Slike stranica
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land, 41.

[blocks in formation]

Commentary on international

History of banking in Scot-

row.] 26.

Kerr, Dr. N. Inebriety, 91.
Ketteler, Bp. v. Arbeiterfrage und das
Christenthum, 29.

Keyes, E. W. Savings banks in U. S., 43.
King, Clarence. Statistics production pre-
cious metals, U. S., 35.

Kinnear, J. B. Principles of property in
land, 20.

Kirchenheim, A. v. Einführing in das Ver-
waltungsrecht, 107.

Kirkup, T: Inquiry into socialism, 77.
Kleinwachter, J. F. Die Kartelle, 53.
Knies, Karl. Geld und Credit, 39. Polit-

ische Oekonomie vom Standpunkte der
geschichtlichen Methode, 15.

Knight, G. N. Management federal land
grants, 24.

Knownothingism, old and new. E: McGlynn,
D.D. 117.

Knox, J. Jay. Coinage act of 1873 and Silver
question, 126. Free silver coinage, 126.
The surplus and the public debt, 127.
U. S. notes, 36.
König, B. E.

Geschichte der deutschen

Post, 112.
Kropotkin, Prince Pierre. The coming anar-
chy. Industrial village of the future, 8r.
Paroles d'un revolté, 79. War, law and
authority, expropriation, 78.

Kupka, P. F. Die Verkehrsmittel in den
Vereinigten Staaten, 51.

LABAND, P. Das Staatsrecht des deutschen
Reichs. 107.

Labor a hundred years ago. Talcott Wil-
liams. 26.

-and capital allies, not enemies. E: At-
kinson. 25.

- Bureau, Missouri. History railway strike,
1886, 30.

Bureaus of statistics of (3d note), 29.

- Capital and, 24.


· Commissioner of, Reports (1st note), 29.

- Convict, in U. S. (1st note), 29.

- Department of, 126.

- differences and their settlement. J. D.
Weeks. 34.

-Growth and purposes of bureaus of statis-
tics of. C. D. Wright. 26.


Plain man's talk on. Simon Newcomb.

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- tenures and land classes of Ireland, His-
tory of. G. Sigurson. 22.

Transfer of, by registration. Sir Robert
Torrens. 22.

reform. D. H. Olmstead. 19.
Landed property and economy of estates.
D: Low. 21.

Lands, Disposition of our public. A. B.
Hart. 24.


Exhaustion of arable. C. W. Davis. 23.
Public, Decisions. 24.

Railroad indemnity. F. P. Powers. 24.
Lange, F. A. Arbeiterfrage. 29.
Lassalle, F. L. J. Huff, 81. Workingman's
programme, 80.

Laughlin, J. L. Bimetallis in U. S., 38.
Elements political economy, 10. Study
political economy, 6. Wages and tariff
(2d line), 68.

Laurent, E. Pauperisme et les associations
de prevoyance, 86.

Laveleye, E. de. Elements political econ-
omy, 14. Le marché monetaire et ses
crises, 44. New tendencies of political
economy, 8. Primitive property, Propriété
et de ses formes primitives, 22. Social-

isme contemporain. Socialism of to-day,

Lavergne, L. de. Economie rurale de la

France, 22, 28. Rural economy of England,
Scotland and Ireland, 22.

Law of nations, Assoc. for reform and codi-
fication (last note), 122.

Lawmakers, Among the. E. Alton. 97.
Lawson, W: J. History of banking. 41.
Laws relating to survey and disposition
public domain. 24.

Lawton, G. W. American caucus system,

[blocks in formation]

Legal tender decision, 36. Also under Knox,
J. J. 36.

Legislation, Defective and corrupt. Simon
Sterne. 100.

Experimental. W: S. Jevons. 74.

Legislative assemblies, Law and practice.
L. S. Cushing. 116.

Leib, H. The protective tariff, what it does
for us, 61.

Lepage, A. Histoire de la commune, 79.
Le Play, P. G. F. L'organisation du travail.
Organization of labor, 28. Les ouvriers
Européens, 28. La reforme sociale, 75, 79.
Le Roy-Beaulieu, Paul. Le collectivisme,
79. De la colonisation, 83. De l'état moral
et intellectuel des populations ouvrieres,
28. L'état moderne et ses fonctions, 95. La
question ouvriere au XIXme siècle, 28.
Répartition des richesses, 75, 79. Le travail
des femmes au XIXme siécle, 28. Traité
des science des finances, 70.
Leslie, T. E. Cliffe.

