Slike stranica

FORLONG, continued :6067

Short Texts in Faiths and Philosophies; or, some Sentiments of the Good and Wise arranged chronologically to show the movements of thought through the ages. Sm. 4to., portrait, cloth

Privately printed, Edinburgh, 1897 6068 FRENCH. The Art of Distillation: or, a treatise of the Choicest Spagiricall Preparations Performed by way of Distillation . . Also, A Discourse of the Anatomy of Gold and Silver.. their Vertues by John French. . the second edition. To which is added, The London Distiller. . Sm. 4to., with woodcuts; calf, rebacked 1653



The Art of Distillation (etc.) To which is added in this Fourth Impression Sublimation and Calcination. as also, The London Distiller.. Sm. 4to., with the bookplate of "Henricus Fly e Coll. Æn. Nas. Oxon." calf


6070 FRITH (John). Thoughts and Meditations on the Mysteries of Life. Book I. 8vo., cloth 1872 6071 GAFFARELLI. Vnheard-of Curiosities: Concerning the Talismanical Sculpture of the Persians; the Horoscope of the Patriarkes; And the Reading of the Stars. Written in French by James Gaffarel. And Englished by Edmund Chilmead. 12mo., half calf


One of the two folded leaves illustrating "the Celestial Hebrew Alphabet," is missing from this copy.

6072 GLAUBER. A Description of new Philosophical Furnaces, or a new Art of Distilling. . a Description of the Tincture of Gold, or the true Aurum Potabile.. By John Rudolph Glauber. Set forth in English, by J. F. Sm. 4to., with woodcuts, old calf

1651-52 6073 GODWIN (William). Lives of the Necromancers. 8vo., uncut 1834 6074 GOLDEN and BLESSED CASKET of NATURE'S MARVELS. Concerning the Blessed Mystery of the PHILOSOPHER'S STONE. Crown 8vo., cloth (published at 12s 6d)



Containing the Revelation of the Most Illuminated Egyptian King and Philosopher, Hermes Trismegistus: translated by our German Hermes, the Noble and Beloved Monarch and Philosopher Trismegistus, A. Ph. Theophrastus Paracelsus. Also Tinctura Physicorum Paracelsica, with an excellent explanation by the Noble and Learned Philosopher, Alexander von Suchten, M.D., together with certain hitherto unpublished treatises by this author, and also other corollaries of the same matter as specified in the preface. Now published for the use and benefit of all sons of the Doctrine of Hermes. By BENEDICTUS FIGULUS OF VTENHOFEN,


6075 GOMME. Dictionary of British Folk-Lore. Part I. The TRADITIONAL GAMES of England, Scotland, and Ireland; with tunes. . and methods of playing in different parts of the kingdom. Collected and annotated by Alice B. Gomme. 2 vols., 8vo., cloth 1894-8 6076 GREATRAKES. A brief account of Mr. Valentine Greatrak's, and divers of the Strange Cures by him lately performed. Sm. 4to., without frontispiece; bds. another copy, fine and large, 1666; Wonders no Miracles, or Mr. Valentine Greatrates Gift of Healing examined, Upon occasion of a sad effect of his Stroaking, March 7, 1665, London, 1666-The Miraculous Conformist: or An account of severall Marvailous Cures performed by the stroaking of the Hands of Mr. Valentine Greatarick by Henry Stubbe, Physician. Oxford, 1666-in 1 vol., s. 4to., hf. morocco 6078 GREGORY (William). Letters to a Candid Inquirer on ANIMAL MAGNETISM. Thick 12mo., calf neat

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6079 GRIMM (Jacob). TEUTONIC MYTHOLOGY. . translated from the fourth edition, with notes and appendix, by J. S. Stally brass. 4 vols., 8vo. (pub. £3 3s); cloth


6080 HELVETIUS (John Fred.).

The Golden Calf, Which the World adores
and desires; In which is handled The most Rare and Incomparable
Wonder of Nature, in Transmuting Metals . . . faithfully Englished.
12mo., roan, scarce
John Starkey, 1670


6081 [HERBERT (Hon. Algernon)]. passages of History and Fable. 4 by Bedford

NIMROD, a discourse on certain
vols., 8vo., olive morocco extra, uncut,

Most copies were destroyed by the author.


6082 HERMETIC MUSEUM (The) Restored and enlarged, most faithfully instructing all the Disciples of the Sopho-Spagyric Art, how that Greatest and Truest Medicine of the Philosopher's Stone may be found and held. 2 vols., small 4to., cloth


Now first done into English from the rare Latin original, published at Frankfort in the year 1678.

The Illustrations reproduced in facsimile by a photographic process.

