Slike stranica

433 BRAND (John) 1743-1806. Observations on Popular Antiquities: including
the whole of Mr. [Henry] Bourne's Antiquitates Vulgares
calf gilt

£ 8. d.

sm. 8vo. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1777 0 7 6

BRATHWAIT (Richard) 1588-1673.
434 Barnabæ Itinerarium, or BARNABEE'S JOURNAL; By Richard Brathwait . .
edited from the first edition by Joseph Haslewood, 2 vols. square
16mo. portraits and plates; citron morocco extra, gilt edges

A pretty example of the binding of Charles Lewis.


4 4 0

BREND (John) flour. 1500-see CURTIUS (Quintus)
435 [BRETON (Nicholas)] Sir Philip Sydney's Ourania, that is, Endimions
Song and Tragedie, written by N. B., small 4to. old calf


This is the edition of 1606, with the title reprinted. The Author is considered by some to have been Nicholas Breton, by others Nathaniel Baxter, Sir Philip Sidney's


436 BRIDGES (Robert) Prometheus the Firegiver, 12mo. cloth 1884 437 BRIGHT (Timothy) died 1615. A TREATISE OF MELANCHOLIE containing the cavses thereof & reasons of the strange effects it worketh in our minds and bodies. . diuerse philosophicall discourses touching actions, and affections of soule, spirit, and body. . By T. Bright Doctor of Phisicke. Imprinted at London by Thomas Vautrollier . . 1586. 12mo. very fine copy in vellum


COLLATION: 12 preliminary leaves; 284 numbered pages; and one leaf of Errata.
-Bright was a man of note who practised physic till 1591 when he joined the clergy.
He had been in Paris during the St. Bartholomew.

437*THE BRITISH MARTIAL, or an Anthology of English Epigrams, 2 vols.

438 BROWNE (Sir Thomas) 1605-1682.



12mo. hf. calf, neat

Sr. Thomas Brown, Kt.

1 10 0

0 18 0




THE WORKS Of the Learned
I. Enquiries into Vulgar and Common
Errors. II. Religio Medici: With Annotations. . III. Hydriotaphia;
or, Urn-Burial. . The Garden of CYRUS. IV. Certain MISCELLANY

Small folio, 303 leaves (leaves 9, pp. 316, leaves 6, leaves 7, pp. 102,
leaves 4, pp. 52, leaves 3, pp. 1-68 and 99-103, leaves 2), without the
portrait; hf. calf


Pseudoxia Epidemica or enquiries into received tenents and presumed truths, the sixth and last edition, together with the Religio Medici, and the Observations thereon by Sir Kenelm Digby, sm. 4to. with portrait, mounted, calf

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]


EDWARD, Lord 1613. W. B. Leaf 7:

Religio Medici. The Eighth Edition . . Observations by Sir Kenelm Digby, Now newly added . . 12mo. frontispiece; calf 1682 440 BROWNE (William) 1590-1645. Leaf 1, an engraved title with figures: BRITANNIA'S Pastorals. Lond. print. for Geo. Norton, dwell: at Temple-barr. W. Hole fe. Leaf 2: TO THE NO LESSE Zouch . Leaf 3: To the Reader BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. The first Song BRITANNIA'S PASTORALS. The second Booke SNODHAM for GEORGE NORTON 1616. Leaf 134: . . The end of the second Booke. 2 parts in 1 vol. small folio, FIRST EDITION, engravings on pp. 60-61 of the first part; the first title inlaid; calf extra, gilt edges, by Riviere

[ocr errors]

Leaf 61:
Printed by THOMAS


1 0 0

0 10 0



442*. 443


441 BROWNING (Eliz. Barratt) Poetical Works, 6 vols. post 8vo. hf. morocco 1898
442 ROBERT BROWNING 1812-1889. Poetical Works, fourth edition,
3 stout vols. 12mo. portrait; blue morocco, gilt edges
Poetical Works, 6 vols. 12mo. cloth, contents lettered
Complete Works, 17 vols. post 8vo. hf. morocco
Dramatic Romances and Lyrics. 8vo., printed on hand-made
paper, with woodcut border and initial letters by Charles Ricketts, only
210 copies printed

