabriel Goodman and William Fleetwood); stitched in boards, from the
Phillipps' collection

1580 45 00

An extremely curious document, which may serve as a sort of Directory for St. Clement Danes, in the middle of Elizabeth's reign, since it contains a list of between 300 and 400 of the chief inhabitants of the parish. Amongst them are John Foxe (the martyrologist) and John Florye (the resolute John Florio), Lord Burleigh, the Earl of Leicester, and other famous personages. It is curious that Foxe and Florio, although their names are entered, paid no money in either of the two half years. Lord Burleigh paid 25 shillings on each occasion-more than anyone else; and Leicester 10 shillings.

'O SEXBY (J. J.). The Municipal Parks, Gardens, and Open Spaces of London: their History and Associations. Roy. 8vo., pp. xx and 646, with nearly 200 illustrations; cloth

1898 "Col. Sexby has produced for the benefit of the general reader a very interesting book. Diligent labour and abundant research are manifest throughout. The book is divided into thirty-one chapters, with appendix and indices. In these chapters is given a brief sketch of the history of each of the open spaces-some fifty in number-from the time of the Domesday Book to the present epoch."-Athenæum, Sept. 9, '99. 271 SIMPSON (W. Sparrow). Chapters in the history of Old St. Paul's. 8vo., with front., facsimile, etc.; cloth

1 1 0

1881 036

272 SMITH (C. Roach). Catalogue of the Museum of London Antiquities. Roy. 8vo., with 19 plates and numerous woodcuts; sd.


printed for subscribers only, 1854 Illustrations of Roman London. 4to., with frontispiece, and 41 plates of Roman antiquities, tesselated pavements, statues, coins, etc., some coloured; half calf, or half morocco neat privately printed, 1859 2274 SMITH (J. T.). ANTIQUITIES of WESTMINSTER; the Old Palace; St. Stephen's Chapel etc. Impl. 4to., with 246 engravings (including the one on stone), some coloured, and with the 62 additional plates, early impressions; half calf

0 10 0

0 18 0


4 10 0


the same. Impl. 4to., with portrait and autograph letter of the author inserted; russia


6 10 0


Ancient Topography of London. Roy. 4to., with engraved title and 32 large plates; half green morocco, gilt edges


[blocks in formation]

Giving examples of architecture, etc. from the earliest period to the time of the Great Fire. It is a fitting accompaniment to the works of Stow and Pennant. 2277 SOANE. DESCRIPTION de la MAISON et du MUSÉE situées au Nord de la

Place de Lincoln's Inn Fields, demeure du Chevalier Soane. Folio, with portrait, vignettes, and 38 fine plates, the text in English and French; calf gilt; scarce [1835] 150 copies privately printed. The above is a presentation copy from the author. 2278 STORER (J.) and J. GREIG. SELECT VIEWS of LONDON and its ENVIRONS. 2 vols., impl. 4to., LARGE PAPER, with the plates in two states (INDIA PROOFS and ETCHINGS, including the vignettes taken off separately, besides the impressions on the letterpress); red morocco extra by Staggemeier


1804-5 10 00

2279 STOW (J.). A SURVEY of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, and the Borough of Southwark. The Sixth Edition. 2 vols., folio, with many fine plates; russia (repaired)


The best edition of a work which, to an even greater degree than Wilkinson's Londina Illustrata, depicts and describes now non-existent buildings of importance. 2280 STRANGER'S GUIDE (The); or, New Ambulator for the Tour of the Metropolis and its Vicinity within the circuit of twenty five miles. 18mo., 351 pp. with folding map; half calf neat, gilt top, uncut n. d. (1825) 2281 WALCOTT (Mackenzie E. C.). The Memorials of Westminster. A New Edition, with Appendix and Notes. 8vo., with illustrations; cloth 1851 2282 WELCH (C.). History of the Tower Bridge, with a Description by J. Wolfe Barry, and an Intrdouction by Canon Benham. 4to., fully illustrated; half morocco


The illustrations shew various stages of the erection of the bridge and its appearance when completed; they also include many interesting reproductions of old prints, MSS., maps, seals, etc.




