491 CENTLIVRE (Susannah) 1677(?)-1722. The Works account of her Life, 3 vols. 12mo. portrait; old calf with a new CECIL (William)—see BURLEIGH £ 3 10 1612-20 0 0 It has been generally supposed that there was only one edition, and that it did not come out till 1620. It is true that the second part only came out in that year, and that a first part was issued with it, but the first part had already appeared in 1612 in an edition quite distinct from that of 1620. In order to distinguish easily between the two editions of Vol. I, it may be sufficient to say that the heading of each page is printed between two parallel lines, and that these two parallel lines are the only such embellishments, in the edition of 1620. In the 1612 edition, the whole of each page is enclosed by them: a single line in the inner, and a single in the bottom margin, two parallel lines above, and two parallel lines in the outer margin. Furthermore, the words Lib. 1, Lib. 2, Lib. 3, Lib. 4, form part of the page headings in the 1620 edition of Vol. I, while in the 1612 edition we find Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4. The last numbered page of Vol. I is 594 in the edition of 1612; it is 572 in that of 1620. The seventh paragraph of the address to the reader ends with these words "four or five sheets of advantage at the end of the booke." "Of advantage" is plainly a mistranslation of davantage, and proves that Shelton had a French original before him, although no French translation is supposed to have existed in 1612. A second argument may be derived from the spelling Quichote on both the engraved titles of 1620. 492 CERVANTES, DON QUIXOTE. . Engraved title: The | History of | Don 493 494 495 496 2 Edward Blount, 1620 30 0 Vol. I: engraved title (I cannot trace the certain existence of a letterpress title to the 1620 issue of part I), eleven preliminary leaves; pp. 1-572; and two leaves unnumbered. Vol. II: engraved title, letterpress title and seven preliminary leaves, including the Table; pp. 1-504. This is the second issue of part I, which was, until I pointed out the difference, always looked upon as identical with that of 1612. Shelton's name as translator appears only at the end of the dedication of part I, and although the dedication of Vol. II is signed by the bookseller Edward Blount, there is no apparent difference in the style of the volumes, which remain, in spite of all drawbacks, the most natural and spirited English version of Don Quixote. It is curious to observe how much Mr. Watts is indebted to Shelton for idiomatic turns of speech. another copy, 2 vols. in 1, sm. 4to., slightly defective as below, calf, gilt edges 1620 12 0 In Vol. I, leaf A 3 and the first leaf of Table are in MS., and the engraved title is facsimile. In Vol. II, there is no engraved title. the same, 2 vols., sm. 4to. without the two engraved titles and having the 1612 letterpress title inserted in Vol. I; twenty-one folding plates by S. Parr added; olive morocco extra, gilt edges 1612-20 48 0 History of the valorous and witty Knight-Errant Don Quixote The unsigned preface is the work of an Irish editor. 0 10 F. Newbery, 1778 1 16 497 CERVANTES. Life and Adventures of Don Quixote . . 4 vols. 12mo. numerous pretty plates engraved by Heath after Westall's designs; hf. bd. 498 1820 neat H. E. WATTS' TRANSLATION OF CERVANTES' DON QUIXOTE, in 5 volumes, sm. 4to. (Subscription price, £4.) 1887-89 This is considered by competent critics to be the best of all the English 499 THE HISTORY OF THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES CONTINUED. By Alonso 500 501 hf. bd. The previous editions had been rendered from the French. Small 4to. FIRST EDITION, red morocco extra, gilt edges, by Bedford, fine Early editions of Cervantes in English are extremely difficult to procure. CHALONER (Sir Thomas) 1515-1565-see ERASMUS, and HOWARD (Henry) 100 220 0 12 6 0 14 0 990 1878 0 7 6 503 CHAMPLIN AND PERKINS. CYCLOPEDIA OF PAINTERS 504 500 1888 15 15 0 THE CYCLOPEDIA OF PAINTERS AND PAINTINGS is not only a fuller biographical So great are the attractions and so high the merits of this work, that the British 66 In the "Cyclopedia of Painters and Painting," edited by John Denison Champlin, jun. (Bernard Quaritch), we have a most admirable compendium, in four quarto volumes, of the information so much desired by artists and