This curious storehouse of Hermetic Science comprises twenty-two choice treatises on the Mysteries of Alchemy, and the composition of the Medicine of the Philosophers, namely:


The Golden Treatise concerning the
Philosopher's Stone.

The Golden Age come back.

The Sophic Hydrolith, or Water Stone
of the Wise.

The Demonstration of Nature.

A Philosophical Summary.
The Path of the only Truth.

The Glory of the World, or Table of

The Generation of Metals.
The Book of Alze.

Figures and Emblems concerning the
Philosopher's Stone.

The Practice

and Keys of Basil

The Ordinal of Alchemy.

The Testament of John Cremer, some
time Abbot of Westminster.

The New Light of Alchemy.

The Sulphur of the Philosophers.

An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace
of the King.

A Subtle Allegory concerning the Secrets
of Chemistry.

The Metamorphosis of Metals.

A Short Guide to the Celestial Ruby.
The Fount of Chemical Truth.
The Golden Calf.

The All-Wise Doorkeeper.

While affording to the modern student of Hermetic Doctrines an unique opportunity of acquiring in English a representative collection of the chief alchemical writers, this edition of THE HERMETIC MUSEUM claims consideration at the hands of the historian and archæologist as a contribution of real value to the early history of chemistry. The translation is the work of a gentleman who has had a lifelong acquaintance with alchemical literature, and has been subjected to careful revision by another expert in Hermetic Antiquities.

This Edition is limited to 250 copies, numbered and signed. 6083 HEWSON (William). Illustrations of Tracts on the Greek-Egyptian Sun-Dial, with Seven-Steps, etc.: being the second and third series of illustrations for Tracts on Christianity in its relation to Judaism and Heathenism, etc., etc. 4to., 137 leaves of illustrations, with some text; cloth or bds.


6084 HEYDON. A defence of jvdiciall Astrologie, In answer to a treatise lately
published by M. John Chamber. . . . By Sir Christopher Heydon.
Small 4to., hf. bd.
John Legat, Cambridge, 1603
6085 HEYWOOD (Thomas). Life of Merlin, surnamed Ambrosius; his
Prophecies and Predictions interpreted. 8vo., with frontispiece; half
6086 HIGGINS (Godfrey). CELTIC DRUIDS, an attempt to show that the
Druids were the Priests of Oriental Colonies from India, and intro-
duced the first system of Letters, and the builders of Stonehenge, of
Carnac, and of other Cyclopean buildings. 4to., with plates; cloth





the same, LARGE PAPER, roy. 4to., with map and plates of Druidical Monuments on INDIA PAPER, bds. £2 10s; or, with the lithographic title only, bds.


ANACALYPSIS, an attempt to draw aside the veil of the Saitic Isis; or, an inquiry into the origin of languages, nations, and religions. 2 vols., 4to., with plates; cloth; SCARCE 1836

another copy, 2 vols. in 3, 4to., with plates (foxed), half calf 1836 Ninety-one pages of Index, in treble columns, with 79 lines to a column, constitute the great value of the Anacalypsis. Of the author's portentous knowledge, his powerful critical faculty, his fitness to investigate and elucidate the ancient mysteries of mythology, philology, ethnology, and other ologies, many persons speak with reverence and rapture. But even men of education must admit that Higgins collected a large number of curious and important facts.

£ s.

10 0 0


0 10 0


0 15 0



12 00

9 10 0

6090 [HOLLAND (Henry)]. A Treatise against VVitchcraft: or A Dialogue, wherein the greatest doubts concerning that sinne, are briefly answered: a Sathanicall operation in the Witchcraft of all times is truly prooued Cambridge Printed by John Legatt . . . 1590

Sm. 4to., red morocco extra, by Riviere

A to L in fours. The author's name appears at the end of the dedication.

6091 HOPE (R. C.). Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England, including Rivers, etc. 8vo., with numerous woodcuts, cloth 1893 6092 INMAN (Thomas). Ancient Faiths embodied in Ancient Names. 2 vols. thick 8vo., with plates and woodcuts; presentation copy to Lieut.Col. Forlong, with his and the author's autograph, the front, of second volume a little stained; calf gilt, marbled edges, rare




the same, second edition. 2 vols. thick 8vo., cloth
Ancient Pagan and modern Christian Symbolism exposed and
explained. Second edition. 8vo., with 19 plates and numerous engrav-
ings; cloth

6095 J. P.


THE ENGLISH FORTUNE-TELLERS: Concerning several necessary Questions Resolved by the Ablest Antient Philosophers and Modern Astrologers. . By J. P. Student in Astrology. 4to., with a very curious rude woodcut frontispiece, mounted, and numerous other curious woodcut figures of heroes of antiquity, neatly inlaid throughout, russia

London, Printed for E. Brooksby, at the Golden

[blocks in formation]

Ball in Pye Corner.. 1703 30 EXCESSIVELY RARE. "This is a very amusing and ingenious Book-one of the best contrived of the kind, and uncommonly scarce, so much so, that after several years' inquiry and search into many of the principal libraries, I have met with only two copies, both the same date-one perfect, the other wanting two leaves." See a long MS. note on fly-leaf respecting these two copies.