0 12 6

2283 WELCH. Modern History of the City of London. Royal 4to., with illustrations drawn and selected by P. NORMAN; cloth

the same. Impl. 4to., LARGE PAPER; cloth

1896 1896

2284 2285 WILKINSON (Robert). LONDINA ILLUSTRATA. Graphic and Historic Memorials of Monasteries, Churches, Chapels, Schools, Charitable Foundations, Palaces, Halls, Courts, Processions, Places of Early Amusement and Modern and Present Theatres, in the Cities and Suburbs of London and Westminster. 2 vols., impl. 4to., with 207 plates, fine impressions; half morocco, uncut, gilt tops 1819-1825

This interesting and curious antiquarian work cost the enterprising_publisher more than twenty years of undeviating labour and many thousand pounds. Every rare old print or drawing, illustrative of London topography which he could discover, by the most active and diligent research, was made subservient to his purpose; and of many ancient buildings the engravings contained in these volumes are now the only known records. What adds considerably to the value of the work, is that the letterpress gives extracts from Parish registers and munimental documents not easily accessible elsewhere.

2286 YOUNG (S.). The Annals of the BARBER-SURGEONS of London, compiled from their Records and other sources. 4to., pp. xi and 623, with plain and coloured reproductions of Portraits (Henry VIII, Edward IV, Sir Thomas More, etc.), Charters, Coats of Arms, Pedigrees, Seals, etc.; cloth 1890

The author in his preface points out that the Barbers' Company was a professional rather than a trade guild, and that it stood alone as a pioneer of technical education, surgical lectures being given as early as the middle of 15th century.

Maps and Views of London:

2287 AGGAS (Ralph). LONDINVM ANTIQV (sic) This Plan shews the ancient extent of the famous cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER as it was near the beginning of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth . . . 8 sheets (about 19 x 14), re-engraved by Vertue; unbd.

1737 2283 BENNING (R.). VUE de LONDRES comme il etoil dans l'an. 1647. (19 × 12), very fine impression

about 1750 2289 EVELYN (John). LONDINVM REDIVIVVM. Presented by me to his Majesty, a Week after the Conflagration, together with a Discourse now in the Paper Office-A PLAN of LONDON, after the great Fire in the Year of our Lord 1666-2 sheets (18; × 14)


The second map was made according to Sir Christopher Wren's idea for rebuilding the City. It shows the situation of the great streets, St. Paul's Cathedral, the Exchange, the Guildhall, the Custom House, and other public offices, churches, markets, etc. 2290 FAITHORNE (William). An EXACT DELINEATION of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER and the SVBVRBS thereof, together wth ye Burrough of Sovthwark and all ye Through-fares Highwaies Streetes Lanes & Common Allies wthin ye same composed by a scale, and ichnographically described by RICHARD NEWCOVRT of Somerton in the Countie of Somersett Gentleman WILLM: FAITHORNE Sculpsit. 5 atlas folio sheets, with views of Old St. Paul's and Westminster Abbey, also engravings of the Coats of Arms of the City Companies; unbd. 1658 (facsimile, 1857) another issue. 12 royal folio sheets (22 x 15), in an oblong portfolio Stanford, 1878 2292 [FLYN (J.)]. A NEW and CORRECT PLAN of LONDON, WESTMINSTER and SOUTHWARK, with the Additional Buildings to the Year 1770. 1 sheet (20 × 12) 1770 2293 GREAT FIRE] (The) . . . DELINEATION of the CITIE LONDON, shewing how far the said Citie is burnt down, and what places doe yet remain standing. . . 1 sheet (22 x 193), with a striking engraving of the GREAT FIRE; the text in English, French, and Dutch; unbd.; EXCESSIVELY Amsterdam, 1666 2294 GROSVENOR SQUARE. Vüe de la PLACE de GROSVENOR a Londres. A Paris chez Daumont rue St. Martin. 15 × 11



