BURLINGTON FINE ARTS CLUB, continued : 3720 3721 3722 3723 3724 EXHIBITION OF PICTURES by MASTERS of the NETHERLANDISH and allied Schools of the XV and early XVI Centuries. Atlas 4to., LARGE PAPER, with 29 plates; cloth 1892 EXHIBITION of PICTURES, DRAWINGS, and PHOTOGRAPHS of Works of the School of FERRARA-BOLOGNA, 1440-1540; also of Medals of Members of the Houses of Este and Bentivoglio. Atlas 4to., LARGE PAPER, with 22 fine plates; cloth 1894 EXHIBITION OF THE ART OF ANCIENT EGYPT. Atlas 4to., LARGE PAPER, with 27 full-page photographs mounted on boards; cloth 1895 The special and novel character of the illustrations is that they represent the industrial and domestic arts of Ancient Egypt, and thus reveal the customs and civilization of the people, rather than the magnificence of the kings. EXHIBITION OF A COLLECTION OF EUROPEAN ENAMELS, from the earliest date to the End of the XVIIth Century; exhibited in 1897. Atlas 4to., ILLUSTRATED EDITION, having 72 fine plates representing about 100 specimens; cloth 1897 EXHIBITION OF PICTURES by Masters of the MILANESE and allied Schools of Lombardy, exhibited in 1898. Atlas 4to., with 27 fine plates; cloth 3725 BURNE-JONES (Edward): a Record and Review. 3726 1899 By MALCOLM BELL. Impl. 4to., with portrait and about 80 photogravure and half tone reproductions; buckram, in a leather jacket CHAUCER. First and best edition. 1892 WORKS. Edited by F. S. ELLIS. Folio, with 87 woodcut illustrations by Sir Edward BurneJones and numerous woodcut borders and initial letters by William Morris; bds., as issued; VERY SCARCE Kelmscott Press, 1893 The most important achievement of the Kelmscott Press. The work is in ever-increasing demand and must reach a considerably higher price than that at which it is now offered. 3727 BURNET (J.). A Practical Treatise on Painting. In Three Parts. Consisting of Hints on Composition, Chiaroscuro, and Colouring. New Edition. 4to., with numerous plates, several coloured, illustrating Examples from the Italian, Venetian, and Flemish Schools; bds. 1830 3728 A CALL to the Connoisseurs, or Decisions of Sense, with respect to the Present State of Painting and Sculpture, and their several Professors in these Kingdoms. By T. B. 8vo., half calf; scarce 1761 Containing contemporary appreciations of Hussey, Hayman, Hogarth, Reynolds, Ramsay, Wilson, Morland, and others. 3729 CAMDEN. BRITANNIA Sive . . Angliæ, Scotia, et Insularum adjacentium . descriptio. Authore Gvilielmo Camdeno . . . 1594. Sm. 3730 3731 1789 1789 BRITANNIA. Translated by GoUGH. 3 vols., folio, the BEST EDI- 3732 CAMPBELL (Lord Archibald). HIGHLAND DRESS, ARMS, and ORNAMENT. 8vo., pp. xvi, 176, with many fine plates; cloth 1899 3733 CARDONNEL (A. de). MONUMENTAL ANTIQUITIES, etc. sketched from Nature in 1803, copied from the Original Drawings by T. Bateman. 4to., AUTOGRAPH MS. of T. Bateman, with 15 well executed COLOURED DRAWINGS; half calf 1854 3734 CAREY (W.). Descriptive Catalogue of a Collection of Paintings by British Artists, in the possession of Sir John F. Leicester; with occasional Remarks by Sir Richard Colt Hoare. 8vo., with frontispiece; purple morocco extra, gilt edges, 1819 3735 CARICATURES. parcel : SIX HUMOUROUS COLOURED PLATES. In a folio 1817-26 Comprising Cruickshank. Vis a Vis-Accidents in Quadrill Dancing, 1817; Les Graces de Chesterfield, or, Quadrille Dancing-pour la Pratique, 1817; Cruikshank. Dandies preparing for Promenade, 1819; Cruikshank, Ancient Military Dandies of 1450-Modern Military Dandies of 1819; Cruikshank, Beauties of Brighton, 1826; Gillray, Advantages of wearing Muslin Dresses. 