6096 JAMES VI (I of England). Diuided into three Bookes.

EDINBURGH Printed by Robert Waldergraue

. . 1597 . . Sm. 4to., hf. calf, large copy

[blocks in formation]

Five preliminary leaves, and pp. 1-81, wanting pp. 3-6. Thus there are 44 instead of 46 leaves.

6097 JENNINGS (Hargrave). The Rosicrucians: their Rites and Mysteries. Post 8vo., with numerous illustrations; cloth




the same. Third edition.. greatly enlarged. 2 vols., 8vo., with 12 plates and upwards of 300 woodcuts; cloth, scarce






Live Lights or Dead Lights: (Altar or Table ?). Second edition, cr. 8vo., with plates; cloth

6100 KALPA SUTRA (The) and Nava Tatva: two works illustrative of the Jain Religion and Philosophy, from the Mágadhi by the Rev. J. Stevenson. 8vo., xxix and 146 pp., cloth


1848 Translated

from the first Hamburg edition of 1677, and edited with a biographical
introduction, an account of Kelly's relations with the celebrated Doctor
Dee, and a transcript of the so-called Book of SAINT DUNSTAN.
8vo., cloth (pub. at 7s 6d)


Crown 1893 0

"The transmutations of Kelly are attested by several writers, including Gassendus. The most authenticated and remarkable . . . is that which took place in the house of the Imperial physician, Thaddeus de Hazek, when, by the mediation of a single drop of the red oil, Kelly transmuted a pound of mercury into excellent gold, the superabundant virtue of the agent leaving in addition at the bottom of the crucible a small ruby. Dr. Nicholas Barnaud, the assistant of Hazek, and an alchemical writer whose works are as rare as they are reputable, was a witness of this wonder, and subsequently himself manufactured the precious metal, the désir désiré, with the assistance of Edward Kelly."—Lives of Alchemystical Philosophers.

6102 KENNEDY (Lieut.-Col. Vans). Researches into the nature and affinity of Ancient and Hindu Mythology. 4to., cloth

1831 0

6103 KING (C. W.). The Gnostics, and their remains, ancient and medieval. Roy. 8vo., plates, cloth

[blocks in formation]

KING, continued :




[blocks in formation]

Second edition. Roy. 8vo., with 15 plates; cloth

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

the same. 1887 Handbook of Engraved Gems. 2nd edition. Roy. 8vo., with 88 plates; cloth 1885

Includes Amulets.

6106 KNIGHT (R. P.). ACCOUNT OF THE REMAINS of the Worship of Priapus at Isernia in Naples, with a Discourse on the Worship of Priapus. ORIGINAL EDITION, 4to., with several fine plates, calf gilt T. Spilsbury, 1786 4to., ORIGINAL EDITION, plates, red morocco extra,





another copy.
Discourse on the Worship of Priapus, and its connection with
the mystic theology of the Ancients, with an essay on the worship of
the generative powers during the Middle Ages of Western Europe.
Sm. 4to., with numerous engravings; half bound Privately printed, 1865
The Symbolical Language of Ancient Art and Mythology. An
Inquiry. New edition, with Introduction, etc., by A. Wilder. Roy.
8vo., cloth
New York, 1876
historical sketch of Sacer-
Second edition, enlarged,
Boston, Mass., 1884

6110 LEA (Henry C.). History of Celibacy: an
dotal Celibacy in the Christian Church.
8vo., xx and 628 pp., cloth



Philadelphia, 1892

Superstition and Force. Fourth edition, revised. Post 8vo., xvi and 628 pp., cloth Learned Essays on the Wager of Law, the Wager of Battle, the Ordeal and Torture, all based upon authentic records a work necessary to students of mediæval manners, customs, superstitions, and legends. 6112 LELAND (Charles Godfrey). Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune-Telling, illustrated by numerous incantations, specimens of medical magic, anecdotes and tales. 4to., with front. and numerous illustrations in the original fancy bds.