[blocks in formation]


444 BUCKINGHAM (George Villiers, Duke of) 1627-1688. Works,
containing his Plays and Miscellanies in Prose and Verse, with
Explanatory Notes and Memoirs of the Author [by T. Evans], 2 vols.
12mo. with portrait by Collyer on each title, old calf
445 BULLEN (A. H.) A COLLECTION of Old English Plays, BOTH SERIES, only
150 copies privately printed, 7 vols. sq. 8vo. bds. uncut
the same, 7 vols. half morocco, uncut, gilt top
THE ELIZABETHAN DRAMATISTS, edited (with notes): The Works of
JOHN MARSTON, 3 vols.; GEORGE PEELE, 2 vols. with facsimile;-
together 16 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut




£ 8.

0 18

9 0 10 0

5 0

1885-83 448 BULWER (John) flor. 1640-50. Anthropometamorphosis: Man Transform'd: : OR, THE ARTIFICIALL CHANGLING Historically presented, In the mad and cruell Gallantry, foolish Bravery, ridiculous Beauty, filthy Finenesse, and loathsome Loveliness of most NATIONS With . an Appendix of the Pedigree of the ENGLISH GALLANT. Scripsit J. B. . Small 4to. portrait, engraved frontispiece, and numerous curious woodcuts; russia, rehacked, bound by Roger Payne for D. Moseley, with Payne's curious bill inside London, William Hunt, 1653 12 0 the same, without the portrait, but a fine copy in the original calf 1653 the same reissued with a different title: A VIEW OF THE PEOPLE OF THE WHOLE WORLD . . London, Printed by William Hunt . 1654. Small 4to. fine impressions of the portrait and the frontispiece; old calf gilt



1654 One of the most curious and diverting books in the English language; the sense of humour being apparent through all the solemn Puritanical protests of the author. He was a man of wide reading and much common sense. His work is one of the chief books in English on the history of Fashions.

COLLATION: Portrait; letterpress title; frontispiece; the Intent of the Frontispiece; dedication and other preliminaries, 19 leaves; introduction, 4 leaves; text, pp. 1-559; table 15 leaves.

451 BUNYAN (John) 1628-1688. THE | Pilgrim's Progress | FROM THIS WORLD TO That which is to come | Delivered under the Similitude of a DREAM | Wherein is Discovered | The Manner of his setting out, His Dangerous JOURNEY, AND | Safe Arrival at the Desired Countrey. By JOHN BUNYAN. | The Fourth Edition, with Additions. | .... LONDON, | Printed for Nath. Ponder, at the Peacock | in the Poultrey near the Church, 1680.

[blocks in formation]

3 16

6 16

12mo. 149 leaves (five preliminary leaves, and pp. 1-288), wanting
the engraved frontispiece, the second leaf mended and slightly defective,
marginal notes slightly cut into; blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by
1680 27 0

On the reverse of the title: "There is an Exposition. . in the press, and will be
On the obverse of the last leaf is an Advertisement of Owen's Chris-
tologia and of Bunyan's Life and Death of Badman.

THE Pilgrim's Progress | FROM THIS WORLD | TO | That which is
to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a | DREAM,

[ocr errors]


....... | |
... The Sixth Edition with Additions. .... LONDON, | Brit?
Printed for Nath. Ponder, at the Peacock in the Poultrey near the

Church, 1681.

12mo. 113 leaves (5 preliminary leaves and 216 pp.), wanting the engraved frontispiece (for which has been substituted Sturt's portrait of Bunyan); blue morocco extra, gilt edges, by Riviere 1681 32 0

fublic Lib,


On the reverse of the title "There is newly published, an Exposition. ." The last five pages contain an advertisement of books printed for Ponder. It includes the Exposition, the Christologia, and the Badman.