vers 1740

2295 HOLLAR.

A NEW MAPP of the CITTYES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, with the Borough of SOUTHWARK and all the Suburbs, shewing the severall Streets, Lanes, Alleys, and most of the Throwgh-faires. Drawne by W. HOLLER, the like never done before . . . 1 sheet (38 × 301), unbd.; scarce

about 1680

2296 HORWOOD (R.). PLAN of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, the Borough of Southwark, and parts adjoining, shewing every house. Impl. folio, 35 folding sheets; hf. bd.


To the local Antiquary this is, perhaps, the most valuable map ever published. It was executed at the expense of the Phoenix Fire Office, and was the cause of every house being numbered, a system hitherto confined to the leading thoroughfares. EVERY HOUSE IN CITY AND SUBURBAN LONDON, WITH ITS STREET NUMBER, IS INDICATED, and the parish boundaries are also shown.

2297 JONES (Inigo). WHITEHALL. 4 sheets (36 × 241), giving views of the Palace from four different aspects; in a portfolio 1748-49 2298 LEAKE (J.). An EXACT SVRVEIGH of the STREETS, LANES, and CHVRCHES, comprehend,d. within the RVINS of the CITY of LONDON, first described in six Plats,... 1666. By the Order & Directions of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, & Common Councell of the said City . . . & reduced into one intire plat by IOHN LEAKE ... 2 sheets (24) × 21), re-engraved by VERTUE, with views of Old Buildings near the Temple Gate, Barnard's Castle, Old St. Paul's (2), Cheapside and the Cross before the Fire, the Guild Hall, and the Royal Exchange; unbd. 1723

This interesting map, by means of dotted and other lines, gives much exact information as to the topography of London before the Great Fire. 2298*MORDEN, LEA, and BROWN. This ACTUAL SURVEY of LONDON, WESTMINSTER & SOUTHWARK is humbly dedicated to ye Ld: Mayor & Court of Aldermen by Ro: Morden Phil: Lea Chr: Browne. 2 sheets (23}× 19%), unld. about 1700 2299 MORDEN and LEA. An ACCURATE PLAN of the Cities of LONDON and WESTMINSTER and the Borough of SOUTHWARK containing all the new Buildings to the year 1732. 5 atlas folio sheets, with portraits of William and Mary, views of Somerset House and the Mercers' Chapel, and a large panoramic view of London; unbd.; scarce 2300 PARIS (Matthew). A Copy of Two DRAWINGS (1236) by MATTHEW PARIS, one of which is at St. Bennet's College, Cambridge, the other at the British Museum. 1 sheet (size of the drawing 19 x 12), containing rude representations of the City of London, Dover Castle, Canterbury Cathedral, Rochester Castle, etc. (about 1860 ?)


The two sketches of London show the position of some of the old gates (Ludgate, Cripplegate, Bishopsgate, Billingsgate, etc.), St. Paul's, Lambeth, Westminster, and the Tower. 2301 PARR.

[blocks in formation]

1 1 0

A NORTH VIEW of WESTMINSTER BRIDGE. 16×10 about 1750 2302 PORT of LONDON. The SEVERAL PLANS and DRAWINGS referred to in the Second [and Third] Report from the Select Committee upon the Improvement of the PORT of LONDON. Atlas folio, consisting of 38 folding plans and plates; calf 1799-1800 100 The plates represent plans for proposed docks, designs for bridges, etc. 2303 ROCQUE (J.). A PLAN of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, and BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK with the contiguous Buildings; from an actual Survey, taken by JOHN ROQUE, Land Surveyor, and engraved by JOHN PINE. . . 24 large sheets. 1746-A NEW and ACCURATE SURVEY of the CITIES of LONDON and WESTMINSTER, the BOROUGH of SOUTHWARK with the country about it for nineteen miles in length and thirteen in depth... By JOHN ROCQUE . . . 16 large sheets. 1751 In one vol., impl. folio, hf. bd.