Essays in political and
moral philosophy, 16. Land systems, 21.
Levasseur, E. Histoire des classes ou-
vrieres en France, 28. La population fran-
çaise, 123.

Levermore, C: H. H: C. Carey, 60.
Levi, Leone. History of British Commerce,
45. International law, 121. Wages and
earnings, 1883-84, 32. Work and pay, 30.
Levy, J. H., ed. Symposium on land ques-
tion, 21.
Her Majesty's mails, 112.
Savings banks Great Britain and Ireland,

Lewins, W.


Liberty. J: S. Mill. 94.

and liberalism. Bruce Smith, 95.
-equality, and fraternity. Fitz James
Stephen. 95.

- Plea for. H. Spencer and others (see T:
Mackay), 127..

Libraries, Public. W: S. Jevons.

74. M.
D. O'Brien (see under T: Mackay), 127.
Lieber, F. Civil liberty and self-govern-
ment. Political ethics, 93.

Life and labor in East London. C: Booth, 74.
Lilienfeld, P. Sociale Wissenschaft

Zukunst, 80.

Linderman, H. R.

in U. S., 36.


Money and legal tender

Lindsay, W. S. Ancient shipping and com-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

and Powderly, T. V. Federal election
bill, 109.

Lombard street. W. Bagehot. 41.

Lombroso, C. L'uomo delinquente, 91.
London, Historical charters. W. G. Birch.

- how governed. Albert Shaw. 119.
- Municipal. J: F. B. Firth.


Looking backward. E: Bellamy, 76.
Loria, Achille. La rendita fondiaria, 23.
Low, D. Landed property and economy
estates, 21.

Low, S. J., and Pulling, F. S. Dictionary
English history, 104.

Low, Seth. Problem city government, 118.
Lowell, J. R. The independent in politics, 99.
Lowell, Josephine S. Public relief and
private charity, 87.

Lubbock, Sir J: Origin of civilization. Pre-
historic times, 95. Representation, 108.
Ludlow, Helen W. Ten years' work for
Indians, 85.

Ludlow, J. M., and Jones, Lloyd. Progress
of the working-classes. 1832-67, 27.
Lum, D. D. Chicago anarchists, 76.

Lunt, E. Clark. Present position of political
economy, 16.

Lyman, Theo. Diplomacy of U. S., 120.

MCADAM, G. Alphabet in finance, 36.
McCullagh, W. T. Industrial history of free
nations, 45.

McCulloch, Hugh. Bi-metallism, 38.
McCulloch, J: R. Dictionary commerce and
commercial navigation. Literature of
litical economy, 6. Principles of political
economy, 12. Taxation and funding sys-
tem, 69.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

schools, 117.

Religious teaching in

Macvane, S. M. Working principles, politi-
cal economy, 10.

Macy, Jesse. Our government, 98. Theory
and practice of protection, (see under
Shaw), 67.

Magliani, Ag. La questione monetaria, 38.
Maine, Sir H. J. Sumner. Early history in-
stitutions, 21. International law, 121. Pop-
ular government, 94. Village communities
in the east and west, 21.

Maistre, J. M., Comte de. Du Pape, 117.
Mallock, W. H. Property and progress, 21.
Malthus, T: R. Population, 81. Principles
of political economy, 12.

- and his work. J. Bonar. 81.
Manchester, Duke of. Free trade isolated,

Manufactories, Injury and death in (3d note),

Manufactures, Power and machinery. Tenth
census (2d note). 82.

Report on. Alex. Hamilton. 58.
-Tenth census (2d note), 82.
Manypenny, G. W.

Our Indian wards, 85.

Mappin, W. F. Farm mortgages and the
small farmer, 23.

Marlo, Karl. Organization der Arbeit, 80.
Marriage and divorce (1st note), 29.

Marshall, A. Present position economics, 8.
Principles of economics, 12.
- and Mary P.

Economics of industry, 12.
Marshall, Chief Justice, Influence of. H:
Hitchcock. ΙΟΙ,

Martens, G: F. v. Cours diplomatique, 121.
Droit des gens modernes de l'Europe. Re-
ceuils de traités (6 titles), 122.