THE Pilgrim's Progresse | FROM THIS WORLD | TO | That which is to come: Delivered under the Similitude of a | DREAM, | Wherein is Discovered, | The Manner of his setting out, | His Dangerous

[ocr errors]


| The Seventh Edition with Additions. | . . | | LONDON, | Printed for
Nathaniel Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultrey . . 1681.

12mo. 5 preliminary leaves, 286 pp., and an engraved frontispiece of
Bunyan asleep and dreaming; in the original calf, with the engraved
bookplate of Sir Robert Throckmorton (about 1725-30)

1681 18 0 0

Among the most noteworthy books of the world, this is one which no compiler of "centuries" will omit. However tastes may vary, all critics agree to include Bunyan among the immortals.-This is a fine copy of one of the earliest editions now procurable. With an advertisement on the last leaf offering the Christologia only. 453*BUNYAN. The Pilgrim's Progress thirty-second edition. . to which is added the life of the author. . 8vo. portrait, allegorical map, and numerous plates by Sturt; calf


Pilgrims Progress, square 16mo. printed in black and red, with
frontispiece; vellum
Essex House Press, 1899
455 [BURLEIGH (William Cecil, Lord)] 1520-1598. The Execution of
Iustice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace,
against certeine stirrers of sedition, and adherents to the traytors and
enemies of the Realme, without any PERSECVTION of them for questions
of Religion. Secondly Imprinted at London.. 1583. .—A DECLARA-
TION of the favourable dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners appointed
for the Examinati-on of certaine Traitours, and of tortures vniustly
reported to be done vpon them for matters of religion, 1583–2 vols.
in 1, sm. 4to. fine copies, with the autographs of Th. Hollis and J. Bindley,
old English red morocco, gilt edges, RARE
Of these two anonymous tracts the former is assigned to Lord Burleigh, and the
second, which is simply supplementary, is no doubt from the same hand. They are
evidently printed by the same printer, being in the same type, and having the same
tail-pieces on the last pages. The former contains A-E, in fours; the latter consists
of only 4 leaves, including the title.

456 BURNEY (Fanny) 1752-1840. Diary and Letters of Madame D'Arblay,
edited by her niece Charlotte Barrett, 4 vols. 8vo. portraits and fac-
simile of an autograph composition; cloth
BURTON (Richard F.) the translator of the Arabian Nights, 1821-1890
The Book of the Thousand Nights, 10 vols. roy. 8vo.
Supplemental Nights, 6 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth





0 10 0

1 10 0

3 3 0


1 5 0


0 0 0


0 0 0

Memorial Library Edition of Works by him: Pilgrimage, 2 vols.;
Mission to Dahome, 2 vols. ; Vikram and the Vampire, 1 vol.; First
Footsteps in East Africa, 2 vols. ;-7 vols. 8vo. cloth

[blocks in formation]

1896 050

The True Life of . . by Georgiana M. Stisted. Small 8vo. portrait, cloth 459 BURTON (ROBERT) 1576-1640. THE | ANATOMY OF MELANCHOLY, | WHAT IT IS. | WITH ALL THE KINDES, CAVSES, SYMPTOMES, PROGNOSTICKES, AND SEVERALL CVRES OF IT. | . . BY DEMOCRITVS Iunior. | With a Satyricall PREFACE Printed by IOHN LICHFIELD and IAMES SHORT.. 1621. Small 4to. brown morocco extra, gilt edges Oxford, 1621 25 0 0 the same, a fine large copy in the original calf, binding mended: with the signature of "Alexander Boswel 1728"

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

The Epilogue or "Conclusion of the Author" which occupies three of the last four leaves is signed "Robert Burton. From my Studie in Christ-Church Oxon. Decemb. 5, 1620." This portion was omitted in the reprints, because the author's name in them was placed on the title instead of Democritus Junior.-The last leaf contains a List of Errata not usually met with

the third edition, corrected and augmented by the Author, small folio, engraved title with portrait, calf, rebacked