3736 CARTER (J.). SPECIMENS of the ANCIENT SCULPTURE and PAINTING, now remaining in this Kingdom, from the earliest period to the reign of Henry ye VIII, consisting of Statues, Bassorelievos, Brasses &c. Paintings on Glass and on Walls &c. 2 vols. in 1, roy. folio, the ORIGINAL EDITION, with more than 120 plates, some coloured; half morocco, uncut 1780-87 3737 3738 New Edition by DAWSON TURNER, Sir SAMUEL RUSH MEYRICK, J. BRITTON, and other distinguished Antiquaries. 2 vols. in 1, roy. folio, with more than 120 plates, some coloured; half morocco, uncut 1838 In addition to the contents as given above, this work contains representations of missal ornaments, carvings in cups, croziers, chests, seals, and ancient furniture. ANCIENT ARCHITECTURE of ENGLAND, including the Orders during the British, Roman, Saxon, and Norman Eras; and under the reigns of Henry III, and Edward III. New and Improved Edition, by J. BRITTON. 2 pts. in 1 vol., roy. folio, with 109 large copperplate engravings, comprising upwards of two thousand specimens, shown in plane, elevation, section, and detail; half morocco, gilt top, uncut 1837 3739 CAULFIELD (James). Calcographiana: The Printsellers Chronicle and Collectors Guide to the Knowledge and Value of Engraved British Portraits. 8vo., with portraits; calf; scarce 1814 This work gives accounts of Thomas Geminus, Remegius Hogenbergh, William 3740 CHAFFERS (W.). MARKS and MONOGRAMS on POTTERY and PORCELAIN, of 3741 Seventh Edition. Roy. 8vo., pp. xv, 918, with upwards of 3000 Potter's Marks and illustrations; cloth 1886 3742 CHALCOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY'S REPRODUCTIONS OF RARE PRINTS, to illustrate the Development of ENGRAVING in ITALY, GERMANY, and the NETHERLANDS. A COMPLETE SET of the publications from the first year of issue, 1886, to 1896 (as further described below), comprising in all 329 plates in three vols. atlas 4to. and ten portfolios (subscription price, £24. 10s) Berbin, 1886-96 15 15 0 CONTENTS: 1886, 11 plates; 1887, 14 plates; 1888, 13 plates; 1889, 13 plates; 1890, 18 plates; 1891, 36 plates; 1892, 15 plates; 1892, SPECIAL NUMBER: The Playing Cards of the Master E. S. of 1466, 45 plates; 1893-4, the Woodcuts of the Master 1. B. with the Bird, 11 plates, and the Master of the Amsterdam Cabinet, 89 plates; 1895, The Seven Planets, with 38 plates and illustrations in the text; 1896, Engravings and Woodcuts by Jacopo de' Barbari, with 26 plates. SOLD SEPARATELY. 1886. 7 plates (of 11-plates 4, 7, 9, and 11 missing) on 18 sheets; in portfolio 1886 3743 0 10 0 3744 1887. 11 plates (of 14-plates 2, 3 and 5 missing) on 16 sheets; in portfolio 1887 0 10 0 1890. 18 plates on 17 sheets; in portfolio 1890 1 10 0 1891 1 10 0 3748 1893-4. THE MASTER of the AMSTERDAM CABINET, by MAX LEHRS. Atlas 4to., with 89 plates containing facsimiles of 119 engravings; buckram CHALCOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY, continued :— 3749 3750 3751 1894. WOODCUTS of the MASTER I. B. with the BIRD, by F. LIPPMANN. With 11 plates; in portfolio 1894 1895. THE SEVEN PLANETS, by F. LIPPMANN, translated by F. Simmonds. With 38 plates and 4 illustrations in the text; buckram 1896 1895 1896. ENGRAVINGS and WOODCUTS by JACOPO de' BARBARI. Edited by Paul Kristeller. With 26 plates containing facsimiles of 40 engravings; bds. 3752 CHAMBERLAINE (J.). ORIGINAL DESIGNS of the most celebrated Masters of the BOLOGNESE, ROMAN, FLORENTINE, and VENETIAN SCHOOLS; comprising some of the Works of LEONARDO da VINCI, the CARACCI, CLAUDE LORRAINE, RAPHAEL, MICHAEL ANGELO, the POUSSINS, and others, in His Majesty's Collection. Roy. folio, with 74 fine plates, mostly tinted, including the coloured "EсCE HOмo" after Guido and the scarce series of Anatomical Drawings by Leonardo da Vinci; the plates engraved by BARTOLOZZI, SCHIAVONETTI, TOMKINS, LEWIS, and others; half red morocco extra, gilt edges 1812 3753 CHAMBERS (W.). PLANS, ELEVATIONS, SECTIONS, and PERSPECTIVE VIEWS of the Gardens and Buildings at Kew in Surry, the Seat of the Princess Dowager of Wales. Impl. folio, with 43 fine plates; calf 1763 Ploos van Amstel's copy with his signature. 