1891 6113 LEMERY. Curiosa Arcana, in three parts, Curious Receipts; Art of Moulding; and Secrets for beautifying the Face . . . translated from the French. 8vo., with 8 plates, calf

(1711) 6114 LILLY. Christian Astrology modestly Treated in three Books. The first containing the use of an Ephemeris, the erecting of a Scheam of Heaven.. with a most easie Introduction to the Art of Astrology. The second.. how to Judge. . all manner of Questions contingent unto Man.. The third. . a Method whereby to judge upon Nativities . By William Lilly Sm. 4to., FIRST EDITION, portrait by Marshall, and woodcuts of Nativities; calf, fine copy 1647 another copy. Sm. 4to., portrait mounted, and the first leaf of sig. B missing; old calf




[ocr errors][merged small]

A collection of nine Astrological works by Lilly (one by
Wharton), as described below, in 1 vol., sm. 4to., calf

CONTENTS:-Merlinvs Anglicvs Junior: The English Merlin revived; or,
A Mathematicall prediction upon the Affairs of the English Common-Wealth . . . this
present yeer, 1644... By W. Lilly -A Prophecy of the White King and
Dreadfull Dead-man Explaned... By William Lilly... 1644-Englands Propheticall
Merline, Foretelling . . untill 1663 the Actions depending upon the influence of
Saturn and Jupiter. . . By William Lilly 1644-The Starry Messenger;
or, An Interpretation of that strange Apparition of three Suns seene in London
1645-An Astrological Jvdgement vpon his Majesties Present March .. 1645.
By Geo. Wharton-A collection of ancient and moderne prophesies.. By William
Lilly 1645-The Worlds Catastrophe, or Europes many Mutations untill, 1666
By VVilliam Lilly 1647-An Astrologicall Prediction of the Occurrances
in England .. 1648, 1649, 1650 By William Lilly . . . 1648-Monarchy or
no Monarchy in England By William Lilly . . . 1651; with curious woodcuts
at the end, which however are not perfect.



Monarchy or no Monarchy in England. Grebner his Prophecy concerning Charles son of Charles. . Ænigmaticall Types of the future State and Condition of England. . By William Lilly.. Sm. 4to., with 19 curious woodcuts at the end; old calf


[blocks in formation]



Mr. William Lilly's History of His Life and Times . . . 1602 to 1681... The Second Edition ... 1715-True History of King James the First, and King Charles the First. . . 1715;-in 1 vol., 12mo., old red morocco

and others. A collection of twelve curious Astrological Tracts in one vol., sm. 4to., woodcuts and diagrams of nativities, old binding

[blocks in formation]


The World's Catastrophe, or Europe's many mutations until 1666. The fate of England's Monarchy until its Subversion 1647 Astrologicall Prediction of the Occurrances in England, part of the years 1648, 1649, 1650


The Story of Mr. William Lilly 1647

BOOKER (J.) Bloody Irish Almanack, or
Rebellious and Bloody Ireland 1646
FERRIER (Oger) Astronomicall Discourse
of the Judgment of Nativities, trans-
lated by T. Kelway


6120 LINTON. Witch Stories, collected by E. Lynn Linton. Post 8vo., cloth

1861 6121 LORD. A Display of two foraigne sects in the East Indies, viz: The . . Banians the Ancient Natives of India And the ... Persees the Ancient Inhabitants of Persia together with the Religion and Manners of each by Henry Lord . . 2 books in 1 vol., small 4to., with frontispiece by Marshall, calf neat, or vellum London.. 1630 another copy. Sm. 4to., the front. mounted, otherwise fine copy;

[ocr errors]


calf gilt

1630 History of the Culdees; the Ancient Clergy of 12mo., half morocco


6123 M'CALLUM (Duncan). the British Isles. 6124 MAITLAND (S. R.). The Dark Ages; a series of Essays to illustrate the state of Religion and Literature in the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th centuries. 8vo., cloth

second edition. 8vo., cloth







[blocks in formation]

6125 6126 MASON. The Anatomie of Sorcerie. VVherein the wicked impietie of Charmers, Inchanters and such like, is discouered and confuted. By Iames Mason, Master of Artes. Sm. 4to., fine copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere


6127 MASSEY (Gerald). A Book of the Beginnings, containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost Origines of the Myths and Mysteries, Types and Symbols, Religion and Language, with Egypt for the Mouthpiece and Africa as the Birthplace. 2 vols., roy. 8vo., 1190 pages (pub. at 36s), cloth

1881 0

6128 MATHERS (S. L. Macgregor). The Kabbalah Unveiled, containing the following Books of the Zohar: Book of Concealed Mystery; The Greater Holy Assembly; The Lesser Holy Assembly. 8vo., cloth

1887 6129 NAUDE (Gabriel). The History of Magick By way of Apology, For all the Wise Men who have unjustly been reputed Magicians.. Written in French by G. Naudæus. . Englished by J. Davies. Sm. 8vo., calf 1657

6130 NICHOLS (T. L.). Supramundane Facts in the life of Rev. Jesse B. Ferguson, including twenty years observation of Preternatural Phenomena. 8vo., cloth 1865

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