[blocks in formation]

466 BUTLER (Samuel) 1612-1680. HUDIBRAS [FIRST EDITION] The Second Part. Printed by T. R. for John Martyn, and James Allestry 1664. Small 8vo. (12mo.), old calf 1664 110 leaves printed on thick paper, of which the first is the Imprimatur by Roger Lestrange dated Nov. 5, 1663. The book consists of signatures (A) 2 leaves; B-O in eights, and P four leaves; the first two leaves unnumbered, the remainder paged 1-216. THE Third and last PART . . Printed for Simon Miller 1678. Small 8vo. old calf





1678 144 leaves, of which the title is unnumbered, and the rest is paged 1-285. The signatures are A-S in eights.


HUDIBRAS in three parts. Written in the Time of the late Wars. Corrected and Amended: with Additions. To which is added Annotations to the Third Part, With an exact Index to the Whole; Never before Printed . . London: MDCCX.

£ s. d.

4 0 0

2 10 0

3 vols. 18mo. portrait and numerous plates, besides a second inserted portrait; red morocco extra, with joints, gilt edges (by Roger Payne) 1710 28 0 0 One of the most elaborately ornamented bindings ever produced by Roger Payne. Hudibras; with Grey's annotations, 3 vols. 8vo. with portraits, plates and woodcuts; bds. uncut



the same, English with French verse translation by J. Towneley, 3 vols. 12mo. portrait and plates after Hogarth; red morocco extra, gilt edges 1819 471 BYRON (George Gordon, Lord) 1788-1824. Works, with his Letters and Life by Moore, complete in 17 vols. 12mo. plates and frontispieces, cloth, £1. 16s; or in half calf gilt 1832-33

This handy edition is still the only one which can be read with comfort.
472 C. (R.) flor. 1650. THE Troublesome and Hard ADVENTURES IN
LOVE.. Written in Spanish, by.. Michael Cervantes; And exactly
Translated into English, By R. C. Gent. London: Printed by B.
Alsop.. 1652.
Small 4to. 139 leaves; gilt russia



another copy, 140 leaves (including the first leaf usually cut away, which is blank except for the signature A), olive morocco extra, gilt edges, by Hering, arms on the sides

0 15 0



[blocks in formation]

The ascription of the text to Cervantes is false. Hazlitt states that R. C. was Robert Codrington (who flourished in 1620-52), but this would be unlikely if the book was licensed to Creed in 1594 as specified by Hazlitt himself.

474 CÆSAR. The eyght bookes of Caius Iulius Cæsar conteyning his martiall exploytes in the Realme of Gallia and the Countries bordering vppon the same translated oute of latin into English by Arthur Goldinge G. Imprinted at London by Willyam Seres Anno 1565.

12mo. 294 leaves, title within a woodcut border; old calf



On fol. 76 we observe the antiquity of a favourite ungrammatical phrase "those
sorte of rascals."

475 CAIUS (John) 1510-73. Ioannis Caii Britanni de Canibus Britannicis . .
de rariorum Animalium & Stirpium historia . . de Libris propriis
de Pronunciatione Græcæ & Latinæ linguæ . . recogniti à S. Jebb, 8vo.
Large Paper; red morocco gilt
Londini, 1729

John Cay or Kay of Norwich was one of the remarkable Englishmen of his time
and has left his memory in Caius College, Cambridge.