3754 CHANTREY. Memorials of Sir Francis Chantrey, R.A. Sculptor. By John Holland. 8vo., calf [1851] 3755 CHARACTERISTICS of Old Church Architecture &c. in the Mainland and Western Islands of Scotland. 4to., with maps and numerous woodcut illustrations; cloth Edinburgh, 1861 3756 CHIPPENDALE (T.). THE GENTLEMAN AND CABINET-MAKER'S DIRECTOR. Being a large Collection of the most Elegant and Useful Designs of Household Furniture in the Gothic, Chinese and Modern Taste. Large folio, 161 plates (25 bis); old calf; or, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges 3457 3758 3759 1754 THIRD EDITION. Large folio, 200 plates; calf ; a fine tall copy a 1762 1762 the same. Large folio, the title-page reprinted; sprinkled calf gilt the same. Large folio, with, in addition to the 200 plates, 12 plates not mentioned in the List of Contents, numbered 25, 36, 45, 49, 67, 68, 153, 159, 167, 171, 179, 187; a fine copy in red morocco extra 1762 The plates are numbered-1-25, 25, 26-36, 36, 37-45, 45, 46– 49, 49, 50-67, 67, 68,68-146, 146, 147, 149-153, 153, 154-159, 159, 160-167, 167, 168-171, 171, 172–179, 179, 180-187, 187, 188–200. Total, 212. 3760 CLARK (Geo. T.). MEDIEVAL and MILITARY ARCHITECTURE in ENGLAND. .2 vols., 8vo., with 140 woodcuts of all the Old English Castles; cloth (pub. at 36s) 1884 So interesting and reliable a record of the many romantic and historical castles of England should be in the possession of every antiquary. 3761 CLAUDE. LIBER VERITATIS; or a Collection of Prints, after the Original Designs of CLAUDE le LORRAIN; in the Collection of His Grace the DUKE OF DEVONSHIRE. Executed by RICHARD EARLOM, in the Manner and Taste of the Drawings. 3 vols., folio, with excellent early impres sions of the 300 plates; in the original half binding, UNCUT [1777]-1819 another copy of the same issue. 3 vols., folio, brown morocco extra, gilt edges [1777]-1819 The above are of Boydell's issue. Bohn afterwards re-worked the plates and issue 3762 the book in half red morocco. There exist also forged proofs of extremely poor and 3763 CLENNELL. 245 CHOICE WATER-COLOUR DRAWINGS by CHARLES WARREN 3765 3766 3767 3768 BOOTH (Miss S.) as Christine, in Love and Humble Life. Full 1 1 0 Sharp-Cooper length, PRINTED IN COLOURS, 13 × 91 CHEESMAN (T.). SIX HEADS Drawn and Engraved 220 T. Cheesman, Feb. 10, 1797 25 00 The colouring in this beautiful series is as fresh as when it was first printed. The work has apparently lain undisturbed for the last century and the delicate flesh tints have thus been preserved from the fading which they would have experienced had the prints been framed and exposed to the light. T. Cheesman was the most successful of Bartolozzi's pupils; his colour-prints have become excessively rare and bring large prices at sales. No copy of the above six heads, in its original wrapper, has for many years appeared in the market. Lely-Clamp MAY (Babtist). Bust, PRINTED IN COLOURS 3769 COLVIN (Sidney). A Selection from Occasional Writings on Fine Art. Impl. 8vo., limp binding; scarce privately printed, 1873 A charming series of essays by the scholarly author of the text to Finiquerra (see post). 3770 CONEY. ENGRAVINGS of ANCIENT CATHEDRALS, HOTELS de VILLE, and other Public Buildings of celebrity, in FRANCE, HOLLAND, GERMANY, and ITALY, drawn and engraved by JOHN CONEY. Atlas folio, 28 large and beautiful engravings, INDIA PROOFS, with text PROOFS, with text in English, French, German, and Italian; (pub. £10. 10s), half morocco 1832 Copies of the late issue have no text, they should be avoided. These large etchings of Coney elicited great admiration on their first appearance by reason of their extraordinary vigour and effect. They bring to mind the force of the Piranesi. 