art-critics, as well as connoisseurs generally, upon the vast field indicated by the title. Mr. Quaritch has here published a work at once pleasing and useful, ranging over all the known history of painting, and giving the particulars in more or less detail of all the artists, great and small, ancient and modern. The plan of this laborious task, which has occupied a long while in completion, is simple. Under the best-known name of each painter will be found the main facts of his life, with a list of his known works. If any of these be of importance, notice is given by the use of italics that the painting will be found specially described elsewhere. The text, which is very clear, is enriched with 2000 illustrations, some being portraits, small but faithful, of the painters, and some outline reproductions of the principal canvases; while each volume has for frontispiece a photogravure representing some well-known picture. All the art world must welcome this elaborate and careful compilation, which brings into convenient form the history of the various schools, from Zeuxis and Apelles to men now living. These volumes, alphabetically arranged, present, of course, the result of immense research, and will prove indispensable £ s. d. to all who have to write on art topics. The illustrations, though small, are often of high merit—as, for instance, the St. Anthony of Padua and the Infant Jesus, Elizabeth Sivani, Bologna Gallery; the Ascension, by Perugino, of the Lyons Museum; the Aurora of Guido Reni, of the Palazzo Raspigliosi, at Rome. We should add that the autographs and special signatures of the principal artists are also given, adding not a little to the value of the compilation, which reflects the utmost credit on the editor and publisher.-Daily Telegraph, December 29th, 1888. CHAPBOOKS: 505 COLLECTION of Eight very rare ROMANCES and Chap Books; in one vol. C. Lewis, from Dr. Farmer's library, with his autograph 1689-1703 15 15 O 506 THE ILLUSTRIOUS and renowned History of the SEVEN FAMOUS CHAMPIONS A curious and interesting collection, in very fine condition. The contents are 507 CHAP-BOOKS, printed at WORCESTER, 4 pieces, 8vo. sd. RARE 1782-90 CONTENTS: WITHY (N.) History of England from the Norman Conquest to the present time, a tragi-comic Song, with the multiplication table in a song, 16 pp., Worcester, 1789-Worcestershire Tale; Joyful News, for all Apprentices; both in verse, ib. 1790-WITHY, the wandering Bard, London Porter, a poem, London, 1790WITHY, Voyage from Monmouth to Shrewsbury, in verse, Worcester, 1790. 508 CHAPBOOKS. The Eccentric History of Nath. Bentley .. Life and Adventures of Lord Rokeby (1802)-Life, Times, and Adventures of George Barrington, illustrations (about 1840)-The London Apprentice or George Barnwell (about 1820)-Account of the Living Skeleton, portrait (about 1835)-Adventures of Baron Munchausen, coloured frontispiece (about 1840)-Jack Sheppard, cuts (about 1845)-The Devil at Greenwich Fair, 1841-7 pieces in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. hf. calf (1802-45) THE UNFORTUNATE CONCUBINES- -see UNFORTUNATE 509 CHAPMAN (George) 1557-1634. AL FOOLES. A Comedy, Presented at the Black Fryers, And lately before his Maiestie. . AT LONDON, Printed for Thomas Thorpe . 1605. 510 Small 4to. 38 leaves (of which the last is a blank); blue morocco extra, gilt edges 800 1 10 0 216 O 16C5 12 12 O CESAR AND POMPEY: A Roman Tragedy, declaring their Warres. Out of whose euents is euicted this Proposition. Only a iust man is a freeman. By GEORGE CHAPMAN London Printed by Thomas Harper M.DC.XXXI. : Small 4to. 37 leaves; some of the catchwords shaved; red morocco, gilt edges, by Riviere 1631 8 8 0 The first leaf, which has been cut away, was a blank. This is the play in which see post HOMER 511 CHARLES I, 1600-1649. A TRVE Relation AND IOVRNALL, OF THE M.DC.XXIII. Sm. 4to. LARGE PAPER; red morocco extra, leather joints, gilt edges, with Kalthoeber's ticket 1623 There are two MS. notes by Beckford on the flyleaf.-This narrative was written by an onlooker between the 7th and the 18th March, 1623, before the breaking off of the match. A large paper copy is of extreme rarity. 512 CHATFIELD (Paul) The Tin Trumpet or Heads and Tales, edited by Jefferson Saunders, 2 vols. 8vo. portrait; hf. morocco gilt, gilt tops, uncut 1836 An alphabet of subjects whimsically treated. The names on the title are unknown; but Paul Chatfield is given as the real author in the Bodleian catalogue. 