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Books Knjige
" For the recovery of real property, or of an estate or Interest therein, or for the determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property; "2. "
Reports of Practice Cases, Determined in the Courts of the State of New York - Stranica 22
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Laws of the State of New York

New York (State) - 1849 - Broj stranica: 864 of thTreoTu trial, in the cases provided by statute. •ituated. i por tne i.ecoverv Of reaj property or of an estate or interest therein, or for...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property : 3. For the foreclosure...
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Laws of the State of New York Passed at the Sessions of the Legislature

New York (State). Legislature - 1848 - Broj stranica: 672
...situa- ""3ueb"™e ted, subject to the power of the court to change the place of is situated, trial, in the cases provided by statute. 1. For the recovery...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property: 3. For the foreclosure of...
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First[-Fourth] Report of the Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings ...

New York (State). Commissioners on Practice and Pleadings - 1848 - Broj stranica: 904
...action or some part thereof is situated, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial, in the cases provided by statute. 1. For the recovery...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property: 2. For the partition of real property : 3. For the foreclosure of...
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Laws of the State of New York, Opseg 2;Opseg 73

New York (State) - 1850 - Broj stranica: 894
...proceedings, where the cause thereof arises, or the subject thereof is situated, in the city of Buffalo: 1. For the recovery of real property, or of an estate...determination in any form of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property: 2. For the partition of real property: 3. For the foreclosure of...
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The Code of Civil Procedure of the State of New York

New York (State). - 1850 - Broj stranica: 898
...situated, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial, as provided in section 620 : 1. For the recovery of real property or of an estate...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property: 3. For the foreclosure of...
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The Code of Procedure of the State of New York: As Amended by the ...

New York (State). - 1851 - Broj stranica: 296
...olireJihf Part thereof is situated, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial, in the cases provided by statute. 1 . For the recovery...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property : 3. For the foreclosure...
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Laws of the State of New York, Opseg 74

New York (State) - 1851 - Broj stranica: 1408
...IteJeoTu part thereof is situated, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial, in the cases provided by statute. 1 . For the recovery...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property : 3. For the foreclosure...
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The Code of Procedure, as Amended July 10, 1851: With Copious Notes to Each ...

New York (State), Member of the New-York Bar - 1851 - Broj stranica: 410
...action, or some part thereof is situated, subject to the power of the court to change the place of trial, in the cases provided by statute. 1. For the recovery...determination in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real properly : 2. For the partition of real property: 3. For the foreclosure of...
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The Code of Procedure of the State of New York: As Amended by the ...

New York (State), Henry Strong McCall - 1851 - Broj stranica: 244
...pow- JhSU<K er of the court to change the place of trial, in the cases provided by statute. imS"*"1 1 . For the recovery of real property or of an estate...determination, in any form, of such right or interest, and for injuries to real property : 2. For the partition of real property : 3. For the foreclosure...
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Acts of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, Passed, Opseg 1

Kentucky, Kentucky. General Assembly - 1851 - Broj stranica: 550
...must be brought in the county in which the subject of the action, or some part thereof, is situated : 1. For the recovery of real property, or of an estate or interest therein. •Jrr 125 3. For the sale of real property under a mortgage, lien, or other incumhrance or charge....
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