3771 CONSTABLE (J.). VARIOUS SUBJECTS OF LANDSCAPE, characteristic of ENGLISH SCENERY. Folio, with 22 engravings by David Lucas, INDIA PROOFS; cloth; VERY SCARCE 3772 3773 3774 3775 1830 English Landscape Scenery. A Series of Forty Mezzotinto 1855 Many of the plates in this volume were here for the first time issued. LESLIE (C. R.). MEMOIRS of the LIFE of JOHN CONSTABLE. Folio, with portrait and 22 plates on INDIA PAPER, being the Second Issue of the plates of the ENGLISH LANDSCAPE SCENERY; hf. bd., uncut; SCARCE 1843 Second Edition. Sm. 4to., with portraits and a reduced mezzotint engraving of the plate "Spring"; cloth; scarce 150 1 1 0 1 12 0 18 18 0 2 2 0 12 12 0 3776 COOKE (W. B. and G.). VIEWS of the THAMES. Impl. 4to., 75 plates after Dewint, Reinagle, Blore, S. Owen and others, 1814-22.-DESCRIPTIVE TEXT. 1 vol. 8vo., 1818.-together, 2 vols., half green morocco, gilt edges 1814-22 3777 3778 3779 3779*. 3780 3781 3782 3783 the same. Folio, LARGE PAPER; russia gilt, gilt edges 1814-22 the same. 1814-22 LARGE PAPER, 1814-22 Folio, LARGE 1829 the same. Folio, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS, a few spotted; half russia, gilt top, uncut 1829 Folio, LARGE PAPER, INDIA PROOFS; in 12 parts, as issued the same. 1829 VIEWS of the OLD and NEW LONDON BRIDGES. With Notices by G. Rennie. Large folio, with 12 INDIA PROOF plates; hf. bd., with the Comerford bookplate 1833 (G. and E. W.). VIEWS in LONDON and its Vicinity. Folio, LARGE PAPER, 48 plates, 42 being INDIA PROOFS, engraved on copper, from drawings by Callcott, Stanfield, Prout, Stark, etc. and E. W.Cooke; 47 etchings added; green morocco super-extra, broad gold borders, gilt edges 1826-34 3784 COTMAN (J. S.). SPECIMENS of ARCHITECTURAL REMAINS in various Counties in ENGLAND, but principally in Norfolk. With Descriptive Notices by DAWSON TURNER, and Architectural Observations by THOMAS RICKMAN. 2 vols., roy. folio, good impressions of the portrait, engraved titles, and 238 plates (pub. £24.); half morocco, uncut 1838 3785 CONTENTS. I Architectural Antiquities of Norfolk. II: Norman and Gothic Remains in Norfolk. III: Castellated and Ecclesiastical Remains in Norfolk. IV: Architectural Remains in York, Cambridge, Suffolk, Lincoln, Essex, and North Wales. V: Liber Studiorum. LIBER STUDIORUM; a Series of Sketches and Studies. folio, with 48 fine etchings; half red morocco Roy. 1838 The greater part of these etchings are executed in the manner termed "soft ground." They consist of landscape studies and original compositions for the use of art students. 3786 CRIPPS (W. J.). OLD ENGLISH PLATE. Ecclesiastical, Decorative and Domestic its Makers and Marks. Sixth Edition, revised and enlarged. 8vo., with 123 illustrations, and upwards of 2600 facsimiles of plate marks; cloth 1899 3787 CROMWELL (Oliver) by SAMUEL RAWSON GARDINER. Impl. 4to., with over 50 superb portraits, reproduced from paintings, miniatures etc., of Cromwell, his family, and the famous personages of his time; sd. 1899 Even without the name of Dr. Gardiner as a guarantee of historical accuracy, this volume commends itself as a fine-art work by reason of the reproduction of unique portraits. Other volumes, issued in the same series, are now out of print and at a premium. 3788 CRUIKSHANK. CAREY (David). LIFE IN PARIS; comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and Amours of Dick Wildfire, Squire Jenkins and Captain O'Shuffleton; with the Whimsical Adventures of the Halibut Family. Large 8vo., the EARLIEST ISSUE, with 21 COLOURED plates by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK, also 22 woodcuts by the same; fine copy in half olive morocco extra, Uncut 3780 1822 POINTS OF HUMOUR; illustrated by the Designs of GEORGE CRUIKSHANK. 2 pts. in 1 vol., large Svo., with woodcuts and 20 cOLOURED plates; fine copy in polished blue morocco extra 1823-4 |