1746-51 10 0 0

An EXACT SURVEY of the Citys of LONDON WESTMINSTER ye BOROUGH OF SOUTHWARK and the Country near ten Miles round begun in 1741 and ended in 1745. A large map (engraved by R. Parr) neatly folded and linen-mounted on fourteen sheets; in a folio parcel;



3 10 0


2305 VISSCHER (J. C.). LONDON. 4 sheets (151 × 204), mounted on cards ; about 1640 An imposing panoramic view giving an accurate representation of London before the Great Fire. Old St. Paul's, the Tower, the Guildhall, the many churches, the Bear Garden, the old Globe Theatre, and other historic edifices are all shown.

2306 WESTMINSTER. 1 sheet (10×6), scarce

about 1590 An extremely early map embracing the river from the Temple to Lambeth, and the Middlesex shore as far North as Charing Cross and St. James's Park. 2307 WYNGAERDE. LONDON, WESTMINSTER and SOUTHWARK, as they appeared A.D. 1543. From a drawing by A. VAN den WYNGRERDE. Engraved by N. WHITTOCK. 1 sheet (60 x 15%)

about 1860

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

NORDWITZ, by Antonium de Solemne.

Sm. 8vo., Gothic Letter; a very fine copy in green morocco extra, marbled under gold edges, by Rivière (Noraich) 1568

COLLATION: -O, in eights; in fours. EXCESSIVELY RARE. One of the earliest books, if not the earliest, printed at Norwich. So rare was it that Cotton in the first volume of his Typographical Gazetteer failed to mention it, though he afterwards discovered one and noted it in his second volume. A Dutch metrical version of the Psalms was produced by Solempne bearing the date of 1568. The claim for priority of issue lies therefore between that volume and the work now offered.

The art of printing was introduced into Norwich by Anthony de Solempne about 1568. An emigrant from the Low Countries, he with others, was admitted and encouraged to settle there by Queen Elizabeth. Cotton, who deplores the absence of a genuine volume of early Norwich typography from the press of Solempne in the whole of England, states that in the library of Trinity College, Dublin, be found no fewer than three excellent specimens, which, in his work mentioned above, were for the first time described.

2309 BLOMEFIELD (Francis).



An ESSAY towards a TOPOGRAPHICAL HISTORY of the COUNTY of NORFOLK. 5 vols., folio, with portraits, plates of Churches, Monuments, Seals, etc.; a good tall copy, bound in russia, with the bookplate of William Dunn Gardner

Fersfield, Norwich, and Lynn, 1739-75

This copy, like most others, does not contain the Blomefield pedigree, the Monument of Bishop Hall, the dedication to Nuthall, the Plan of Norwich and the references thereto (the last 2 are supposed to exist only in Dawson Turner's copy; there is also deficient the portrait of James Calthorpe, and the West front of Houghton Hall.

the celebrated COMERFORD copy. 5 vols., folio, profusely EXTRA-ILLUSTRATED with more than 200 ADDITIONAL ENGRAVINGS, comprising rare portraits, plates of arms, etc.; russia extra, by Kalthoeber

1739-75 1

another edition. 11 vols., roy. 8vo., with portraits and many plates; half calf


2312 COTMAN (J. S.). SEPULCHRAL BRASSES in NORFOLK and SUFFOLK, with an introductory Essay by DAWSON TURNER and with Notes by Sir Samuel Rush Meyrick, Albert Way, and Sir N. H. Nicolas. 2 vols., folio, with 173 plates, two of which, being enamelled brasses, are beautifully illuminated; half morocco, uncut


An important work tending to illustrate ecclesiastical, military, and civil costume, as well as to preserve memorials of ancient families in the counties treated.

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