Martin, E. W. History Grange movement,

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[blocks in formation]

Mazzini, J. Democracy in Europe and duties
of man, 80.

Mazzola, U. I dati della finanza pubblica, 71.
Mead, E. D. Denominational schools, 116.
Measures, weights, and money of all nations.
F. W. Clarke, 35.

Medley, G: W. Fair trade unmasked, 63.
Trade depression, 44.

Meitzen, F. E. A. Geschichte, Theorie und
Technik der Statistik. History of statistics.
Theory and technique of statistics, 124.
Mendicancy, Bill to promote, 84.
Menier, A. L'impôt sur le capital, 70.
Merchant marine, Our. D: A. Wells. 62.
Merivale, H. Colonization and colonies. 82.
Meriwether, Lee. Tramp at home. Tramp's
trip, 26.

Metals, Precious. Tenth census (2d note), 82.
Statistics of production in U. S. Clar-
ence King.


Methods of study, political economy, 5.
Messedaglia, A. Teoria della popolazione,


Mexico, Commerce with (5th note), 57.

Meyer, Robert. Principien der gerechten Be-
steuerung, 70.

Meyer, Rudolph. Emancipationskampf des
vierten Standes, 29. Heimstätten und an-

dere Wirthschaftsgesetze, 23.
Michigan, Univ. of. Courses in econ. and
pol. science, 134.

Military laws, U. S. R. N. Scott. 113.
Mill, James. Elements of political economy,


Mil, J: S. On liberty, 94. Principles of po-
litical economy, unabridged and abridged,
13. Representative government, 94. So-
cialism, 78.

Millar, F. Evils of State trading by P. O.
(see under T: Mackay), 127.
Miller, J. Bleecker. Progress and robbery,
19, 30. Trade organizations in politics, 30.
Unconstitutionality of protection, 61.
Mills, R. Q. Free trade and protection, 60.
Mills, W. T. Science of politics, 98.
Mineral resources, U. S. (see Interior Dept.),

Minority representation, 109.

Minot, W., jr. Taxation in Massachusetts,

Minghetti, M. Economia pubblica e delle
sur attinenze colla morale e col diritto.
Rapports de l'économie publique avec la
morale et le droit, 75.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]


mechanism of exchange. W: S. Jevons.

monetary problems. J. S. Nicholson.

value. R. Hamilton. 37.

Honest, and labor. C. Schurz. 36.

in relations to trade and industry. F. A.
Walker. 37.

- Robinson Crusoe's. D: A. Wells. 37.
weights, and measures of all nations. F.
W. Clarke. 35.

Mongredien, A: Free trade and English com-
merce, 63. History, free trade in England.
Pleas for protection examined, 63. Trade
depressions, 44.

Monnet, E. Histoire de l'administration en
France, 107.

Monnier, A. L'assistance publique, 86.
Monopolies and the people. C: W. Baker.

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[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

- Twelve lectures on future of. G: H. An-
drews. 66.

Newcomb, Simon. A B C of finance, 36.
Plain man's talk on labor question, 26.
Principles political economy, 10.
Newsholme, Dr. A. Vital statistics, 123.
Newspapers. Tenth census (2d note), 82.
Newton, Rev. R. H. Social studies, 73.
Neymarck, A. Public debts of Europe, 73.
Nicholls, Sir G: History English poor law.

History Irish poor law, 86.
Nicholson, J. S

Money and monetary prob-

lems, 37. Profit sharing, 34. Tenants' gain
not landlord's loss, 21.

Noble, J. Fiscal legislation, 55. Local taxa-
tion, 69. The Queen's taxes, 69.

Noel, Octave. Chemins de fer en France et
á l'étranger, 50.

Nordhoff, C: Communistic societies of the

U.S., 76. Politics for young Americans, 98.
Northam, H: C. Civil gov't for common
schools, 127:

Northcote, Sir Stafford H. Twenty years of
financial policy, 1843-61. 69.

Note circulation. R. H. 1. Palgrave. 43.
Notes, U. S. J. Jay Knox. 36.

Nott, C: C. A good farm for nothing, 19.
Noyes, J. H. History of American socialisms,


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