513 CHAUNCEY (Maurice) died 1581. INNOCENTIA ET CONSTANTIA VICTRIX, 2 vols. in 1, 12mo. with engravings by Joh. Leopolt of Würzburg; 514 [CHETTLE (Henry)] flour. 1590-1600. THE TRAGEDY OF HOFFMANN or £ s. d. 6 16 6 0 14 0 3 3 0 1631 3 16 0 First Edition, although the play was written in 1602. The publisher Hugh Perry did not know of Chettle's authorship. 515 CHURCHILL (Charles) 1731-1764. Poems; 2 vols. 4to. bound in deep red 517 518 hf. bd. 1 4 0 770 by 4 4 0 Small 4to. slightly waterstained and wanting the last four leaves; 1572 One of the rarest of Churchyard's books; no other copy of the date given being known. There is a perfect copy dated 1578 in the Rylands library, and (if Hazlitt be correct) another perfect copy in the Bodleian. There exist also copies with the date of 1580. The dedication to Christopher Hatton treats of his forthcoming "Chips" and specifies the contents. They came out in 1575. A light Bondell of li-uly discourses called Churchyardes Charge, [in verse] presented as a Newe yeres gift to the right honourable, the Earle of Surrie.. by Thomas Churchyarde Gent. Imprinted at London, by Iohn Kyngston. 1580. Sm. 4to. 22 leaves, hf. russia Extremely rare. Perry's copy sold for £14; Skegg's for £14. 5s; and this, in Reed's sale, for £11. 5s, but resold in Heber's for £9. 15s. Woodcut title, with Churchyard's Arms on the reverse. In the Dedication to the Earl of Surrey, Churchyard mentions the Earl's grandfather, the Poet, whom he calls On the reverse of the title is written "Churchyards Epitaph. Come Alecto lend 519 CHURCHYARD (Thomas) A TRUE DISCOVRSE HISTORICALL OF THE SVCCEEDING GOVERNOVRS IN THE NETHERLANDS, AND THE Ciuill warres there begun in the yeere 1565, with the memorable seruices of our Honourable English Generals, Captaines, and Souldiers, especially vnder Sir IOHN NORICE.. Imprinted for Matthew Lownes. . 1602. Sm. 4to. 81 leaves, wanting the two which should follow the title, VERY RARE, red morocco, gilt edges 1602 520 A very interesting work, in which will be found an account of the death of Sir Philip Sidney related on the authority of George Whetstone, an eye-witness, whose epitaph on Sidney is also given. It also contains accounts of the "Portugale Voyage," and of the services and death of Sir John Norris, in Ireland. Chips concerning Scotland, being a collection of his pieces relative to that country; with historical notices, and a life . by George Chalmers. . 8vo. hf. calf gilt, gilt top, uncut 1817 521 CICERO. MARCVS Tullius Ciceroes hree (sic) bookes of duties to Marcus his sonne, tourned out of Latine . by Nicolas Grimald. . Thomas Este. 1596. 12mo. Latin and English; a wormhole in the lower margin; hf. calf 1596 Ten preliminary leaves, and 168 numbered leaves. The dedication is addressed to Thomas Bishop of Ely. This book was first printed in 1558 when Thomas Thirlby bore that dignity. Nicholas Grimbald or Grimald is said to have lived 1519-1563 and to have lain at some time under sentence of death as a Reformer. 1654 522 [CLEVELAND (John) 1631-1659.] THE IDOL OF THE CLOWNES, or Insurrec- 524 525 526 1827-52 060 Paper against Gold, with portrait-The Art of Stockjobbing explained, 1818-Letter from the D. of Otranto to the D. of Wellington, 1816-Major Cartwright's Letter on the State of the Nation, 1816; 4 in 1, 8vo. half calf 1810-18 076 1821-22 050 Cottage Economy, 1521- Monthly Religious Tracts 1821-22; the two in 1 vol. sm. 8vo. half calf The English Gardener, with a Kalendar, giving instructions relative to Sowing, Planting, etc., in each Month of the Year, sm. 8vo. half calf 1829 050 527 Rural Rides in the Counties of Surrey, Kent, etc., sm. 8vo. first edition, bds. 1830 0 15 0 528 the same, new edition with notes by J. Paul Cobbett, sm. 8vo. with Portrait, cloth 1853 0 10 0 529 the same, new edition with notes by Pitt Cobbett, 2 vols. sm. 8vo. with portrait, cloth 1885 0 12 6 530 Tour in Scotland, and in the four northern counties of England, in the autumn of the year 1832, 12mo., bds. 1833 050 531 Memoirs of the late William Cobbett, Esq., M.P. for Oldham, by 532 COBBETT (James Paul) A ride of Eight hundred miles in France; third edition, sm. 8vo. cloth 1827 036 CODRINGTON (Robert)-see C. (R.) COCKER'S Arithmetic-see Catalogue of English Science |