476 CAMDEN (William) 1551-1623. Remaines concerning Britaine . . fift Impression.. by the industry and care of JOHN PHILIPOT.. London 1636. Small 4to. LARGE PAPER, with fine portrait; in old English black morocco, gilt edges, a very fine copy



1636 11 11 0

Such a copy as this will not readily be found. Outside and inside, it is of rare excellence.

sixth impression, with many rare Antiquities by John Philipot. Sm. 4to. u th the Autograph of John Barnard, old calf

1657 100


478 [CAMOENS] OS LUSIADAS (THE LUSIADS): Englished by RICHARD FRANCIS BURTON (edited by his wife, Isabel Burton), 2 vols. pp. xxi and Bernard Quaritch, 1880 Vols. III, IV: Camoens, his Life and his Lusiads, a Commentary by R. F. Burton, 2 vols.

Vols. V, VI: Lyricks, Sonnets, etc., 2 vols. 12mo. together, 6 vols. 12mo. cloth

£ 8. d.



[blocks in formation]

479 CAMPBELL (John, Lord) 1779-1861. Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal, 7 vols. 8vo. the best Library edition;

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Lives of the Chief Justices of England; 2 vols. 8vo. calf 482 CAMPBELL (Thomas) 1777-1844. The Poetical Works . . 8vo. portrait frontispiece, und beautiful engravings by Goodall after Turner in the text; green morocco extra, gilt edges


483 CAMPION (Thomas) 1567-1620. The Works, edited by A. H. Bullen, with an Introduction and Notes, LARGE PAPER, 8vo. printed on handmade paper, 430 pp. cloth, rare

1889 Dr. Thomas Campion was one of the most distinguished poets of the Elizabethan age, and his best songs are of almost unequalled excellence. The present editor, in the preface to his collections of Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books and of More Lyrics, was the first (of the moderns) to insist on Campion's merits, which are now recognized by all competent critics.

This edition of Campion's work includes all his songs, his delightful masques, and his interesting Observations in the Art of English Poesie. His Latin epigrams are also given in full.

484 CAREW (Thomas) 1589-1639.

Coelum Britanicum. A MASQUE AT

1 0 0

1 0 0

18. of February, 1633 . . Printed for Thomas Walkley

Small 4to. 19 leaves; red morocco





No names appear on the title, but it is known that Inigo Jones prepared the
machinery and that Thomas Carew wrote the text.-It was wrongly inserted in the
folio edition of Davenant's works. On p. 12 there is a reference to the plantation of
New-England and its influence upon home politics.

POEMS, by THOMAS CAREVV Esquire One of the Gentlemen of the
Privie-Chamber, and Server in Ordinary to His Majesty. LONDON,
Printed by I. D. for Thomas Walkley 1640.

12mo. 134 leaves; a small portion of the imprint of the Masque on
p. 207 torn away; a fresh and sound copy in red morocco extra, gilt edges,
by Riviere

4 4 0

8 8 0

the same, a large copy in crimson morocco extra, gilt edges (by Bedford ?) 1640 In this copy a line and a half have been left unprinted at the bottom of p. 161. 487 CARLYLE (Thomas) 1795-1881. The Works . . Ashburton Edition,

7 17 6

1899 12 10 0

20 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco 488 CARTHENY (or CARTIGNY) (John) The Voyage of the Wandring Knight. Showing the whole course of Man's life, how apt hee is to follow Vanitie, and how hard it is for him to attaine to VERTVE. . translated. . by W. G. of Southampton, Merchant . . Dedicated to the Right Worshipfull Sir Francis Drake, Knight. LONDON, Printed by William Stanesby. Small 4to. 66 leaves; russia, very rare

(1610 ?) To this work it has been said that we are indebted for the origin of "Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress"; William Goodyeare, a Southampton merchant, was the translator. 489 CASANOVA (Jacques) The Memoirs . . written by himself now for the first time translated into English. 12 vols. small 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt tops, uncut Privately printed, 1894 Anthropology (as Sir Richard Burton used to style the pursuit and study of obscenity) has become a favourite department of modern literature.

[ocr errors]

490 CASTLEMAINE (Roger Palmer, Earl of) flour. 1670. Account of the War between the Venetians and Turks, with the State of Candie; 12mo. portrait and 2 maps, calf

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